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Well-known prophet Parker: Shen Yun's powerful energy is just like what I saw in my dream

NTDTV: Audience in London Walk Away Inspired by Shen Yun

NTDTV: Shen Yun shows the values we need today, says finance firm president

NTDTV: ‘It’s a different China that I haven’t seen,’ attorney says after watching Shen Yun

NTDTV: Shen Yun Performing Arts Starts Its 2020 Season World Tour in the US

Shen Yun “Draws You to the Better Values of Humankind”

Off Grid Survival: Cabin Rentals and RV Camping for a “Practice” Bug Out

Nibiru and Asteroids New Information - Planet X Fleet Visible on November 8th 2015

Why Did Chinese Hackers Launch a Massive Cyber-Attack on This Website?

Why is the Chinese government afraid of this beautiful show?

Huge Spacecraft and 100 km Highway Discovered in 1968 Moon Photo

Timothy Alexander, Earl Of Stirling And BIN Contributer Interviewed By Epoch Times (picture)

high cholesterol?diabetes?ra?fibro?cancer? change it! my diabetes reversed in 3months

Korean Artist: Shen Yun a ‘Very Precious’ Performance

Opera Singer Marcello Giordani Says Shen Yun Singers ‘Wonderful’

Goodness Prevails in Shen Yun, Touching CEO

Two Couples Love Shen Yun

Art Teacher: ‘So beautiful. We’ve never seen anything like this before’

Shen Yun Symphony Orchestra Debut at Carnegie Hall

Artist Profile: Patrick Trang

Artist Profile: Mr. Xing Long Wang

Artist Profile: Ms. Helen Shia

Artist Profile: Mr. Andy Shia

Artist Profile: Mr. Cheng-En Huang

Artist Profile: Ms. Xiang Ying (Crystal) He

Artist Profile: Mr. Vorathol Sae-Li

Artist Profile: Yuxuan Liu

Artist Profile: Miranda Zhou-Galati

Artist Profile: Ms. Xinyi Cindy Liu

Artist Profile: Mr. Bojian (Golden) Li

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