Gavin Newsom Launches Methane Satellites as CA Health System goes Bankrupt
While the rest of us are expected to reimburse $40 Billion to the CA denizens for the fires that ravaged their state, it’s up and away for tracking the evil methane gases. While it is claimed that Newsom is tracking to the right to prepare for his run for President next time around, he doubles down on bankrupting California.
By the way, Newsom also recently signed $50 million in spending to fight the administration’s policies and to provide legal assistance to illegal aliens who are resisting deportation.
Governor Gavin Newsom announced Friday that the State of California will launch methane-detecting satellite sensors at a cost of $100 million — while it is borrowing over $6 billion to fill shortfalls in its health care system.
The Golden State is out of cash, and its Medicaid system, Medi-Cal, is reportedly insolvent thanks to Newom’s decision to expand free health care to illegal aliens. The state is also reeling from wildfires, homelessness, and crime.
Yet Newsom, who recently launched his own podcast, believes that the state has enough money to fund the launch of satellite sensors to track the local release of methane, a greenhouse gas, in an effort to reduce global emissions.
Ironically, California has emitted six times more carbon dioxide than any other state in the Union over the past 17 years, thanks to wildfires that have burned out of control partly due to the state’s failure to clear brush in forests.
Newsom announced the satellite launch as a dig against the Trump administration over climate change — even as he is also counting on President Donald Trump and the Republicans to provide $40 billion in aid for the California fires.In a statement, the governor’s office said:
The satellite project and the data acquired by it is made possible by a $100 million investment from the state’s Cap-and-Trade program. Already, one satellite has been launched with up to 7 more to be deployed.
The state will maintain a database and web portal to coordinate and document mitigation actions. While California does not own these satellites, state agencies will be able to select specific regions for observation. This data will also be available to communities to view methane mitigation efforts, education, and for outreach.
Last year, California followed through on a promise by former Governor Jerry Brown when a philanthropically-backed coalition, including the state, launched its ‘own damn satellite’ to help track dangerous pollutants like methane.
Just for the point of reference as to what this is all about, let’s slide back a few years and check out Bunks box of golden moment
United States Signs Commitment Placing Farmers Under Restrictions to Reduce Methane Gas.
June 2, 2023
The nations signing onto this pledge to transform their farm policies are the United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru and Spain.
So it’s curious that, at the very time the globalists are warning about food shortages and famine, their mouthpieces at the World Bank, the U.N., and within the administrations of the U.S. and its allies (notice China and Russia are nowhere to be found in these preposterous anti-food policies), are talking about converting over to a new and unproven form of “sustainable” farming that’s focused more on reducing methane than it is on producing the highest yields of food.
What he really means in the tweet below is, 100 million free people and 900 million serfs and slaves, the few they decided to keep alive to serve them. The billions slated for removal are we “useless eaters” that automation will make idle, and the Elites don’t like free men. Too hard to control
“We can have 1 Billion people with freedom, or 9 Billion slaves. We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion.
I hope that culling can be peaceful and slow and equal between rich and poor.” -Dennis Meadows (author of Limits to Growth) Club of Rome— Global Freedom Movement (@GlobalFreedomM) April 18, 2022
The very best of the swamp.
Cow fart sniffers. Why? Because Gayvin likes to stand in the closet sniffing his own farts. The ridiculousness of these stories gets wise each day.
The land of fruit and nuts