Finally, joining the dots to understand what’s happening in the world and why: It’s called “austerity.”
Many facts and indicators in the global financial and political scene provide mounting evidence that a global currency reset has been planned and is close to being forced on the world. The global financial and political scene has taken decades to establish and provides the opportunity for the super-wealthy elite to continue profiting at the expense of everyone else. Everything is under their control and works to their advantage, so it might seem puzzling that this super-elite group of insiders would want to change anything now.
The only logical explanation for them to engineer a currency reset is that they have come to realize that if global population growth and industrialization continues unchecked, the long term consequence would be disastrous for everyone – natural resources, especially cheap fossil fuels, would become scare and unaffordable to most, increasing levels of pollution would threaten our health and the biodiversity of the earth would be seriously diminished. Rather than wait for disaster to happen this super-elite cabal seem to have decided that the time to avoid these threats is now, before we reach a critical irreversible stage.
It’s also obvious to statisticians that the middle classes of the world are the major driving force of industrialization, waste production and pollution. The easiest way to slow these trends to more manageable, sustainable levels is to force the middle classes of the world into the category of low wage, highly skilled labourers. Of course they know the middle classes of the world will not like that idea, so the scheme is to do this gradually without people understanding what’s happening and why. This scheme is called “austerity.”
More details on this can be found at UNCENSORED MAGAZINE.