The United States ‘democratic’ RIGHT to defy God and bear ‘arms’ and kill ones neighbours now ‘overrules’ the Command of God to: “Go your way in peace & love one another” and: The END result of this is now to be seen as ‘fearful’ infidels (non-believers) be they man or woman cause grave injury and sorrow to others, and thus within God’s IMMUTABLE: “As you sow so shall ye reap on an ‘eye for an eye’ and thus EQUAL basis” Law, they ahead will suffer the same ‘dread, injury and sorrow’ within their own ‘marrow.’ So BE IT, we all have the democratic choice to heed the Devil’s voice and ‘die in our sin.’ Read all about IT at: http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/guns.htm Issued by the office of the Messiah – Terence http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk