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Once again, we must remind everyone the #GOP is "The Party of kNOw!" (c 2011, republished by permission)

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[New book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES: / /]

The Party of kNOw

[ RePublished by permission (c) 2009, 2011... Wayback Machine archive...  original: 
based upon (c 2009 RedState article GOP: The Party of HELL NO! ): ]

[ and see newer related... 
(do not let the title throw you, it will make sense when read)]

a/k/a: How the GOP must be the Party of HELL NO! because it is the Party in the Know as to Conservative values, or the Party of Knowledge (as opposed to the Liberals’/Democrats’ No Clue, Feel Good, BS), etc… With the Debt Ceiling vote still looming, it is time to once again review and remind everyone that we must pick up the phones again and flood our elected officials offices with reminders that we expect Conservatives to hold the line. Some form of deal will undoubtedly be reached, but just how far can they go that is not SELLING OUT our principles rather than living to fight another day to achieve more – the realism of Divided Party Rule Government has to be recognized! I coined the “Party of HELL NO” and “Party of kNOw” just after the Liberals started their BS following the 2008 Elections and “obstruction” rhetoric and committed it to print shortly thereafter, and while it popped up in some GOP Talking Points once in a while, the question is whether or not – Have They Forgotten? – they are weakening?

[Note: Originally published as: Republicans must be the Party of HELL NO [to Bigger Govt.] not the Party of SLOW[er Liberal Incremental-ism] at Some of this info will be “nostalgic,” not in a good way, but the point remains that we must keep fighting the good fight of Conservatism and on the backs of the GOP to do the Right Thing (yes, pun intended)]

How the Colin Powell, John McCain, Arlene (disre)Specter*, Olympia Snowe[job]? (one of Senate “Gang Of Sicks”), DoDo Whatsherfava (that NY Special Elections fiasco), and others, model of the Republican Party is wrong-headed.
*yes, he’s gone – thankfully – hopefully others will leave too. (


This is not going to be a long drawn out Forum Discussion as the points are simple and straight-forward. The points are most easily illustrated by addressing [fairly] current events as they pertain to John McCain and his latest antics. Antics? Yes, McCain’s latest politicking has him “posturing” for Senate re-election [which, he of course, unfortunately won his Primary challenge and then returned] and playing Arizonians for Fools, IMNSHO…


Quick reiteration to the Diary Title – How it is that ANY Republican that has ever Served, and more-so actually had hardships Fighting for, this Country in the Military against Fascism, Socialism, Communism, in it’s incarnations, can now even remotely NEGOTIATE with those looking to take us away from the Capitalist Representative Republic of our Founders toward those very systems we fought is unfathomable. The Republicans MUST BE the Party of “HELL NO” and not just the Party of SLOW Liberal Incremental-ism away from our Nations Founding principles. IT IS THAT SIMPLE!!! It is, of course, NOT just McLame (or “Senator Aricept”, as I call him, but him and his (far too many) Progressive minded Republican clones that always fall ill with that Bi-Partisanship Disease!



A brief reminder before I continue to Republicans that have forgotten, or just haven’t grasped why they have lost power in 2006….

[from Conservative Candidates (the Diary)]
the “Republican Revolution” of the 90′s was mislabeled, it was really the “CONSERVATIVE Revolution” and it brought Republicans to power; likewise, it was the “Reagan Conservative” Revolution, not a Republican Revolution. Many Republicans forgot that along the way. That led the way for CINO/PLINO Democrats to lie their way back into power, but it was a “Conservative” co-opted (read: they lied about their intent – as Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Democrats, always do) that voters allowed themselves to be duped into. Republicans need to REMEMBER that! Conservatism did NOT lose Elections, bad Politicians (with R’s beside their name) did!


Bringing the simple thoughts and points of those last two paragraphs together and tying them to the easy example of the [John] McCainiac. Have you noticed what John McCain finally has decided is just too far, in the ObamAgenda(see also: ObamAgenda [7/09 update] current Distractions and awaking ObamaZombies and scarlos’: Barracklash) to do list, and too much spending that he must take a stand and is threatened FILIBUSTER in 2009? Where was he any time after his re-election attempting to stop any of the Obama-Bin-Biden Agenda?!?!?


Remember CASH FOR CLUNKERS!! Now, this is NOT a discussion about that, or the countless other particular, program(s) in general. There are many reasons, the 13 Pages of Paperwork Dealerships are required to wade through and then “HOPE” they’ll get the money from Washington if they did it the way the Lib’s want (the Left wing Strings attached are the biggest reason to oppose it), the one least discussed is that it creates yet another artificial Government induced bubble (just as I stated in 2009) in Markets from Government interference! A Bubble… Sound Familiar (think Mortgage meltdown see: CRA and the deregulation Lies)?!?! Again, this is really, however, not about the one single actual thing recently done (if you wish to go into it further in the Diary discussion, I’ll leave that for you all to decide) that has actually done some stimulus for the Economy and whether $2 Billion more should be spent in/on it when they wanted to re-up/extend it, or yet another Billion dollar Porkulus package. (see: YahooNews – Senate Reaches Deal On Cash For Clunkers)


The Point (finally ;) I’ll get to it ) here being that of all the ObamAgenda items (also: So, What does Obama NOT want you paying attention to? – revisited/u…) that sped the United States on an even faster pace to the current Debt Cieling debate and eventual Bankruptcy if Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats where left unchecked and to their own devices – this is the Program (The little “Clunkers” program that became the “Bridge Too Far” for McCainic) chose to [grand]stand on. NOT the Hundreds of Billions of the second part of TARP that should have been stopped after it was clear the fiasco the whole thing was becoming after it shouldn’t have passed in the first place… NOT the Hundreds of Billions of NON-Stimulus Stimulus boondoggle funding… NOT Crap and Tax and/or Climate SCAM (related: Climate $camClimate Cycles/ShiftsAccuWeather COOL trend; Another Liberal Schmuck recognizes, too late, Failed Democrat Enviro-Terrorist policies - Comedian Paul Rodreguiz’s Family Farm dying of Man-Made (read: Dem…. and here; C&T excuses - How/Why MI (and some other States’) Officials spin CAT being “okay”; Polar Bear myth - Political Class’ diary: Polar Bear populationusing the Military to Drill (Natl. Defense Strategic issue); China projects - China gets the Flood/Drought Cycles preparation rightTidal power generation (finally)Earth 2100 TV special (Liberal propaganda)Vehicle Mileage Tax – Incremental implementation (Electric cars onl…; T.Boone Pikens boondoggle - TBP blows wind, not harnessing itGM to literally go Green? (Post Bankruptcy WA$TE)) that will cost ALL AMERICANS (not just those Rich folks) in increased costs and Taxes…… NOT the luke-warm resistence he (and too many other wishy-washy Senate Republicans) posed to the Health Care debacle (Harry & Louise want you to pay for their Head examinations? and Democrat town-propaganda sessions – covering their specific Talking…Obamaocare (issues summary here) and the truth that we Conservatives/Republicans tried to REFORM Health Care back with Welfare Reform and Democrats blocked (no MSM crying about “obstructionism” on the Democrats’ part then, was there?) our Free Market solutions/implementations that would have had All American CITIZENS covered by now. They, of course, don’t want any Insurance Coverage solutions, but only Incremental-ism that gets them to full Government controlled Socialized Medicine… Nope, no REAL threat of standing against any of that, but the $2 Billion Cash for Clunkers is the “objectionable one” to/for McCain (and, of course, far too many other Republicans).


John McCain (and other worthless Fake Conservatives we must expell from the GOP and Government) thinks this one stand is supposed to remind you that he really is a “Conservative” at heart. I know, I know, we’ll pause for a moment while you try to stop laughing ;-) lol, but you know darn well this is the play he is intending to make to play up his re-election for the Senate from AZ. (More on his opponent and other Races in: Conservative Candidates (the Diary) [obviously old news now, but I'll leave the reference for those wishing to see the cross-references and past research], I just wish I could have afforded to move to AZ for that [2010] Election cycle to fight to overthrow him in the Primary)

He (Lindsey, and others) have quickly returned to cavorting with the enemies of our Republic (that’s you Democrats, for our slow Liberal visitors) on any/every other ObamAgenda [with only an occasional Conservative talking point to pretend they hear us] item rather than saying NO and explaining why we MUST say NO, not just SLOWer Liberal Incremental-ism, and those of us adhering to the ObamaFAIL: Obama’s FAILURES are USA SUCCESSES – since we have to sp… is RIGHT for the GOP (GOP Platform has remained Conservative, just ignored by the McCainiac types) and, more importantly, THE COUNTRY!!! Why is it the biggest and best voice of the Conservative messaging coming from Daniel Hannan (British MEP)? (h/t: mbecker’s: What the Leader of the Republican Party should sound like! Productive vs non-Productive sectors of the Economy same here as in UK).


The list, of offences of those that true Conservatives will find less than satisfactory of/in/from McCainiac types, will include Amnesty! In keeping with using John McCain and his re-election positioning/pandering, that is the next easy subject matter. Does the name Sonia Sotomayor ring a bell?


John McCain has announced his intent to vote NO on her confirmation. That, of course, is NOT a bad thing but an easy move for him knowing she is coasting through. Filibuster to save the SCOTUS from a Racist, Sexist, Class-ism, activist? No (his empty rhetoric about Filibuster was only mentioned against short term Clunker Cash not a LIFETIME APPOINTMENT and long-term damage to the Nation), but he’ll vote NO on her confirmation. (related material: SCOTUS Empathy; “EQUAL Justice” denied - GC’s: Sotomayor Sessions on Race and Judicial ActivismObama’s 2001 Redistributive Justice videoIdentity Politicsfirst Hispanic on SCOTUS? or Benjamin Cardozo - Yahoo: Is Sotomayor the First (or Second) Hispanic Pick for the Sup…)

The SoSo (as I call her) nomination issue had been tossed about as the “Hispanic challenge” for the Republican Party and/or Conservatives. NOT REALLY, IMO! The way to garner their votes are the same way by which to garner any other AMERICAN’S votes and that is through treating them with RESPECT and some “Straight Talk” (which has been decidedly LACKING from McCain, which is nothing more than a slogan for him) about EQUAL PROTECTIONS (recommended: American Exceptionalism) and not engaging in Liberal Identity Politics! Job creation for ALL AMERICANS, not one group over another. Protection from Crime of ALL AMERICANS, not unConstitutional “HATE-CRIME” mumbo-jumbo (see: Dem’s weak on crime. Always! comment). JOBS for ALL AMERICANS not continuing to promote/allow a basic Slave Labor class/sector. Legal Immigration based on sound National policy not handing out citizenships for votes via Amnesty. ALL AMERICANS face the same issues/concerns and deserve the respect of being treated TRULY Equally by us as Conservatives and/or Republicans, nothing else will garner their vote to the CONSERVATIVE WING of the Republican Party (if their mind-set is set to Identity Politics, they shall always remain a member of the JackAss Party and we should not lose the votes of others that “GET IT”).


BI-PARTISANSHIP DISEASE (as I refer to it)… John McCain is our most frustrating example of this, but it is time the record be corrected with some “Straight Talk” and pointing out where the REAL BI-PARTISANSHIP has been. More DEMOCRATS have JOINED WITH REPUBLICANS in votes AGAINST THE OBAMAGENDA!!! We will NOT, of course, get that message to the masses via the MSM because that doesn’t fit the Liberal agenda and it is therefore up to us to REPORT/INFORM friends, family, neighbors, and even total strangers, of the FACTS/TRUTH! The MSM is too busy only reporting Bi-Partisanship when they can name a few Republicans voting with Democrats to SPIN (read: mislead) woefully uninformed folks not paying attention to distort the current Votes, or for feeding Republican infighting (and/or TEA Party members talking Third-Party) - MSM uses snippets out of context to feed Republican in-fighting nar… (additional commentary on that here (speaking out against SoSo discussion) and here). Those are always coupled with other stories to divert attention and/or distort Republican beliefs/intentions (see: the MSM challenge - The “Pretend you’re a Liberal MSM reporter (and Spin the story)” Ch…).


The TRUTH about Bi-Partisanship support against Socialism in America is numerous, but had not been pulled together into one easily referenced place. We can no longer allow Democrats and the MSM to distort this and while speaking with others we must give them the evidence that their point of views against the ObamAgenda are shared by many, they are not alone, and even some Democrats are standing up and saying IT’S HIS POLICIES STUPID! and NOTHING to do with Race (as well addressed by Tony Cruz’s personal and courageous: But He’s Black :O). Here are just a few ANTI-ObamAgenda Bi-Partisanship examplesBi-Partisanship has really been Democrats joining with Republicans …here(here again) Dems join Rep on Ethics issuesHow 32 D’s joined R’s on HR2346, or how about Dem’s join Republicans to stand for FREE Elections in Iran, view too the jackACES (as I call it) Act (Clean Energy) 44 Dems Against whil…, plus so many other times I don’t have articles links to.


The Republicans need to be the Party of HELL NO [to Socialism] not the Party of SLOW[er Liberal Incremental-ism] — and proud to exclaim why!
[related: MikeG (a friend) on Examiner: GOP needs to learn to recognize Democrat admissions against interest and Conservative Candidates (the Diary), which is a bit aged but has some still very valid concerns/points mixed througout some stale Candidate info.]

And, back to the main point [] I am touching on, keeping up the pressure — of the TEApeats (Official and UnOfficial rally) info - TEApeats (info) PLUS How to organize an UNOFFICIAL non-permit TEApe… and (friend Doc’s comment) about focusing on the protest and NOT the “P…, as well as my Blog here at RattleWithUs: Hey Progressives – Here’s Your Sign! covering how we must keep the pressure on the GOP Conservatives to do the Right Thing! If the whole DoDo Whatsherfava NY Special Election fiasco by Nominating Committee didn’t tell you why ALL CONSERVATIVES must become Precinct Delegates and get onto Republican Committees (to get real Conservative Candidates to vote for) – I don’t know what will!


and as always, Regards from NoMoTown (the MOTORlessCITY)
Liberals, looking to do to America what they’ve done to Detroit!

[lastly, apologies if any links went bad and THANKS FOR READING (hope you'll comment or Share with someone else)]

Tags: ConservatismConservativesElectionsGOPGang of SicksJLenardDetroitMSMMediaParty of Hell NoParty of kNOw


[ RePublished by permission (c) 2009, 2011... Wayback Machine archive...  original: 
based upon (c 2009 RedState article GOP: The Party of HELL NO! ): ]





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uh huh, lol at those who think it is productive to yell at the Players, Coaches, or Referee’s on the Field cuz TOO LAZY to suit up and help change the Game by being on the Field to effect the score/outcome… absolutely BACKWARDS THINKING… If you WANT CHANGE you have to BE INSIDE HELPING US TO FORCE THE CHANGE… 

And as for moron’s talking about PATRIOT PARTY… 
They are OUT OF STEP with #POTUS45 and #TRUMP2024..
And POTUS45 reiterated such at CPAC!

Spare us all the “NO LONGER REGISTERED #REPUBLICAN” manure posts! If that is all some ever were, THEY WERE/ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM (and should look in the Mirror)! Takes MORE than that…. Shall know them by their Fruits (and what is it THEY actually did?)!

Also: Spare us the line “BOTH PARTIES ARE EQUALLY PATHETIC/BAD!” If some think the #GOP is inadequate, and many times, IMO, I think it is (many who do not uphold Platform planks/principles/values (tho, yes, of course, we are a BIG TENT and not going to agree on 100% EVERYTHING but there are a couple BIG/KEY/CRITICAL things that supposed to set us apart from FASCICRATS*)) — WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP?? Are YOU a #PrecinctDelegate (PD)?!?! 

Why #Conservatives MUST become Precinct Delegate  (aka:

You can scream all you like from the Bleachers, if you want to help shape the outcome of the Game/Score you have to get on the Team and actually FIGHT to shape the outcome of the Game from/while ON THE FIELD!

“Help becoming a PD” in MI (DuckDuckGo search for other States): (aka: 

Get involved. Become a PD. Then try to become a member of your District or County Republican Committee (or even Run for Chair of them)! EXERT REAL INFLUENCE!  Go to the State Convention!  

We need reinforcements INSIDE to help root out CINOs/RINOs as well as FASCICRATS!!!

NOTE the CINOs / RINOs count on everyone’s complacency and unwillingness to GET/BE INVOLVED… They count on it to maintain their power and control… Those who still SIT ON THE SIDELINES and scream from the Bleachers rather than (become a Delegate) suit up and get on the Field to help shape the outcome of the Score / Game are USEFUL IDIOTS TO/FOR THE RINOS (they love those who only whine, BUT DO NOTHING)!


more importantly see:

and :   



@MINDHEART on #GAB asked: What is a #CONSERVatarian? So glad you asked… (#CONSERVatism vs #LIBERALtarianism) 


Once again, we must remind everyone the #GOP is “The Party of kNOw!” (c 2011, republished by permission) | #Republican | #BeforeItsNews (#B4IN) /republican/2022/02/once-again-we-must-remind-everyone-the-gop-is-the-party-of-know-c-2011-republished-by-permission-2444980.html


#ElectionReform needed in all 50 States immediately…
8 steps that must be enacted IMMEDIATELY…



[NOTE: NOVEMBER 2022 UPDATE: I've now been writing at, in addition to continuing writing at BeforeItsNews, TheLibertyBeacon awhile, so I hope you'll check out my pieces there (see: where you'll find a few #TheLibertyBeacon exclusive pieces as well as some that may look a bit familiar, if you've followed me on B4IN awhile, as some at TLB are "updated/expounded" upon pieces originally published either on B4IN or even revised/updated former REDSTATE pieces of mine. Also, recently a friend put up a Wiki page for me - if you're curious you can see that at:]



TERROR STRIKES book … coming April 15th 2022 …

Joseph M. Lenard (a/k/a: JLenardDetroit)
Born 1962. Lifelong resident Wyandotte Michigan.
Former information technology professional.
Political issues blogger/vlogger.



Appreciate THIS and other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 🎉
You can support by buying a coffee ☕️ here —



[I, Joseph M Lenard, am happy to announce I will soon be (starting Sun Sep 11 2022) a fellow columnist/reporter at THE LIBERTY BEACON (, for original Conservative US Patriot content)]


Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
see too: 
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor (
MICD12GOP Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club ( webmaster
Wyandotte, MI 48192








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