If You Didn't See This, You Probably Wouldn't Believe It! Off-the-Hook Rabid Libtard Insanity!
IN a democracy, we have always had to worry about the ignorance of the uneducated. Today we have to worry about the ignorance of people with college degrees.
Wildbill’s Discount Tactical Survival Store, More For Less!
There’s a physical principle probably as old as time itself. A stream can rise no higher than its source. With regard to the human body, if you feed it with junk, maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day that’s gonna catch up to you and your body will retaliate in way that will make you regret the careless way in which you lived. Garbage in, garbage out. The same holds true in the area of the mind, if you feed it mind-eroding garbage, don’t expect it to be kind to you later on down the road when you’re no longer capable of rational, logical thought or commons sense and moral decency for that matter.
And the next time you wonder about the pitiful state of our world…you don’t have to look any further than late shows with sold out holly weird celebrities interviewing other sold out holly weird celebrities, before an audience of national enquirer-minded, zombie-like lemmings in a desperate attempt to boost ratings and add to the already accelerated societal degradation. And, of course, it’s all done in gross hypocrisy.
Wildbill’s Discount Tactical Survival Store, More For Less, Click Here!
Wildbill’s Discount Tactical Survival Store, More For Less, Click Here!
Are people actually stupid enough to believe this woman???
This is BIN so I would say yes.
This is BIN so I would say yes.
always had to worry about the ignorance of the uneducated today we have to worry about the ignorance of people with college degrees there’s a physical principle probably as old as time itself a stream can rise no higher than its source with regard to the human body if you feed it with junk
HighImpactVlogs – YouTube – Love it
Why does paid sex belong in national syndication, alongside fringe or paranormal stories.
It’s like hearing from something lower than a maid or garbage man.
But, with Elvis sightings, close encounters of the 4th kind, and when Mary appeared on a tortilla.
UPVOTE ^^^^^^
Sick bastards
The DURTY mind of a liberal being revealed. Their obsession with wape, pedophilia, their pen is, etc. They are SHOCKED that conservatives do not think like them.
Had Kavanaugh said YES to their LIE of Ford he would have won the nomination and convinced the left he was their man.
This boy that had the heart-defect son of his is a very VULGAR boy if you ever watch some of his skits.
Believe in the baglady victims of wape!
TV is deliberately designed for brain rottening and dumbing down through half truths and misinformation and base entertainment. Do yourselves a favor and take up a constructive hobby instead, you’ll be surprised at the amount of beauty you can create within the same time you spend watching that mind rottening scrying screen. Turn it off.