Geopolitics: US ends Iranian SIGINT ship, Irish man risks consequences by removing Palestinian flag, Shakespeare gets F451d and some thoughts on Carney and other matters: Links 1 for March 18, 2025
1. It was speculated that Trump and Putin may have an agreement where they each get rid of a headache for each other. Russia stops supporting Iran as a migraine for the US, and The US arranges a resolution for Ukraine. A war which, like the US could in Iran, Russia could win a a New York minute but is optically bound not to do so. With that as a hypothesis…
BREAKING UPDATE: ? Iranian intel ship Zagros [SIGINT] sunk by U.S. forces.
— E X X ?A L E R T S (@ExxAlerts) March 18, 2025
2. I think Trump may be wrong here. Last I checked, China was building something like 5000 coal powered electric generation facilities a YEAR. Not hundreds. Either way the move to planet Earth from planet Chinese powered dialectics is a great one.
Full text:
After years of being held captive by Environmental Extremists, Lunatics, Radicals, and Thugs, allowing other Countries, in particular China, to gain tremendous Economic advantage over us by opening up hundreds of all Coal Fire Power Plants, I am authorizing my Administration to immediately begin producing Energy with BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN COAL.
3. Stephen Coughlin said in an interview with us, that Ronald Raegan’s big mistake was not living up to his promise to end the Federal Dept. of Education. Coughlin was correct. But it appears Trump is indeed doing exactly what is needed if we ever hope to have American, (and ultimately Canadian) schools become institutions of Greek thought and learning again instead of Hegelian/Marxist brainwashing facilities or Zombie and Eunuch manufacturing facilities.
Mass layoffs ordered at Department of Education
Mass layoffs are hitting the Department of Education on Wednesday as the Trump administration continues its deep cuts to the federal workforce.
The department will be closed for the day, and “reduction in force” notices are expected to go out and affect nearly half the agency’s employees, the agency wrote in a press release.
Employees were told to leave the department’s Washington, D.C., headquarters by 6 p.m. on Tuesday ahead of the layoffs and one-day building closure. There are roughly 4,200 Education Department employees nationwide.
“Today, we are beginning the process to cut the total number of staff at the Department of Education roughly in half via a reduction in force,” an Education Department official said on a call with reporters.
4. One of the best examples of how powerful language can be in terms of the dialectic attack on Western civilization, is changing the name of an invasion, to “asylum seekers”, “Migrants”, “refugees” and other terms applied by the COMINTERN to make people just sufficiently uncertain of what they are seeing that they will not take effective action. After all, ultimately personal choice comes down to the basic game-theory equation of perceived cost over perceived benefit, with real cost benefits playing a role in the decision process as well. Much like how it was easier for people to believe the 2020 election was legit because the cost of accepting it was rigged was too high, as it would shake their core beliefs about the system to the foundation. And that set of core beliefs people personally held was what they defended, not the election. And the evidence for that was how viscerally they reacted when you told them that the evidence shows the election was stolen. They did not ask for the evidence, or in any way handle it in an academic fashion.
Instead, they took it personally. The same can be said of a lot of events today. The positions people take and the efforts they make are often because they have a personal investment in a belief, and they will defend that belief because they are defending their investment in it.
When the Nazis marched down the Champs Elize in Paris, it was pretty clear that it was a conquest. Although if they were to do it today, they would likely sell it to the French as a wonderful multicultural display of European cultures cooperating, and to object to it would be Naziphobia, and likely punished by law. Well actually being anti-Nazi was punished back then as well. But much more honestly.
Once you accept that the mass-migration into the West is actually an invasion for the same purpose as historical invasions, the dilution, replacement and destruction of the people and culture, laws and identity of the people being invaded, Western nations could EASILY take effective action. And president Trump has demonstrated that in spades, bringing the number of invaders crossing the border to an all time low.
And now, the appropriate policy is put into place:
Trump policy on border jumpers empowers use of ‘maximum consequences,’ border agent tells Fox
SAN DIEGO — The change in administration from President Joe Biden to President Donald Trump has opened up stronger enforcement possibilities for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents, the agent in charge of a key sector along the southern border tells Fox News Digital.
“We have changed from a posture of catch-and-release to providing maximum consequences to the greatest extent possible for anyone and everyone who crosses,” San Diego Sector acting Chief Patrol Agent Jeffrey Stalnaker told Fox News Digital.
The comments come as there has been a seemingly overnight change in the situation at the U.S. southern border, with CBP data showing that order apprehensions in February hit a nearly 25-year low, while encounters with illegal migrants dipped to just 30,000 in February, a number that was over 130,000 during the same time period in 2023 and 2024.
For those unsure of the vast migration being orchestrated by communists such as the UN through its Migration Compact, the WEF, the Century Initiative and the EU. this short clip from Ireland, which is actually taking place everywhere, but it helps to see it someplace else, gives some indication of the nature of the invasion.
— Liza Rosen (@LizaRosen0000) March 18, 2025
There is a very real likelihood that this man in the lower video will be arrested for racism or some similar crime. Of course it would be because he is a counter-revolutionary. As this site has said many times, in COMINTERN countries, there are only two positions. Revolutionary, like BLM, ANTIFA, most college students, Muslims, Trans etc. and they will be for the most part immune from the law, and counter-revolutionaries who will spend years in jail, even if their actions broke no laws at all, but where an effective or part of an effective action against the revolutionary communist state.
5. This was inevitable and a long time coming. The Shakespeare National Trust determines that Shakespeare is ‘not to be’
The time has come for people of courage to purchase classic literature, ideally an edition from some years ago, and hide them in a false wall. Two of the dystopian novels we do not mention enough, are Fahrenheit 451 and A Clockwork Orange. F451 certainly applies here. Burning his books comes next. And A Clockwork Orange because by now most of you have seen dozens of videos of British Police, clearly not very bright, and fully willing to use all the force at their disposal to enforce state narratives with zero considerations for the law, Magna Carta, or peoples rights. Basically just thugs for the state, either for personal gratification as people attracted to power or for a pay check they could never, ever, in a dozen lifetimes earned by doing something that is good for society. For those that have not seen a Clockwork Orange or read the book, I formally suggest doing so. Pay attention to the latter half especially.
A British man films the view during a walk and is stopped, threatened not to film and questioned by British police.
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) December 9, 2024
A British man walking and taking some souvenir photos is chased and questioned by British police. England worse than North Korea.
— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) March 13, 2025
Back to the Banning of the English Language’s most iconic author, poet, playwright and artist.
William Shakespeare has long been considered one of England’s great men because of his extraordinary output of timeless plays and sonnets. They that shaped the English language as well as exporting ideas about British culture…not because the Brits foisted his works on others, but because others recognized their beauty and universality.
Now, though, the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, as part of the nation’s push for national suicide, which is the premier Shakespeare organization in England, has decided that Shakespeare is just too…English, and that’s bad. In answer to Hamlet’s question (“to be or not to be”), the Trust has determined that Shakespeare is not to be.
Once, every educated person had seen or read at least some Shakespeare plays. His comedies made us laugh, his histories taught us about the nature of power and reminded us that those who are high can be brought low and vice versa, and his tragedies’ continued popularity revealed that the human condition is unchanging and that human folly brings disaster in its wake.
Yes, these plays were set in England (even the plays set in Italy or ancient Rome were still set in England), but they had a universality that saw them rise above time and place. Add in Shakespeare’s exquisite prose, which shaped the English language for centuries after he died, and you had something that made, and should still make, the British very proud.
One last word on this. The Telegraph plays a pernicious and vicious little trick. If you follow the link to the Telegraph in the article, it will offer to let you read the article for free if you give them your email address. After some considerable screwing around with passwords and so on, it still would not let me access that article. This is theft of your time.
But the American Thinker article is good, and one of the saddest and most discouraging things I have read for a while.
Thank you all for reading this site.
A final and passing thought about the coronation of King Carney.
When the Liberal Party first anointed him as the successor to Le Petit Dauphin, Justin Trudeau, I had two thoughts. The first was I was really looking forward to posting the video of Trudeau admonishing the US for not electing a woman president. This was a tasty morsel of Trudeau’s manipulation of all things for a leftist outcome. What we call dialectics on this site. Because we all know how the left treated Sarah Palin, Margaret Thatcher and so on. It was never about the plumbing of the leader. Just that they served the revolution. The sex was an excuse to get people guilted into voting for a commie. They will do the same thing with cannibal prostitute transexuals. Oh, wait they already did.
The second thought was the remembrance of a scene from I Claudius. For those who haven’t seen the series, it’s really worth the time to watch. The whole thing is on YouTube now for free. But there was a scene where the hedonist and tyrant, as depicted in the series, Tiberius Caesar who then manifests his hatred of the Roman people by appointing as his successor to the throne, Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. Who we have come to know as Caligula. He specifically appointed Caligula knowing he would destroy Rome. The difference is that the personalities are somewhat reversed. In the series, Caligula was a hedonistic megalomaniac who thought himself a God and murdered his sister after impregnating her, because he was afraid their baby would be more powerful as a God than he. Caligula was also portrayed as somewhat trivial as a personality, but with immense power. I see Trudeau more like that than Carney. Carney is closer to Tiberius except I don’t think he is a hedonist unless there is a well hidden side of his personality.
And he certainly is not trivial. Carney has plans for us all in Canada. “And they won’t be pleasant”.