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How to Write a Book and Get It Published... Want to really influence discussions, or potentially advance your Career, publish your thoughts, it's easier now than ever...

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[IMPORTANT NOTICE: THIS ARTICLE IS NOW MORE THAN ONE YEAR OLD, THEREFORE IMAGES THAT WERE EMBEDDED ORIGINALLY STRIPPED (B4IN does this to save Archive Server space) and as the saying goes a picture can be worth 1,000 words at times and the enhancement and additional context they brought (esp. the Mallies Menu image, in that section) now sadly gone.]

[Do a low cost Podcast, to promote your Book(s) Tue. Oct. 17th 2023 updated added at bottom]

How to Write a Book and Get It Published (HTWABAGIP)
Want to really influence discussions, publish your thoughts, it’s easier now than ever…

[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
includes section on FREE SPEECH assaults and advocacy
see too: <ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3>
see too:

See related Merch:
ROAR - Restore Our American Republic
Enemies of the Left/State
and Principles Not Personalities ]

[Info on obtaining Copyright,.LCCN, ISBN's, at the bottom of this article - plus other potential/bonus (not included in the book) updates - updates will be appended to this piece probably all throughout 2023... (use  Ctrl-F (search) to skip ahead to "ADDITIONS / UPDATES / BOOK SUPPLEMENTAL")]

Have you written some poems? Put them together in a collection.
Have you written some short stories? Put those too in a collection.
How about a novel, do you have a story in you waiting to come out?
Have a collection of blogs? Get them a larger/broader audience!
Advance your career by writing a fiction or non-fiction technical book about your business/industry.

How to Write a Book and Get It Published (HTWABAGIP) can/will help you get your writing to the asses… er… I mean “masses” (missed the “m” there at first (obvious bad pun, but with point keeping a sense-of-humor can be important in Life and in your writings)).

Not interested in Writing and Publishing your own book – well don’t stop Reading yet… Think too, if you’re an avid Reader, as it like a TELL-ALL (minus the name-dropping) and providing a BEHIND-THE-SCENES look at what newer Authors go through to get their Stories into your hands/book-shelf that you hopefully enjoy(ed) Reading!!!
See too: /books/2023/03/some-of-the-best-known-authors-today-were-once-unknowns-the-current-newer-authors-have-to-compete-against-multi-million-dollar-promotionaladvertising-budgets-for-your-attention-2552870.html

MY NEWEST BOOK (DEC 2022)  <ISBN: 979-8-218-10042-1>:

HTWABAGIP Foreword written by: Robert Thibodeau (Author, Pastor, Podcaster (Kingdom’s Crossroads, Revelation Warning, more))
Afterword by: Don McCauley (Marketing expert and Founder TheAuthorsShowand
Bruce Fleury (Author and Radio Show co-host)

SNEAK-PEEK at/of first pages of HTWABAGIP available for viewing via Amazon



As stated in the dedication, this book is for and about those who love writing and aspire to become a published novelist. If perhaps instead of a novel you may wish to publish, bundle, short stories (though within these pages we will discuss how you may be able to combine short stories to create a multi-layered, novel with several sub-themes under one main underlying theme that ties them all together); and non-fiction fare also.

I hope that my decades of writing, having more than two dozen copyrights, and now having achieved a #1 Bestseller standing, that I can now share that journey with you can and will help inspire you toward realizing your dream (if becoming a published author is just even remotely one of yours). Within this book I share my journey, in a sense, in the desire to pay-it-forward (so to speak) to those aspiring internationally published status; and hopefully #1 Bestseller stature; like I have.

These pages are designed to provide some hints, tips, techniques, and tricks, that you can effectively use to create your masterpiece.

Some aspects of this book are transcribed from interviews with those interested in further discussing his “behind the scenes” look at his writing and publishing processes of the book Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You.

This book is not designed to be all-encompassing but geared to those who have spent at least some of their lives writing and now are looking to take that next step. It is for those looking for some tips, tricks, techniques, on how to potentially improve their writing to achieve a publishable manuscript. For those starting from scratch, it is recommended that you find a local high school, library, or community college that offers creative writing courses to begin your process.

[See too:
further down article]
 Autographed copies available (US Addresses): page (use promocode WAPS (Write And Publish Supplement) at check-out for discount)

Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA:
see related Article (and related items): /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html


Thu. January  5th 2023 update…

I was on with Stacy #OnSomeRealShit show again for my new “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques” book…





About the Book

About the Author

1. For Starters                                                                              20

2. Your Story Outline                                                                    37

3. Table of Contents Outline                                                          48

4. Research                                                                                   63

5. Character Development                                                             65

6. Scene Development                                                                   74

7. Deadlines and Contracts                                                            76

8. Publishing Options                                                                    79

9. Outsourcing                                                                               97

10. Foreword Outline                                                                   100

11. Editing                                                                                   105

12. Formatting / Typesetting                                                         114

13. Cover Design                                                                          121

14. Marketing                                                                               129

15. Reviews                                                                                 147


Behind the Book


NOTE: While there is NO SPECIFIC “Writing for Business/Career purposes” chapter; as I discuss in the book, no book is ever really done there are always things thought of later that could have been added, and hence this Writing/Publishing Supplement article; but could have been, maybe should have been (so people specifically see that is addressed), but discussion of such is mentioned in other chapters. One can advance one’s Career or promote one’s Business, by Writing/Publishing a book – even if Fiction (with aspects there-in that relate to one’s Business/Industry/Job/Work).




Honor. Integrity. Patriotism. — For some people these are words. For bestselling author of “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You!Joseph M Lenard, these are the core values that he embodies—every day—deeply ingrained in every facet of his life and work.

It is this set of cherished values he brings to life in his #1 bestselling historical fiction novel (Terror Strikes) and now to this publication in hopes of aiding other aspiring writers.

Joseph M. Lenard is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below.

More information at websites:

Joseph’s body of works contain copyrighted and published poetry. Joseph has written and recorded music, in the tradition of the Lenard family legacy; though not entirely in the tradition of his father Thaddeus, who was creator/leader of “The Polka Kings” that often toured throughout northeast United States.

In addition, Joseph has about a dozen copyrighted short-stories including “Watchful Eyes” (sci-fi), “Blue Monday” (political thriller), “Funhouse of Terror” (horror), to his credit, as well as two novels: “The Gestapo Kidnap File” and “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” released with McHenry Press, Joseph was also winner of CJOM (Windsor Ontario Canada) radio contest in the 1980’s with his radio play “The Adventures of Detective Idle based upon the Billy Idol song, “Eyes without a Face,” to which it was paired with.

He resides in Wyandotte Michigan.

Author of Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You, blogger (BeforeItsNews, TheLibertyBeacon), cancer survivor, Gold-affiliate, podcaster (Savaged Unfiltered co-host), political activist, speaker, social-media infleuncer, writer, vlogger.

Yes, you can hear me/Joe as part of Savaged Unfiltered Podcast via Audible, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and many other places Podcasts can be found - but you can see me/Joe as part of Savaged Unfiltered Podcast via Rumble as we begin to build our #SavagedArmy visual audience, will take some time as our audio only audience usually hits 100,000 listeners an episode, (and get #SavagedArmy gear (including and/or



I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast!!!

It is OFFICIAL, my new ” #ChristiTutionalist #Politics ” #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.

Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1-E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.


Slyvia/Christina (via Amazon review) said of Terror Strikes: Everyone has their own opinions and negativity is such a large part of this world. We give your credit for writing a book and getting it published. The book is interesting and definitely makes me look outside my box of thinking. I would suggest everyone at least take the time to read this book, make your own opinions!

Angel Giacomo (an author/writer herself, via Bigfoot reviews) said of Terror Strikes: Throughout my life and career, I know the time and difficulty it takes to research something thoroughly, the author of this book has done his due diligence when it comes to terrorism in the recent past. I have attended several classes put on by a number of federal agencies having to do with suicide bombing and terrorism, this book hits on the mark.


Normally, that would be the end of the section. HOWEVER, since this is a “Writing and getting Published” tips, tricks, techniques, book, there’s more…

You too will want a BRAND (most of what you just read in this “About Author” section, in marketing terms) developed for yourself too. I would be remiss to not acknowledge Don McCauley of “The Authors Show” and who helped me develop my brand as well as some press releases later published to promote the book (see related: Marketing chapter (14)).

If you want to reach out to me, feel free to go to or and hit the contact tab. I’ll be happy to go back and forth with you for at least some initial assistance, beyond which, at some point, would require we work out some form of paid Consultant arrangement. But, again, I’m willing to have some initial conversations and small additional degrees of assisting you outside of what is being offered in this book, for free. Yes, free initial discussion, by email or perhaps even a Skype or Zoom session or few to discuss where you are and where you can/will realistically get to (in-my-personal-opinion, but ultimately, decisions are yours), because I really do want to pay it forward in the sense of helping others become published authors as some aided me over the years.

Want to get started with an official Consultation right away? Book 1/2 hour (at reduced rate) Zoom at/via

[See too:
ABOUT THE BOOK (up thread)



I have joined the American Hartford IRA Gold group, you should too,
and I even am now an official affiliate – why?
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA:
see related Article (and related items): /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html

Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA:
see related Article (and related items): /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html



There are many “how to publish with Amazon” books but Joseph’s goes way beyond that and a must read if you’re considering “assisted-publishing” (as he calls the upper echelon services), but especially with lower-end self-publishing firms/outlets.

— Don McCauley, cohost of “The Authors Show” and founder of



As an aspiring author myself in the starting process of putting together my book which I still haven’t assigned a working-title. I was honored to have the opportunity to interview Joseph M. Lenard on my “Some Real Shit” show to discuss the writing and publishing processes. I am so glad now to see that Joseph has taken the interview with me, as well as others that he has done, and put his thoughts on such formally into a book to help other aspiring writers.

— Stacy Radcliffe, host of “Some Real Shit” podcast


This book by Joseph M. Lenard is an absolute must have on your bookshelf! As I was reading this book, I saw many, many instances where I made huge mistakes in organizing and formatting my thoughts and outlines for my books.

— Robert R. Thibodeau, author, host of The Kingdom Cross Roads” and “Revelation Warning” podcasts, pastor, speaker.



Hey guys if you’re trying to look for a book right now on how to write and publish a book, check out Joseph M. Lenard’s new book today. You won’t be disappointed folks!

— Michael Gardner, author of “America’s Political Warfare | Our Modern Civil War,” and host of “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast.



Joseph Lenard’s book made me shake my head as if to say, “What a missed opportunity I had” not knowing this before I wrote my books. Reading this made me realize how much of a blessing this will be prospective authors or experienced authors learning what the best-selling author, Lenard, has to offer. The specific detail in this soon-to-be best-seller is amazing, the personalization Lenard offers brings it to life. The book flows like a novel rather than a typical “how-to” book.

— Ed Temple, author “The Last Terrorists” and “Escape

From Uncle Sam’s Plantation,” and cohost of “George

Espenlaub Show” podcast.


I have been asked many times when I am going to publish a book. I am not ready just yet. However, I feel better knowing that Joseph M. Lenard has written How to Write a Book and Get It Published for people like me who are overwhelmed by the thought and are not sure where to start. The outline of this book is easy to follow, and the information is presented in a way that is not overwhelming. I am confident that HTWABAGIP will easily guide me through the process of writing my book and getting it published!

— Talaya Dendy, Cancer Thriver, Cancer Doula, Host of

the “Navigating Cancer TOGETHER” podcast.




Since it’s well-nigh impossible to have a first-or even second effort to put a book in print unless you’re an already well-known commodity or have a literary agent handling your work, you’ll need to find another avenue of approach. Fortunately, another one is available, self-publishing (or “subsidy-publishing,” as it’s referred to in some circles).

Self-publishing was the way to go for me, and I enthusiastically endorse it for anyone looking to enter the literary field. There are many self-publishing outfits from which to choose, so you should have no trouble finding a reputable one, should you ultimately decide to go that route.

— Bruce Fleury, author of The Negro Project: Margaret Sanger’s Diabolical, Duplicitous, Dangerous, Disastrous and Deadly Plan for Black America, and cohost of The Abolitionist Round Table of Michigan, Sat’s WAAM radio.



My friend, Joe Lenard, author of “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” has gained the experience you need to avail yourself of so that you may avoid the pitfalls of publishing.

It’s been my blessing to know a few authors who have gone through the travails of publishing, Vanity press, e-publishing, etc.

And there have been warnings they gave me of what not to do. But I forget most of them.

If I ever finally write the book, I regularly put off writing, I will be sure to heed the advice presented by Joe in this book.

You should too.

— Ed Bonderenka, blogger and radio show host of “Your American Heritage” Sat’s WAAM radio, and former editor/operator of “The Courant” newspaper.



I have been putting off writing so many book ideas that have been floating around in my head with the excuse that I just don’t know how to get started. How to Write a Book and Get it Published has eliminated that excuse for me. Thank you sooo much, Joe; now, how am I going to put it off?

Seriously though, I’ve been inspired by Joseph’s book to begin writing my ideas down, once again, something I haven’t done since my childhood. The tips Joe worked into How to Write a Book and Get it Published were easy to begin implementing, and now the only thing to do is figure out which book to write first.

— Bill Hatch, host of “Not Quite After Midnight” podcast and YWL Online.



Joseph Lenard, a #1 Amazon Bestselling author, shares his knowledge of composition work in this directive of publishing a book. All the fine points of composing your own work is outlined in this easy-to-follow text. A one-of-a-kind, informative read.

— Mark Zielman


I often remind my students that “when starting a long journey, it is easier to arrive to your destination if you have someone who has made the journey alongside you. The right guide would know the hills, valleys, turns, and detours that are required to get you there”. Author Joseph M. Lenard is the guide you will want, “How to Write a Book and Get It Published”, will be as though Joseph will be there with you each step of the way. Knowing Joseph, I can say that he will base the success of his book, not by the number of books he sells but by the success you have in your journey with him as your guide.


— Richard Deitering MTS, Professor of Semitic Studies, Anchor Bible College, Ypsilanti MI; Pastor Newport Community Church; and talk show host of “Moment of Clarity” WAAM radio, Ann Arbor MI.

SNEAK-PEEK at/of first 38 pages of HTWABAGIP via Book2Look:



January 2023 update (WIN A COPY OF THE BOOK) contest open til Jan 31, 2023


A book for writers aspiring to publish or anyone curious about “behind the scenes” of writing and publishing processes…

From the author of “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” the #1 Amazon “Political Thriller” Bestseller: Remember, today’s top selling authors were at one time unknowns too. Perhaps the next great novel, could/should be yours! “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips &  Techniques” is your how-to guide to improving your writing and taking that next step of becoming a published author and even marketing strategy post-publication.



Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Massive inflation, unsteady Crypto/Stock Markets, Gold your IRA:
see related Article (and related items): /financial-markets/2022/12/massive-inflation-unsteady-cryptostock-markets-gold-your-ira-to-protect-your-retirement-4351201.html



As discussed in the book NO BOOK IS EVER PERFECT NOR COMPLETE, there are always things that you could have changed, shifted around, reworded, or added new/additional content – and this book was no different… I did NOT have a chapter on “Copyrighting, LCCN, and ISBN’s” and which you MUST HAVE versus what is optional.

Now, I’m also not going to go too in-depth here, but refer you to external additional resources for research OR as I highly recommend insist on your “assisted-publishing” firm handle these things for you!!!

First, YOU WILL NEED AN ISBN for each “version” (eBook, softcopy, hardcover, etc.) of your book you will be publishing. See for more on obtaining them *OR* be sure to have in your Publishing Contract that your “assisted-publishing” firm will obtain (they usually have pre-bought them, unassigned, in bulk, at wholesale prices) them for you, and assure the numbers are included in your book before going to upload or actual print.

You will, of course, want to COPYRIGHT protect your book. Simple to find more information at the US Library of Congress ( website. *OR* be sure to have in your Publishing Contract that your “assisted-publishing” firm will handle this for you! You are hiring them because they are the EXPERTS and to assist you, let them handle it!

Optionally, you may want an LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) which WILL BE NEEDED if you are going to have any chance of a Library carry your book in the Library for in Library reference/reading or check-out. Yes, see the site for more information *OR* be sure to have in your Publishing Contract that your “assisted-publishing” firm will handle this for you! You are hiring them because they are the EXPERTS and to assist you, let them handle it!

Each of these have COSTS, and may (depending) be provided by your publisher or be considered an “add-on” in your Contract and the exact charge/cost to you.


SEE TOO, what could have, had I thought of it before hand, would have been a “NETiquette” chapter in “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques” book…
“NETiquette, an update… Things to be mindful of when writing an email, a blog-post, social-media content, a technical manual, or even a fiction/non-fiction/other book, etc…”


From Mid-January 2023 update: INKUBATE in conjunction with BOWKER (where you get your ISBN’s and more (potentially hire them to handle your Copyright process with too) held a Webinar about the “Scoreit!”TM service (and more, on Marketing, and getting noticed) that I’d like to share…

Listen/Watch at:

#Bowker / #Inkubate (#Publishing experts) #analysis is in: If you love #DeanKoontz (especially “#Innocence”), #BrianHerbert (esp. “#MentatsOfDune”), or #STJoshi (esp. “#TheMadnessOfCthulhu”), #books — you’ll love my “#TerrorStrikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” #PoliticalThriller #HistoricalFiction #book.

more (including actual/full graph analysis (all top-3 author comparisons))



Wed. Jan 26th 2023 update…
As already mentioned above and in the book NO BOOK IS EVER PERFECT NOR COMPLETE, for example I’d been thinking more and more about how since HTWABAGIP is Non-Fiction I probably should have added an INDEX section. Though, no, I don’t “drop alot of names” I do however mention several company and service providers’ names that I should have cross-referenced in an INDEX.

It was/is not really necessary, as brief as my index would have been, but I mention it now as a focus/emphasis and reminder that an index may need be a more important inclusion in/with your book.

And, though, it is why I did ultimately decide to add A PRINT VERSION (exclusive through me direct ( or Amazon (using Amazon KDP) as it was originally going to be eBook only via Amazon, B&N, Apple, Smashwords, Koda, others. I thought many might like to be able to have it in print so-as to be able to take a yellow (or, color of your choice) to the book, earmark pages, or even add some post-it-notes to bookmark pages for future reference; and easier to relocate something you’ll want to revisit as you progress in your journey to publishing and beyond!


Let’s go back to the very beginning here. HTWABAGIP certainly asks “What type of book are you writing” in-so-far-as Genre, but have you thought about the writing style?!?!

By style Narrative/Descriptive, or one heavy with Dialog; though technically and I won’t go into further but leave for you to investigate further in research if you so desire, it is often said there are five styles, but let’s focus on those as main two; that could/would drive your Story?!?! We did not really go into that aspect in the published version of HTWABAGIP – as I did not really want to confuse writers with the options rather than allow them to create their book flow without that complication; and especially the potential option that portions of your book can fluctuate or go back-and-forth, should you choose to mix-and-match to provide “variety” within your manuscript. 

However, in this supplement let’s examine such; as it may matter based upon your Genre and then the potential audience you are looking to reach a factor. Let’s explore this consideration via a review from my Terror Strikes book perspective to potentially give something to think about, but not something I think you should over-think, or worry to much about, and certainly not stress and lose sleep over – and something you may even decide upon part way into writing your book….

My husband [whose Editorial review appears on Amazon, as now does this] handed me a copy of “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” once he was finished reading and told me I needed to read it. So glad I did. Indeed a very “distinct” and “different” book from the usual Politically biased fare available today.

I read the reviews and saw how Mr. Lenard was more being personally attacked than the substance of his book refuted, which is understandable when people cannot refute details then engage in personal assault. As for his Grammatical style? It is in-line with Dean Koontz, Brian Herbert, S T Joshi, and others; as outlined on the Terror Strikes website “ScoreIt” subpage; do they attack them too? Doubtful. 

As for other aspects of Mr. Lenard’s “writing style?” It is very much in-line with many others that use the narrative and/or descriptive (per page by percentage) versus formulaic “proportion of dialog in novels” (U-Penn report); of which Hemingway is considered the master of dialog writing style. Personally I think some use to just pad page-count, or convey something they otherwise have trouble descriptively delivering, rather than enhance story. Do people criticize Dan Brown’s “The DaVinci Code” written with same styling? Then there are books with zero dialog which include the likes of “The Notebook” (N. Sparks), “The Road” (C. McCarthy), “The Great Gatsby,” “Catcher in the Rye,” Classics, and more! Are those criticized?

So, yes, as one other reviewer listed on the Terror Strikes reviews page says – this book does not engage in a lot of dialog. In my opinion, it didn’t need to. For my part, I greatly enjoy both stylings, but books like this are indeed the smaller part of the market, while others follow the Pack. Both make for great reads, for different reasons.

I for one am happy Joseph M Lenard’s “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” has the courage to take the path less tread in his adoptive style.

D. Shamanski – Constitutionalists Podcasts

Now, having said that may hopefully make you understand why I didn’t really go into such in the official HTWABAGIP as it may over-complicate some writers thought processes and make them second-guess their Style; something I do not want to do. As you can see, it may/can depend entirely on your Genre and/or even the best way your story will flow best. Lastly to input here that mention as it may come up as a matter within your book reviews as it had here. Remember, no matter your choice, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO PLEASE EVERYONE as discussed in the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (you certainly want your Characters likable but not everyone will) chapter of HTWABAGIP, reiterated in PUBLISHING OPTIONS chapter therein, and implied in the REVIEWS chapter (in saying not everyone is going to like your book just understand that and not have a thin-skin about it) — so at the end of the day, your book has to please you as a/the writer/author before you would ever feel confident enough to go on interviews and ask someone to purchase it.


SNEAK-PEEK at/of first 38 pages of HTWABAGIP via Book2Look:


Thu. Feb. 2nd 2023 update… RE: WEBSITE CREATION??

I mention WIX and WORDPRESS in HTWABAGIP but there is also a group called CrazyGoodDigital (CGD) that offers “AuthorHomepage” (AH) services which is a Website builder service that operates similar to WIX/WORDPRESS but was specifically designed and targets AUTHORS! They have a preset template, available Public-Domain images (as well as ability to custom upload your own, even Videos), and more geared to aid an Author get their domain/brand up and running quickly. Start with some basics, then add more later over time like ability to SELL YOUR BOOKS DIRECT.

Certainly WIX is trustworthy and one I use ( for my “book specific” Sales site, but CGD/AH is partnered with Bowker and therefore someone (IMO) you can also trust. Their options are “competitive” priced with WIX. I also have a WORDPRESS Author site ( but I am a former IT guy and WORDPRESS can be “challenging” for many. So, my recommendations are use WIX or CGD/AH. Compare, contrast, peek at my sites as example of what you can do and see the CGD/AH ( sample site(s), etc… BEFORE YOU PUT MONEY DOWN!

You can find there HOW TO CREATE A WEBSITE USING AUTHORHOMEPAGE video tutorial/intro via their page (as well as other demonstrations/webinars/clinics).

The key DECISION to be made, IMO, is your time and effort you have available. WIX offers many more add-on options, but (of course) you then have to LEARN THOSE (like site-traffic records (great to have), WIX Store/Commerce, SEO builders (to help get your site higher ranked in Google, DuckDuckGo, Gibiru, Bing, etc., search-engines, built in email manager, HTML input (where you can add Book2Look/Biblet, etc.), etc.) where-as CGD/AH allows you to use Stripe/Paypal to sell from your site with them, built in linkage to Book2Look/Biblet (also trustworthy Bowker partner, and yes I use them see my page to see the Biblet embeded using HTML on my WIX book page) function. The latter is better for a quicker/easier immediate launch as they use built-in AI to aid your design, but the former is better if you want MORE COMPLETE CONTROL over your entire design/presentation.

I inform, YOU DECIDE!

Also, worth mentioning, you could use as inexpensive alternative (always compare ALL COSTS – up-front, behind-the-scenes, potentially hidden fees of all site functions/add-ons) to a built-in eCommerce function SHOPIFY that you could then just redirect users (create links on your site, or menu/sub-menu options of BUY or SHOP) that link to your SHOPIFY SHOP for your ONLINE SHOP & SELLING LOCATION/PROCESSOR. Easy to find more info on them via DuckDuckGo search (reviews, how/where to sign-up, etc.). Find my SHOPIFY Shop at: I am trying to lay out VARIOUS OPTIONS and you will need to do your own due-diligence as to what will best work for you or potentially using various sales locations options (like Ebay, Etsy, Facebook and Nextdoor Apps Marketplaces, SHOPIFY, and your own Sites’ eCommerce add-on, as well as any other Sales placements opportunities (other options outlined in the book))?!?!?! All depends on you, your short-term/long-term considerations, and of course BUDGET!!!

Or, see the stand-alone B2L/Biblets for both my current books (including navagable SHOPlinks where you can purchase all (eBook, Print, EPUB, etc.) forms of my books), and even view my TERROR STRIKES book Trailer, more, at…


Last important note: CGD/AH is planning adding additional pre-built options in (like email and more) but the time-frames to their availability is to-be-determined vs immediate availability of all those functions and more with WIX (many FREE) add-ons. A final determining factor, it was for me, may be that if you get a Premium plan with WIX you get 24×7 phone support – beyond just help files and “how-to” videos all offer – the others do not offer that level of support.

And, again, like I say in HTWABAGIP about HELP… 
I am willing/able to make myself available FOR FREE CONSULTATIONS AND MINOR HELP with this and all other things regarding your writing, publishing, marketing, etc. and if longer-term help is needed we can discuss a SMALL FEE for my continued help (far less than you’ll hire people on UPWORKS for, and I am a retired IT guy as far as my credentials regarding ONLINE related items goes). Reach out: 
[email protected] or use form.

Want to get started with an official Consultation right away? Book 1/2 hour (at reduced rate) Zoom at/via

FULL DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: NO, I do NOT have a financial interest (believe me, wish I did, wish I could at least get a REFERRAL BONUS for sending you any of their ways; as I am an average struggling Artist/Author, unlike Millionaire Authors like Clancy, Paterson, Thor, Flynn, Koontz (whom I’ve been compared to), King, Rowling, etc) in/with any of the Services I mention here nor any of the Publishers I mention within HTWAGAGIP.


I want to touch on something about words:
in general as well as purposeful and specific word choices…

Pages 111-112 of HTWABAGIP states:

On page 3, in the “Storm” chapter it says: “Instead, he had thoughts of Alice in Wonderland falling down a rabbit hole and Dorothy saying, ‘we’re not in Kansas anymore.’” The word “hole” is appropriate there. 

However, on another page the word “whole” was the proper term. When I went to grab the quote, I accidentally opened an earlier, “not fully edited” copy from my “Tokyo, Japan” chapter. It read: “To whom actually would either provide to spread mayhem or just sell for profit such ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction?’ That is a hole other issue that could be fodder for many fictional books or films.”

I almost panicked that the wrong word was in the published book. Thankfully I realized I was in an old backup copy. I opened the correct file, and the proper word whole was indeed in the finished version. The point being, though, you can see how that could slip through as, again, it is spelled correctly but just the wrong word.

I say that, of course, that if you’re reading this but not purchased the book – a tease as to one of many reasons you need to buy the book as a reference-guide. AND as a lead to say this. I hate Grammar-NAZIs as we’ve come to call them, but YOU WANT ONE EDITING YOUR BOOK!! LOL

I just came from a Local Eatery and on their “Lunch Discounts Menu” on which it said “Restrictions Due Apply” and of course the Waitress and I had a great laugh that the wrong “DO” snuck past the editing/review process and how I discuss these things in my HTWABAGIP book – which now she is eager to buy copies of (I only had copy of TS, not both, in the Car, so I’ll be going back next week and she’s promised to buy a copy of both TS and HTWABAGIP as long as I am there with them to Personally Autograph them for her (cuz now she gets to say SHE KNOWS AN INTERNATIONALLY PUBLISHED AUTHOR) now interested in the other “Pearls of Wisdom” or “Unique-Gems” (so-to-speak) are within both).

And I said all that, to say this… Hopefully people get the subtle word-choices that you choose to put in your manuscript and not blow past them. WARNING: A TERROR STRIKES BOOK SPOILER coming. In TS there are several locations and points where I carefully, purposefully, craft some word-play. Double-entendre’s if you will, but not sexual in orientation. For example, just one is the juxtaposition of both “savior” and “Saviour” both having very important DIFFERENT IMPLICATIONS (slightly different, by degree, meanings)! I hate to give that one away, during interviews I usually give the “SPOILER” of how “STRIKES” in the Title of the book is double-meaning. STRIKES as in Strike (Assault) and as in Strike (Pitch in the Baseball Rules Strike-zone, as there is a Baseball sub-thread/theme) in the TS book.

Also let me add I like to Joke during interviews – if you think you’re complimenting me on my use of metaphors I will take offense… cuz I’m far too clever and smart for simple metaphors, I USE METASIXES!!! :P LOL 


Never let a chance go by. Why do I say this here?!?!? Simple, I turned this into a opportunity to promote both my currently Internationally available books via my 15 Social-Media Platform Accounts by posting/sharing…

[example here from: and on limited character platforms like Twitter I included the LOCALS site post link and a SCREEN-SHOT of the Locals post for review]

I hate Grammar-NAZIs as we’ve come to call them, but YOU WANT ONE EDITING YOUR BOOK!! LOL

I just came from a Local Eatery and on their “Lunch Discounts Menu” on which it said “Restrictions Due Apply” and of course the Waitress and I had a great laugh that the wrong “DO” snuck past the editing/review process and how I discuss these things in my HTWABAGIP book – which now she is eager to buy copies of (I only had copy of TS, not both, in the Car, so I’ll be going back next week and she’s promised to buy a copy of both TS and HTWABAGIP as long as I am there with them to Personally Autograph them for her (cuz now she gets to say SHE KNOWS AN INTERNATIONALLY PUBLISHED AUTHOR) now interested in the other “Pearls of Wisdom” or “Unique-Gems” (so-to-speak) are within both.

And I said all that, to say this… Hopefully people get the subtle word-choices that you choose to put in your manuscript and not blow past them. WARNING: A TERROR STRIKES BOOK SPOILER coming. In TS there are several locations and points where I carefully, purposefully, craft some word-play. Double-entundra’s if you will, but not sexual in orientation. For example, just one is the juxtaposition of both “savior” and “Saviour” both having very important DIFFERENT IMPLICATIONS (slightly different, by degree, meanings)! I hate to give that one away, during interviews ( ) I usually give the “SPOILER” of how “STRIKES” in the Title of the book is double-meaning. STRIKES as in Strike (Assault) and as in Strike (Pitch in the Baseball Rules Strike-zone, as there is a Baseball sub-thread/theme in the TS book.

Also let me add I like to Joke during interviews ( ) – if you think you’re complimenting me on my use of metaphors I will take offense… cuz I’m far too clever and smart for simple metaphores, I USE METASIXES!!! :P LOL 

Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
Author, blogger, cancer survivor, GoldAffiliate, podcaster, political activist, speaker, social-media influencer, writer. 
“Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” (Historical Fiction)
Political-Thriller #1 Amazon Bestseller (
Yes, about Terrorism, but it is NOT a book about Death but of Life and Living!
Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. 
and “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques”


Mon. Mar. 6th 2023 update… RE: MARKETING/ADVERTISING??

I mention several ways to PROMOTE/MARKET/ADVERTISE in HTWABAGIP, but here is one a Friend (Michael Gardner, of SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast, who also graciously allows me to cohost the Show most Mons/Weds) just tuned me into and I plan on taking advantage of. What is it? Well, first, let me say the cost to Advertise on Radio = EXPENSIVE. Advertise on TV = EXPENSIVE. Cost to Advertise in Movie Theaters = EXPENSIVE. These are all GREAT OPTIONS if you have the Promotional Budget to do so. HOWEVER, a great alternative to those are Billboards. Billboards in the past were, well the traditional ones still are, expensive too. I am making use of, and recommend you do too, BLIP-Boards.

The option gives you the benefit of modern digital-Billboards. You share Blip-Boards with others, showing multiple digital Billboard images, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. Therefore, you get your Blip-Board image in front of thousands of eyeballs at a fraction of the traditional Billboards (that requires printing of your design, installation of your design, a likely minimum month display) therefore only one location is indeed solely dedicated to you, but then likely the same eyeballs every day (yes, a certain degree of repetitive viewings is always desired) where-as Blip-Boards allow you to Advertise for a few days, a week, a month if you really want, but the point being you can SPREAD YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS AROUND to maximize the number of eyeballs over a maximum amount of display locations also!!

You can design your image entirely on your own, or you can use varying degree of Blip-Board design Services/options.

You can spend as little as $2/day/Board, and yes if you have little to spend and setup a “low-budget” Campaign it will try to get you up-spend “for greater coverage” and a “more effective Campaign” (don’t take Offense to them telling you what is indeed “statistical data” of/by/in the Advertising Industry) but DO NOT LET THEM PRESSURE YOU into spending something you cannot afford/handle. They ALLOW lower end cost Campaigns, MAKE USE OF THEM in some locations (as, again, you do NOT have this option with traditional Billboards Advertising firms). Even a “low-budget” Campaign RESULTS IN EYEBALLS ON YOUR MESSAGE. And, lastly on this point – you can, SHOULD, pay close attention to the “ADVANCED SCHEDULING” options (available under REVIEW to EDIT tab (if you don’t see elsewhere)) to PICK/CHOOSE low-end options as 3 cost options per time-slot are available, the low, medium, high, Board cost time options; and if you’re only spending minimal amounts per Board per Day then you do NOT want your money all BLOWN on HIGH COST DISPLAY TIMES/OPTIONS be sure to select the low-end limits to maximize displays across all your “desired Display times” you should manually select (or, indeed use one of the other than MAXIMIZE REACH (which should only be used for $100+/day Campaigns (and, IMO, I contend, NOT EVEN THEN, IMO you should always pick/choose the EXACT time-frames and spending degree within for any/all Campaigns)) pre-sets.

Remember, what you hope/want may not always match what is available. You have to manage expectations, as with all things. Find a way to merge your hopes/wants with what is available and does/can work within this (as with any) System. Obviously, everyone wants PRIME-TIME exposure, but that then (of course, supply and demand) means COSTS PER BLIPS are way higher during Weekday Prime-Times and on Weekends. So, if you’re ON A LIMITED BUDGET you’ll want/need to when Scheduling “choose the lower level/cost Blips” opportunites most times to be able to spread out over your entire Schedule-time coverage opportunity and/or limit to OFF-PEAK (Weekday, non-RushHours, non-LunchDinnerHours, and the like) days/times — which please understand STILL GETS YOU A WHOLE LOT OF EXPOSURE (just more the “Leisure” (not stuck to fixed schedules for running back and forth places the traditional Rush-times) or “Truck-Drivers” (who are on Roads at all times) type crowd over the usual/normal “Average Workers Commute time” crowds); which again still gets you good exposure and at a better “per Blip cost” value and therefore potentially stretch your Budget and Blips over a longer period (which, as in Advertising they always mostly rightly say: KEY IS REPETITION (try to present your Boards to the same people several times to get it to stick in their Brain (but, too, being on a Budget, there is a lot to be said about just catching those you can over various different days/times (more a “Shotgun” blast to hit more targets with “something” rather) than repetative targeting (precision shots with more force to hit/stick/take-down with))))!!!

And, face-it, we are VERY VIDEO (notice I didn’t say “visual” as a traditional Billboard or Print-media is “visual” and generally in color too, but we are VIDEO) oriented now. A Blip-Board ( gets far more attention (they are popping up all over, as opposed to the old/fixed traditional Billboard locales people have come to just ignore over the years). Think too, a static Billboard is, well, completely static, where-as a Blip-Board has some degree of MOTION (movement as the Blip-Board scrolls through Ads) and that “motion” attracts attention as if it were a Movie-screen.

I could let you just proceed on your own from here but I don’t want to do that (after all, this article is about providing BONUS MATERIAL not found in HTWABAGIP and I want to cover this advice section on/about Blip-Billboards right/fully). Please do not let what I’m about to go on to say discourage you at all either though. I just want to make you aware that there are easy ways of doing things, and harder ways of doing things, and often the more work you put in the more reward you will (of course) reap – as opposed to going the easy route. The harder route comes with a degree of frustration and that’s just what I want to introduce you to the potentials for.

I feel compelled to provide a POTENTIAL WARNING before your getting involved in Blip-Boards. Blip-Boards is basically a middle-man. They do NOT own the Billboards! They sublet out other peoples’/groups boards so that you can have access at a reasonable cost and using a one-stop interface. The trouble is all the different people, at the different places, that actually own all the boards. So now you may be dealing with Blip-Boards and meet their generic, overall, basic set of standards – any one person, at any other location, scuttle a larger Ad-buy plan (so best to break them into small buys over various location sub-buys; like I ran into a board authorized in Oklahoma that kept being rejected in Nevada. That is because Blip-Boards is actually a cat sitter trying to herd thousands of cats and each of these cats have their own individual personality and moods. While you may be doing everything perfect based on the understanding of what Blip-Boards thinks will be fine, the ultimate decision is by any/all individual sub-thiefdoms that actually control the boards (under their ownership/control, vs potentially multiple other sub-groups as part of other parts of your “overall” attempted buy) image will appear upon.

Since BeforeItsNews removes images when archiving let me put it in text terms 
Oklahoma sign: “ABCDE”
Nevada sign: “ABXDE”
Same basic sign, very minor difference – yet OK in OK (pun intended) but NOT OK in NV.
FRUSTRATING AS HELL, at least in my mind and ridiculously Stressful where one would not expect it have to occur.

The differences, specifically, about those two Boards. One was for Boards in Oklahoma area, the other for Nevada, as TERROR STRIKES has a chapter on Tulsa and Laughlin (as well as NY, and mentions of LA CA, Naperville IL, and International locales like Toronto Ontario Canada, London England, Madrid Spain, Tokyo Japan; as well as other locales mentioned but just not having specific/dedicated chapter. So, obviously, I would want to TARGET those areas and inform them that the book is DIRECTLY RELATABLE to/for them because of those specific chapters.

Again person A in area A doesn’t communicate and have the same thoughts as person B in location B, or C or D or E or F, and know there is no standardization of board size across Cities, let-alone States, let-alone Regions; so please be aware of a degree of frustration you’ll have regarding approvals or rejections from one location to another and you need to manipulate your images countless times depending on the area of the country you’re looking at because the board sizes are different and they are not always directly scalable. I certainly don’t say that to discourage you because this is a great opportunity at reasonable cost to advertise and market your book. I just want to ensure that you are aware and ready for a degree of frustration that will come with this process. Just want you to be forewarned so you’re not surprised. Not to scare you away, I want to encourage you know your options but also potential pitfalls over other avenues.

NOTE: That the site states approvals and other actions may take 1-2 business days. Well, hold on, don’t believe YES as (if they give it as) the answer (do not get your Hopes up, until or IF/when a Campaign actually starts reporting Blips/displays results) — PRELIMINARY REVIEWS may take 1-2 business days FINAL APPROVALS to actually know your Campaign will run or not MAY TAKE 1-2 WEEKS (as, again, only so much is under their control, and a whole lot more decisions being made OUTSIDE THEIR SYSTEM by others with no desire to give you prompt responses or SUFFICIENT FEEDBACK when they do respond)! You will have to employ THE MOST PATIENCE YOU’VE EVER CALLED UPON BEFORE, but don’t get discouraged – you want this exposure!!!

You will undoubtedly hope for a quick/smooth process, but while the Blip company parts are indeed usually quick, it can take DAYS or WEEKS for a Campaign setup process to fully work its way through. So, let me forewarn to NEVER FEEL “SURE” OF ANY CAMPAIGN until such time as Blips are actually happening on Boards and you see the Blips counts feedback on the site clicking upwards. A Notification or email may come one day making you feel confident, but the next day a set-back. At any point, even up until the very last minute, a Local Billboard Owner could pull-the-rug out from under you and collapse your Campaign – which is why you always want small, localized, County and certainly never bigger than State level Campaigns to reduce the chances of one Billboard Owner/Operator from upsetting something that had been in motion for some time. As the FEEDBACK is never sufficient to really know who scuttled you and exactly why and what you could “FIX” to get it back on-track/re-scheduled (find out who this Board-Blockers are; through trial-and-error the only way, tinkering with Campaigns; and avoid them going forward). Keep an eye on the Notifications (the Bell symbol) for each Campaign (but, again, sadly, the Notifications are often far too vague, and you just have to GUESS at what you can do to get and keep a Campaign on-track toward the day the Blips actually start displaying). Everything and anything new, requires some learning process and time and plan on spending several weeks to get comfortable with, learn, understand.

You can, of course, reduce SOME frustration (it will never go away entirely, IF you indeed are moving Campaigns about to Advertise to new areas and encounter new Board Owners/Operators to start the learning-curve for that area/Region all over again) and increase the likelihood of your Ads being accepted virtually everywhere if you have Blip-Boards design a generic, bland displaying, Billboard Ad, that looks like virtually every other Billboard Ad that exists. However, that defeats the entire purpose of trying to present something unique and different that sets you (especially if you’re selling a book, versus others selling a Company or a Service) apart from every other organization selling something — YOU WANT TO GET NOTICED, or why bother?!?! 

Don’t give up, however. Regular Static Outdoor-Billboards are expensive, this is a GREAT LOWER-COST ALTERNATIVE and the potential Rewards great – if you do your research as to where/why to target particular areas more likely to be interested in your book based upon topic/subject-matter (though I’ve yet to discover, let me know if you find, where we can Research who Reads what (genre’s or whatever designations wise) between one are or another (like for me my TS book has a couple SITE/LOCATION SPECIFIC CHAPTERS and “would make sense” that those in the surrounding areas of those locales hopefully be interested in my book to target to Read and understand why “their area” is a part of my (or your) book (as long as the Billboards Owners allow me/you/us to DEMONSTRATE in some way a connection of content and the area (would be a lot easier for someone to announce a Romance taking place in an area versus a book on Terrorism that people may then fear may cause a panic if displayed and therefore a bit skiddish about being a part of)))).

I can repeat over and over during interviews my book is NOT about peddling FEAR PORN nor desiring to SCARE people, just make them more situationally-aware. But with Billboards usual insistence you have NO MORE THAN SEVEN-ish WORDS (words as part of logos, or some other form of a sub-image, generally don’t count); as people driving by quickly don’t have time to see/read more than that – and they refuse to acknowledge that people walking, parked, whatever, around the Board can/will be able to see a much more complex verbiage message; you can’t convey such unless if encapsulated somehow in imagery of some kind included on/in your overall Board. So, one of my points here is YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY (LOL, of course I mean, your particular experiences will vary because YOUR CONTENT, your product (assuming it’s a book, since you’re reading about WRITING AND PUBLISHING here. Every Genre, every whatever, makes each situation/book different, and their own set of unique complications to try to promote.

You can also use Blips tools to go alone in creating a fairly generic Ad using their templates – which again will increase the likelihood of sailing through approvals, but again there is then no uniqueness in your Ad to set you apart and actually get you attention because we’re still talking about people generally traveling by in a car and you need something unique (at least in my opinion) to garner attention versus other Ads and set you apart from everybody else – something makes your Ad STICK IN THEIR MIND to recall and act upon once they get Home. 

That’s where the frustration will come in because lots of places will want to stick to only allowing the very basic vanilla generic plain looks like every other Ad-type Ads (in some respects, some Billboard owners may want to maintain the bland traditional Ad in some sort of desire to assure ALL THEIR ADVERTISERS are equal, none can garner any more real attention than another, complete uniformity on their specific set of Billboards they own (again, Blip-Boards does NOT own any of them, they are an aggregator sub- leasor, block buying space at discounts/wholesale to then sub-lease to you) – in my opinion, once you find them, AVOID THEM if/when/where possible; but if that is a pivotal spot you need to have presence then you have NO CHOICE but to spend weeks or months attempting to placate their whims and get something they’ll approve).

So now I’ve said all that to forewarn you about the potential frustration – it is ultimately then up to you if you go the easy route, or the harder route, but (of course) risk vs reward, cost to benefit, the more you put in the more you’ll get out, etc one-the-one-hand versus one-the-other-hand options/routes. There will certainly be a degree of frustration (unless if you settle on a particular size and a willingness to stick to that size (or immediately scalable) options only places at locations that have that size so you don’t have to mess with the image resizing. But again, you have a unique product therefore want to, likely need to, target/reach a unique audience – so you have to then deal with the specifics of each of those locations in order to reach that target audience as opposed to just generic freeway-side standard Billboard platform sizes shotgun approach (higher traffic, but them traveling at a higher-speed than the more “unique” locale Boards, traveling at a higher-rate of speed and potentially wizzing by racking up a “Cars passed by count” by how many actually catch the glimpse; where-as slower traffic speed locales people have better chances to slow and actually NOTICE your Ad).

Again, there is an easy way; which in this case will kind of cost you more for that shotgun approach to reach more people to get at more of the particular target you’re looking for; versus far more frustration and work into getting the exact specific locations that get you in front of more of the unique target audience your aiming for or anyone with time/ability to notice the Ad. The decision of the approach of one simple but more costly the other harder and more frustrating but potentially more rewarding or somehow down the middle of balance of the two entirely up to you.

You have to carefully way the pros and cons to any and every Service and/or strategic approach within that can/will work for your time and/or budget.

THE LAST THING, AND IMPORTANT REITERATION. RUN BUNCHES OF SMALL CAMPAIGNS, RATHER THAN A FEW BIG ONES! WHY? Cuz you could have a pretty simple image/sign you want to Run in all 50 States. IF you setup 1 big budgeted 50 State Campaign, 49 States could be fine with it, but one pain-in-the-ass bastard likes to be difficult WOULD SCUTTLE AN ENTIRE BLIP-BOARDS CAMPAIGN and you will NOT be given the specifics you need to know WHO (or what, someone specifically rejects instead you’ll get a very UNSPECIFIC GENERIC REJECTION REASON and you’re left many times to try to read-the-mind of the Board Owner (not Blip, the Board Owner, to rework your image(s) and resubmit of) to eliminate and work-around or work-without that Owner (actually, “whole area” (if not whole City, potentiall whole Counties or several) as you’ll not know who owns what, they generally control large areas/chunks of Billboards). Where-as schedule 50 different Campaigns, 1 for each State (or if you really want to improve your overall percentage, at Cities/Counties section then say maybe get 475 out of 500 approved and know to just potentially avoid those other 25 areas – or really expect to invest a long time finding out their QUIRKS to be able to work with them longer-term once you get used to their “piculiaralities”).

But in our 50 State example here: when (if, hopefully) 45+ States say FINE those Campaigns will start/run and then you can take days, weeks, a month, to mess around with just those 5. Submit a new image to all 5 of those, then maybe 3 more will start Advertising for you. Those last 2 you can say piss-off to or focus on them until you get them running if they are CRITICAL COGS IN YOUR ADVERTISEMENT STRATEGY! Don’t let ONE JERK scuttle an entire overall set of Blip-Boards Campaign (have I repeated enough, they do NOT ultimately make the final “local” decision on the ground, as they do not control/own the Boards), the broader-picture overall goals/aims for this Campaign (but then small “pieces” being the squeeky-wheel needing your grease-gun attention while something is actually working out in the Streets for you as you “play” around with what will, if anything, eventually work in those spots, rather than have a whole thing collapse with no real reason knowing why and who did it to you) .

Again, the degree of hassle you choose to take on remains solely your decision (I hope you get LUCKY and happen to pick all the easy-going Billboard locales owners happy to help with your Advertising needs, avoiding the “difficult” ones (Hope for it, don’t bet on it – SMALL BITES and take the Wins when/where you get them)). There will inevitably be SOME FRUSTRATION as there is always a learning-curve when working on/with a “new and innovative system” and cannot repeat enough — you are NOT dealing with one company you are really dealing with THOUSANDS and you never know which one might be the kink in your otherwise well-oiled-machine. TAKE SMALL BITES, more work in some respects, but really LESS WORK over the long-haul in weeding out the places/locations you can work with and those who you just will never, ever, please their power-trip requirements roadblocks (yep, “roadblocks” pun intended).

Again, for your consideration, it is all up to you, what strategy you wish to adopt. IMO, it is best to SPREAD OUT CAMPAIGNS various places at different times. This way you can compare the Blips Campaign Analytics against your Website Analytics to see if you indeed get bounce during Campaigns, which ones that then might be worth REPEATING!! Now, of course, you have to take you Site (if you list a Site to drive people to on your Boards, or Sales bumps via where-ever) Analytics minus usual/average Visits/Sales/Whatever, but you should in some degree be able to see/atest whether any particular.

This is a bit of an aside, because (of course) it all depends on who your Website (if you have one) is through and the degree of what your Site Analytics monitoring App you employ tells you. If just numbers, or if WHERE YOUR TRAFFIC is coming from. Both my Book-site ( and my Author-Site (; I use my Author-site to highlight both my books; tells me where traffic is coming from. For example, again a bit of an aside, I received notice (on my Author-site) I had a Visitor from “The Republic of Mauritius!” No, I was NOT running Blips there, not the point here – but hopefully locations start being recorded where my Blips are running – while some Visitors from those spots might be coincidental traffic the liklihood is that the Blips indeed drove those Visitors in and therefore I know those Blips, that/those location(s), are at least somewhat returning value (I won’t say ROI, as that obviously only true IF THEY BUY, a whole other (Cost to Benefit, Spending to Recognition return, versus Cost to actual ROI) Analysis!

And, I also say that as another MARKETING/PROMOTION opportunity… I used the somewhat “ODD VISIT” (as some Visitors have an indication of how they navigated in, like clicked a SocialMedia-site link, navigated in from DuckDuckGo, etc.) as PROMOTIONAL opportunity to demonstrate that my book is indeed INTERNATIONAL IN SCOPE and GETTING NOTICE AROUND THE WORLD by posting the following Post on all 15 of my SocialMedia platform accounts….

Very interesting, just got a visit to my Author ( site from The Republic of Mauritius…. That was somewhere I was completely unfamiliar with until just now!! :)

I get the peek-ins I get over and over from China, Russia, even Iran, as the #book calls them out and therefore I likely deemed an #EnemyOfTheState of those Tyrannies (they are not fond of my ATROCITY chapter especially ( LOL.

Wonder where the People of The Republic of Mauritius get their Books from? Shipping from USA would likely be A FORTUNE!!!

Hell it costs $22 to send a book from USA into Canada, which is why I tell any inquiring from The Great White North to use, shipping between our two Nations used to be NEXT TO NOTHING. So I hate to imagine how ridiculous it would be to ship from US to The Republic of Mauritius. So definitely BUY LOCAL when/where possible.


About the WORD CHOICE thing again…
I Posted to my Social-Media again today (this update, Fri. Mar. 31 2023) about that GRAMMAR-NAZI fun to help promote my book and am including it here as I took a picture of the Menu to attach/show this time around!!! :)  

“You DO NOT want to be a #GrammarNAZI online,
but you do want one editing your #book and/or #Menu!!
Take a look at the #MalliesSportsGrill (Southgate Michigan (corner Northline and Allen Rd)) menu and see if you spot the #Error
and I’m not referring to the AUCE (All You Can Eat) Soup that should be all Caps.
Let me give you a #Hint – Please “DO” tell me if you find it. LOL”

[NOTE: B4IN Archives articles/blogs after 1 years time, and in so doing images get stripped so they can save Server space - so you'll not see the image (Phone Camera shot of Mallies Menu) that is (at such time, was) above. If you're reading this past that time, you'll just have to visit Mallies and see their Menu for yourself and in-person.]

You really, Really, REALLY, want to pay for a good CHICAGO WRITING GUIDE versed Editor, unless you’re trying to write like Shakespeare (then an OXFORD ENGLISH CLASSICALLY TRAINED Editor).


Appreciate THIS and other Joseph M. Lenard pieces?
Joseph M Lenard is on @buymeacoffee! 
You can support by buying a coffee here —



The Authors Show HTWABAGIP interview (with Don McCauley):

I re-joined my friends, just two listed here, for interviews. The one with Stacy is a lot of fun, as we have many laughs along the way, we just happen to have a more jovial relationship between us (you know how it is, you have some friends that are far more serious (maybe not always, but most of the time) and others that we constantly joke around with) than with most others I interview with; where-as the one with Robert (as they say, “know the audience”) a bit more “stuffy” (for lack of a better word, though I hope it doesn’t come across that way) as that is just the way many/most interviews (and you can see some, a sampling, of the interviews I gave regarding/about my TERROR STRIKES book at: are conducted/held/happen, though I have such a Personality that I like to try to sneak in some humor whenever/where-ever I can so interviews aren’t “stuffy.”

First interview/one below with ”Stacy R.” of the “On Some Real Shit” podcast/show  ( as well as my friend Robert Thibodeau (who wrote the Foreword to HTWABAGIP) on his podcast (which is a Christian podcast HOWEVER this subject-matter is not specifically “Christian” in nature; or for/about “Christian Authors or Genre,” but instead all types generically; and can/could/should be heard by all on the HTWABAGIP topic) as we discussed a few additional items NOT FOUND in the book (like INDEX, CITATIONS, REFERENCE, sections to consider when/where writing non-fiction books. As well as, potentially, a few other interviews (as the page is for interviews that deal with my TS book mostly), as well as  see page where you can/will find some specific HTWABAGIP information (including the Stacy interview).

And, an FYI, understand my “speaking style” is indeed way more “informal” (and some might dare say “a bit ‘loose’”) with my word choices and verbiage (gonna, gotta, ain’t, etc., LOL), speaking “informally” with friends, versus the far more formal, and accepted “written” form norms, that are in my writings – and, of course, discussed in HTWABAGIP about styles though a Professional Editor is going to make suggestions for changes (if your “style” of writing is also somewhat “conversational” vs “traditional written” form) to keep you more within traditional norms/form (and as 99.9% of all books usually presented).I say that, for the obvious need to let you know the differences between my speaking vs writing styles.

PLUS, you may have already noted, that the book title “How to Write a Book and Get It Published” is in and of itself “conversational” form English than what those in the Publishing world would prefer the title be written as, but that was done purposefully and with a point so-as to then bring up and discuss the “conversational” vs “traditional written” form English.

Listen/Watch via/at:

NOTE: Podcast for the “On Some Real Shit” episode that I did the follow-up Writing/Publishing interview in Jan 2023 was attempted to have that episode directly playable from within this piece here but due to unknown “technical issues” (we have not been able to resolve with B4IN) with both Spotify and Anchor coding preventing it/them from displaying properly.
In order to listen I hope you will please visit (via direct link (pop-up player)):

[NOTE/UPDATE: Despite what was said in this interview, sometime things can and do change and in one instance it has, I have decided to sell HTWABAGIP Autographed copies direct, like I do TERROR STRIKES, via, where-as originally I was only intending to sell the softcopy of HTWABAGIP exclusively on/at Amazon - that is no longer true.]

NOTE: if ApplePodcasts Kingdoms Crossroads Show player fails to show below (as, sadly too, having intermediate technical issues with the ApplePlayer showing) or play, go to:

A “sampling” of some interviews available via YouTube

Did interview with KREATIVE CIRCLE, wanted to share the links (via this email from Sasha (dated Fri. Feb. 17th 2023)) which includes some great additional insight into me (not covered in the “About the Author” section), my writing (in general), this book particularly, etc…

I want to share the completed links for your interview below: – home page
Interview II:
[NOTE: Sasha and Kreative Cricle were so very kind to also include the interview about TERROR STRIKES within this site page too. So this is the BEST LINK to review among these.]
Authors by Sasha:

Sasha Talks:
Joseph, Have a wonderful week!


Creating a stir, all around the #World…

I previously reported (see just one of my 15 #SocialMedia platforms accounts #Post on such at: ) an “interesting” #visit from “The Republic of #Mauritius” (off the coast of #Africa) to my #Author-site (while Mauritius is “friendly” they are among the list of visits from #China, #Russia, #Iran, other enemy #Nations).

Take a look at some of the #Countries / locations taking a peek at my site too (just to name a few (in no particular order): “#PalestinianTerritory,” #SaudiArabia, #India, #Guatemala, #Poland, #Brazil, #Iraq, #Laos, #Pakistan, #China, #Russia, #Iran, #Germany, #Canada, #Japan, #SAfrica, #Nigeria, #Australia, #NewZealand, more — some, the “hostile to Individual #Freedom” ones, probably NOT very happy with my #ATROCITY chapter calling out #Fascist #Tyrant regimes!




I, Joseph M Lenard, am NOT going to relinquish co-host duties with Savaged Unfiltered, but too branching out and trying my Hands (or Mouth) with my own, new, very low-key (not alot of fluff or flash to start), the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast!!!

It is OFFICIAL, my new ” #ChristiTutionalist #Politics ” #Podcast is NOW #LIVE.

Yes, will take time for it to migrate to the #SearchEngines and other #Streaming sources like #ApplePodcasts and #Spotify. YOU get the FIRST SHOT at listening to S1E1.

“ChristiTutionalist Politics” S1-E1 “Welcome to the new Show – Introductions”
This S1E1 will be an “introductory” episode and a little about me and this likely to be “Seinfeld-esque” (one Sat. about something serious, the next Sat. (yes, weekly to start slowly, dropping Saturdays (originally as announced Monthly)) maybe about nothing important at all. I’m open to hearing from you (via CONTACT tab) w/ comments/suggestions. Many times I’ll be going over my TheLibertyBeacon or BeforeItsNews artciles topics, “Savaged Unfiltered” podcast I co-host (“the BIG SHOW” to this little “humble-beginnings” show/start), my books, or whatever! Let us grow together.


TUE. OCT. 17th 2023 UPDATE

Do a low cost Podcast, to promote your Book(s) or your Online writings (as I do my BeforeItsNews and TheLibertyBeacon pieces)
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ Buzzsprout:

Consider using BUZZSPROUT to do a “Basic” (to start, you can always then GROW to more often and more complicated using more advanced Recording software) even just once a Month podcast!!! Most people have at least a FREE ZOOM ACCOUNT for use. Use can use ZOOM as a cheat to Record your podcast!!! Zoom just yourself for a Show, or bring others into the Zoom to have Guests on your Show, as ZOOM Record then provides both an Audio and a Video save version of (as long as you remember to HIT RECORD to start your Show, then STOP RECORD) your Zoom session. You can then use the Audio File RAW if you have absolutely NO BUDGET for Editing Sofware. I use APPLIAN TECH SOFTWARE SUITE of products (for joining files, splitting files, editing audio files, capturing audio/video in some cases, more) and suggest you can too! I use NCH Suites VidPad for Video editing. For those with bigger Budgets you can go to the likes of StreamYard, ReStream, others, to do a Podcast with Green Room and other Capabilities. But, for now, I am offering you a quick and simple low cost start-up option – to then be able to promote your Book(s)… I created ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast for that purpose, and also then now released a companion ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics book based upon the podcast!!!

Again, start slow, then build; it is always better to appear to be expanding/growing, you never want to have to CONTRACT as you’ll appear as a dying Show; as both your Budget and your Experience growing in podcast processes grows!!! Like, just once a Month, then to once a Week (like I do, I drop ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast every Sat. via BUZZSPROUT), then even more if you have the time, energy, Budget, and importantly Audience growth to support such!

Here is a sample Show CTP S1E23 using Zoom, Applian Tech., and NCH Suites VidPad, to create this BTS/SneakPeek Video for YouTube/Rumble use and capture finalized and complete Audio version of it for Buzzsprout upload:



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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 7 comments
    • JLenardDetroit

      #Bowker / #Inkubate (#Publishing experts) #analysis is in: If you love #DeanKoontz (especially “#Innocence”), #BrianHerbert (esp. “#MentatsOfDune”), or #STJoshi (esp. “#TheMadnessOfCthulhu”), #books — you’ll love my “#TerrorStrikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” #PoliticalThriller #HistoricalFiction #book.

      more (including actual graph analysis) see:

    • JLenardDetroit

      On this Day (#ValentinesDay 2023) about #LOVE, Enter to Win a #book about #LOVE, OVER #HATE….

      Fair warning – while some Historical aspects are mixed within, this is a Fictional story with Fictional characters. Many deem this book controversial and upsetting in many places, which it is meant to be. Meant to MAKE PEOPLE THINK! Challenge their own and others intentions, motives, own morality and mortality. – Joseph M Lenard

      Whether you are an independent, staunch conservative, a (ready for the worst) prepper, or just casual watcher of the News and therefore have concerns about what is happening in American life and society today, Terror Strikes will answer many of the questions you have regarding terrorism, foreign and domestic, and will make for a remarkable reading experience. – Don McCauley (The Authors Show)

      NOT a book of Death… but of LIFE AND LIVING.
      Life, over Death. Love, over Hate. Hope, over Fear. God/Good, over Evil.
      And NOT just about Terrorism (and not just of it in America, but around the Globe including Toronto, London, Madrid, Tokyo, chapters ( )) though that is the main-story-driver as Marten (my lead) a Detroit newspaperman decides to write a book on Terrorism and we follow him, his Friend, his Family (Wife Hope and 3 daughters, and their FAMILY VALUES/PRINCIPLES of Good and Caring), etc… on a Journey about a whole lot of sub-themes subject-matter.

    • JLenardDetroit

      Yes, yes, yes… Trust me, I know…I make no apologies for what everyone on the Planet does… PROMOTION….

      Yes I promote my book to the point of ANNOYANCE at times (but if it upsets you please tell me what Author does NOT promote their book? or any Company doesn’t run Advertisements to promote their Product(s) but unlike them I do not have a huge Advertising Budget)!! I know, you all know, however, I know you all know plenty of people who are WOEFULLY UNEDUCATED (and why my book is Historical-Fiction vs just pure Fictional fare (and as I call it: FACTion)) and could benefit you Gifting them a copy of my book to “say some of the things” for you that you yourself may (out of being “the nice, friendly, neighborly type”) not want to actually verbalize!! A chance to gently start them off with a Story about Terrorism AND THEN LET IT HIT THEM later in how supporting FASCICRATS that are no better than Terrorists (destroying us from within) message hopefully AWAKEN THEM for their WOKE stupor

      Gotta keep promoting, as all do!

      Never know when new eyeballs may come across such.


      Just one Quote ( ) from the book….

      “Marten reflected on the fact that some Americans had become so spoiled, they came to loathe their own nation that afforded them all they have.”
      (page 17 – Awakening chapter)

      Marten, a journalist, sets out to awaken America through the…

      • JLenardDetroit

        “Marten reflected on the fact that some Americans had become so spoiled, they came to loathe their own nation that afforded them all they have.”
        (page 17 – Awakening chapter)

        Marten, a journalist, sets out to awaken America through the writing of a book (the book within the book: TERRORIST TRACKS). Knowledge, sacrifices, and responsibility threaten to overwhelm him. Will his book be worth it all?

        TERROR STRIKES is NOT just a book about Terrorism, but of Pro American (America First – Make America Great Again) principles and values too.

        Left out of the book quote:
        “The trouble with Freedom, is that the lazy that want their lives provided and planned are free to conspire with the control freaks that want to regiment and dictate everyone’s Lives – and therefore Hate and oppose your/our Freedom and enjoyment there-of!”

        But obviously related to the page 17 quote (and others) from/in the book.


        How often do you get to listen to a #book #review?!?!?
        Well, HEAR (not a typo of “here,” pun intended, as we gotta keep a sense-of-humor despite how serious everything is or we’ll go crazy, and where there is a COMIC RELIEF chapter in my book to make said point) is your RARE CHANCE… LOL….

        Randi-Lee Bowslaugh provides an AUDIO-REVIEW (very nice change of pace Review delivery)…
        We won’t give any SPOILERS about her Review, hope you’ll give the brief (only 2m35s long) audio a listen…

    • JLenardDetroit

      From discussion on word-play –

      HOW did I miss (SIGNIFICAT – SignIfICant) this (obvious, once seeing it (and like the two #JoeOriginal Jokes (as even in a book regarding serious subject-matter I want to make the equally serious point about need to keep a sense-of-humor or we’ll go crazy and be curled in corner and crying all the time) in my book once you see them)) pun opportunities?!?!

      I pride myself on lame puns and word play*, and this is both!
      I have to look in the mirror hanging my head in shame for not recognizing this, and come back promising to do better! :)

      There are several other great ones, similar to this type of play, but none are coming to mind immediately. I usually specialize in the similar spelling or similar sounding (tents/tense, cents/sense, et al). Like the other day during an interview joking about “you’re my friend for now, but keep it up and we’ll soon be enemas … er…. I mean… enemies” type silliness. And, of course, the oft deployed for effect double-entendre references.


      * I spent months going over my manuscript before releasing my book with a “fine-tooth-comb” for word-play opportunities, not like this one though.

      Obviously I don’t want to give a bunch of SPOILERS and give them all away, so let me just give 2 from my book….

      1) The title itself -…

      • JLenardDetroit

        1) The title itself – Terror STRIKES
        Strikes as in an Assault, an attack
        Strikes as in Baseball Balls and Strikes (as there is Baseball sub-thread there-in for multiple reasons (again, don’t want to give too many Spoilers)

        2) savior/Saviour
        earthly savior
        Heavenly Saviour

        3) terrorist TRACKS
        as in Sherlock Holmes style following the Criminal Tracks to hunt them down
        Track (RAIL) systems often a favored target of GIJIAS

        no more SPOILERS on my wordplay, but some teaser QUOTES from within at:

        NOT a blood-and-guts shoot-em-up, but intellectual provocation to make people think.

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