Trudeau Caves: Canada and US Reach Deal to Replace NAFTA (Video)
by N.Morgan
In a stunning turn of events, the United States and Canada reached a deal Sunday night to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, officials from both countries said.
The deal, which was reached before a midnight deadline set by President Donald Trump, will include an earlier deal reached between the United States and Mexico and be called the “United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement,” U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland said in a joint statement.
“USMCA will give our workers, farmers, ranchers and businesses a high-standard trade agreement that will result in freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in our region,” Lighthizer and Freeland said. “It will strengthen the middle class and create good, well-paying jobs and new opportunities for the nearly half-billion people who call North America home. We look forward to further deepening our close economic ties when this new agreement enters into force.”
U.S. President Donald Trump has scheduled a news conference to discuss the deal at 11 a.m. Eastern Monday.
This deal still needs to be approved by the participating countries’ congressional representatives.
It will head to the Mexican congress, where it is expected to be signed into law by current Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto before his left-leaning successor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, takes office on Dec. 1.
In the United States, the Trump administration wants a vote before the midterms in case Republicans lose the majority, but the vote could be delayed until early next year.
Hello Angle#3,
Charlie here. I think this is a good deal. Mainly with the name change too. We should be good trading partners because of the contiguousness of our nations. We only needed it to be fair and equitable which I think Trump accomplished. We don’t kiss ass to other nations as the Demoncrats want. Ripping Americans off.
We put in a Negro just to please the world and kiss their ass and the Negro ended up only pleasuring, er pleasing himself and other sodomites at the expense of America. China made him get off the ass end of the plane, however. A security deposit??
Charlie (looking forward to cheaper car parts and selling lots and lots of doughnuts)
Idiots. Call it NAFTA or USMCA – a rose is a rose. Any such agreement relinquishes the autonomy of the US to a cabal of nations. This is STEP ONE to a global NWO. Trump is knowingly playing right into their hands and you folks (sheep) are eating it up with a spoon.
So what has changed in the “new and improved Nafta” and why should anyone think this is different?
Read the agreement.
Not much at all.
If anything it’s WORSE because now even Republicans are all for ushering in the NWO.