The Gang Stalkers who pretend to do in depth investigations by spy cam hacking bugging equipment say it is 199 on them in the dug out computer lab stations kill Moms and kids and babys and sons included they always say and youths they say are ages 10 and up and they say they are eaten out all lined up on the computer lab floors, or in the room next to the mac coomputers and many of the youths are taken to be caged,is how the serial killers describe what they do and they say they are put under a Fryman Iredale Dog Park as Sons are put under many Dog Parks by cages and they say they place them in dog runs under Dog Parks, and always use the word Place instead of Put, as they say they try to sound evermore so professional and many teens are under that Dog park, but they say Youths because they are 10 and 11 and on up and even 29 year olds they do this to as they use them for high end human trafficking at night say they in the witching hours at many fine hotels and not motels ever, but a few they use on Sepulveda Blvd and along Ventura Blvd and its eighty five percent regular trafficking they do and really they kill ninety percent of the people and keep maybe five percent of them and kill them all in the end as they are stopping everyone from saving their lives as their whole entire mission is to get rid of the ones they don’t like they say to their computer gals the young women and their own Moms and realtors, who do the eat out films and who murder the people ages birth to adults, and unborns also, and there are 89 young women, and 5 Moms and 2 Realtor women in each of the 199 dug out computer lab stations who work with CIA Northern California who says YES cap on that the whole point is to force many orgasm born with it by the Moms genes and make up and CIA Northern California and the counterpart who steals the stop sex slavery Son of God jobs for years say they know because the men told them who investigate things women do, and they told the two of them long ago that cutting off genitals will save life on earth, and they decide with many on their spy watch cam committees who looks sexy and who is too nice, as they hate Moms who act differently in bed and who are so nice and reserved and polite and calm in public, and say thats a real winner, that Mom is named a very bad person if they are dressed stylish and walk with a little ol tiny wee wiggle they aim and text messenger all day and the groups of them decide by voting in unison which Moms to set up to get custody taken away, and they decide by the way they look, and lie they are not fit to be a Mom when they are nice great wonderful Moms, and they say they take the big Son of God jobs and pretend they are saving life on earth, and stole them from mail in 2005 in Feb and July and June it may have been, and they gave Post Offices the wrong information,and lied the Son of God Family Mail is for CIA Northern California and the counterpart who stole the Angel Board crime tip jobs off the front porch in June July 05 and 80 persons, when its said its for 3 People Nancy Gail Fox and daughters, and they say they filed fraud liens at many Post Offices to take the big Save Life On Earth Mission crime tip jobs away, and lied Nancy Fox is a stupid dumb idiot who could never so in depth crime tips as shes too spaced out up in the sky la dee da Nancy they aimed, and lied they should do the in depth crime tips by their proffesional spy cam equipment instead when they are so dumb and stupid they think cutting off clitoruses and framing Moms and taking their baby’s and kids away by lying is saving life on earth, when papers sent say they have killed 900 million people, as they fell for the devils human trapping system, which is to target people rob them blind, frame them, set them up, then lie they are taking them help when its to human sex torture and kill them in human sacrifice rituals, and the ones who stole the jobs in 2005 are the dumb idiots, and some know they murder people, and they are so stupid to think that killing Moms who have passion and adopting their kids out is saving life on earth, as they believed the devil who told them years ago that doing FGM will stop diseases and infections, and they told them that women who orgasm and who have multiples are ones who will infect the population, and they fell for this and think doing FGM is saving life, when they are killing off society’s, and when orgasms and passionate love making keep marriages together and many family’s are kept in tact when the Mom and Dad have good loving making together, and God says orgasms are for pro creation, for life on earth, as if Moms did not have them they would have no desire for intercourse and then baby’s would not be made, and men are supposed to be aroused looking at their woman’s body to want intercourse, as this creates life on earth says God and Jesus Christ and this hated large devil clan does the total opposite and are killing off many young baby’s and kids and their nice great wisest Mothers as the evil wicked life destroyer are many fools who are so dumb and stupid as some of them think that if a Mom lets the Dad see them in the nude they are a very bad person who should loose full custody of their entire family for letting their man they love view them naked, when its the total opposite, and many new age down to earth free spirit couples are this way today like Woodstock of the past, and they hate them for being naked together in love showering and in bed by their dirty nasty pervert mean spy cams they say they place over many unwed Moms and Dads beds, and again many are so dumb and stupid and such fools and so cruel to think that separating family’s is save life mission work when they see baby’s in tears crying so hard the laugh on line, and say boo hoo to each other in texts as such cruel inhuman’s so many are so sadistic and very mean to do this to baby’s and crying young children and do not care if their hearts are sinking and they are all so scared to be ripped away from their nice fun loving great Mothers arms at the drop of a hat they say they do it that fast and say stupid dumb baby’s and snotty nosed litttle cryin kids who gives a hoot, we are doing this to follow the CIA Northern California’s save life on earth mission commands as they took the jobs and pretend its for them, and text them and their Mothers years back, and lied Nancy Fox is not the type to do wise worldly psychic detective in depth crime tips because she’s too dumb and stupid, when they are dumb and stupid to think that capturing Mothers and their entire family by their wicked framing force is saving life on earth, as just separating them is ruining the whole United States of America, and they began by saying cutting off clitos will save people as that will stop diseases and infections and they are not wise at all, and were told they could do the important Son of God jobs instead by taking the mail with them and by pretending thats their job position, and thats what they the devil set up to get dumb stupid idiots to think they are saving life on earth, and again they are also very mean as they purposefully seperate nice happy good ones, great Moms and the best kids on earth says I God and Jesus who’s crying as no one stops them from lying on messenger as said they lied to post offices and filed fake fraud liens and lied the mail of Nancy Gail Fox’s to report our Holy spirit words to solve crimes was other peoples mail and many lied they are the Son of God Family when they are not at all in any way some who started doing this in early and mid 05 were possibly named as suggestions for Nancy Fox to hire for the job they stole from mail and from ups fed exes and from bank parking lots with money sent of hers that they stole, and they lie 80 of them got a Son of God Job and lie they are the Son of God family money when they are not at all in any way, and probably half were named on lists they outright stole from mail they took illegally as suggestions for our medium named Miss Nancy Gail Fox to possibly hire if she wanted to and they lie they got a Son of God because they were named on lists when they got no such job ever and its not their money either it says in 05 it said plain as day these funds are Miss Nancy Gail Fox’s and her two gracious daughters and no one else’s, and they steal it this particular hated con artist greedy liar group and lie 80 of them are the Son of God family money when they are not and many of them got in it years and years before that and planned to steal the Son of God jobs and money when they were sent as they were lied to and told Nancy Fox is not the type to do in depth psychic detective crime tip work when she’s the biggest thinker I know says God and Jesus, and she is the wisest person also on this barley spinning earth, so dumb idiots thought a very wise detective thinker was stupid when they are all so dumb and stupid as they are so stupid to take kids and Moms and many baby’s each day to a sex torturing death without any worry for the people they do this to as they do not check to see what happened to them or where they are, and some know they are blundered and outright killed instantly by shots, and some do not know and are fools who think the kids are adopted out when they are murdered and they are so mean and dumb and stupid to lie all day and night long that Nancy Fox’s tips are wrong when they are right as many doing this crooked I D Theft are not wise at all, they are dumb and not perceptive, and they are not intuitive and do not get it and some think the tips are really wrong because they do not have detective thinking, and they risk lives and keep taking people away by their master manipulation without worrying what happens to them afterwards or the minute a shot is forced against their will as many die that instant, and they planned it conspired together to do that to many who died right on the spot, as they use tainted mixtures meth heroin and Ajax and they are risking lives just by saying force a shot as someone could die by an allergic reaction, and a baby could from any drug says I God and an a person who sober not doing any drugs or drinking could die as it could set up a relapse if the person lived, and in AA they to drink is to die and thats murder alone, to order shots for people who do not drink or do drugs, and to do this to tiny kids is sickening to God and to Jesus Christ the health healer, so the point of this Prophet article is many are mean and know but fell for their lines lies long ago, and were convinced as they are stupid, that doing illegal FGM will stop diseases and infections and they were told they could to the Important Son of God job to save life on earth by doing FGM by taking mail and pretending its their job, and some of the kids who got in this years back they describe it as are also fooled the same way, and with fierce angry determination do the wicked crimes thinking they are saving life, so dumb and stupid and brain washed idiots are sex torturing and murdering my good ones says I God
Fake Investigators Send Out Fake Crime Tips By Fed Ex
by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA
5 are calling out from their 90 dug out rooms in Los Angeles County and from their 11 rooms under Ventura County and from 5 to 9 rooms they built under Neon Light Motels in North Carolina and they are lying to everyone they send folders to by fed ex with fake crime tips that cover up the crimes they commit, and they are saying ” they have sent you folks, people, Politicians their crime tip folders by fed ex with in depth investigative crime tips for years and to please know what they write in them is so accurate,and to not believe or even read what the so called medium sent, as she’s not the real Son of God that many letters describe her as or a real medium as we have done our in depth investigation by the job we got years back named The Nancy Gail Fox Investigation and say she’s not done any of the stop sex slavery channel writing crime tip work as she so claims in her many emails and posts, and online on many of her sites, we say that is all wrong what she’s been saying for so long as we are investigators and hired to do background checks and in depth investigations on persons named on lists seen as a menace to their community and say she had two loud wild parties in 05 and say thats why we got in on this to see her true real personality and we do not care she’s sober in AA a very long time we say she’s one skirting around many things in her life to avoid a trouble and thats the way we view her, thereby we take her crime tip mail away by many papers and forms we prepare to say she’s not the Godly wise one on earth, we say we are doing the investigation crime tip work by investigating her background and the life story she tells we say is so wrong, as we say she’s just doing the crime tips for free pay and free gifts and is a total bull shit artist and not over honest and sincere and so sentimental and wise with psychic detective ability as she so claims, in fact we say she did not read all the books she says she’s read over the years for a spiritual connection to God and one who prayed to Jesus as a child alot, we say probably so on that by her Christian household, we say she did not read all the books and study them as she says, and we say she did not do her own psychic readings alone in the 1980’s and we say she’s dumb idiot stupid air head and not a famous Emmy Nominee Costume Designer either we say thats a total farse and that she did not get nominated for Best Costume Design in the mid 80’s for a Martin Sheen after school special as she says online and on as Nancy G Fox, we say that was done by a scheme so please listen to me, as the Nancy Gail Fox Investigation job came in the middle of 05 and we said we are proving she’s not the psychic Son of God as we do not see a person who’s so worldly and wise praying to God all the time as she says she did day and night, and we say talking to God was a farse to steal a big Son of God job that she heard of for more free pay as a con artist, as we see her that way and always have and thats from us in the dug outs under L A and Ventura County and North Carolina and we say we have sent you fed exes for years with the work she did that we spell checked, we printed it out with our notes that say her crime tips are wrong, and we say we investigate them and know and thereby we say her postal money ups fed ex funds sent and her paypal cash app venmo and her bank money sent is for us for our folders we fed ex you people everywhere in the Country and in the world and to places shes emailed her Medium For God work and fact wordpresses as she’s emailed out her posts since Sept 2012, and added paypal on them April 2013 to get more free money we say and claims its to stop traffick, and much of it is thank you pay, and says thank you for your goodwill work, and many thank you gifts sent to her name we take, and say the gifts and pay are for our folders we fed exed, and we are saying please do not listen to what she writes as we say she’s not a real medium an open vessel clear medium channeling God and Jesus Christ and many famous legends and passed away USA Presidents, we say thats not so, and we say in 2010 we assigned her Medium channel writer jobs to others, and we send them the redone work as we take it in our dug out rooms and by ipads parked all over town by hacking, and redo it and write this is wrong we investigated this information, and say please do not listen to a word of what Miss N Fox writes you guys and dolls on messsenger all day and night as we are very professional investigators and started in to see what she’s doing in 05 Feb when a huge crime tip job was sent to Nancy Fox’s name and address that said for her to do game board word spellings privately to solve crimes with her in born psychic gift and we said no way, that dumb stupid home maker house wife in a shabby tract home is going to sit at a kitchen table and solve crimes by stupid dumb game board words, we are taking that big job away, setting that Mom to our CPS Secret Court hearings and to DCFS to get a hold of her money and mail as alot of money was sent that said for Nancy Fox’s checking account deposit ONLY in capitol lettering,and it said her owned funds are sent because she’s been sent a psychic crime tip job and she needs her money to protect her family and herself so she can do her psychic crime tips safely and we took the jobs and money and said we will do that by our professional spy cam equipment instead and follow the instructions we said later when more jobs were sent to her in June July 05 that we took off the one story house porch, left by fed ex and ups and out of their mail box on a post, and from post offices by filing papers that said Nancy Fox cannot have her Son of God mail or her money sent to banks because we are investigating her to see how she bought a house in summer 05, and we said we are setting her up to get custody taken away to file liens all over town to say the money and crime tip jobs are for us as we are investigators on professional spy cam equipment and say she’s not over honest as she so claims and we say please do not read what she writes on line, read our printed papers instead that we fed ex to you in nice neat folders for ages where we write we checked into this so called psychic medium tip and its so very wrong, we checked the areas named in her posts, and we are doing the save life mission work by master manipulation as we are better suited for this as we are professional investigators and thereby tell everyone the money sent for her is for us, so we hack and take her paypal cash app venmo , her gifts sent from ups fed ex trucks, and say we are the Medium For God Groups doing work that goes along with our Son of God investigative work job we got years back by taking her mail and following the instructions to send crime tips in folders, so please read what we send, not what she wrote online,
What are they really doing? molesting raping sex torturing and murdering baby’s and kids in child pelvic exam stands, and they do this to Moms in gyno chairs in their dug out rooms by 199 of the computer technicians in their Helter Skelkter Human Sacrifice Rituals as they put naked baby’s in a baby child exam stand and say they spread their wee little ol soon to be gone legs out and they get but naked the computer gals strip down, and the men shed their clothes, and rape the baby in the rear end, and its 199 men and some are black men they have as slaves they took from pretend fake casting calls they did for very tall large shouldered handsome black men, and they force them to rape baby’s and keep the black men under the computer dug out room floors as slaves, and its 99 black men and 100 hacker computer techys who lie they are investigators, and they are the ones writing the above letter full of many lies, with the 89 women with them who molest, sex torture and kill helplessly restrained innocent baby’s in Baby Child Pelvic stands, and they all hack the crime tips, and change them and lie they investigated the crime tips while they are committing the crimes, and covering them up in many fed exes.
They are slandering me because they do not want people to know I am accurate about the crimes they commit, as I am over honest and sincere and genuine and I will have 40 years of sobriety in about 1 week, and I work a 12 step program since 1985 and I do not lie, and I did many of my own psychic readings and studied and read many spiritual and metaphysical books in the 1980s starting really at age 18, and I am a spiritual intuitive person in my life, and I became a real medium channeler, and in 2005 I had a 20 year sober AA party in Feb 05 and a House Warming Party in Oct 05, and I am not one to try to get free money, I work harder than average and I worked sometimes 20 hour days on movies when I worked in Costumes, and I got up at 4 am and worked from 4 am to 7 am online selling homes when I was a realtor, and I work hours like these as a medium channel writer for 15 years, and they would be slandering me because I am reporting how they sex torture and murder people.
10 Murderer Young Women Are Hacking Now
They are saying they were taught by manuals when they were youths that a woman or child with a big clito is a very bad person,and they were taught in the manuals the LaVina Brothers who pretend to do investigations gave them, and they are some of their bosses and so is CIA Northern California who told them when they were youths the mission we are doing, is setting up nice Moms so stinken dam bad if they have a large clito, and if the orgasm , and that means they will have a big sex drive and passion within and will infect the entire population, as they learned long ago when they were a youth that a Mom who moans and has passionate orgasmic intercourse is a very bad person, and to take them underground to remove their clitoruses is saving life on earth,and the 10 hacking say they lie they are investigating and really send report information backwards on messenger all night and day to brain wash people into thinking nice Mothers and their girls and sons are very bad persons and tell many lies about them because they were taught that a Mom with passion inside is a very bad person, and say they go by clitorus size and see them in spy cams placed over beds, and in shower heads, and in toliets, and they do this by pretending to do investigations,and they are determined to keep taking babys and kids from nice Moms as they were well taught many years back by manuals about passion within, and they were told to read the booklets sent to them, and handed phamplets at School and told to review it to learn about clitoral sizes and take people based on that and have for many years, and say they eat them out lined up and force orgasms on them and slice of their genitals, and leave them for dead, some are packed on dry ice in leaf crates,and some they cage to rape them to death, and they say they think they are getting rid of very bad persons thats based on clitorus size and by orgasms they had in love making they view in spy cams, and really they hate them because of the body they were born with, as they have great shapes and figures, and loathe them so do their mothers who set up Moms with them to get their babys and kids and youths taken away by master manipulation, and they say they really do think they are very bad persons by the way they had orgasms they saw in spy cams, and they were trained to know how to spot them, and say they won’t stop and they are writing many letters that are full of lies, ending them with its the nice bunch of computer squad kids, us girls who were named the youth group we are older now in our late 20s to early 30s and they lie we are doing the Medium For God Group Work when they are robbing my Medium For God money and gifts by spy cam equipment and cover up the crimes they commit by getting what I wrote and redoing it, and they say its been 89 nice young women doing the crime tip work with 5 of their own Mothers and 2 Realtor women for years, thats the combination in each dug out computer techy room, and say bye bye for now from us nice girls and write many of their names on the liar letters they send on messenger that may be Jenna, two Jennas, Sydney, Kylie, 5 Meghans, Courtney 29, Lisa 32, Cindy, Sally Ann, Diane, Lu Ann, Michelle and Marcie 33 or 34, Ceilas Mom, Marissa 33 or 34 etc.
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