Dan Bongino NWO Shill/Ignoramus - You Decide!
The highest priority on planet earth should be to remove the FORCES behind the New World Order which include political Israel, Rothschilds, and MANY other Sabbatean cult members. One MAJOR HINDRANCE to this objective, are trending IGNORAMUS FOOLS like Dan Bongino FALSELY posing as informed truthers. In this article I will present verifiable/undeniable facts which stand in 100% opposition to positions Dan Bongino takes in the following recent video of his (though to his credit he seems to at least be aware that Biden is a clear enemy of we the people):
- /opinion-conservative/2023/10/the-worst-speech-in-presidential-history-dan-bongino-3675931.html
Update 12/4/23 – Israel knew of Hamas attack plan one year in advance – NYT
- https://www.rt.com/news/588319-hamas-attack-blueprint-nyt
Hamas is ACTUALLY a creation of Israel. Israel Created Hamas to Avoid Peace.
Israel does not want peace. Israel created Hamas as a pretext to wage war on the
Palestinians. Hamas’ rockets are mere peashooters compared to Israel’s air force.
- https://www.henrymakow.com/israelcreatedhamastoavoid.html
In the Bolshevik revolution the Jews were on the bleeding edge of torture, including taking out a victims intestine and nailing it to a tree and beating the person around the tree forcing the removal of the entire intestine. Over 10 years ago on the Internet I saw a black and white photo of this as proof this really did take place:
- https://www.curezone.org/upload/Members/trapper/2017/jewish_bolshevik_atrocities.jpg
So, to the extent that Hamas may carry out torture (much of which IN FACT is turning out to be Israel PROPAGANDA/LIES), they are most likely merely following in Israel’s ATROCIOUS footsteps.
The journalist who said she saw the bodies of 40 beheaded children later admitted she saw no bodies.
Israel Used AI Generated Images as Proof Babies Were Beheaded by Hamas?
- /politics/2023/10/hoaxed-israel-uses-ai-generated-images-as-proof-babies-were-beheaded-by-hamas-3300540.html
Here are Israelis caught on video staging a FAKE WAR INJURY PHOTO (to propagandize the extent to which Israelis are VICTIMS of ISRAEL CREATED HAMAS).
- https://rumble.com/v3ogs3p-jewish-soldiers-laugh-about-killing-raping-palestinian-children-news-media-.html
Israel civilians shot and KILLED by Israeli’s own forces during false flag Hamas attack, claims Israeli survivor of Kibbutz Be’eri raid. Even though the Palestinian fighters all had loaded weapons, Porat says they never once – not a single one of them – ever shot any captives or even threatened anyone with their weapons.
- /middle-east/2023/10/israel-civilians-shot-and-killed-by-israelis-own-forces-2561482.html
No, this video does not show Israeli children held hostage by Hamas in cages
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgeG0WK8cbI
Hamas has released two Israeli captives (mother and daughter) who stated that they were treated very well under captivity under Hamas.
According to Scott Ritter “All the women hostages [of Hamas] have said they treated us with respect [likely Scott Ritter's BEST interview so far - a MUST SEE]“:
New Scott Ritter: “Palestine and Hamas Have Won.. Israel is in Big Trouble!..” [Nov 6, 2023]
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/XkgGyIC4zKbt/
Israel: “Hamas beheaded 40 babies”
Everyone: “no they didn’t”
Israel: “no they didn’t…but they did rape captured Israeli women on top of their dead friends”
Everyone: “no they didn’t”
Israel: no…no they didn’t, but you can imagine what it’d be like if they did” …
However, to be clear, neither Israel nor Hamas is on the side of the Gazans, so why is there so much apathy for the Gazans?
- https://rumble.com/v3qomfw-son-of-hamas-leader-mosab-hassan-yousef-denounces-hamas-they-dont-care-abou.html
Israelis Hamas leader retires in the center of a “Jewish” community???
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/yc3wfUM6OA2T/
Israel ALWAYS uses lies and deception to portray itself as the VICTIM when IN REALITY ISRAEL [which has utterly infiltrated [and in some cases outright established] the US government inc., CIA, mainstream media, Central Banks, Hollywood, Church Institutions, your HEALTH and even your DNA] IS THE WORLDS NUMBER ONE [most publicly visible] AGGRESSOR. The Greater Israel Project includes plans to take over ALL of Palestine, and then the rest of the world.
Worst Massacre of the 21st Century: Israel’s Mass Child Murder Enters Third Bloody Week, Pure Evil! [Contains the GRAPHIC TRUTH of the atrocities currently being committed by Israel]
- /alternative/2023/10/worst-massacre-of-the-21st-century-israels-mass-child-murder-enters-third-bloody-week-pure-evil-video-3801448.html
True Massacre: In just one month some 10,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza, a total larger than the combined losses on both sides in the past twenty months of the Ukraine war. Since early 2022 only about 550 children have been killed in Ukraine, while after just a few weeks the total in Gaza has passed 4,000.
Israel bombs a civilian convoy that was evacuating out of Gaza city, on the road they promised not to bomb
- https://citizenwatchreport.com/this-is-what-happens-when-you-trust-israel
Col Douglas Macgregor: This Is The End Of NATO [explains how Israel needs to be protected from ITSELF and its OWN ACTIONS to avoid nuclear WWIII and its OWN DESTRUCTION!!!!!!]:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UgeZp2mawQ
Israel’s atrocious war crime bombings, including of universities in Gaza, are no doubt designed to invoke a response from its neighboring Islamic nations. To understand the BIG PICTURE here on how this is part of a larger plan to destroy Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, in an attempt to rein in the Luciferian New World Order, please check out the following presentation by Mike Adams:
- /war-and-conflict/2023/11/situation-update-nov-6-2023-the-luciferian-plot-to-destroy-christianity-islam-judaism-in-a-global-nuclear-apocalypse-mike-adams-2480403.html
Additional CRITICAL information to know about the BIG PICTURE:
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/dbwznbORcC49/
The Zionists/Khazarian Jews declare in their supreme legal authority of the so-called “Jewish” religion, the Babylonian Talmud:
- “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ [non-Jews] should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
- Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a gentile. (Baba Kamma 113a)
- If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there. (Moed Kattan 17a)
- A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. (Sanhedrin 54b)
- “When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves [servants] of the Jews.” (Erubin/Eiruvin 43b)
- Burning children to the demon Moloch is permitted (Sanhedrin, Folios 64a-64b).
Verify the verses – Full Text of the English Babylonian Talmud:
- http://www.halakhah.com
Remember, EVEN Jesus was violent towards the Khazarian money changer FAKE JEWS and told them to their faces that their father is Satan. Remember also that God in the Bible commanded the Israelites to eradicate the Luciferian Canaanite-Hittites, the ancestors of the Pharisees and the Jews. Unfortunately they were not destroyed, and so the problem of Luciferianism persists. Matthew 13 refers to these Luciferians as Tares. NOTHING has changed, and so calling for non-violence against the Khazarian Zionist Fake Jews is technically ANTI-CHRISTIAN.
Here is Proof that the Jews Were NEVER God’s Chosen People NOR Were They Israelites. Furthermore, According to the Bible, the Israelites ARE NO LONGER GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE:
“Edomite Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860.” Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol. 10:234
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to
call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980, p. 3.
[Original Jews, including Sephardic, but not Ashkenazi] “Esau-Edom is modern Jewry” 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41 and/or vol 4 page 25. Edomites (descendants of Jacob/Israel’s brother Esau) are NOT of Israel or Judah. Jews were NEVER SLAVES in Egypt with Moses: John8:33. Israelites on the other hand are desendants of Jacob/Israel, and are also Judahites/Judeans.
Edomites/Sephardic Jews were not Judahites, but rather were placed into captivity within Judah.
The Jews by law track their herritage/genealogy on the mothers side, however, the Bible tracks the genealogy of Seth down to the Israelites on the fathers side all the way down to Jesus. Orthodox Judaism maintains that the law of matrilineal descent in Judaism dates at least to the time of the covenant at Sinai (c. 1310 BCE). So clearly from this alone the Jews and Israelites are two separate/distinct breeds of people.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrilineality_in_Judaism
Esau married Judith, daughter of Beeri the Hittite and Basemath, daughter of Elon the Hittite [Hittites are descendants of Canaanites] (Genesis 26:34). Their descendants were the first of the Edomites/Jews.
“The African Hebrew Israelites do not claim to be Jews—they describe themselves as Judeans, a tribal cousin [to the Jews]” – https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/282261/african-hebrew-israelite
Whenever the Bible uses the word Jew, it is a mis-translation which should have been translated as Judean/Israelite.
According to the Bible, the Israelites are no longer God’s chosen people as proven here:
Watch “Babylon USA” – Full Movie 2017 (includes Pastor Steve Anderson) Russia to EMP America?:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBz-3Qg6ccc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnhzurLSmIA
The Masons (fake Christians) manipulate the Christians, the Jesuits (fake Catholics) manipulate the Catholics, the Zionist Khazars (fake Jews) manipulate the Jews, and the Ismailis (fake Muslims) manipulate the Muslims. We’re all being manipulated by IMPOSTERS and ya’ll don’t get it! The secret societies have been in cahoots TOGETHER, and against us common folk for ages. WAKE UP EVERYBODY! your neighbor is NOT your enemy!!!!! [HOWEVER, THE GLOBALIST KHAZARIAN LUCIFERIANS VERY MUCH ARE OUR ENEMY]
Further Study/Analysis of this IMPORTANT topic can be found here:
- /religion/2019/04/something-paramount-they-did-not-teach-pastors-in-seminary-this-will-rock-the-christian-world-2546470.html
If you fell for the LIE that Israel did NOT bomb the Hospital, and that there were NOT serious casualties, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! New information has emerged which puts egg on YOUR face:
New Video Evidence Points to Israeli Air Burst Bomb Striking al-Ahli Hospital Grounds! – Mike Adams
- /war-and-conflict/2023/10/situation-update-oct-19-2023-new-video-evidence-points-to-israeli-air-burst-bomb-striking-al-ahli-hospital-grounds-mike-adams-2480101.html
Al-Ahli hospital officials say the Israeli army dropped “roof knocking” missiles on the hospital days prior, and called hospital officials the days before the bombing, saying “we warned you to evacuate twice.” [according to WhatReallyHappened.com]
According to Mike Adams, Hananya Naftali – a digital spokesperson for Israel tweeted shortly after the explosion that destroyed the hospital, that the Israeli Air Force struck a Hamas terrorist base inside a hospital in Gaza, and that a number of terrorists are dead, and that it is heartbreaking that Hamas is launching rockets from hospitals, mosques, and schools, and using civilians as human shields. Shortly later he deleted his post.
Keep in mind also that in the days leading up to this that Israel was publicly asserting its plans to mow down ALL OF GAZA!
Scott Ritter, “Why I No Longer Stand With Israel”
- /alternative/2023/10/scott-ritter-why-i-no-longer-stand-with-israel-must-watch-interview-video-3801157.html
2 Updates Nov 16, 2023 - Turkish President to Israel: Your end is nigh…your nuclear bombs don’t matter
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/yVHHOxRkqX2H/
Uh Oh! The Search of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is Done; NO HAMAS TUNNELS or COMMAND CENTER
- https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/uh-oh-the-search-of-al-shifa-hospital-in-gaza-is-done-no-hamas-tunnels-or-command-center
7 Questions…
1) If the continued existence of Satan means that all humans will be eradicated, then as a human, would you say that Satan has a right to exist?
2) Does the ideology that all Gentiles (non-Jews) must be killed, as declared in the Babylonian Talmud, have a right to exist?
3) Does political Israel/Benjamin Netanyahu (which/who relentlessly succumbs to this ideology) have a right to exist?
Remember, EVEN Jesus was violent towards the Khazarian money changer FAKE JEWS and told them to their faces that their father is Satan. Remember also that God in the Bible commanded the Israelites to eradicate the Luciferian Canaanite-Hittites, the ancestors of the Pharisees and the Jews. Unfortunately they were not destroyed, and so the problem of Luciferianism persists. Matthew 13 refers to these Luciferians as Tares. NOTHING has changed, and so calling for non-violence against the Khazarian Zionist Fake Jews is technically ANTI-CHRISTIAN.
4) Does the Christian Bible, in its present form, which orders believers to kill all humans who believe differently than them (see Deuteronomy 17:2-5), have a right to exist?
5) Are Jews and/or Israelites God’s Chosen People (you may wish to see my hints above before answering)?
6) Do Humans who unnecessarily kill non-human sentient beings for sport or pleasure have a right to exist?
7) Do these questions cause you to experience cognitive dissonance?
- /religion/2020/10/in-the-days-of-noah-it-was-not-jesus-who-saved-us-but-rather-enki-2555120.html
Wrote Bongino off long ago, as useless info.
Up there with useless Judy Byington, useless Lionel, useless Juan O’Savin, useless Michael Baxter, useless Alex Jones and useless Mike Adams. Among other useless comentators.