Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities
The count was now over 50,000 traumatized, malnourished and deceased children who have been pulled out of underground tunnels across the nation by the US Military and Marines since last October. The operations were authorized under President Trump as Commander in Chief, General Mark A. Milley and other military generals of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.
“Unfortunately there were more operations to go to save the children,” according to Timothy Charles Holmseth, reporter for the Task Force: https://youtu.be/UFaC_F6M_P8
Malnourished, caged and tortured children have been rescued, or found deceased, in underground tunnels beneath large and small US cities, including one beneath New York Central Park. Another tunnel was said to run from the Clinton Foundation building to the New York Harbor.
In Central Park many of the babies and children rescued out of a tunnel into medical tents were deceased or dying by the time they got to the top and didn’t make it. The babies and children had lived their whole lives in the tunnel, couldn’t be exposed to light and needed ventilators.
Piles of little corpses, babies born to teens and even preteens in the tunnels who had never seen the light of day, deformed and traumatized children, preteens and teens who were evidently experimented upon and electro-shocked as part of CIA Mind Control and genetic experiments, sexually abused, locked in cages, tortured and killed to harvest their organs and Adrenochrome for the elites to drink in Satanic worship.
Over 170,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation on those elites were in the process of being served. Most contained charges of pedophilia. Under the authority of Pentagon generals, serving of those indictments and rescues of the traumatized children were ongoing. There was literally an underground war in tunnels across the US, with both brave military troops and perpetrators being killed.
Apparently for months this secret US Military operation has been sweeping an extensive network of underground tunnels across the US and into Canada and Mexico to rescue thousands of horrifically abused children. Recent operations centered beneath major cities in New York, California, Florida, Texas and Washington. Intel video on the tunnels: https://youtu.be/l5cUsNTr4Yw
Last October an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines in a military operation using around 10,000 troops. https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2019/10/2100-caged-children-liberated-and-saved.html /politics/2019/10/marines-navy-seals-rescue-2100-caged-children-teens-3144359.html
Recent earthquakes have been caused by the military blowing up Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) so they couldn’t be used again. Military Special Forces were discovering many more tunnels beneath cities and towns all over the country.
The atrocities against children and youth that took place in the tunnels were so horrendous that if the stories were released right now, they were expected to cause rioting in the streets. The information would eventually be released, but for now we were asked to pray for the children and troops trying to rescue them.
The missions were being reported by Timothy Charles Holmseth of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. The news, not expected to be picked up by a George Soros-funded Mainstream Media and because of their own ties to pedophilia, was released by a Pentagon Commander who was head of the rescues.
Amazing that something this big can be kept such a ‘secret,’ especially in these days of sensationalism news reporting. You guys have been reporting this story for months and I have yet to see a single piece of real evidence of verification. I hope it is true but I am not convinced.
Not kept a secret at all, it’s really been rubbed in our faces for years and many folks have tried to tell us that we are not even seeing 10% of what the Elite Pedo train does in our world, shit even Walt Disney was arrested and suspected of child fondling on several occasions with the LA Police department. And parents still ran there kids there.
There is NO PEntagon Pedophile Task Force. No evidemce of any of this. Satan rules the world. The world is full of lies. Not to say children havent been tescued. There are no 170000 indictments. Although thete is evidence of a ‘strange’ earthquake under China lake. Thats the ONLY certain thing.
Are we living in China? We won’t believe it until it is “officially” announced, We the People must be notified. Otherwise, it looks like another lie. We are lied to almost always.
judy is a cia psyop that bin attracts like shit to flys! if you believe there are 170k indictments to be unsealed and that trump is anything but a B rated actress banking puppet then your thin in the membranes! that is a nice way to say your retarded!
i have documented the long chain of abuses from JFK to this fake corona 5G virus! i have a plan for government its simple and God approved its called the 10 commandments, if you rape a kid your dead!
satan, sons of satan masons Jesuits many other cults! remember your future?
judy and dangerouswill are nut job fools–they both write while big turds fall from their mouths and onto their keyboards–pus drips from their ears 24/7–the good thing is they are both chained to their beds–judy in the mental ward of a state hospital and dangerouswill in the basement of his moms house—freakin whack job idiots..
Judy, thank you for validating much of what my channels have been saying about the ongoing ops to liberate the children in the DUMB’s. I am a non medical holistic practitioner. I am a re-programmer. I have a weekly conference call where I channel Sekhmet. She does a NESARA meditation with other Ascended Masters, Arc Angels, & Commanders from the ships. She has continually focused on liberating the children from the DUMB’s in the 2 and a half years I’ve been doing the calls with her and other members of my clearing team.
Greensburg Pennsylvania is built on top of a coal mine and at Walmart foreigners from red head land are working there one day and gone the next
Westmoreland County is full of mine wash, but if you wanna see some really jacked up people head to NEPA. Schuylkill and Southern Luzerne Counties are excellent examples of coal cracker crazies…..
Say a prayer for the children. 10 000 views – pay your dues > 10 000 short prayers
How come FOX News has reported any of this this? Is there a video of the General in charge telling us what happened? Fuck No.
Destroying real estate, evidence, technology to keep it out of our hands? Quit destroying shit and start handing finds to the people. If these children are in to bad of shape to move then treat them underground first. I know your political brains are in your ass but, you should be able to at least figure that out. That underground high speed train, how many millions have you spent above ground with no results of building one? Blow the tunnels at the borders only.
Hello, Judy. Do you think there will ever be any public trials of those responsible. I wish these people would eventually be arraigned and be brought before judges in public. I know that the late Ted Gunderson discussed the “Finders” for years and how the CIA was involved. Thank you.
And not one pic, not even with a cellphone, as these 50,000 phony kids are hauled out. It’s amazing, really.
Bull shit.
It’s obvious that Judy Byington is mentally ill. But wait? I think I just saw 50,000 kids run by my window! Judy was RIGHT!! God Bless Judy Byington!
50K? No. they must have mistyped a zero!!! closer to 500,000! from tunnels all over the globe, from cargo ships, kids being brought in to be sold to Pedophiles here in America, kids being sold to hospitals to be torn apart for their body parts, others to be tortured for the production of Adrenochrome (under 3-Gorges Dam in China), and more to be killed on the alters for Bal (satan). These are the fallen angels (see Genesis) that have been here thousands of years, that Jesus called “Vipers”! They are the FAKE Jews who are the Leaders in Israel (and the fake Jews in NY who fought with the real ones about the tunnel under their synagogue recently).