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The EXPLORE Act: a BIG Land Grab

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 BIG Land Grab Agenda Underway!

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Watch a short 11-minute video on the Wildlands Project here.

It’s the United Nations’ plan to depopulate humanity by forcing us off the land.

The EXPLORE Act was signed into law by Joe Biden on January 4, 2025, before he left office as a failed president with a low approval rating from the American public and amidst sky-high inflation.

Regrettably, Congressional Resolution H.R. 6492 was sponsored by Arkansas’ US  Rep. Bruce Westerman.

This heavily promoted UN Agenda resolution was touted as historic and that it was revolutionizing recreation, but it’s just another way to land grab while appeasing the public. The National Conference of State Legislators (NCLS) supported this resolution; they are an NGO which writes a copious amount of model legislation for legislators.

This broad sweeping deceptive resolution supposedly is: 

To improve recreation opportunities on, and facilitate greater access to, Federal public land, and for other purposes.

Now, we should look into what this so-called bipartisan conservation resolution actually does… or is it just about outdoor recreation?! We’ve been duped and betrayed by our elected officials! You may rock climb, bike, hike, and hunt for a season, BUT when the global elite are ready for this to stop, you will be restricted or completely stopped from access to certain areas. They want to decrease the use of all motorized vehicles, especially the amount of miles driven.

Save these important documents on your computer! All of the protected areas can be confirmed by these documents: 

  • Earth Summit: Agenda 21 (The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio, 14 June 1992),

  • Global Biodiversity Assessment (1995), and

  • Wilderness Stewardship Plan Handbook Jan. 2014, (National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior).

    *Allow some time for each PDF to load, as the files are large.

So, where are these “protected areas”? 

Note the color codes under the map.

The areas in red are designated as little to no human use.  

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Climbers, you thought this was a fun resolution about recreation, but the long-term consequences of this law will eventually affect you! They have their players planted in our government to make it happen! The government wants the national parks to develop a digital “America the Beautiful” pass. Sadly, the EXPLORE Act boosted the Biden Administration’s environmental record and boosted conservation efforts across government agencies.

This new legislation rolls a dozen or more existing outdoor recreation-relation initiatives into one policy! That is not good, dear readers!  It includes approval of building long-distance bike trails, the protection of rock climbing anchors in wilderness areas, and an easier permit process for “guiding companies”.

This law promotes the trillion-dollar outdoor industry in ways that we shouldn’t overlook. In the long run, it will hurt our access to public lands in many ways. The green global elite thinks that humans alter and harm the planet, with most wanting to see less of us.

We must remember environmental groups want “No Human Footprint” being called an Ecological Footprint.

Over half of America’s land base is used for agricultural purposes, including both cropland and grazing land. So, this includes agricultural purposes and cropping, grazing (on pasture, range, and in forests), and farmsteads/farm roads that could someday soon be affected. Farmers and ranchers ARE under threat!

Areas overseen by the Bureau of Land Management, like National Parks and National Forests, are especially targeted.

We think that Congress forgot to read the small print in H.R. 6492: Within this piece of legislation, it refers to the National Wilderness Preservation System.
See what we found below:

16 USC 1131: National Wilderness Preservation System Text contains those laws in effect on January 16, 2025(c) “Wilderness” defined  

§1131. National Wilderness Preservation System  

A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain. An area of wilderness is further defined to mean in this chapter an area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions and which (1) generally appears to have been affected primarily by the forces of nature, with the imprint of man’s work substantially unnoticeable; (2) has outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation; (3) has at least five thousand acres of land or is of sufficient size as to make practicable its preservation and use in an unimpaired condition; and (4) may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value.


Moreover, The Wilderness Society (United States), a non-governmental organization (NGO) is a globalist liberal organization. See DEI policies (that now have been rolled back) and 990 Form here. They claim that they have contributed to parts of the EXPLORE Act since 2011. They want our US public lands and water to be “environmentally friendly”.  They also tout that they have climate change solutions, and they seek to make these public lands a net-zero source of emissions by 2030 while boosting renewable energy development. Their 2023 total program expenses were almost $37 million dollars. Obama’s and Biden’s federal agencies have worked with The Wilderness Society over the years!.. and, let’s observe that the Wilderness Society has worked with the United Nations on issues like the UN Decade for the Restoration of Ecosystems and the protection of the high seas. 


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Conservation funding comes from the taxpayers! It’s from our federal budget, whether it’s through the president’s budget or the House and Senate budget. The federal government designates funds for conservation as part of the annual budget and appropriations process. The Wilderness Society is included and also receives tax-deductible donations from individuals. In addition, there’s The Wilderness Society Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) group that builds on the work of their sister non-profit, The Wilderness Society. AND last but not least, The Wyss Foundation, a private fund of the globalist Swiss billionaire philanthropist, Hansjörg Wyss. The Wyss campaign’s goal is to help conserve 30% of the planet in a natural state by the year 2030 by creating and expanding protected areas. Yes, they work with the United Nations, also. Sustainable Development puts nature before humankind.

While our paved roads and infrastructures are falling apart, they want to build more bike trails!

Our infrastructure needs to be improved through paved roads and bridges, but alas, paved roads are not sustainable, according to the orders of the globalists’ guidelines.

What’s up with all of this so-called “protection” and designation??

It’s a BIG land grab known as 30×30, a worldwide initiative for governments to grab 30% of Earth’s land and ocean area as “protected areas” by 2030.

1) UN 30×30 is a new Global Framework for managing nature through 2030   is simply this: The plan or worldwide initiative to conserve 30% of nature by 2030, and the UN wants protection and management of 30% of the world’s terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine areas by the year 2030.

Yes, you can find many other global philanthropist billionaires committing billions of dollars by 2030 to protect at least 30% of the planet’s land and sea, known as 30×30 because they want biodiversity.


2) The federal 30×30 plan is basically the same as the United Nations (UN) plan. In January of 2021, the Biden administration issued an Executive Order on tackling the climate crisis and committed the United States to 30×30 through its America the Beautiful initiative. So, Biden wanted 30% of the nation’s private lands and waters by 2030! Here’s the White House unconstitutional Executive Order (EO) 14008.

3) And there is a 30×30 CaliforniaFrom the website: In October 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-82-20 which establishes a state goal of conserving 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 – known as 30×30.

How Is California Doing on 30×30 Conservation Goals?



According to the United Nations:

The 30×30 goal is intended to help accelerate conservation of our lands and coastal waters through voluntary, collaborative action with partners across the state to meet three objectives: conserve and restore biodiversity, expand access to nature, and mitigate and build resilience to climate change. California’s 30×30 commitment is part of a global effort to increase biodiversity conservation, including in the United States.


See how it all says the same thing with the same commitment to the New World Order? No wonder Governor Gavin Newsom is so pleased at this time, even though Los Angeles is being burned to the ground and people being run out of their homes. He is deluded into thinking “order out of chaos”. California’s 2022-2023 state budget allocated $1.1 billion to support so-called “nature-based” programs, the 30×30 plan, across the state. Hopefully, you can start to see why California is in such turmoil.

  • California became the first state to commit to protecting 30% of its land and water over the next decade, with Governor Gavin Newson signing an executive order in October of 2020.

 And unfortunately, some other states are jumping on the UN bandwagon:

  • Nevada followed suit with a 30×30 resolution passed through the legislature in May of 2021.

  • South Carolina, New York, and Michigan have 30×30 legislation in process.

  • Hawaii committed in 2016 to effectively manage 30% of its marine environment by 2030.

  • Maine’s Climate Action Plan, established by the Governor’s office, includes a commitment to 30×30.

  • Several local county commissions in Colorado and New Mexico have passed resolutions in support of 30×30

There they go with their “Think globally; act locally” rhetoric!

And please note: when they say “protect”… it actually means OFF LIMITS.

Below is a warning for landowners from a congressman from North Dakota!

In 2022, the American Stewards of Liberty held a conference in Lincoln, Nebraska, called “Stop 30×30 Summit”!  U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) discussed energy-related implications, conservation easements, and the agricultural impact of the Biden Administration’s 30×30 agenda at the meeting. Here are his insightful remarks:


“On the first week of his administration, President Biden announced his intention to undermine private property rights, restrict landowners’ ability to control their own lands, and prioritize environmental nongovernmental organizations over hardworking American producers of energy and agricultural commodities,” said Senator Cramer.

“The 30×30 initiative is an extension of the top-down, central planning vision Washington bureaucrats hiding in federal agencies possess. DC bureaucrats believe they know what is best for rural America, all while they live in a concrete swamp completely detached from the producers who feed, fuel, and clothe our nation and the world,” continued Senator Cramer.

“Let North Dakota be an example to everyone here on what to expect from 30×30. During a downturn in the farm economy, when landowners were just trying to stay in business until the next year, predatory entities like the FWS came to North Dakota and offered Waterfowl Production Area easement contracts with vague details and empty promises. Their goal was simple, pull the wool over the eyes of vulnerable landowners in order to expand their influence and prioritize ducks over people. Years later, landowners sometimes 3 or 4 owners removed from the original landowner who signed the contract are unable to improve their land, produce a crop, and their property values are decreased because of the FWS predatory peddling of WPA perpetual easements. The government tells you these easements are voluntary, I call them predatory,” warned Senator Cramer.

Back to the expansive legislation –  Sadly, the resolution H.R.6492 was a confusing first-of-its-kind recreation policy by Arkansas Congressman Bruce Westerman that helped tie up a lot of loose ends for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and UN Agenda 2030.

Yes, this resolution goes along with the land grabbing 30×30 plan.

Below are more “sustainable” Agenda 2030 NGO players and policymakers who developed the EXPLORE Act, which took more than a decade to draft:

…and many other sustainable players (a hundred or more outdoor groups) that have been critical players in the creation of this massive United Nations Agenda 2030 policy. We must be wary of listening to these international NGOs!

Moreover, this monstrous piece of legislation is really a deceptive roadmap or blueprint for controlled land use and more convoluted laws to be made in the near future about public lands that will include restrictive climate change policies and limited outdoor recreation access, and they will use our tax dollars to fund infrastructure improvements in the so-called gateway communities.

Can you see how outdoor recreation interests can be leveraged to pass broader climate and public-lands legislation in the future?  

Some of this may sound good, BUT it’s not... it’s tyranny!

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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations (UN) members in 2015, created 17 world Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim of these global goals is “peace and prosperity for people and the planet” – while tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests.


The new EXPLORE Act law deals with many conservation-related globalist initiatives:

  • includes wildfire mitigation (also see here

  • promotes renewable energy development on public lands

  • supports ecosystem restoration

  • expands public-land access

  • and funds infrastructure improvements in gateway communities.

Under the guise of spending time outdoors, they expanded federal land and waters in this left-leaning resolution.  They knew how to pull on our heartstrings, so they threw in:

  — disadvantaged communities,

  — veterans, and

  — kids.

There was a companion bill to the resolution, America’s Outdoor Recreation Act of 2023, S.873   introduced by US Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia… BUT Manchin stepped down and left the Senate. He warned that the Democrat Party was toxic!

Let’s prepare ourselves for what happens as we head toward 2030. Global governance in accordance with the United Nations Charter is the goal of Sustainable Development and Agenda 2030. Can you see that they are setting up a regulatory infrastructure?

As true Americans, we, the people, should hold our elected officials accountable for committing this country to the New World Order’s malevolent Sustainable Development Goals. Most nations and governments are not willing to finance them. It’s time to expose the deep state, including the RINOs! The demanding push for the UN’s 30×30 agenda will go a long way in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals!

In the news today (January 17, 2025):   

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Friday she will be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on January 22 through 24th.

Sanders’ Office said that the Arkansas Economic Development Commission is paying for her travel. Her husband, Bryan Sanders, and Deputy Chief of Staff Judd Deere will be accompanying her on the trip.


Heads Up! Did you know that the World Economic Form (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) signed a partnership in 2019 “to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”? Also, it had an attached digital agenda to “meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The World Economic Forum released a report called “Unlocking Technology for the Global Goals”. Please note that the UN and WEF are NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations): these are unelected bureaucrats, part of the deep state.


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Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders speaks Dec. 20 during a news conference

in the Governor’s Conference Room at the Arkansas State Capitol in Little Rock.

(File Photo/Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Adam Vogler)


Is President Trump going to go along with this evil agenda? We must discern truth. Don’t believe there is peace when there isn’t any peace. That’s a stark warning about the false reassurances. Jeremiah 6:14

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