The Government Doesn't Want You To Have Private Money... That's Exactly Why You Need It... EPIC Cash
Well, here we are… all of humanity is standing at the edge of a precipice.
We can’t pretend we didn’t know this day would come. All the signs were there.
We had plenty of advanced knowledge and forewarning of the satanic billionaires’ plans for us, yet we just sat idly by as these “controllers” brazenly built the systems and infrastructure of our eternal enslavement around us in broad daylight.
And even now as the haze is lifting and the reality of our dystopian future is plain for all to see, we remain frozen unable to act.
Most are in a state of shock, denial and disbelief while others have been programmed through movies and the media to believe that someone will eventually come to the rescue and liberate us from the evil agenda poised to rob us of all privacy and freedom.
Perhaps James Bond will foil the plans of his stereotypical arch nemesis Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum… or perhaps your favorite superhero such as Superman, Batman, Spiderman or even Donald Trump will swoop in and save the day.
But if you’re honest with yourself, it’s painfully obvious that no-one is coming to save us.
We’ve let our guard down for far too long due to 12 years of indoctrination in government institutions, the relentless propaganda of a sold-out traitorous media and the chemical lobotomization by IQ reducing fluoride and heavy metal laden chemtrail fallout.
We’ve been lied to, dumbed down and poisoned into submission and now here we are at the edge of the precipice, staring into the abyss of a system of total authoritarian control and absolute loss of anything resembling privacy.
Loss of privacy?
“Perhaps… but it’s worth it to keep us safe.”
And besides “I have nothing to hide” … famous last words.
There is no fundamental right more important than the right to privacy.
Privacy is an integral feature of every other right we hold dear whether it be the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, the right to congregate and protest, the right to come and go as we please, the right to associate with whom we wish to, the right to practice the religion of our choice and especially our right to financial freedom: the freedom to have unfettered access to whatever we need when we need it and to live our life as WE see fit.
How you spend your hard earned money is nobody’s business but your own… unfortunately that’s not what the globalist controllers believe.
We are on the cusp of losing all these rights in one fell swoop with the introduction of the privacy destroying Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) through which we will be surveilled and controlled absolutely and in real time.
CBDC, a centralized government controlled digital currency that the TPTB (The Powers That Be) are itching to spring on us, is a Trojan horse disguised as the next great technological advancement in financial transactions offering speed, convenience and security.
But don’t be fooled… CBDCs are the final nail in humanity’s coffin.
This programmable digital currency will be tied to your social credit score and will be used to crush you financially if you do not toe the line.
If the TPTB manage to impose this beast system on humanity, be prepared to give up all your freedoms especially those of privacy, free speech, the freedom of movement and the freedom to choose your own destiny… at the risk of destitution and starvation.
Don’t get me wrong… we have had a centralized digital dollar in place for years, what with online banking, credit cards, debit cards and the like, but till now cash was a practical and private option of settling payments for goods and services without having to engage a third party. But this is soon coming to an end.
The cashless society is on the horizon and with it the end of financial sovereignty, freedom… and privacy.
Just look around. The signs are everywhere. Banks are making it more and more difficult to access cash by closing branches, they are both removing ATMs and limiting the amount of cash that you may withdraw at any one time.
On top of that many retailers and restaurant owners are willfully jumping on the “digital only” bandwagon already refusing to accept their patron’s cash for settlement… ignorant fools!
The following short video clips by the leading globalist puppets of the financial world should tell you all you need to know about what they have planned.
These traitors to humanity are going so far as to make the use of cash illegal over certain amounts at the risk of being punished.
Below is the unelected president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, explaining that in the EU, if you attempt to make a cash payment in excess of the arbitrary sum of 1000 Euro, you risk fines and imprisonment.
“Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) constitute the single greatest threat to the future of economic privacy in our lifetimes. These tools, which come dressed as fancy financial innovations, are inimical to the principles of individual and economic liberty. “
Here is the overweight globalist Agustin “the Hutt” Carstens, head of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland, admitting that CBDCs are designed for real time financial surveillance and control:
The show would not be complete without the World Economic Forum chiming in.
Here is WEF member and globalist author who wrote the book “The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution Is Transforming Currencies and Finance”, Eswar S. Prasad, describing the power of CBDCs and admitting that we are entering a very dark place.
How do CBDCs extend government power over individuals?
Understanding how CBDCs extend government power over individual financial freedoms requires a closer look at the mechanisms at play.
First, CBDCs provide authorities with a level of surveillance that is unparalleled in traditional financial systems. Every CBDC transaction is recorded on a central ledger, allowing for real-time monitoring. Governments can track the flow of money, identify income and expenditure patterns, and even trace the origins and destinations of funds.
Second, CBDCs can be programmed to limit your freedoms, given that governments can impose restrictions on how CBDCs can be spent. This level of micromanagement can fundamentally alter the concept of financial freedom, as citizens may find themselves operating under predefined parameters set by their government.
This could extend to the ability to freeze or restrict access to funds based on specific criteria set by governments. For example, in a hypothetical scenario where vaccines are mandated, governments could determine the individual’s level of financial freedom based on their vaccine status. Individuals who do not comply with such measures might find their transactions blocked or their accounts restricted.
“To illustrate the dangers of CBDCs, let me offer a few hypothetical examples of how a digital dollar controlled by a central government might work in practice:
1.) To protest governmental limits on personal freedom, liberty activists stage a peaceful protest around the nation’s capital. That nation’s leader, wanting to quell the protest and protect his power, instructs his Minister of Economic Control to reduce the protesters’ CBDC balances by 50 percent every day until the protest ends. The protest ends shortly after the message pings on the CBDC smartphone app.
2.) Economic growth is lagging, and the economists in the federal government suspect it is because consumer spending isn’t strong enough. People are saving their money, rather than spending it. To fix this problem, the Ministry of Economic Control announces a new year-long negative interest rate for all CBDC accounts. Unspent balances of CBDC will be reduced by 10 percent every month. As a result, no one saves, everyone spends, and the economists have saved the economy.
3.) You’re at the grocery store picking up some ribeye steaks because some friends are coming over for a barbecue. When you get up to the counter, there’s a problem. The cashier says the payment isn’t going through. You check the CBDC app on your smartphone. There is an alert: “You have exceeded your monthly carbon credit usage; please remove the following items from your grocery cart in order to proceed…”
4.) You want to pick up a new firearm for hunting season, so you swing by the local sporting goods store. But when you go to transfer CBDC credits for the purchase, you’re denied. The trusty CBDC app explains: “We’ve detected activity on your social media accounts that suggests you are at risk of causing harm to yourself or others. You are prohibited from purchasing a firearm for one year.”
5.) A mild coronavirus has arrived from Asia. Although it’s only lethal to people who are old and obese, society and the government has gone hysterical and decided to implement lockdowns. The Ministry of Health, working in concert with their friends at the Ministry of Economic Control, issue a nationwide freeze on all unnecessary expenditures to stop virus transmission. Of course, the accounts of politicians and certain government employees remain unfrozen so they can continue their important work keeping us safe. When the vaccine emerges, only those registered with the central government as vaccinated are permitted to uses their CBDC balances. The unvaccinated find their CBDC balances are subjected to a 10 percent Social Credit Tax because of their irresponsible behavior.
If you think these examples are the work of an overactive imagination, you haven’t been paying attention. Each of these examples has been cribbed from the actual activities of governments and banks, or the fantasies of left-wing think tanks that support CBDCs.”
Steve Robinson. Editor-in-Chief of The Maine Wire.
Are we just going to follow each other over the cliff like frightened lemmings and surrender to the CBDC/Digital ID/Social Credit System of total and inextricable slavery or are we going to take a stand and change course while we still can?
It can be done. It must be done.
There is a foolproof way out of the satanic global elite’s clutches but it’s going to take ALL OF US if we hope to stand a chance. They are the few and we are the many, but we’re running out of time. It’s now or never.
It involves two important and inseparable ingredients:
Part 1- MASS NON-COMPLIANCE to all their corrupt rules and mandates no matter what the consequence.
Part 2- the simultaneous DEVELOPMENT OF A PARALLEL ECONOMY that runs on sound private money out of “THEIR” control… the most superior private money being EPIC Cash as you will see later.
Both ingredients are essential if we wish to reclaim and keep our God given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, for ourselves and our loved ones for generations to come… all of which are dependent on maintaining your right to privacy.
If we fail… it’s all over.
TPTB are moving ahead at lightning speed with their plans of world domination and won’t stop unless we stop them.
Non-compliance means exactly that… not blindly complying with any obviously destructive dictates out of ignorance or out of fear. Rather do your own due diligence, research the truth and follow your heart. Use the search engine, a Russian search engine, as you will not be able to access the truth using Google.
We need to remember who we are… God’s children.
Men need to be men again courageously defending themselves and their loved ones from the evil that abounds, and women need to be women again regaining their role as the nurturing, loving support system for the family.
Together they are powerful and unstoppable… the way God meant it to be.
- Do not consent to any medical procedures such as vaxxines or gender surgeries.
- Get your children out of the indoctrination camps and home school.
- Say no to financing wars, BLM, Antifa, illegal immigration and all Woke movements designed to destroy our communities and cultures using your tax dollars.
- Do not accept digital IDs, CBDCs or the “mark of the beast” chip.
- Boycott all businesses that go cashless or that impose biometrics to gain access to their establishments.
- Turn off your television and end the mind control once and for all… stop being a victim of fear and propaganda.
- Get your money out of the banking system and convert at least 5 -10% of your fortune into the privacy coin, EPIC cash.
- And finally, always do what’s right… which is very often the exact opposite of what TPTB would have you do.
If we all stop complying and just ignore them on every level, it’s game over for the New World Order.
In the video below you will see what non-compliance looks like as well as it’s inevitable outcome:
Without this second ingredient, any gains realized due to non-compliance would be short lived.
The truth is that privacy in general, and your financial privacy in particular, are necessary to maintain freedom and your God given unalienable rights.
So what are your alternatives to using CBDCs?
Your choices are Barter, Cash, Precious metals (gold and silver), popular cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin) and private cryptocurrency (EPIC Cash)
Bartering is the act of trading one good or service for another without using a medium of exchange such as money.
Advantages of Bartering…
There are a number of reasons why a barter economy or being able to barter is beneficial. As mentioned above, there may be times where cash is not readily available, but goods or services are.
Bartering allows individuals to get what they need with what they already own. If, for example, an individual needs lumber to put an addition onto their home but lacks funds to buy the lumber, then they may be able to use the barter system to supply their needs – for example, exchanging furniture they don’t need for the needed lumber.
Such a deal, of course, needs to be negotiated by both parties. It is a reciprocal, mutually-beneficial arrangement that doesn’t involve the exchange of cash or another monetary medium.
Disadvantages of Bartering…
The problem with a barter economy is its inefficiency. The first potential problem is – using the example above – the person seeking lumber may not be able to find a supplier of lumber who is in need of something the lumber seeker can provide.
The second potential problem comes with trying to guarantee fair exchanges. How does one calculate, for example, a fair exchange rate of eggs for a television set? A monetary economy makes the exchange of goods and services more easily manageable.
Cash has always been a very attractive option for payment due to its private and anonymous nature and the fact that no third party is needed to oversee the cash transaction.
Cash is also quite practical. Small amounts can be inconspicuously carried on one’s person and larger amounts can easily be hidden under your mattress or buried in your yard.
Unfortunately, cash has lost much of its value since being decoupled from the gold standard in the early 1970s and its purchasing power has greatly suffered due to uncontrolled money printing ever since.
Worst of all, cash is soon to be phased out to combat “money laundering” and because of the false belief that it transmits contagious pathogens.
Precious metals
Gold and silver have been a trusted means of exchange for centuries, but neither can be used in commerce nor over the internet. Even peer to peer transactions are complicated as neither is easily divisible. Are you ready to exchange a gold eagle coin worth thousands of dollars for a dozen eggs?
And you might think that popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are the answer… but you would be mistaken. Besides being too slow and expensive for day to day purchases, Bitcoin’s wallet addresses are trackable and traceable and can be frozen by the exchanges when directed to do so by TPTB.
Although Bitcoin’s wallet addresses are anonymous, if you bought your Bitcoin over a centralized exchange using KYC (Know Your Customer) protocols, your wallet is tied to your identity and every transaction you make from then on is known to anybody and everybody… forever.
Even if you mined your own Bitcoin and have kept them offline in cold storage since their creation, the moment you make a purchase from your wallet, for example to buy a plane ticket or a product to be delivered to your home, your personal information will be linked to your wallet and will be discoverable forever.
In fact, there are companies out there whose sole objective is tying crypto wallets to their owners using AI.
There was always the possibility of running your Bitcoin through a mixer to hide your transactional past, but mixers are being targeted and shut down.
As an example of how unsafe non-private crypto currencies can be, just look what happened to Canadians who donated to the truckers’ “Freedom Convoy” a couple of years ago.
This movement was sparked by an unjust vaccine mandate for truckers crossing the US-Canada border, implemented by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government earlier that month.
Supporters of the movement who used their bank accounts or credit cards to send money to the truckers had their accounts frozen. Even those who sent Bitcoin or other popular non-privacy cryptocurrencies had their wallets blocked and identities revealed by the exchanges upon orders of the Trudeau government.
This should send chills up your spine.
Had they known about privacy coins such as Epic Cash, none of this would have or could have transpired.
Epic Cash transactions are completely invisible and untraceable. Unlike Bitcoin and other transparent non-privacy cryptocurrency’s blockchains that record not only every transaction but every wallet address… forever… the Epic cash Mimblewimble blockchain records nothing.
Not only does this make all Epic Cash transactions invisible and untraceable, it also makes Epic Cash transactions fast, cheap (less than 1 cent per transaction), unstoppable and unconfiscatable.
Epic Cash is the most private, untamperable, decentralized, secure, trustless and censorship resistant means of exchange ever created. It is what Bitcoin was meant to be but failed.
Seeing the writing on the wall, the EPIC Cash community has put together all the necessary resources you’ll need to start an Epic Private Parallel Economy (EPPE) right in your own neighborhood or community.
What is a private parallel economy?
Once TPTB introduce their CBDC currency and tie it to a Social Credit System like the one already imposed in China, it’s goodbye freedom and privacy. No longer will you be free to buy whatever you need at your own discretion. The CBDCs can be programmed to accept certain purchases and to deny others greatly limiting your choices and availability.
But if you and your community use this “calm before the storm” period to create an EPPE, you’ll be able to get what you need to survive… in all privacy!
“Regardless of whether you are an individual, a service provider, a small business or a large retailer, Epic Cash’s private parallel economy can be tailored to your needs.
At the heart of this private parallel economy is the most sound and private money ever created… EPIC Cash.
For merchants and service providers, we have developed the Epic Cash Payment Processor, which quickly and easily allows you to convert fiat currency invoices into an Epic Cash QR code, to be read and paid for by the customer’s Epic Pay mobile wallet.
We also have developed a simple QR Code Generator for those who simply want to share their Epic Cash receive address with others (on flyers, for donations etc…)
In the very near future, when the world goes cashless and CBDCs are implemented, a private parallel economy will be crucial for your family’s and community’s survival.
If you would like to continue having unfettered access to local services and healthy, locally-grown produce after the introduction of CBDCs, tell your friends, neighbors, service providers, local farmer’s markets and businesses that the time to start accumulating Epic Cash and joining the Epic Private Parallel Economy is now.”
For a more technical explanation by Tilman
The Government Doesn’t Want You To Have Private Money… That’s Exactly Why You Need It… EPIC Cash
The ever-accelerating decline in the value of fiat currencies makes it clear that only “sound money” can solve this problem, because a currency that can be multiplied at will always ultimately leads to inflation with a complete loss of value.
However, it is not only the decline in value, but also the ever-increasing surveillance and control under the pretext of fighting crime that is an expression of the increasing centralistically controlled restrictions on freedom by the state.
Bitcoin made it possible for the first time to create a decentralized currency that is independent of the state and cannot be multiplied at will. Until then, online peer-to-peer value transfer was inconceivable without the mediation of a banking institution that was dependent on state regulations.
The most important problems of the existing fiat money system, such as arbitrary multiplication and dependence on the state, have been solved by Bitcoin. In contrast to precious metals, its easy divisibility, counterfeit protection, scarcity, online usability and additional ease of transportation make it the ideal form of money in the digital age.
However, long transaction times and high transaction fees make Bitcoin unusable for everyday use, which is why it is mainly used as a store of value and an object of speculation. In addition, there is no protection of privacy, which is becoming increasingly important in the age of ubiquitous surveillance.
The far from ideal and barely used Lightning network, which promises fast and cheap transactions, is not the answer to this weakness of Bitcoin (see here). To make sense of the Lightning Network, one must connect to large hubs that centralize the Lightning Network more than investigators expect (see here). Additionally, these are often operated by financial institutions that require a KYC/AML as a prerequisite.
Access to these hubs can be revoked at any time and without giving reasons, just as a bank account can be terminated at any time without giving reasons. With the Lightning Network, you are at the mercy of surveillance and arbitrariness in the same way.
The money monopoly is the most important tool of the state. Central bank digital currencies are planned worldwide, so-called CBDCs, which can be issued and managed centrally and programmed individually for each citizen.
Cash and banks will thus become superfluous and will be completely abolished in the future. In conjunction with a digital ID and a social credit system based on the Chinese model, CBDCs will then represent the ultimate tool for controlling and disciplining the population.
Against this backdrop, it makes sense to partially evade this control and discipline by means of a decentralized and private cryptocurrency that cannot be controlled by the state and to secure a remnant of freedom while this is still possible.
This is only possible with a cryptocurrency that can actually be used as a daily means of payment and does not have to be exchanged back into state money beforehand. Bitcoin cannot fulfill these requirements simply because of the long transaction times. Added to this is the open ledger, which is visible to everyone and makes privacy impossible.
Once the wallet address has been assigned to a person, it is possible to completely monitor all of that person’s transactions. This is the reason why the EU wants to ban self hosted wallets or make self hosted wallets monitorable with a KYC.
Nevertheless, Bitcoin is becoming increasingly popular with investors because, alongside precious metals, it is seen as a way out of the fraudulent fiat money system and also offers considerable profit opportunities. The issue of Bitcoin ETFs by BlackRock and Co. is also fueling this herd instinct.
This overlooks the above-mentioned characteristics that make Bitcoin unsuitable as a daily means of payment and is therefore mainly used as a store of value and an object of speculation. For everyday use, it must be exchanged for fiat money, or in future for CBDCs, which in turn puts it at the mercy of government control and regulation.
What we need is a completely state-independent, uncensorable, scarce, fungible, decentralized and private money that can be used for peer-to-peer micro-payments in everyday use. A private cryptocurrency that can be mined with simple and diverse household or gaming computers by anyone and not just by financially strong companies operating huge mining farms.
Among the manageable number of private cryptocurrencies in the sea of mostly cryptocurrencies with questionable utility, one in particular stands out, EPIC Cash.
EPIC Cash could be described as Bitcoin’s private and more handsome twin. With a maximum of 21 million coins, it adheres strictly to the DNA of Bitcoin as envisioned by Satoshi Nakamoto. Decentralized, scarce, independent of the state and not subject to confiscation or censorship.
Based on the Mimblewimble protocol, EPIC Cash works without public wallet addresses that have to be stored on the blockchain. Cryptographic primitives such as Confidential Transactions, CoinJoin and Dandelion++ perfect the privacy protection.
There is no need for computationally and memory-intensive obfuscation tactics as with other private cryptos, which unnecessarily inflate the blockchain. However, contact between sender and recipient is necessary, similar to cash.
What at first glance seems cumbersome and outdated has advantages that far outweigh the minor disadvantage of the initially unfamiliar procedure.
- Transactions cannot be accidentally sent to an incorrect or non-existent address and therefore lost.
- Transactions can be carried out offline by exchanging files and only transmitted to the blockchain at a later point in time, which is an invaluable advantage in the event of a short-term local internet connection failure when you are thinking of making a purchase in a store.
- Subsequent deanonymization, which is possible with quantum computers, is impossible, as no sensitive information such as transaction amounts and addresses are stored on the blockchain, not even encrypted as with other private blockchains such as Monero.
- Due to the “cut through” unique to Mimblewimble, the blockchain is considerably smaller than all other blockchains for the same transaction volume, which makes it much easier to operate and synchronize your own node. For the same transaction volume, it is only 10% of the BTC blockchain size, or 3.5% of the Monero blockchain size.
In addition to the advantages of Mimblewimble, EPIC Cash is the only blockchain to use a polyphasic PoW, in which different mining algorithms designed for different hardware alternate at irregular intervals. On the one hand, this promotes the decentralization of the network and, on the other hand, makes a 51% attack more difficult, since 51% of the hash rate of each individual algorithm is required and not 51% of the total hash rate.
In its development, EPIC Cash focuses exclusively on the sole use case of money in its best possible form today, without burdening the blockchain with unnecessary and dubious features. As a grassroots movement driven by a community of freedom-loving idealists, EPIC Cash comes without pre-mining, without venture capital, without a company or foundation, and represents surveillance-free, robust, decentralized and private money for future generations.
For more EPIC articles by Tilman… visit HERE
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To buy EPIC Cash peer to peer on ViteX (best way)… follow this Tutorial
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