For the PERSON who seems to have “Everything.” Why are you choosing to build a bunker? STOP, your actions are foolish!
Money, fame, boats, planes, glamor and all of the earthly treasures that come along with it… YOU HAVE IT ALL! You have spent your entire life dedicated and working very hard to acquire all of these possessions to enhance your KINGDOM here on the earth. You seemed to have made it. A successfully journey complete.
The world which we now live in has threatened all that you have, and now, you choose to build a massive underground bunker in order to keep you and your loved ones safe from the mounting threats. A bunker? Such a successful person, perhaps an intellectual as well, and your next go-to move is to build a bunker? Really?
I’m reminded of a story of a young missionary who had knocked on the door of a house in a very affluent neighborhood. A man answered and invited the two missionaries in. When he heard who they were, he politely stated, “Let me show you something.”
He took the missionaries around his massive house of luxury. Grand foyer with elegant chandeliers. Countless bedrooms, a pool, spa, indoor sport court. Then off to the garage where he kept his priceless automobiles, boats, and all of the toys that you would ever desire.
After the tour, he asked the young man, “So tell me, what do you have to offer me that I don’t already have? What I don’t have, I can buy, as I have enough wealth to satisfy every want and desire.” The missionary answered quickly, not needing the slightest amount of time to develop a response. His answer was blazingly profound.
“I can see that you are a man who desires success, and has the determination and will to accomplish great tasks. You have successfully acquired all of these material things as a result of your dedication and hard work. So why then would you not desire to have the very best of things after you leave this mortal life? Upon your death, all of these possessions will no longer belong to you. The reward for all of your hard work, gone!
So, I’m certain of your desire to have the best things in your next life as well, tell me the things that you have done to prepare for the FOREVER life after death… a life that will be far beyond your 80 year mortal time on earth.”
The man had not even considered this, but asked, “What if there isn’t life after death? How can I plan for the unknown?”
Seriously, if life after death is endless, wouldn’t you want to spend some time considering the things that you can do right now to prepare you for it? For a man with all of his strategic planning, wouldn’t you think that he would like to explore at least, so that he could prepare ensuring that he was destined for the best “afterlife” possible? Is a bunker the answer?
To that person above who has everything and is now preparing to build a bunker, I invite you to prayerfully consider the following.
Regardless of what people believe, there is only one truth. Truth is not influenced by popularity, it is constant, and the same for everyone regardless of what they believe. I ask you, what are your thoughts about God and life after death? I’m certain that you have an opinion. Now, what research, study, and efforts have you put into supporting your conclusion? Have you even given it serious thought? “I’ll worry about it then.”
Here is what I believe. I believe in God. I believe in life after death. So why is my belief something that any non-believer should even give any thought of credibility to? I’m happy to share the answer with you, but first… what if I’m right? Shouldn’t you be putting all of your effort in preparing for life after death, instead of building a bunker that at best, will keep you living in seclusion for a matter of a few years? I am offering you something far greater.. far superior from a mortal protection for things of fleeting importance.
We are living in the Last Days… the end of our mortal time upon the earth. Let me be so bold as to say that our time has dwindled down to a handful of years left before the world is destroyed, as detailed in the bible.
Now, if what I say has even a remote chance of being true, please, I invite you to find this out for yourself so that you can have the “Best of the Best” when you pass on and you too, leaving all of your earthly possessions behind.
So, how do I “know” that what I am saying is true? More importantly, how can YOU know this yourself? Knowing something this important should not hinge on the word of another man or woman. You can, and will come to believe this for yourself… That I can PROMISE. Knowing that God is real is the first step in abandoning your mortal bunker and preparing for eternal life. YOU can know this the same way that that many others have come to know. Let me shoulder you through this process.
Discovering answers that are “spiritual” in nature must include something different, other than how we acquire knowledge of things of this world, right? God is not tangible. We cannot see Him, nor touch Him. There needs to be a way however, for us to discover the truth of His existence for ourselves.
There is a different factor which is included in this discovery. Our senses play a part, however, it all begins with a form of communication with an “entity” that could tell us spiritual truth. Spiritual forces must be the communication that confirms that a spiritual entity exists. Sure, we might see the miracle of birth, and the creations that God has provided that give us wonder of His existence, but to say that we know that God exists, that must come through a spiritual witness.
We begin this discovery through a communication process which we call prayer.
It might seem a bit backwards: Praying to a God that we don’t yet know if He’s is real or not. Can we do that? Shouldn’t we kind of know that God is real before we start talking to Him?
Let me give you a bridge to satisfy that confusion. You do not need to know that God exists first, but rather “HOPE” that He could be real. Hope is a desire, and not a known fact. So, even though I don’t yet know if there is a God, I HOPE that I can discover if He is real or not. The very first time that you talked into a telephone, you did not know for sure that you would be talking to someone on the other side, but rather you hoped what people were telling you was true. I invite you to use this mindset that you are on a journey, and that you hope to discover the truth about God for yourself.
Prayer is simple, and it can be done in private. I encourage to enter into prayer with an open mind. Again, if there is something so important such as a happy after life, you want to truly know. Set you mind and heart in discovering the TRUTH, not just going through some motions. I invite you to pray… TODAY… As soon as you finish reading this article. I’ll help you know how to pray. It’s ok if you start by feeling awkward at first. You can’t mess this up. =) Just relax and talk either out loud, or just think the words in your mind. Either way is correct. Here are the steps:
We close our eyes, fold our arms, and can even kneel down to show respect.
We address God by saying, “Our Heavenly Father”
Then, take a moment and express some of the things that you are grateful for.
(This gives us time to appreciate what we have been given, and not just the problems that we are facing. This also places our attitude in a humble, grateful demeaner.)
It’s now time to ask Him for what you seek.
(Please know that prayer is personal. Talk to God like you would talk to a loving friend. You do not need to memorize any script, just ask in your own words. You might say something like, “I desire to know if You are real. Help me to know that there is a God, and that there is life after death. Help me to know what to study, and to be open to the teachings that you will give to me so that I can find this for myself.”
We conclude our prayer, “In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
(Why do we do this? You will come to see that the only way that we are able to get to God, is through Jesus Christ.)
You now have been given the first step in discovering if God is real. As you study things, notice the feelings that you have in your heart. If things that you study are TRUE, God will give you special feelings while you study, or pray about them. It will feel right inside of you, even magical, a “burning in your bosom.” If the things that you are studying are FALSE, you will feel confused and mixed up inside. Our senses play a part in this process; however, this spiritual conformation might be a feeling that you have never experienced before. I describe it as a warm, goosebump filled event. You will know when you experience it for yourself.
I have spent a lifetime studying God so that I can know for myself what is true. If you need to hold on to my belief to help you get started, please do so. I abandoned my bunker long ago, because I have discovered the plan that God has for me and my family. My quest now is to help YOU in your discovery of the truth, so that we can both prepare to live in the “mansions that God has prepared for us.” Humm.. mansions? That sounds pretty good huh?
I have written some articles for anyone who is looking to discover truth, and placed them all on my blog. You can find these at There is never a charge for information, or even coaching. I am available via email if you would like to discuss things specific to you and your journey. I am not associated with any church, simply friend helping friend. We have now just begun that friendship if you so desire.
In this journey, I invite you to get to know Jesus Christ first. Study who He is. There are many writings on my blog that I have provided to make your study easier. As you read, take time to pray about the things that you are learning about Him… Then… Quietly just sit back and ponder what you have read. This is most likely the time that you will feel a spiritual communication confirming that these things are true. Take this time listening. This is how God will talk to you. This is how He will answer your prayers.
You will also notice changes in your life. Things will happen to fall into place as you continue to study and search. God answers people’s prayers by using other people. Someone might come into your life with information that you have been searching for, or to offer a hand in solving a problem that you have been praying about. Recognize His hand when He does this. He is communicating with you, and desires to answer your prayers.
Also, try this experiment…Notice the feelings that you have when you do things that you know are wrong vs the feelings that you have in doing something nice for someone. The feelings are different. There is something to these feelings. God has already been trying to help you see the path that you should take by allowing you to have these very different feelings. I love how I feel doing something nice for someone. I desire that feeling all of the time. It goes away however when I do something wrong, or treat someone poorly.
Let me conclude with the greatest news that I can share. It is very likely that you have done something, or even lots of things which are wrong. This has left you feeling terrible, and your conscious will not let you forget the awful things that you have done. Can you relate to this feeling?
I too have felt this due to the sins that I have committed in life. Sometimes it feels so terrible that I have a hard time even continuing on. Don’t you wish that you could make that feeling go away? Perhaps, even take back the wrong that you have done so that you never would experience something so awful? Don’t you wish that you could take this big eraser, and just erase this sin so that it would be gone FOREVER?
I’m here today to tell you that there is a process to make this happen in your life… RIGHT NOW. That feeling can go away…and the sin washed away forever!
Here’s what I’m talking about. The God that you are learning about sent us all down to earth to experience mortality, and free agency. We are her to learn and grow. To take the training wheels off of our bike, and ride all by ourselves, so to speak. This earth life is necessary for our continued development. God knew that we would come to earth, and be tempted to sin. He KNEW we would fall for temptation, and screw our lives up.
God also told us that “No unclean thing can enter the kingdom of God” when we die. If we sin and become unclean, we cannot dwell with Him in heaven when we die. Wait…WHAT??
But we have all sinned, are we doomed because we are unclean? It seems that God has given us an impossible task. Don’t sin, but you have to be sinless to live with Him. Well, the task that He has given to us is actually remarkable. Here comes the information that I’ve been waiting to share. =)
Unclean people can not live with God, however, God knew that all of us would sin, so He created a plan to allow all of this to happen.
He would send His son, Jesus Christ, who would come down to this earth and take away ALL of our sins. Jesus Christ would be a Savior for all mankind, and take away the filth of our sins allowing us to be clean and pure… white as snow, so that we could return back to live with God once our journey was complete here on earth.
A Godly solution. This process is called “The Atonement.” Jesus Christ came to earth and died for YOU. How many of your other friends have actually died so that you could progress and even be saved? Isn’t this alone worth spending some time getting to know Him?
This atonement might seem quite complicated in how it would be possible for one “man” to take the sins from another. When you prayerfully study it, you will come to believe such an impossible task, not fully understanding how it works, by knowing for sure that it is a true gift that our Heavenly Father has given to those who reach out and do their part to receive this cleansing.
Jesus Christ, in the garden of Gethsemane underwent this atonement. He took all of our sins, those that we have done, and those which we will continue to do in the future, and accepted them unto Himself. The sorrow that He felt during this process was so great, that blood physically was forced through the pores of His skin.
He experienced raw emotion. He felt all of the shame and remorse of a person who was a murderer, adulterer, thief, and criminal. He felt every other sorrow of all of the earthly experiences that you or I could feel. Even my pain when I lost my son. He felt both sides of sin and despair, and more so, He took on all of that pain from all sins to PAY THE PRICE for what we have done, so that you and I could be rid of the darkness and uncleanliness which it carried.
There is however, a task that we are required to do to complete the process of forgiveness from our sins. We Must Repent. This is GREAT news, and is to be seen as what you can do to be forgiven. Today, you are learning right out of the firehose, and I am going to help you see that what Jesus has done for you can take away your sins… Right now.. TODAY. Let’s repent, shall we?
By doing so, you will see the power of a loving God in your own life, as you break the chains that are binding you through sin. This freedom is there, go participate in this miracle of forgiveness.
But, how do I repent? Do I need to go to a church and pay money? The answer is again very simple. You can do it right now, in the privacy of your own bedroom or quiet place.
Kneel down and start your prayer,
“Our Father in Heaven”
Tell Him what you are grateful for.
Now it’s time to repent.
(There is no script, or memorized prayer to repent, but here is a format that might help you.)
Tell Him what you have done wrong that has pricked your conscious. He already knows, but tell Him what you are there to repent for.
Tell Him how your sin has made you feel.
Tell Him the harm that it has done for yourself and others.
Express a genuine sorrow for committing such a sin. Be sincere. If you are not sorry for doing this sin, then you are not ready to ask for His forgiveness.
Ask for His help in not doing the sin again.
Ask for His forgiveness.
Close “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Should you desire to complete the process, ask to be baptized, just as Jesus Christ was baptized.
If your sin has hurt others, express your sorrow to them and ask them for forgiveness.
You are now “Born Again” as if you never have sinned. Clean and Pure. Can you feel His forgiveness? Are the heavy chains of sin gone? If so, spend a moment and realize where all of these things have come from… GOD! Express your gratitude to God and Jesus Christ for offering such a plan for you to become clean.
As you begin to process all of the experiences that you have had today, I’m certain that you will strongly have a desire to continue knowing God, and preparing for a life beyond this one… to be with Him, and surrounded by others who are loving, kind.
I have loved sharing this with you. If you have found some peace, or even a big step in realizing that your FATHER is Real, and has a desire to guide you through all of the chaos in this world, then we have both spiritually benefited from reading this.
Let’s keep on hiking the journey of peace and happiness. Please come and find me on my blog. Come and learn about Jesus. He will become your best friend. He is waiting to just sit down with you on a bench and talk about the things that are on your mind. He left His flock, and found ME, the lost black sheep. He is now searching for you.
There is peace and happiness in Christ. Let us follow Him.
All of my Love,
River Wilde
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“Don’t build a bunker to attempt to save yourself and your family. Sing happy songs, do a jig as the bomb drops and you’re fried”