The Case for War With China, Communist Party Infiltration of Democrat Party +Videos
Note: ANTIFA get their funds from George Soros and their marching orders come from Obama’s OFA office in D.C. while influenced by Chinese operatives within the Deep State to create havoc, division and rigged elections.
The cover-up by fakestream media of what China is doing to undermine the Trump Administration, before and after the election, is now being exposed by V.P. Mike Pence during a recent speech at the Hudson Institute. The Democrat Party moving far left with communist overtones is a direct result of Chinese intervention / infiltration tactics in all areas of American society.
Recent actions by China to threaten retaliatory action if Trump does not reach a fair trade deal soon is actually diminishing the role of China’s attempt to spread communism worldwide. Financial experts believe there will not be a fair trade deal between the U.S. and China and is the reason while military exercises by both China and the U.S. are advancing to a level America has never experienced during peace times.
V.P. Mike Pence details Chinese Communism in America (1st video) and the Allison video outlines how a “3rd party” [Deep State] would trigger WWIII “even though either political party wants war or not.” (See Video)
This is HUGE – China PUT IN ITS PLACE! Mike Pence @ Hudson Institute
SEE ALSO……………..
US Moving Closer to War With Russia and China….Who Really Is in Control?
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We armed the sneaky and worthless Chinese. The communist has taken over China and the people accept it. They know their own nature and why they have been brutally ruled for thousands of years by emperors who seem to take delight in their own paranoia and obsession with sex and power that they had their servants castrated.
Like Demoncraps they are obsessed with rape and castration it seems. Both come from the same ideology.
Concubines who cheated were often quartered by horses. Even the fathers would sometimes castrate their own sons to be closer to the emperor. Demoncraps are obsessed with abortion and pedophilia. A pretty SICK bunch.
They are a brutal nation (as all TURD world countries are). Yet you sent all your manufacturing to them and they have promptly stolen and copied all your technology. If it wasn’t for your military might to keep them in check you might have been invaded and your technological jewels would have just been taken outright
at some point.
It should be obvious to you China is seeking control of the Eastern hemisphere and thus, there WILL be clashes. China is itching to test its newly stolen, er acquired technology. Their goal is the defeat of the West and they believe they can accomplish this in a thousand years or less.
The sudden pivot and escalation toward China is peculiar. China has been getting aggressive in the S China Sea, but there must be more to it than that. Even stranger, if the US has been planning a strategic move against China, why ostracize Russia before such a critical undertaking? Furthermore, where is the alliance against China other than Japan and a few less powerful nations in that region?
Perhaps Trump is getting ahead of a growing alliance between Russia and China which will bloom in war against the US. Posturing against these nations now rhetorically and economically could be a preemptive move to build a coalition for the upcoming war. Moving against China brings the rest of Asia firmly in America’s sphere; moving against Russia cements Saudi, Israeli, and Western European support. Trump may not be pushing China and Russia together, but rather preempting against the perceived inevitable alliance should WWIII break out.
I’m not in favor of war. Anyone who pushes war should be forced to listen to, War Pigs by Black Sabbath, Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round by The Dead Kennedys, and We’ve Got A Bigger Problem Now by the The Dead Kennedys. Look them up on Youtube.
My hope is that Trump is posturing and showing his willingness for war as a sign of strength to avoid war. This may be necessary prep before attempting to neutralize Iran which could initiate WWIII. The pieces on the chess board must be in place and aligned before making a crucial move. Wars are won before they begin. And obviously, anyone aligned with the US has their own reasons.
China has emerged and is growing as a threat. China acknowledges and embraces this fact. I’m not in favor of strengthening enemies. The danger of strengthening China outweighs the benefit of China’s dependence on US trade as a buffer against war. We should strengthen friends and allies, not enemies who have stolen our tech to aim ICBM nukes at us. Most troubling of all is that China does not share America’s values concerning freedom, liberty, and human rights. I’m not referring to the US govt values, but rather the values of US citizens. China is burning crosses, demolishing churches, and replacing Christian symbols and icons with pictures of Xi. China is also persecuting other religious groups, and its citizenry as a whole. China has been instituting social credit scores to rank its people on their support of their govt. The US is hard to outdo when it comes to surveillance of citizens and abuse of the constitution, but China is leading the way for the dystopian future of “1984.”
My advice to China is to get rid of Xi or else bring about a fundamental change in Xi. There is very little sympathy for Xi in America, especially with Christians who compose a major part of Trump’s base and have Trump’s ear. China or Xi needs to turn 180 degrees and declare religious freedom without govt tampering as a guarantee for all citizens. Xi should realize that the Christians are his nation’s greatest asset. Instead he has been a type of antichrist persecuting them. Christians are uniquely imbued with the Holy Spirit which imparts wisdom. Christians can solve all his nation’s problems if he embraces them. The embrace of Christians could be the impetus for a major turnaround in China which can repair China-US relations and put both countries on a footing that is no longer hostile.
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