The Harvest is Finished
Don’t forget that The Harvest is of souls, not necessarily of physical bodies, and it is what we choose individually and collectively with our own free wills that count. The time for making choices, whether for this world or for the less material – higher frequency, world of The Kingdom of God, is nearly finished.
Friday, August 3, 2018
“Great evil befalls any nation whose people do not seek Truth. Such is the America of 2018.
Your eyes are fixed on many things…but not on Me. Your hopes, dreams, the desires of your heart are driven by the wickedness of the world.
Your churches are filled with the stench of apostasy; your congregations are being spoon fed, desiring not the meat of My Word. The church of 2018 is a reflection of what your America has become.
Your light is dim, your witness tainted and My Word compromised as pastors speak the gospel of America, 2018.”
‘The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The LORD is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. Psalm 9:15-16
‘There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not washed from his filthiness.’ Proverbs 30:13
‘Is this the way you repay the LORD, you foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father, your Creator,who made you and formed you?, Deuteronomy 32:6
“God will not be mocked. What a man sows, that will he also reap.”
‘The harvest is finished, and the summer is gone,” the people cry, “yet we are not saved!’ Jeremiah 8:20
Remember that it is holiness which is wanted, self-discipline imposed by the supra-mental Self upon the mental self and a refinement of the physical life to match the rising frequencies, as measured perhaps by the rising basic Schumann resonance of the Earth.
Archangel Anael
May 19th 2012
msg #16
“..It is by what we name trembling (in the absence of a better term) that will create for itself the final resonance of the Ascension. Remember that the Ascension is a change of frequency. You pass from one frequency range to another frequency range. The adjustment of this body (whether you carry it along or not) results, very precisely, in this trembling.”
Trembling is not necessarily the only expression of this increased etheric energy which people may feel, as the energy entering the Earth increases and rises in its frequency. Due to a thinning of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere, more rays enter, which we have to keep integrating into our physical selves while remaining as balanced as we can. There’s a lot we can do to keep on top of the Wave of Energy and it’s mainly in our attention that we realize it and in our Will or decision making that we can integrate it. We have to handle the energy rise, not block it and react violently to it, by pushing it outside of ourselves onto others using our emotional tempers. Yet some may do that.
See also
Mary’s Messages and
‘Nibiru, 2nd sun at sunset and a Galactic Cloud/Wave seen in the early morning hours, well before sunrise’
Why are people’s lights dim? It’s because they have wasted their vital force – the Blood of Jesus – in sexual pleasure, and have not conserved it by turning it up in the body, thus lighting lighting the body. As a consequence the mind is dimmed, turned outwards, and the Will/focus is diminished. Our witness of God in all of the creation, and respect for each creature as part of God – the at-onement – is out the door. We travel blindly, and as a consequence people trip and fall into more and more sin. Eventually as a result of the Law of Love, they fall into Hell where “souls”, the matter that souls are made of, get recycled.