Biden Picks Known Pedophile And High Treason Criminal To Run $370 Billion Green Energy Scam
We all know the Biden picks leaders of his departments off the bottom of the ‘Swamp’ ( Marxist Sewer) this may come as no surprise.
Anyone in their right mind knows this kind of ’green energy’ plan is 50 to 100 years before it’s time. It’s not going to’s going to send billions to Communist’s going to open the door for hundreds of Obama type, Solynda, scams and it could totally shut Our nation down.
How will people that live in apartments or have to park on the street going to charge their electric cars..thousands of electric cars trying to evacuate a city because of weather related problems or earthquakes..we can’t protect our power grid and this could totally shut Our nation down.
We are far from ready and this Democrat Communist Party Marxist (PORK) Green Energy Bill will be a total scam!
And here’s the great leader they pick..SICKENING! Search it..everything is out in the open that their Marxist Media is hiding.
His Podesta Group also lead the Uranium One ‘high treason’ crime!
This case ended when the top investigator was murdered.. sound (Clinton) familiar!
Epstein’s ‘little girls’ (Documented) Flight List
Both Podesta brothers need to go on a nation wide speaking tour. It would be wonderful to see them in public and be able to ask them directly about their lives. How interesting that would be. Coincidently and totally unrelated I am sure, that during the kidnapping of Madeleine McCann in Portugal a police artist drew sketches of persons of interest that looked strikingly like Tony, and John. Also, a woman was sketched with them that looked very much like the same Maxwell who was found guilty of trafficking underage girls. Apparently to no one. Yup just a funny coincidence.
To be very clear her client list reads like a who’s who of current and former members of Congress, and the Judicial and Executive branches of Government. They troll you with this shit just to let you know who is in control and to let you know they don’t care if you do know. Why? Because the truth is that you can do and will do nothing.
Both podesta brothers have been found guilty in US Military Tribunals tony was executed and john got life because he cooperated with authorities .
People like the Podestas are paid rats, and not interesting. They merely instill fear in caring parents and concerned citizens aware of their bad habits. Freemasons do not prosecute each other, by blood oath. Problem for them is they deserve to hang and be eaten by wolverines while still living. I met both Podestas, Huma Abedin ad Anthony Weiner, in Seattle to make themselves known while Richard Perle danced around. ALL useless perverted genetic slag, boosted into office by the British Empire’s Council on Foreign Relations propaganda machine, and not because they had any talent. Tim Geithner was there too. You are probably as sick and pointless as they are. James Alefontis also was there. I hear he was executed for numerous murders of children. If so, good.
The investigator in charge of the ‘PEDO’ Podesta brothers investigation in Portugal was murdered.
I don’t know if the Clinton ‘Murder Squad’ works overseas or not..but, that ended the investigation!
The Democrats say that they are concerned about the ‘cruel and inhumane. treatment that their illegal’s and there children are getting …but it didn’t stop them form flocking down to Epstein’s ‘little girl’ Island to have sex with minor’s