Trump Declares War! Just Like That, Bombs Fly, Strike - Video Aired, Heads Roll & Retaliation Begins!
RR News Update! – February 2nd, 2025 Justus Knight
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On today’s broadcast:
Title: Trump Declares War! Just Like That, Bombs Fly, Explosion Video Released, Heads Roll and Retaliation Begins…
- The Trump Shock and Awe campaign marches forward with a strong announcement of WAR! A war on terrorism, a trade war, a war on the deep state and a war against the non-sense that has permeated every corner of our U.S. Government. We are only crossing into week 3 of this administration and the follow out is already scorching across D.C. as Trump rushes to bring back the great Republic of the United States back to its former glory!
I love you all, until next time, Godspeed and God Bless,
Justus Knight
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Since the Mossad/CIA execution of JFK the only thing the US is known for is war, and the crimes that go along with them. Always a war starting with Vietnam and the false flag gulf of Tonkin that kicked the whole thing off. Your boy Trump is in the process of the destruction of the US with the help of the DC traitors from within. You will see these events go non stop for the next 4 years as they bring in their totalitarian technocracy WEF sponsored NWO. That will once and for all do away with any remaining freedoms you once thought you had. Truth told you were never free. You already own nothing. Don’t believe me try not paying your taxes for a few years and write to me what prison you are sitting in. Or when they stole your home out from underneath you leaving you homeless and tied up in legal battles. War on poverty war on drugs war in the Middle East South America Africa ……….seeing any pattern yet?
News beholden to no one? Justus and Lisa have a long history of shilling for Satanic Israel.
In Israel it is legal to gang rape hostages (including anally with a stick) which apparently happens on a regular basis. In one case it was so bad that someone ordered the military police to arrest 10 Israeli soldiers who gang raped/hospitalized a Palestinian hostage. In response to this, the Israel public exploded into a civil war fury against the ass-hole who ordered the arrests, and overran two highly secured military bases in ABSOLUTE FURY as captured on video:
[In a Major Blow To Humanity]
Pro-Israel Judge Julia Sebutinde to assume presidency of the International Court of Justice
A Trump Anti-Free-Speech executive order will result in deporting foreign nationals who protest in favor of Gaza. Also, Holocaust II was destroying all of Gaza, and Holocaust III will be destroying all of the west bank:
Israeli Hostage CALLS OUT Media Lies About Her Injuries
[War Criminal?] Trump Confirms Bomb Shipment To Israel | Muslim News | Jan 27, 2025
Trump on video stating that he is not a Christian
Africa’s president says when you get to America kill white people.