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This is how Deep States get Buried in Deep Shit when The Time Comes, and The Time Always Comes... Sooner or Later.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

To paraphrase T.S. Eliot; I am no prophet and here is no great matter. I have yet to see my head brought in upon a platter.

However… We know the polls are skewered to make this election look like a tight race, BUT… more and more… it is being revealed by people in the know… that it is likely to be a landslide similar to Reagan/Carter in 80. In that election… the loser Carter got only 49 electoral votes.

The effort to steal the outcome is a certainty. No matter what appearances MAY report… initially… I’ve got a good feeling. The Darkness is on the run because… The First Emanation of the Almighty is rising upon the common… and collective blindness… of the divided mind.

So… what I am about to say is not a prediction or a prophecy. It’s more of an observation. The outcome is heavily reliant… on those voting on Tuesday… and… being able to successfully do so. Surely… the shitwits who stole the last election know all about this, and certainly more than I know, which is never very much.

Meanwhile… they are running a cyber-attack simulation on election day, just as they did… in similar fashion on 9/11

Both The Deep State and The Crass Media are joined at the hip or… you could say… The Media is an arm of The Deep State. However… The Deep State is a massive operation that is so big… it often doesn’t know what it is doing… until it has done it and hears about it later. This is how deep states get buried in deep shit when the time comes, and… the time always comes.

Trump is now including Ron Paul in his strategies to change the downward slide of America into the entropic abyss. Maybe… brighter days are ahead. Still… evil entities do not give up their strangleholds without a fight. However… I must bring physics into the equation here and point out that it is no contest between the darkness and the light. The Light automatically banishes darkness whenever contact is made.

I’m wondering if this somehow connects to the word ‘shadow’ being used in the phrase… the valley of the shadow of death. It’s probably just early morning head fog. It should clear up as The Sun rises higher; not that I will know any more than I already don’t know at present.

It could be that low jinx is planned for Tuesday, but… I get the strong feeling it will backfire if the Deep State does try anything. If (and when) Trump is elected, I suspect we will have a somewhat protracted guerrilla war for a bit. If nothing else… these should prove to be interesting times.

Right below the conscious level of the self typing these words… there runs a deep and swiftly moving river of optimism. I think The Divine is engaging in his own form of geo-engineered weather… internally speaking, AND… let’s keep in mind that everything outside of us comes from inside of us. Maybe it’s like coming attractions for the movie yet to be screened. It certainly has been a long time coming.

The corporations went into Rollerball mode in the 80s… courtesy of The Reagan Machine (with Bush they were granted personhood). The music turned to shit in the 90s with a bunch of heroin-addicted… navel-gazing yahoos… in a Satanic state of mind. The gender-blender-blur… came out of the cosmic Vitamix being set on Mulch, and then 9/11 came into play so that Mossad could set up their government within a government… spy and enforcement operation… called Homeland (in)Security.

Then… the general perspective on The Hive Mind was directed toward the destruction and mutilation of The Family Unit, while America’s first gay president… opened all the closet doors across the nation, and… somehow the lid on Pandora’s Box was removed entirely. Hope went missing right about then; if your faith wasn’t strong enough to have a low-jack on it… then, The Orange Man came out of nowhere and promised all kinds of things… that he didn’t deliver on… because he was a bit of a Pollyanna about the ways and wherefores of savvy governing, and… watching his back.

He got sandbagged back and forth like a tetherball on Adderall. Not to mention that both houses of Congress were permanently bent over for the regular Israeli hosing, and he… somehow (I still haven’t figured this out)… continues in a state of delusion believing that crocodiles can be friended.

He seems to have made some serious course corrections in the interim. The Deep State came up with The COVID scam… followed by The Killer Vaccines, and that pushed Humpty Dumpty right off the wall… cause all the king’s horses and all the king’s men were double agents. The Rhinos and double-agents gored him pretty good too and have hounded him ever since.

They still had to engage in massive election fraud cause… the voters did re-elect him but… the fix was in, and we had 3+ years of shit-on-a-shingle (hold the bread and hold the shingle). Someone, please put up the Nicholson clip about the chicken sandwich from Five Easy Pieces or… just re-screen it in your heads… if you have that capacity. Some of us do. Some of us can even remember things the way they were, and… the way they happened, no matter who came along to say otherwise… afterwise.

I don’t have to be a prophet to understand certain basic truths about material existence. One of them is that it is a playing ground for good guys and bad guys to go at each other. It’s all about the spectacle because God is the ultimate voyeur and performer. He likes the drama and the comedy. I won’t speculate on why because… that would be presuming to know God. The one thing I do know about God is… God is real!!! Period… and many… many exclamation marks following.

The intelligent move is to align yourself with God. It is not to go running off like a speed-freak knight without armor… looking to fix The World because you got some Cliff Notes manual, and… a crew of invisible failures… without bodies… whispering at your inner ear. Raise the quality of your thoughts and aspirations and… you raise the quality of your advisors, and then… you raise the conditions of your existence and… everything improves accordingly

The masses run about under the spell of conventional wisdom and bad advice… due to the ever-present forces of appetite and carnal desire. We learn how to justify anything to achieve our ends, If you REALLY want to make contact with God… simply stop wanting anything but that. You will find that you get results in short order, BUT… a level of intensity is required, and it has to be maintained for a specific period of time, and… that varies… depending on what you got under the hood and in the tank.

Most people can’t take the harassment that comes with making the effort, and there’s always the possibility that you will miss a few sugar plums on the way, and get distracted; as a result of impersonating Lot’s wife. That does tend to compromise your quest. You really have to want it. Otherwise, there would be a larger number of successful aspirants.

The good news is… at this time… the opportunity to be a successful aspirant… has not been so great and possible… in a very long time. Conditions are hard… the degree of difficulty is considerable because… the chances are REALLY good. Every effort is being put forth by Heaven to provide a means.

What is going on outside of you is important in a relative sense, but it will never be as important as what is going on inside of you. If you want to change what is going on outside of you… in a more comprehensive sense than what you presently believe is possible… all you have to do is make adjustments inside of you, and… the good news is that nearly all of it is effected by a consciousness other than your own at the self-conscious level. You are a house with 3 floors. The basement is The Subconscious. The Ground Floor is The Self-Conscious, and… The Top Floor is The Superconscious.

You can also illustrate it in a planetary fashion. The Moon is your subconscious. Mercury is your self-conscious, and… The Sun is your superconscious. Either perspective is as real as the other, and… there are yet more ways to present it also.

It explains why is has been said that The Great Work is accomplished by The Sun and Moon with the aid of Mercury. I suppose the biggest surprise will be when you realize it has been staring you in the face the… whole… time! Yes… it presents as a mystery, but… really… all you have to do is want it more than anything else, and…

one last thing. And… in color

End Transmission…….

A new Feet to The Fire radio show, with James Jancik and Visible, was broadcast last night, and… you can find it here

Links should be at GAB shortly=

And the mirror image (with visible distortions) is at Substack=

Today’s Song is=

I Don’t Know and I Don’t Care (well… of course I care but it’s a song. Imagine it in a jazz complexity of 7th and lots of Flats with interesting rhythm shifts.)

Somewhere in the endless sky

trailing comets whirl on by

are there signs and wonders there?

I don’t know I don’t care

Is there some kind of point to life

besides the longing and the strife?

Is there some deeper meaning there?

I don’t know and I don’t care

Soon enough we will all be dead

and God will tuck us into bed

Do I think that life is fair?

I don’t know and I don’t care

Yeah… I don’t know and I don’t care

I got lost out there somewhere 

Time went by and so did I

and to this day I don’t know why I-

-don’t know and I don’t care

Maybe I got it wrong somewhere

but that was then and this is now

I’d like to fix it but I don’t know how

Round and round the wheel we turn

from birth to death and never learn

We find some things and lose some things

and love flies off on unseen wings

Round and round it comes and goes

the portals open then they close

we’re never what we used to be

Some lives go down and some go free

Is there a point to all of this

or is it simply hit or miss?

Is it insane? Is it unfair?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

Yeah… I don’t know and I don’t care

I got lost out there somewhere 

Time went by and so did I

and to this day I don’t know why I-

-don’t know and I don’t care

Maybe I got it wrong somewhere

but that was then and this is now

I’d like to fix it but I don’t know how

as the years went by we dreamed

None of it was real it seemed

and then it’s gone I don’t know where

I don’t know and I don’t care

Is there a point to all of this?

or is it simply hit or miss

Is it insane? Is it unfair?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

AND… if you made it all the way down here, I’ve some clips from Eliphas Levi=

A long contemplation of the sky exalts the imagination,

and then the stars respond to our thoughts. The lines

drawn mentally from one to another by the primitive

observers must have given man his first notions of geometry.

Accordingly, as our soul is troubled or at rest, the stars

seem burning with menace or sparkling with hope. The

sky is thus the mirror of the human soul, and when we think

that we are reading in the stars it is in ourselves we read.

Had angels been women, as represented

by modern mysticism, Jehovah, indeed, would have

acted as a wise and prudent father by placing Satan at the

gate of heaven. It is a serious imposition on the self-love

of some amiable women to find that man fundamentally

good and honorable who enamored them when they

thought him a scapegrace. The angel leaves him disdainfully

saying: “You are not the devil!” Play the devil as

well as you can, if you wish to allure an angel. No license

is possible to a virtuous man. ‘‘For what does he take us?’

say the women. “Does he think us less strict than he is? ”

But everything is forgiven in a rascal. “What else could

you expect? The part of a man with high principles and

of rigid character can never be a power save with women

whom no one wishes to fascinate; the rest, without exception,

adore the reprobates. It is quite the opposite with

men, and this contrast has made modesty woman’s dower,

the first and most natural of her coquetries.

The common error concerning miracles

is to regard them as effects without

causes, contradictions of nature, sudden vagaries of the

divine mind, not seeing that a single miracle of this class

would destroy the universal harmony, and reduce the uni¬

verse to chaos. There are miracles which are impossible,

even for God, namely, those which involve absurdity. Could

God be absurd for one instant, neither Himself nor the

world would be in existence the moment following. To

expect from the divine arbiter an effect having a

disproportionate cause, or even no cause at all, is what is called

tempting God; it is casting one’s self into the void. God

operates by His works—in heaven by angels, and on earth

by men. Hence, in the circle of angelic action, the angels

can perform all that is possible for God, and in the human

circle of action men can dispose equally of divine omnipotence

In the heaven of human conceptions, it is humanity

which creates God, and men think that God has made

them in His image because they have made Him in theirs.

The domain of man is all corporeal and visible nature on

Earth, and if he cannot rule suns and stars, he can at least

calculate their motion, compute their distances, and identify

his will with their influence; he can modify the atmosphere,

act up to a certain point upon the seasons, heal or

harm his neighbors, preserve life, and inflict death, the

conservation of life, including resurrection in certain cases,

as already established. The absolute in reason and volition

is the greatest power which can be given any man to attain,

and it is by means of this power that he performs what

astonishes the multitude under the name of miracles.

The most perfect purity of intention is indispensable to

the thaumaturge and in the next place a favorable current

and unlimited confidence. The man who has come to

fear nothing and desire nothing is master of all. This is

the meaning of that beautiful allegory of the Gospel,

wherein the Son of God, thrice victor over the unclean

spirit, is ministered unto by angels in the wilderness.

Nothing on earth withstands a free and rational will.

When the wise man says, “I will,” it is God Himself who

wills, and all that He commands takes place. It is the

knowledge of the physician, and the confidence placed in

him, which constitute the virtue of his prescriptions, and

thaumaturgy is the only real and efficacious remedy. Hence

occult therapeutics are apart from all vulgar medication.

It chiefly makes use of words and insufflations and

communicates by will, a various virtue to the simplest

substances—water, oil, wine, camphor, salt. The water of

homoeopathists is truly a magnetized and enchanted water,

which works by means of faith. The dynamic substances

added in, so to speak, infinitesimal quantities are

consecrations and signs of the physician’s will.


See more Visible Origami at Les Visible


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