Greg Hunter Weekly News Wrap-Up: Presidential Alert Warning, China Enemy, FBI Witness Fingers Comey - Video
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By Greg Hunter’s
The Presidential Alert was this week. It was a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. Many are mocking the Trump Administration about the test, but according to the White House, several National Emergencies have been declared by President Trump in the last year. Are the Markets about to crash? Is America about to go to war? Are high ranking U.S. government officials about to get indicted for a failed coup against Trump? It could be all of the above, proving there are many good reason to test the emergency alert system.
Vice President Mike Pence has accused China of meddling in U.S. elections. Pence says, “China wants a different president.” There has been big friction with China and U.S. relations over this and the South China Sea where there was a near collision of U.S. Navy and Chinese naval ships. Could China be using its more than $1 trillion in U.S. debt as a weapon against the U.S.? Gregory Mannarino of says yes.
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Another top lawyer from the FBI is turning states evidence, singing like a bird and exposing people like fired FBI Director James Comey. It looks like military tribunals are coming to prosecute the many perpetrators of the failed coup of President Trump. Trump is securing a solid constitutional Supreme Court for possible legal rulings. Is there any wonder why the Left is fighting Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation with phony claims of sexual assault?
Join Greg Hunter as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.
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After the Wrap-Up:
Economist John Williams, founder of, will be the guest for the Early Sunday Release.
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The system will have hearings and then do nothing. Rod is a good example. There will always be a new distraction. It is all a con job for the foreign state who has thousands of paid corporate employees do nothing to them operatives.
They all get a free pass, every time. What will Trump do, nothing is my guess. They are all blackmailed or they do not get in power.
Everything is rigged for and by them to rob the sheep and keep the parasites in power. Anyone who thinks they will not rig every thing is the definition of insanity.