Jesus - Man is not ready for what lies AHEAD
Friday, July 12, 2019
‘Your peaceful places have been invaded, you find no rest in the things of the world; there appears nowhere else to go. ‘Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with those who call on the LORD out of a pure heart. 2 Timothy 2:22′ Anxiety surrounds, discouragement, trouble on all sides robs you of peace, joy, comfort and hope. Challenges seem insurmountable as you struggle for balance. Dimly lit bars, drugs, pornography, pride leave behind the shattered remains of lives once vibrant and alive; lives now tossed about in the midst of the endless raging’ of a world gone mad.
The unrighteous, the unholy among you will be challenged soon enough to change or suffer great loss. These last days offer opportunity for revival or revelry; hope or helplessness. Man in his confusion has come to a fork in the road, the broad way becomes more narrow, reality sinks in yet man continues to reject God, shun JESUS Christ and ignore Holy Spirit. ‘But mark this; there will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God – having a form godliness but denying its power…2 Timothy 3′ The haughty, the humble, the proud, the profane must come before Me. Time is passing quickly, quickly and man is not ready for what lies ahead.
Repent, cease from your slumber. Realize time is slipping away. I desire all to be saved, Repent! In JESUS’ Name, repent of the evil that is in your heart.’
Please note that “revelry” has a direct statistical relationship with hopelessness, while “revival” is directly related to Hope. Revival means to come alive again. Mary has said in her messages that she wants to lead us to a “high peak of holiness”:
“By means of your consecration/dedication, I desire to lead you to a high peak of holiness.” #3892, 10/26/2013.
And everyone knows that a holy person does not expel their creative force (The Holy Spirit) indiscriminately through the sexual function, but instead raises it up in the body from the level of procreation to the level of creation with the mind using the imagination. Right picturing directs force, and we have to learn to do that. Control the sexual energy and one automatically begins to control the mind.
Our scattered thoughts are being made manifest, and we have to face that and correct our errors.
Lobsang Rampa: “It is well to remember time and time again that in any battle between the imagination and the will it is always the imagination which wins.” #6, You-Forever, pg 161.
Lobsang Rampa” “If one WILLS oneself to do a thing when the imagination says “NO,” then one does indeed risk a nervous breakdown, for we are going to repeat once again that in any battle between the imagination and the will power, the imagination always wins. Forcing ourselves to do something when all the alarm signals are clanging within us can wreck one’s nerves, wreck one’s health.” #6, pg 163
“Question: in the 5th Dimension, in spite of the androgynism, there exists still a particular polarity?
Dear Child, this polarity exists well beyond the 5th Dimension but this notion of polarity has nothing to do with any sexuality, in the way that you understand it. The polarity plays at the level of the emissions and receptions of Conscience and of energy.” #58, May 5th 2010.
So there you have it! The physical procreation gradually gets replaced, when the energies go up in the body, with mental creation through the imagination.. Matter is nothing more than densified energy (Semjase).
Lobsang Rampa: “It is an unfortunate thing that we have to call this “imagination,” because, particularly in the west, that indicates something fanciful, something unbelievable, and yet imagination is the strongest force on earth. Imagination can make a person think he is in love, and love thus becomes the second strongest force. We should call it controlled imagination. Whatever we call it we must always remember: in any battle between the will and the imagination, the imagination ALWAYS WINS. In the east we do not bother about will power, because will power is a snare, a trap, which chains men to earth. We rely on controlled imagination, and we get results.” #2 Doctor from Lhasa, pg 71.
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages