Queen Elizabeth, Canada, Native Chiefs, Vatican, CIA Cover Up of Child Death Camps, Mass Grave Sites
Like a huge baby-burning furnace, the government of Canada under leadership of Queen Elizabeth, appeared to have done everything possible to get rid of evidence and wipe clean the memory of its mass murder of over 60,000 native children – with a deadly cover up that appeared to still be going on today.
Just this past week we witnessed it happen again at the scene of a mass murder of 215 native children at the Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia. A mass grave containing tortured remains of native children lay just south of Kamloops – the same location where Kevin Annett’s friend William Coombs witnessed the abduction of ten Kamloops school children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip on October 10, 1964. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2021/05/29/mass-grave-215-bodies-found-indigenous-school-canada/5262768001/
Back in October 2011 Mohawk Elders and Annett did the first excavation of bodies of tortured children in mass graves believed to be on 80 Indian residential school grounds across Canada. The dig took place in Brantford, Ontario, but after discovering and verifying children’s bones, the team of forensic experts was forbidden to enter the property by Catholic and Canadian authorities.
Unfortunately the cover up of child mass grave sites across Canada involved much more than just the Canadian government and Queen Elizabeth. It expanded to the Vatican and CIA mind control experiments on children that involved huge international pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Bayer and Eli Lilly. Vatican, Canadian Gov, Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly Genocide of 60,000 Native Children | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
As early as 1922 the Canadian government made a deal with band council chiefs that in exchange for benefits, they would round up children from their tribes and deliver them into over 80 residential school death camps and hospitals across Canada. The chiefs also agreed to track down runaway children and bury those who died in secret. Is it any wonder that the same chiefly families were now posing as the good guys by digging up a children’s mass grave?
Way last February 2019 a Citizens Grand Jury investigation expanded from the kidnapping of ten children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip into a probe of a suspected medical killing ground for aboriginals – St. Paul’s Catholic Hospital in Vancouver Canada. The Grand Jury inquiry involved thousands of missing native men, women and children on Canada’s West Coast – and like other investigations in behalf of the 60,000 missing native children – went nowhere. Probe of Queen Elizabeth Child Abduction to Catholic “Killing Ground Hospital” | Celebrities | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)
After enduring years of sodomy, torture on a rack and electric shocks at the Kamloops school, and just before he was to give his testimony before a citizens’ Grand Jury in February 2011, William Combes was killed by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Paul’s hospital in Vancouver. His death never investigated, let alone the criminals charged.
This week the British Columbia Coroner announced that he would be on the scene working closely with the Tk’emlups Band Council to “investigate” the child mass grave site at Kamloops, as if that’s a good thing. It isn’t, actually, since the BC Coroner has a long and sordid history of issuing fake certificates to concealed the real cause of death of murdered Indians.
William Combes suffered such a fate at the hands of the Coroner’s office. The BC Coroner claimed that William’s death was due to tubercular meningitis. Though, his attending nurse Chloe Kirker testified under oath that William had no symptoms of TB, but rather the bloated face and darkened fingernails was of one who had been poisoned by arsenic.
The very fact that the BC Coroner was showing up in Kamloops now was a sign that an official cover up was at work. You could be assured that any incriminating evidence found on those little bones would be expunged as quickly as were their lives.
Last week, the Kamloops Indian band leaders displayed a sudden concern for their relatives in the ground whom they ignored for so many decades. The state funded Tk’emlups Band Council announced that it was digging up the mass grave. In fact, what they were doing was breaking the law. Council officials were interfering with a crime scene and obstructing justice by destroying evidence of how those children died by doing the dig quickly, in secret and without a plan to determine how the children died, nor who caused their death, or how they would lay out the criminal charges.
Even though the site was a crime scene, the police were absent, with the media and public banned from the site. Since the land was legally owned by the Crown, we could easily assume that this subversion of justice was authorized and done in the name of the Canadian state and Queen of England.
To cover their misdeeds, the Tk’emlups Band Council’s public relations people were issuing the usual politically-correct phrases about justice and remembrance. This appeared to be a mere smokescreen to distract from their destruction of the graves.
With forensic evidence the children could be identified, including some of those ten children abducted by Queen Elizabeth whose parents have never seen them since. The unprofessional dig also hid the fact that for decades, the Kamloops chief, council and other native chiefs across Canada had actively colluded in keeping secret the murder of over 60,000 of their children.
This is a second in a series of articles about the Canadian Holocaust that killed more than 60,000 children. The native children went missing from 80 mainly Catholic and Canadian government owned residential schools across Canada according to Kevin Annett in his book “Murder by Decree”: www.murderbydecree.com
For more information contact: itccsoffice@protonmail.com or angelfire101@protonmail.com. Kevin Annett gives news and updates Sun. at 6pm EST on www.bbsradio.com/herewestand