The 7.3 Earthquake of
November, 1995
(Edited From December, 2013)
Although these statements may very well not be appreciated, merely the fact that you are reading an explanation on this blog of the Revelations and Prophecies I received in 1974 and 1975 is a Miracle greater than either the multiplication of loaves and fishes or the changing of water into wine:
When I first began writing to the media officials and the religious ‘authorities’ in the United States and the Israel in 1976, those letters were written with a typewriter. And, because I was a poor typist, it sometimes took hours to type those letters with an ‘acceptable’ amount of errors.
Then the originals had to be taken to a copying service to be copied, the envelopes had to be addressed by hand, the postage stamps had to be purchased (the cost of a first class stamp had just been increased from 12¢ to 13¢), the stamps had to be applied, the envelopes had to be stuffed and sealed; and I had to carry those dozens and then hundreds of letters several blocks in order to be mailed…
Whereupon they were all promptly thrown into the trash can by the media officials and the religious ‘authorities’ to whom they had been mailed.
(And, by the way, I had met only one of the seven women who would ultimately play such a critically important role in helping me to understand and explain the Revelations and Prophecies I had received.)
Over approximately the next 10-11 years, this procedure was repeated several times until it amounted to hundreds and, then, thousands of letters mailed; with not even so much as one positive reply from anyone that I contacted (except, as explained elsewhere, one reply from a teacher at the Neve Yerushalayim School of Torah for Women in Jerusalem in October or November, 1981).
In 1986, I bought a Tandy 2000 computer with a first generation word processing program (with which I wrote the first draft of the explanation of the reply of Jesus to the Sadducees, demonstrating that he taught the Doctrine of “resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’; dozens of copies of which were then given to the professors at the
Jesus Seminar conference at the University of Notre Dame in October, 1986; after I had challenged them to a debate on the Revelation and Doctrine of “the resurrection”), and first gained access to the Internet. But I did not begin posting messages to the Dejànews newsgroup alt.messianic until August, 1994.
[And it was on the newsgroup alt.messianic that, shortly after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, I issued a challenge to the Chief Rabbis in Jerusalem to debate me on the Doctrine of “resurrection”, giving them a seven day deadline to respond. And it was just a few hours prior to the expiration that deadline that the Middle East was struck by the earthquake of November 22, 1995, cracking the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid (symbolic of the Egyptian ‘god of the dead’ doctrine of “resurrection”). I received no other reply]:
1995 Gulf of Aqaba earthquake – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia *
To summarize, when I first received the Revelations and Prophecies, there was no such thing as computers with complex word processing programs; there was no such thing as the Internet as it is now known; there was no such thing as a “blog”; there was no such thing as “Google Translate”; and there was no such thing as Twitter.
And, as a consequence, there was no way in HELL that anything I wrote during that time was ever read by anyone other than those to whom my letters had been sent; all of whom, of course, considered those letters as being of no significance whatsoever.
The fact of the matter, quite simply, is that the Truth about the Doctrine of “resurrection” and the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” had, in fact—through the determined and relentless efforts of the media officials and the religious ‘authorities’(including, in particular, the academic researchers of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Codices)—already been exterminated from the face of the earth (the bloody consequences of which would be plain to see were that information ever to be made public).
Today, I write with a word processor. I am a good typist. And I have now met seven women who have provided me information crucial to the understanding of the Revelations and Prophecies I received many years before I even met them.
My writings are published on my blog within minutes of their being written. And, within a couple of hours, they have been read by, literally, hundreds of people on the other side of the world; who, thanks to Google Translate, do not even have to understand the English language in order to acquire a general understanding of the Doctrinal errors of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious ‘authorities’.
In addition, my writings are now available to anyone around the world with computer access to the Internet and Google Translate (although access to my websites has been, for obvious reasons, blocked by, at least, the University of Notre Dame). And, within minutes, I can also send links to the writings on my blog to dozens of media officials around the world; and to other people via Twitter.
Links which—some things never change—are, most likely, promptly deleted (or I am blocked on Twitter)by those to whom those e-mails have been sent; those who, however, have no knowledge at all that I have been doing this for more than 41 years.
Understand, then, that the words you are reading on this blog are words that the SATANIST media officials (including Wikipedia; see below) and the SATANIST religious ‘authorities’—every single one of them that I have contacted over these past 41+ years—have done everything in their power to prevent you from reading.
And, were it not for computers, word processors, blogs, the Internet, and Google Translate, the Truth about the Doctrine of “resurrection” and the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the “Son of man” would STILL be exterminated from the face of the earth; and you would never have read even so much as ONE word that I have written in explanation of these Revelations and Prophecies; nor would anyone ever have known of the fulfillment of the Prophecies of Daniel.
Thus, I find it somewhat bizarre when the IDIOT religious ‘authorities’ and/or their NITWIT followers demand that I perform a ‘Miracle’ for them.
Well, the Miracle that has already been performed—certainly I did not perform it—is this:
Despite the determined efforts of, literally, every media official and monotheistic religious ‘authority’ on the face of this wretched planet to prevent the Truth from being known, there have been more than 313 thousand page views to my writings on this website as well as more than 36 thousand page views of the writings on my “science-of-consciousness” website.
And, when I issued an ultimatum to the UNCONSCIOUS, SATANIST, IDIOT editor of the Jerusalem Post to publish on the Jerusalem Post website the notes including the Unsealing of the Seven Seals of the Revelation of John, he was unable to throw that ultimatum into the trashcan…
And it can now be read by any number of people on this planet…
The question being, however, whether even that will accomplish ANYTHING at all.
Michael, as Prophesied (Chapter 12:1 of the Book of Daniel; Sura 2:98 of the Quran; Column XVII of the Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light; Chapter 3, verse 12 of the Revelation of John) and
Sarah–>Elijah–>Daniel–>John the Baptist–>Mohammed–> Elizabeth (as Prophesied in Chapter 12, verse 13 of the Book of Daniel—1987) Cecil (1988) for:
Hagar–>the apostle Mary–>Danielle (1982-1987)
Isaac–>the apostle John–>Robin (1986)
Ishmael–>the apostle Peter–>Cindy (1992)
Jacob–>the apostle Thomas–>Linda (1987)
Esau–>the apostle, Judas–>Susan (1970)
Isaiah’s wife–>the apostle James–>Kimberly (2000)
*Note to Wikipedia: Don’t ask me for money. Please contact the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious ‘authorities’ and institutions. They should be willing to reward you handsomely for your censorship and suppression of the Truth about the Doctrine of “resurrection” as a Doctrine of ‘Rebirth’ for approximately the past 10 years. After all, it is on the basis of the censorship of that one Truth that they have been able to hoodwink their gullible followers of billions of dollars in ‘donations’ over that same period of time.