China’s renminbi is becoming much more widely accepted around the world for trade settlement; a number of foreign governments are now holding renminbi reserves and doing deals to promote trade in renminbi…
Even in the United States, renminbi payment business increased 327% last year, and the US is now the fifth largest offshore renminbi settlement center.
It’s no secret here, the financial system IS changing – and on the path to a Global Economic Reset!!!
People who ignore this trend do so at their own financial peril…
Yet those who understand what’s happening and align themselves accordingly stand to make fortunes.
The Weimar Republic’s episode with hyperinflation in the 1920s is a great example. Despite all the warning signs, most people did nothing… and they got wiped out…! History is repeating itself – its preWW1 all over again!
Up until today the US dollar is the world’s dominant reserve currency. This gives the United States nearly total control of the global financial system.
In order to clear cross-border trade transactions, foreign banks HAVE to use the US banking system (which is controlled by the US government).
Further, rest of the world must essentially mirror US Federal Reserve policy…
But this power… and insanity… only lasts as long as the US dollar is the dominant reserve currency. And this is starting to change rapidly.
All developed western nations are being shut down, all wealth, industry and technology is being transferred to the developing nations…. What use to be the developed first world nations will in the near future become the third world nations economies!
Right now we’re in the very early stages of a similar transition– arguably one of the most important economic transformations since the Industrial Revolution.
Because of this, opportunities already abound if you know where to look. It’s an incredibly exciting time to be alive.
Embrace the Paradigm Shift and Thrive – do not be left in the crowd with the mob trying to survive!