Elite Cannibalism Uncovered in Beyoncé’s Witchcraft!
During the ritualized performance, Beyoncé is consistently fanned and bowed down to by her performing companions. The mass public buys right into the ‘artistic performance’ being seduced under her spell, while the deeper spiritual realities fly right over their head! The questions you should be asking are:
Why is Beyoncé being crowned as the Virgin Mary?
What is embroidered onto Beyoncé’s dress directly encircling over the twins in her womb?
Not only will the answers shock you – but this spiritual manifestation unlocks some of the most profound revelations of our time! Let us uncover the ritualized significance of what is presented to the general public.
This is one video you do not want to miss! The connections are absolutely jaw-dropping! Here is a sneak preview of the cryptic symbolism enveloping Beyoncé’s twins:
Maybe you can already see what is hidden? The witchcraft Beyoncé and many more of today’s ‘performing artists’ convey is redundant if you are awake and aware of what is going on in today’s end time world. More importantly, explained in this featured video is some of the most astounding supernatural truths of the spiritual realm – much more significant than just exposing the typical Hollywood witchcraft. Prepare to have your mind blown!
I can show you the DOOR: But only you can TURN THE KEY:
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She looks like a Fat Hog to me. I guess Demons are not too fussy on who’s body they live in.
Another crappy video from the crappy heretic.
“Why is Beyoncé being crowned as the Virgin Mary?”
Because satan mocks the Mother of God same as he mocks God.
That crown looks very odd. It is probably a product of the jewish invasion of the Church.
You know how magic isn’t real?
Yeah well neither is witchcraft or religion.
The only thing witches do in real life is burn incense, light some candles, and dance at the summer solstice.
Want to know what it accomplishes? Nothing. Just like praying does nothing.
Quit hyping dumb made up fairy tale crap, makes you look stupid.
it is just as effective as those demonic rituals during the Superbowl. LOL
Cannibalistic World Government – Everything You Need To Know About #PizzaGate
Cannibalism, do they still exist ?,
Eating your own species or eating the others from your own religion. Is anyone safe now ?, if they are not choosy.
Is it ORGANIC food at it’s best, and are they forever hungry, Do they hog like pigs ?
These thought left many questions unanswered.
Is it safe & legal to terminate them ?,
Are Silver-Manganese bullets required to shoot them ?,
Are they related to the Niburu planet ?
Please reply at your earliest convenience. Thanks in advance for your time, efforts & determination to awaken others.