The startling news is what could push people to harm newborn babies. The belief that gaining sexual stamina, power and beauty by eating or drinking soups made from dead babies is driving people in China to cannabalism.
A dead baby can be purchased for seventy American dollars in Taiwan
The news is horrifying and its now worried some women are foced into abortion because of Chinese policies which say only one child per family is adhered to. The Soul Times has pictures of soup with dea babies and fetuses being made into soup to eat. Herbal baby soup is on the rise as healing in a province of Canton Guangdong. A couple with two daughters aborted the child after five months finding out it was a girl
Couples who don’t want to sell their babies dead can sell them with placenta for a few hundred dollars. In Hong Kong babies are grilled as a delicacy. The Next magazine is reporting baby parts can be purchased from the hospitals. The report goes on to say “those with the right connection get the best body parts,” meaning more mature fetuses.
but why stop at unborn children once china invades the usa they know that war will disrupt the food chain and they also know that the chinese many of them who have grown up in a communistic nation for over 60 years have no moral compass. yes there are estimated over 300 million underground christians in the country no one kows the real total but the rest of the population is atheistic. How much does it take to take the leap from eating dead unborn children and new born children to eating young children especially certain body parts which may have a certain delecasy. This is a grim warning to america about these invaders about to enter her shores as the nation sleeps and Obama and congress continue to betray the american people. Obama who signed a law allowing dead baby stem calls to be used as a flavour enhancer by drinks giants Pepsi knows all about this and lets be honest anything evil he takes a devilish delight in it. The chickens have certainly come homw to roost.