This is my 90 day challenge results……..on the sea veg and the burn
First off I lost a total of 33 pounds so I will get paid 6.00 per pound for that.
My energy is through the roof at a smooth pace not scattered or jittery.
My RA is pret…ty much in remission. No more swelling of the joints and pain is at a nil.
My diabetes has been reversed and I have been removed from metformin. Blood sugars were running in the 300′s after 3 months on sea veg (our daily) they ar…e at 120s.
My cholesterol was drastically reduced to a postive state.
My hair, nails and skin are rejuvinated!
I sleep like a baby now. My anxiety medicine has literally been cut in half after a staggering 4 years on it.
My life has done a complete 360 and I feel absolutely amazing from the inside out.
I have been empowered to help other people along my journey to change their lives also. If you havent checked out http://www.epxbody.com/epx4life you might want to do so now. I gaurantee it will impact your life also! Health and wealth all in one stop. I was taking the sea veg and the burn AMAZING flat out amazing NON SYNTHETIC products.
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