Children Are Being Corupted And Turned Into Gang Stalkers To Run 900 Targeted Individuals Out Of 9 States In America
I started doing this Prophet stop gang stalker work as an open vessel medium Prophetic channel writer because I am a Targeted Individual, and when the Gang Stalking, Thievey, Vandlism, Stalking, and an apparent cat napping went on years ago starting in 2005 I was doing my Angel Board readings then and getting clues and channeled crime tips and then became an open vessel medium clear in early 2009 and started channel writing crime tips which include Stopping Gang Stalking. My Prophetic readings say that in 2005 when I bought a house with my money from my house I sold and my income Gang Stalkers lied her bills are ten thousand a month so we have to run them out, as readings say they Target Moms who buy a house, and lie they bought a house for too much without thinking when they qualified and its all planned out, and readings say I am one in many they have done this to in America, and they are trying to do it to alot more people still. Readings say they set up Hate Crimes when I did nothing anyone would hate, or to make them mad as I am a good over honest spiritual person whos sober in AA since Feb 1985, so I am one to check my motives, to not manipulate or harm anyone and I keep a clear conscousess. Readings say they lied her bills are too much so we have to run them out, when my payment was about $2,650.00 a month, as I found an old mortgage payment recently as I also keep papers and spend time going through files and I saw it with my eyes, as I got a neg am loan that went up and down a little each month, and my bills were the same as the two story house I sold, and a neg am loan is designed for people to keep their payment low for awhile knowing their income will increase later on, and I was buiilding up my buisness and planned to double it when my daughters were adults and had it all planned and timed out, and was told the payment would not go up for about 7 years and said I will refinance before then anyway, so I bought a one story with my two story equity money by a swing loan I got against it for about $300.000.00 and with my real estate income as I was a Realtor Nancy G. Fox-Taylor Liscense name from 1999 to 2009, and I kept reserves in the bank from my Seller Proceeds and real estate sales commision and usually always had months of reserves for monthly bills in the bank, and the mortgage broker team who got the loan with Countywide that became Bank of America structured it this way, and suggested the down payment amount and said then you will have reserves in the bank. Readings say Gang Stalkers went nuts I bought a house for about 1 million and lied that cost too much, and lied her bills are too high when they were not, and readings say they stole $100,000.00 of my money from the bank my reserves from 2005 to 2009 a little at a time to run us out when the $100 grand would have paid bills for one year, and thats what the reserves were for, and readings have said they started bugging my cell and stole 8 of my real estate listing Sign calls from buyers and from my ads in The Los Angeles Times Newspaper Real Estate secrtion that were under Nancy G. Fox-Taylor, and readings say they started hacking me in 2007, and hack and bug me the whole time, and have also stolen my Medium Reading calls and emails, and my paypal cash app venmo by hacking, and money sent by my letters to pay the whole mortgage off, my readings say they stole amounts like this years ago, as that is what they do to Targeted Individuals so I work each day with all my might to get them stopped from their theivery abuse etc.
Gang Stalkers Choose 900 To Target In 9 States
by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA
A Gang Stalker girl who’s probably a teenager or very young adult says they have 900 people picked out in 9 or 10 areas of the USA to take out of their areas, they are the good nice honest people they hate because of the way they act so kind and free spirited, and because of the way they look in spy cam footage, she says they view their body types to see is they are ones to be chosen to set up and do in as they hate wide clitorises and long thin ones, and fat wide ones as they are also an FGM Female Genital Clitoral cutting ring who frame people by a conspiracy to cut off their genitals, and say they chart body parts on a graph and hate large nipples that pop out as most of them doing this wickedness have inny nipples, some are very inverted where they had trouble breast feeding or did not want to anyway she’s saying, as some of their Moms hate breast feeding, and bottle fed them are some, and they hate seeing Moms breast feeding their kids, and say by texts and aims and not messenger as much now as some are caught for their evil slanderous liar brain washing conspiracy, brain washing friends on facebook about nice good Moms is what they have been doing all night and day long with many methed out speedy liar hands typing lies as fast as they can to many facebook friends with liar framing slanderous fraud reports attached and photo shopped photos and edited spy cam shots and looped bugging, and she says many of them have white to pale pink nipples and inverted clitorises are some of them, the young women doing this, and say thereby their favorite word to sound professional they hate dark large nipples as many are on pregnant Moms and breast feeding Mothers, and they hate clitorises that pop out and the body they were born with is what they say amongst their rotten selves, and say they are many with nice soft palest pink nipples that are so soft and round, and some have peach fuz pubic hair and say soft peach pubs man oh man all day online as some of their leaders who hate orgasms and large clitorises and dark think pubic furry pubic hair they call it have blond pubic hair and some have scare blond pubic hair so they hate loathe what they describe as dark furry pubs, and would think a a peeping tom would be looking at peoples pubic hair and run them out of where they live by secret Discrimination, as you are not allowed to do Housing Discrimination, and thats a law, people can buy where they want, live where they want and they are not allowed to be discriminate against by religion race and so on and thats a law they break secretly and say they do it without anyone knowing and its illegal for two or more to conspire to harm someone also, and they say they pick 900 people they hate to run out of house and home and the areas they live in because of the way they act shopping, and so on, and because of the way their body looks in their spy cam footage, and choose them by that, and they say if a clitoris is wide they go down as a very bad person, they are taught that that means they have too much male hormone inside them and they say the body they are born with decides, and pale soft pink lovely round nipples are fine, and is are medium coarse light brown pubic hair as they are the devil in a fierce wicked cult choosing 900 people in 9 areas of America to run out of house and home because they hate their clitoris, their nipples, their pubic hair, is hard to fathom as who could be so sick and rude to think of such things that are supposed to be private, that is why they are called Private Areas, and they say they were told by their own Moms they are choosing who to run out of their area, and they were told they are picking out Moms who look sexy walking around in their tight or loose clothes, and those Moms with great body’s they are putting spy cams on to see how they look naked, then getting their receipts for that they buy and tallying them up to set them up to a CPS Secret Courthouse to take custody away to teach the Moms a lesson for being like that, for caring about their Looks, and for spending a dime on themselves as to them thats a very bad person, and their Moms said a Mom should think only of her children’s clothing and not their own, and they should think of their taste buds only too, and not cook what they are in the mood to eat, even if the kids love it too, they think its wrong to not follow a planned out menu, and to cook on a whim, food that sounds good they hate, as they plan menus out each week and day and make sure they have what they need such as milk and soda for smoothys for after School, and many of the Moms kids are grown up, and they go by what they did when they were young, and many think Moms should bake, follow recipes, freeze food for later that week or month, and use cook books and a measuring cup so they hate creative cooks who say a little of this a little of that, I have garlic why not? as many are rigid and hate Creative Cooks and Moms who put Creative outfits together,and artists who paint, and they hate calm spiritual people, and say they should run around like a chicken with their heads cut off and not be so patient doing everything in stride without stressing out as they hate Moms who have tools for living that have learned my reading, and meetings, and by praying, and worked hard in their lives to be like that are many they hate, and are always calm patient and reserved, and many Gang Stalker women are not, they are ones to stress out, be impatient to hurry around,and to yell online, and to want to control people because they hate the way they are, when they like being the way they are and would not want to be like them, and many are drama queen gossips addicted to the excitment of Gang Stalking, and they are sadistic who get off on upsetting Targeted Individuals, and they get all revved up when something goes wrong in a T Is life and message text about it like nuts and say guess what ? so and so did this, and are all excited and happy they are upset, and they say they take people away a kickin and screamin and all text yippee you guys see them go down the block we forced shots, we set them up so dam stinken bad that they stinken dam deserved for being the way they are, hooray, we got them hand cuffed by our lies and fraud reports we sit and do all night and day to make them look so stinken dam bad as w hate them for the way they act and say they deserve it for that to happen as they are ones with a big fat clito and furry dark pubs, and we know that means they are a very bad person so take them away and cut their stinken clitos off, and the sons penis head, to do them all in, as we hate them and they are chosen, and those are ones we are removing from many areas in America because they are sick to us to dress up to go out at night to a dance club are some of the nice Moms, and we hate the way the move a dancin, and we hate it when a small amount of cleavage shows, and even one eighth of an inch a our does not show, not at all, we wear high neck shirts and not scoop round necks of low v necks, and we wear soft pleated cuffed tan pants cotton and twill and jeans with a longer shirt where our buts to not show much are many of us doing this who are sport types, many play tennis, some golf, and we are yuppie looking jocks mostly and some are not who are in on this, some are realtor women in very conservative suits with hair dos and some are very attractive and wear alot of make up and take hours doing their hair and make up, and the young women are mostly attractive many are taller with blue eyes and some with long hair, and some are very petite 5 feet tall and under and many look like they are in a Catholic Camp and some are Jewish, and some have freckles that fool people as they look like they would be nice, and they say they are not stopping this as they were trained a kids and youths to do nice Moms in for being a little wee bit a sexala lookin, and they were told in elementary School and Middle Schools in 6th grade when they were 11 and 12 years old to do this, and some were 9 and 10 then in 2006 to 2007 and some started in 2005 probably by their Moms saying we are doing a save life job secretly, and many are 9 now who are lying about nice Moms and kids with fraud in folders for free new clothes, and goody treat bags at high Noon at Parkests its been for a long time as they get goody treat bags at a park bench at Noon for lying, and free new clothes, and paypal from atms thats stolen and cash in their hands at market entrances, and ar told, ” here is pay kids, pocket it keep ninety dollars spend ten on a treat or energy bar to go around and read lines on recipe cards” as they are paid to lie, and then they are turned into Gang Stalker hacker thieves, looters car thieves, and FGM clitoral cutters, and alcoholics as they give these Computed Children Peppermint Schnapps, and they are turned into junky drug addicts as they are shot up with meth and heroin, and they are turned into child molesters as they are told to suck on baby’s bottoms when they are teenagers, and some start doing this at age 10, and the gang stalker women molest them, and they think nothing of it, they say it feels nice, they dont mind, the older girls are their past neighbors in the suburbs, they know them from horse back riding camp and from their Schools as they were in seven grades above them in private Schools, and many went to Public schools and many are still in public Schools as they are children and they pretend the groups of them are nice family’s in a car just parked a sitin and talkin, as they plan it each day, and have a 10 year old, a couple youths, young women, adult woman who are Moms of the young gang stalker girls or business women who look like they are their Mother, and some are realtors, and they say they were told as young kids to do this to get people out of their area they hate, as they want it to be a golfer tennis player area some said and say now, and in other parts of the Country they do this where there are not alot of jock types, but many do sports who are in this, and they say they choose them by who they hate, and lie its not discriminate when it is, as everyone can live where they want to live, and they cannot be discriminated against for their dress or body they were born with or how how they cook, or because they dont follow what the Jewish Christian Catholic Mormon Gang Stalkers do and not show their cleavage.
Gang Stalker Mothers And Their Daughters Conspire Against Targeted Moms They Hate
The Gang Stalkers on spy cam. hacking, bugging equipment, and security camera dangerous very bad persons pretend they are covering people to help them and its for ill purpose and they are saying they have been up all night framing good citizens as always as they are dishonest mean cruel inhumans who do this night and day to good people, and say they have 80 framing warrants on 900 people to get them taken away to hand cuff innocent people, to force not needed or wanted medical attention which is murder alone and pre meditated murder by a conspiracy as they all plot and plan it out to force not needed or wanted shots of meth and heroin into victims they are targeting and they kill people this way and say an instant death what’s it matter? they are the on the list and chosen, and say they got 80 some framing fake warrants they made up out of the clear blue sky its not exactly they just copy paste lies on papers and slander good people and make stuff up all night and day online and by aims and texts in their two or more lied conspiracy as if two people or more plan to harm someone together thats a conspiracy, and they are the devil criminals the worst inhumans in the world who do this to nice people, and many are young women fooling many by the way they look and act and they say they are on patrol to see what good deeds they can do today a huh a huh a huh man man oh man gee wiz and say they act like corn balls and are told to act silly and kindest to all around to fool them into thinking they are nice people as they are con artist phony’s and trained to be this way and they frame sincere kind honest good people and say they hate them if they look a little wee bit sexala and they are ones who are not like most of their Moms and they go by that as their Moms are ones who are so normal to them, they are ones who just follow a list, who do not run out and shop quick as free spirits like the ones they hate and loathe who are creative spontaneous Moms with a zest for life who are not mundane shut down lower self judgmental people like their Mothers, as readings say their Moms are not ones with a creative spark, or ones to feel music and to dance and sing to it, to feel emotions and feelings, as they are shut down and boring and regimented and doing ho hum to do lists, and not ones to change their planned day as the Moms they hate do as they would change things on a whim if something crossed their path and say what pretty flowers they are selling, I think I will go in and by some and do my do to list later, it could wait until tommorow, and Moms they hate are ones to change their day when good things present themselves, such as someone calls them for coffee or lunch they might go and say I can run errands tomorrow, and they work in priority with birds in their hand and go with the flow of life, and are spontaneous thinking why not? and do things they are in the mood to do also, and would say I don’t feel like doing that today, I feel like painting or gardening in the nice weather and do things at the right time and when they are in the mood to call people and talk, and they hate them for being like that as the gang stalker young women’s Moms are some who are rigid and they are gossips, and they frame nice Moms because they hate the way they act and look in private as they are peeping tom voyeurists on spy cams and they should not know how they look changing their clothes or showering or what their bras and underwear are like as that is supposed to be private and they hate them for being themselves in private as many are some who always buy matching bra and underwear sets in their life, and they wear white with white and black with black, and maybe pale pink with pink tan with tan solid bras and underwear sets or just bras and underwear the same color, and that they may do since they were 20 years old, and to them its normal, and the Gang Stalker women think that means they want to look good for a man when No they just want to look good in their clothes, so they start spying and hate them for being themselves, the person they have always been, doing what they have always done, and the young women Gang Stalkers say their Mom told them if a Mom shops so fast and buys alot at once that means she’s spending money needed for the kids and household budget when some they hate make lists a budget buy alot at once often in their life and wear the clothes for years to come and they save time buying several things at a time, and may have a list of what they need for clothes they already have in their wallet and this saves money, buying things to make outfits with clothes in their closets, and they have always done this, and budget for it and spend money on clothes maybe once a year or so and do this when they have the extra money to spend so it does not affect their kids or household income, and shopping is not child endangering, and their kids are ones they buy clothes etc for also of course, and they may be ones to buy alot at once on sale and to save time waiting in line to pay, and are always this way, and it always worked just fine, and the Moms not like this hate them for doing what they have always done, as they may buy designer clothes that are good quality that fit great that will last a lifetime and hang in their closet the rest of their lives even, like a classic timeless coat or shirt etc and the Gang Stalker women are some who buy a matching set outfit wear it a few times, and throw it out, and buy new clothes where the Targeted Individuals would never do such a thing, they would think I could wear these pants that came with the set with a shirt or sweater or something as much of what the hated T Is do is practical, and cost effective, and they hate them for being this way, as they are many who are judgmental narrow minded dense women who do not get it, as many are not perceptive or insightful and have no clue why people do what they do, and they make assumptions and write down what they think and write the wrong comments in a log to set up nice good people who are being themselves, and they may hate it if they buy 10 things for a hundred dollars all at once on what they would call a not needed shopping spree, and the Mom probably planned to spend 100 dollars at the store and had a list in her purse and in her head, and bought alot she needed and got alot done, and saved time doing this, and they would see that is bad and the Mom would see it as good and be glad and happy about what she bought, and their Moms would not do that, they would go to a local drug store and buy one or three things at a time, and one gift card not five like the Targeted Moms may do, as they may buy them in advance , second card half off etc. and they would buy things on sale at a drug store and wait to buy them if they are not on sale are some, as they have budgets in their head and calculate as they are smart and do everything for a reason and always have and no one would know why unless they asked, and Gang Stalkers never ask a T I one question, they just sit around making assumptions and guessing why they did something and know nothing at all really, and the Gang Stalkers women readings say are not quiet like the Targeted Moms, the Gang Stalkers are ones to call friends and tell them everything they are doing, they are ones to say do you think I should buy this? or get that? and they are blabber mouth drama queens who like excitement and not quiet reserved Moms with lists in their head like the Targeted Moms, and readings say they tally up receipts of what a Mom bought at a store or market or mall and lie that was needed or necessary, and lie these Moms have frivolous spending, they bought too much without thinkin, and lie they needed that money for food and clothes for their family household and they would say I would not buy that, I would wait and get some things later on, and not buy 10 things at one time and spend 100 smack a roos, when the Moms would buy 10 things at once to save time energy and money, and get it done, and they cannot relate as they are not like them, and lie tht is wrong to buy alot at a market too, to them they should not buy 10 cans of of soup when its on sale, when a Targeted Mom would think I save 10 dollars, now we are stocked up with soup, now if I decide to make a casserole I have soup for it in the cupboard and so on, and they would see that as saving time and money, as they do what crosses their path, and may say oh this is on sale, Ill make that for dinner instead of what I thought I would make, as thy are spontaneous, and go with the flow and think why not?
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