Catholic Popes At Child Sacrifices? Mafia Issued Hit? Missing Witnesses Murdered?
This article is dedicated to children who are now or have undergone Vatican-sponsored and global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult rape, torture and murder, plus to the memory of over 50,800 missing children, some of who’s remains rest in the mainly Catholic-owned 34 mass grave sites across Canada, Ireland and Spain. Their perpetrators continue to live elite lives free of responsibility for their ongoing crimes. Our prayers are with these innocents, and should be for ourselves if we allow this Child Holocaust by our church, corporate and government leaders to continue.
An investigator has gone missing after supplying the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels with evidence that Pope Francis Bergoglio and retired Pope Joseph Ratzinger may have performed child sacrifices in Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies. The missing Court investigator brings a total of 14 witnesses who, prior to their testimony before the ICLCJ Court, have been killed, died of mysterious causes, or incarcerated in a jail cell or mental institution without being charged with a crime.
The criminal syndicate Ndrangheta, which was said to supply children for these Ninth Circle child sacrificial rites, reportedly has issued a “hit order” against key ICLCJ Court officials including Kevin Annett. The British Crown was believed to be attempting to get their hands on Annett. The Canadian pastor was scheduled to arrive in Ireland this weekend to help the ICLCJ Court begin an inquiry into what has been reported as ritually abused remains of almost 800 children buried in a septic tank at a Catholic mother and baby home in Tuam.
On Aug. 15 ICLCJ Court deputies in conjunction with Montreal police, arrested two Ninth Circle Cult members apparently making preparations for a child sacrifice. After their arrest, one Ninth Circle Cult member revealed the locations and dates of the upcoming global elite’s Ninth Circle child sacrifice rituals. The cult member was granted protection and has gone into hiding, along with the five judges, 27 jury members and officers of the ICLCJ Court.
There was good reason to stay out of the public eye. The criminal syndicate Ndrangheta was believed to be working with an office at the Vatican to supply children for Ninth Circle sacrifice ceremonies. Ndrangheta, under direction of the Vatican, was said to have issued a “hit order” against key ICLCJ Court officials, including Kevin Annett.
As Field Secretary for the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, Annett has helped prosecute Ninth Circle child torture and murder cases since 2011. According to a source in a Belgian police department,” There are rumors that a price has been put on Annett’s head by Ndrangheta. My contacts say it’s being planned with the Holy Alliance” (defined as the Vatican spy-assassination agency).
Annett faced threats on several levels. According to a source in Ireland’s national police, the Gardai, the Irish government has agreed to extradite Annett to a special administrative prison in London after he arrives in Ireland this weekend to open an independent inquiry into the apparent sacrificial murder of children in Tuam.
Last July there were 796 children found in a septic tank at the Catholic St. Mary’s Mothers and Babies Home near Tuam. The killings have been linked to the Catholic-run Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult that has been said to include popes, cardinals and other global elites including members of the Church of England and British Royal Family. An Irish police investigator told the ICLCJ Court, “The forensic people have told us that the configuration of the remains and evidence of continual decapitation and dismemberment resemble the usual signs of ritualistic murder.”
A ICLCJ Court Commission has been formed to define the role of the criminal syndicate Ndrangheta and major banks in drug money laundering, international child trafficking and murder. Annett was to be in Ireland this weekend to begin the Commission’s inquiry, but has reschedule his travel itinerary to avoid countries sympathetic to the Vatican or under jurisdiction of the Crown of England. Annett said today in an exclusive interview, “Even though I am prevented from being present, the independent inquiry into Ndrangheta, major bank money laundering, international child trafficking and the child mass graves and ritual murders in Ireland will proceed as scheduled on Sept.1. The ongoing investigation is under the auspices of the ICLCJ Court’s Permanent Inquiry into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice.”
The five international judges of the 2014 ICLCJ Court, 27 jury members and Court officers have been working overtime. The Court has said it would release no later than Sept. 1, the key evidence that convicted Pope Francis, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon of Crimes Against Humanity, including exposing their roles in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child sacrifices.
The ICLCJ Court has now assumed that their whistleblower could have been murdered sometime after July 3. The investigator disappeared after supplying the ICLCJ Court with documents from secret archives at the Vatican. One called the Magisterial Privilege claimed that prior to each new Pope taking office, they were required to participate in killing infants and drinking their blood in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult Child Sacrifice rites.
Some of the over sixty eyewitnesses who have testified before the ICLCJ Court have named Pope Francis, the former Pope Ratzinger, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon, Queen Elizabeth and certain Catholic Cardinals as present with them as children during these Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child sacrifices. The Court’s Feb. 2013 guilty verdict against 30 global elites including Pope Ratzinger, was followed a few days later by his unprecedented resignation. Pope Francis recently indicated that he may retire.
Another Court document from the Vatican archives provided to the Court showed that in Jan. 2012 UK Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby acted under the direction of Queen Elizabeth to destroy forensic remains of a Ninth Circle Satanic Cult child homicide. Two eyewitnesses testified that as children they were present during this same murder in a sub basement catacomb under the west wing of the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Branton Ontario Canada. The two eyewitnesses alleged that they saw a five or six year-old girl gagged, bound to an altar, repeatedly raped, killed, disemboweled and dismembered. Her blood was consumed by nine red-robed figures that included a member of the British Royal Family.
Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip were also convicted in the 2013 ICLCJ Court. The UK royal couple was found guilty in the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native Canadian children from the Catholic-owned Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. Parents haven’t seen their children since.
Since 2008 there have been 32 child mass grave sites discovered at some of the 80 mainly Catholic-owned native children residential schools across Canada. Even though child human remains were found at the large Mohawk mass grave site in Branton Ontario, all 32 have been refused excavation by the Catholic Church and government of Canada.
Another child mass grave site in Spain was believed connected to Pope Francis, his meetings with the military Junta during Argentine’s Dirty War and the disappearance of thousands of children of political prisoners from Catholic orphanages.
Since the Queen’s conviction, seven eyewitnesses have died in apparent homicides just prior to their scheduled testimonies before the ICLCJ Court. Six UK and Canadian citizens have been illegally detained, apparently just for advertising Queen Elizabeth’s arrest warrant. Under UK and Canadian law, no one has been investigated, charged or seen the inside of a court room for the seven deaths or six incarcerations.
“My friends Chief Louis Daniels, Harriet Nahanee, Nora Bernard, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes, Ricky Lavallee and Harry Wilson were killed, while Steve Finney, David Compan and his wife, Laurent Louis and Vivian Cunningham were cruelly drugged and imprisoned against their will. All just because they were trying to expose the rape, torture and murder of children,” stated Kevin Annett. “They are truly martyrs and Prisoners of Conscience at the hands of the Vatican and British Crown in efforts to hide proven crimes of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.”
The ITCCS and ICLCJ has established Common Law Courts with 450 Peace Officers in nine countries. In the US county sheriffs have organized Common Law Courts in 31 states. The Common Law Courts in the US, Canada, Ireland, England, Belgium, Holland, Germany, New Zealand and Australia have commenced indictment of government, church and corporate officials for human rights violations, betrayal of oaths of public office, mortgage fraud, criminal conspiracy and child trafficking and murder.
Over 800 people are active in 24 local branches of the Common Law Courts under the coordination of three Field Secretaries: Kevin Annett (North America), George Dufort (Western Europe) and Cameron Mottus (Asia and Australia-New Zealand). Organizing funds are available for common law groups wishing to apply. To contact the ITCCS, ICLCJ Court in Brussels or to volunteer, email: or
About the Author
Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau (
If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy
You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here:
Masons are in control of Catholic hierarchy. If this story is true it is of their doctrine. It is in no way Catholic. God will soon restore His Church and cleanse the world.
It is not just the Catholics, it is going on in the Mormon Church and also at Bohemian Grove. Here are numerousl eyewitness testimonies….
Here is the link again
Mark…your website reference is excellent, but as author of Twenty Two Faces, I would argue that your conclusion that the Mormon Church is involved in human sacrifice is incorrect. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints (Mormons) is the only large organization which has done anything about the ritual abuse of children on a large scale. I invite you to read Twenty Two Faces to find out how.
thanks fer keepin’ on this, Judy….
What kind of psychotic mind could dream up such rubbish and insult the Holy Spirit who selects Catholic Pontiffs?
Does this wretched obsessed witch Byington have any regard for her soul which, by blaspheming against the Holy Spirit — the one sin that can’t be forgiven — she’s forfeiting and tossing into hellfire?
The woman is simply a shameless liar — an embarrassment to humanity and a daughter of perdition. Those who support her vicious slander are equally as pathetic.
Obviously you have failed to do your research. The masks are being pulled off. The holy Spirit is forcing the wolves away from the sheep. On this day, whom shall you serve?
will these people ever be charged with these murders?
“Evil men and seducerers shall grow worse and worse”. The pope is also a monstrous creator of a one world church, the first major step is his “chrislam” a combination of the Muslim and Christian religions supported by “Pastor Warren”!