Sex Torturing Murders Are Done By Gang Stalker Hackers
The Prophetic readings explain around 49 or more from Ulysses S. Grant High School, Valley Glen, California from the Class Years 1970 to 1977 and to 2015 are being sent my paypal human sex traffickers rob by hacking, 29 of them in hacker computer work lab stations send stolen paypal to 80 friends on facebook at a time and to 80 people who went to Grant High around the clock, a different group of 80 past Grant High people. every hour around the clock, and they rob my paypal by hacking since I opened it in April 2013 by hacking, and some Grant High people from classes 1970 and 1977 are ones framing Moms to take their baby’s, children, and teenagers away from them the readings have said, and readings say they are saying ” they thought they were sent Nancy Fox’s paypal and Medium For God thank you Prophet gifts that are sent for her tips to use it to take kids from Moms” when its sent to stop them from taking kids from Moms, its to stop them from every taking a baby, kid, or teen again, it is to stop human sex trafficking, and it appears from the reading information they are using stolen stop traffick money to run human sex trafficking, and readings say there are about 29 to 89 hackers robbing it now and they are saying ” hey hey that’s our great amounts of paypal, we say we are a coverin a gravely disabled handicapped lady who bought a house for too much without thinkin way back when” when I am NOT gravely disabled at all and I am not handicapped and I bought a house in 2005, 20 years ago when I was a professional real estate expert who knew exactly what I was doing, and readings say this group robs my money for 20 years by lying about how I bought a house for my family in summer 2005, and say they told banks and post offices that lady is a dumb idiot who bought a house that cost too much too fast without thinkin, when I am a very smart person and I bought it as genius Realtor, and planned it all out efficiently as a Realtor buying their own property, and I started shopping for the house in around 2001 when my Mom told me she wanted to live with us, and I had to sell my two story that had all the bedrooms upstairs and buy a one story, and I wrote offers on houses that were similar to the one I bought in 2002, and from 2003 to 2005, I wrote 5 offers before I wrote an offer the middle of May 2005 on the house I bought and this was planned for years, and I searched the Real Estate Multiple listing service everyday for a house for my family, and ran around previewing many homes as a realtor looking for their own property and I wrote and faxed many offers that were contingent on selling the two story house, so in 2004 I said I a going to sell and then buy, and I decided to refi the two story in 2004 to get $20,000.00 out to do carpet, paint, and tile to get it ready to List and Sell and Listed it in Feb 2005 then a house I wanted to see that was exactly the style and square footage I was looking for came Back on the Market in the middle of May 05 and I loved the house and do did my family and I wrote an offer and did the escrow and bought the perfect house with my money I had in the bank and with money I borrowed against my two story house, and then paid the swing loan off when escrow closed on my two story home as a real estate expired I knew how to do this is why it went so smooth, and readings say the gang stalker thieves lie ” she just waltzed right in and bought a house that cost too much out of the blue without thinkin” when I shopped for it for 4 years, and it was offer number 6 on a house, and I got loan approval with Countywide Home Loans that became Bank of America, and I had the down payment, the income, and the fico score of 790, and all my Ducks in a Row as a real estate expert, as that is what I did for a living, I sold many homes, closed 3 escrows at a time even, and everyday I searched the MLS and ran Buyer Net Sheets and Seller Net Sheets as an expert and used my expertise for myself, and I got a neg am loan and had a payment of about $2,650.00 a month and a $100.00 then $200.00 second, and I was told my payment would be this amount for about 7 years, and I planned to refinance it before then, and I planned to double my real estate income and would have in 2009 to about $300,000.00 a year, but I was slandered and framed and set up in 2009 after 4 years of Gang Stalking, vandalism, a car break in theft and apparent cat napping was done, and readings say Gang Stalkers plan to run us out of house and home to do I D Theft, and planned it Feb 05 to steal my psychic stop sex slavery jobs sent for me to stop sex slavery internationally and to rob money sent to banks, that said for Nancy Fox’s account deposit only, and readings say they stole my psychic job Feb 05 and my money from banks, and then planned to run us out of the house I bought in summer 05, and robbed $109,000.00 of my real estate income and two story house equity money I had in my bank accounts from 2005 to 2009 and 8 of my real estate calls a day by bugging my cell starting in 2007, and readings say they lied they were doing a big real estate mortgage broker crime tip fed ex job and following instructions sent to Nancy Fox that said for her to lease offices and that suggested she buy many mansions to stop sex slavery from with her psychic work, by having people she hires fed ex her psychic tips, and readings say they bought properties on Streets such as Golf Course Road, and other streets around the County Line by following instructions they stole from mail, that said it was suggested Nancy Fox buy many mansions on streets she loves where she sells homes and estates so she can have people work in them to stop sex slavery internationally and so her and her family will be protected by her owning many mansions etc. and readings say they made up a big liar story to rob money from the banks, to buy many mansions with stolen funds, and to send the wrong crime tips out to cover up how sex slavery is run, and readings say many from Grant High classes of 1970 and 1977 sit in the mansions bought with stolen money stealing my paypal, and my Prophet thank you gifts, and they frame Moms to take baby’s and kids from them, and say ” they thought they were sending the paypal they take by hackers to send it out on facebook so friends will help them take kids from Mothers” when its to stop them from taking kids from Moms, as they do the opposite as they are named The Two Or More Lied Sons of Satan Conspiracy who take people to sex slavery by lying, and readings say many planned it out in Feb 05 to steal the psychic crime tip jobs sent to Nancy Fox and they stole them, and told people they could do this crime tip job by professional spy cam equipment instead of Nancy Fox doing dumb stupid game board angel board word spellings, and many did thumbs up texts and said YES we are in, we will pretend its your job, and say today ” they all got in on it way back when when they heard a large important crime tip job was sent to Nancy Fox, the conspired and said they would frame an over nice Mother and a very smart realtor to look like she’s a dumb idiot to steal her jobs and her money sent to banks and heard the job came with alot of perks and were told they could receive a whole lot of money later on for being in on it” and say ” they went to town to take her down to take her big crime tip jobs and money sent to banks to her name and knocked the mail box on the post down smashed it on the ground two times and stole their kitty cats and broke in the car took their property, and did take $109,000.00 of her owned money she made from the banks, a few thousand at a time and 40 grand in 06 and her work calls and work emails they started taking in 07 by hacking and bugging equipment, and did it on purpose, and planned it all out by conspiring to do I D Theft cap YES the lying thief hackers say now as I am channeling what they say by God and Jesus, and they say they zoomed by and outright took her psychic crime tip mail out of the mail box on the post and that is why they smashed it on the ground two times, and they made up a big liar story about how she bought her house and set out to frame a nice Mother like they frame many Moms everyday, and some from Feb 05 doing identity theft say ” their mission is to force many orgasms on tiny baby’s and brand new ones and every age baby and kid and their Moms to then cut their genitals off, and they stole the crime tip jobs to send backwards information out, and they pretend to investigate Mothers and to do in home investigations, and really frame them so dam sinken bad to get their baby’s and kids of all ages taken away to put them in child pelvic stands and gyno chairs to rape them repeatedly and to eat them out til they all stinken dam die and thats why they took The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission angel board crime tip channeling jobs sent for her in born psychic gift in Feb 05 and in summer 05 from the house she bought and for 20 years they take them and her whole life as they do not want her reporting how they murder innocent victims and do illegal Female Genital Mutilation and they got kids to steal the crime tip jobs from the Post Office they text them to run their after School and they told them zoom past the mail box on a post with their parents to take the mail, and others went to the UPS Store etc and they say they planned it out because they are running sex slavery and depopulation, and killing off people they hate, and they went to Grant High and do did many in it with them and many are Jewish and hate people who spend money and frame nice Moms by receipts and they are told to set Moms to take thier kids from them, and many think the kids are adopted, and they say they did it to pretend they got important jobs and to lie they are the Son of God save life commander and got many in it by saying you guys could receive a whole lot of money later on for being on in it, just send us Nancy Fox’s crime tip jobs and instructions to buy properties and to rent offices, and they are buying properties for 20 years with stolen funds, and lie they are for ther Son of God stop sex slavery crime tip fed ex folder jobs” when they are the Son of Satan taking many innocent family’s to a sex torturing death by framing nice Mothers to their CPS Secret Court and they pretend they do in home investigations and DO NOT, they frame people by edited spy cam footage looped bugging, and by fraud framing reports, and set Moms up.
They are sending a slanderous liar letter to banks my readings say that lies
Miss Nancy Fox made $40,000.00 in 2004 when I made #140,000.00 in 2004
Miss Nancy Fox got her real estate license in 2002 and did not sell many homes when I got a Real Estate license in 1999 and sold many homes
Miss Nancy Fox did not win an Award of Merit her 1st year as a realtor for selling 5 homes when I won an Award of Merit in 2000 for selling 5 homes my 1st year as a realtor
Miss Nancy Fox’s Real estate license was not Nancy G. Fox-Taylor when I was my real estate license name
The ads in the Los Times Real Estate Section Listings by Nancy G. Fox-Taylor from 1999 to 2009 are not hers when they are
She made $3,000.00 on her 2 story house she sold in 2005 when I made $368,000.00
Miss Nancy Fox did not qualify to buy the house she bought with a loan approval letter from Countywide in 05 when I did qualify and got a loan approval letter from Countywide that is posted on my and I do not lie
Miss Nancy Fox did to about 100 real estate transactions from 1999 to 2009 she did about 10 when I counted 100 real estate transactions I did from 1999 to 2009, and I sold many homes
Miss Nancy Fox just waltzed in an open house out of the blue and bought a house that cost too much without thinkin as dumb shift retard stupid idiot so we are taking all her money still by reports we give banks and post offices when I bought a house in 2005 as a professional realtor expert that I saw listed on the MLS about 1 month before then, I studied it, knew I wanted to see it, knew it was right, and saw it back on the market in the middle of May 05 and they happen to have an open house that day, and it was exactly what I had been looking for for 4 years, and I wrote 5 offers on homes before then, and I updated my two story house to sell it to buy another house and listed it Feb 05 and had all my ducks in a row to buy a house, and I had a 790 fico score, a good income from selling many homes, and $368,000.00 in equity in my 2 story home to buy a house with, and everything was very planned by me
That house would have depleted the family trust fund account when there was no family trust fund account
That would have put her Mom in a hole who was going to live there when my Mom was going to make $3500.00 a month renting her house living at our house with me paying the bills, and she would have made $50,000.00 a year in rent money renting her house in Sherman Oaks, and it could have been sold for 1 million dollars, so she would have made 1.5 living with us in the 1 story house I bought with my money from my 2 story house and she was going to live there instead of an elder care and they are $8,000.00 a month 1 million for 10 years at an elder care so she would have made 1.5 million living with us instead of spending 1 million
The payment would have escalated to $10,000.00 and that was stupid thats why we set her up to take her money by lying she can’t manage finances and is a stupid dumb idiot and proof is the house she bought in mid 05 when the payment would not have gone up for 7 years and it was $2650.00 with a $200.00 second, I had about the same mortgage payment amount I had on my 2 story house and I planned to refinance the house before the payment went up, and I planned to double my real estate income at the 10 year mark which was 09 and I would have made $300,00.00 selling homes and estates in 09 if I had not been set up to DCFS by lies that were dismissed and in 2005 the payment might be $7,000.00 in 7 years, and they said we will refinance it before then. I knew the house would be worth 2 million and that i would have 1 million in equity and it is now but I lost the house in 2012 due to I D Theft and gang stalking.
They say they did the car break in May 9th 2005 to steal her Award Of Merit in her real estate listing portfolio because they wanted to frame the smart ambitious hard working realtor single Mother as a dumb idiot who bought a house for too much to steal her money and her psychic crime tip jobs and to set her up and did it on purpose and are telling banks that house was a dumb purchase and she should have thought it through when I thought it through for 4 years and planned it all out as a professional real estate expert buying their own house, and I planned it with Seller Net Sheets Buyer Net Sheets, and comparable properties as a real estate expert who did this everyday.
Their saying that is not Nancy Fox’s Medium For God money they have taken for 15 years and the Fox-Taylor Family Victims money is not hers and neither is the Nancy Gail Fox sent since 05 that they take, as they lie thats for a crime tip job they got in Feb 05 and June 05, and say amongst themselves they steal her funds and lie its pay for a job they got when its NOT
Readings say a Wells Fargo Morthage Broker Private Banker who locks people into great fixed rates, 20 and 30 year loan mortgages says shes done a Real Estate Analysis Evaluation on the house Nancy Fox bought many years agp and she is sending her banling invesigation team report to banks that says Miss N. Fox otherwise known as Nancy G. Fox-Taylor and Nancy G Fox and Nancy Gail Fox should have thought it through when she bought a house for a million plus without thinking, she just waltzed in and bought it an open house on a whim out of the blue and did not think of the ramifications or the payment increase as I said then it would go up to ten thousand soon, and I said we have to run them out of the house her payment will be 10 grand soon and she will depelte family trust account funds, as she used them to buy the house without much needed permission, she just funneled money into her account and bought the house so fast without thinking and spent too much decorating it and on updates, and the esitmate is $90,000.0 we say she spent on the lving room and formal dining room funiture and on the family room and dining area and say she did that to have a hot time with men and tale her funds due to that also, and she spent $40,000.00 in Europe in Feb 06, and thats why we had to run them out because she would have put her family in a hole and what she did was so dumb and stupid so we are stil talking her postal mail and money from it that we have taken for 20 years, and her fed ex ups ,money and gifts for 15 years, and her paypal cash app venmo by hacking, and say we are doing this becaue of the way she bought a house so fast that cost too much without thiinking so do not put her money in her bank accounts and do not let her have her paypal that we have taken for 13 years since April 2013 by hacking and do not believe her wordpreses with so many stories and facts as we say they are not right at all and take her funds because of the way she was shopping so fast in 05 also, for furniture and clothes after a diet as we say thats not right to spend alot at once, and to shop so fast, and why ? we say in our banking division would anyone do that so fast? and therefore take all her money. THESE ARE LIES as I bought a house with my own money in 05 with mortgage brokers who are not Wells Fargo, and there was no family trust fund account that existed, I transfered my own money into my bank account and bought the house and I spent $50,000.00 of my money updating it in 05 and I spent $3,000.00 on furniture for the family room dining area for my Family to enjoy our Family Time at the house I bought for My Family and the living room and formal dining room furniture we had, and moved it from our other house, and in Feb 05 I spent $16,500.00 of my money in Europe.
Targeted Individuals Money Is Stolen By A Banking Division
The Gang Stalkers are lying on messengering on facebook to tell this lie and pass it on and to say ” Miss N Fox had only $3,000.00 in house equity in her 2 story home in 2005 and thats a plain and simple fact so that means she no way bought a house for a million plus in summer 05 as a smart real estate purchase which proves she’s a stupid dumb retard idiot so we are still taking her pay away by a hackin so here ya go take the pay sent and pass the line along to inform everyone and do not believe her payment estimate was a mere $3,300.00 in 05 that she ran on a real estate program as she claims, and says the mortgage broker team ran $3,300.00 also then it was $3,000.00 by adding her Mom with her assets who we say did not offer to do that at all in any way when she did not even see the house we say in summer 05 and thats a simple and plain fact from us guys the computer squad hacker team taking all her money due to the whoppin stories she tells that we say are just not so, and our banking investigative team says the payment would have been $3,900.00 a month not $3300.00 a month and they say they go by their estimate and do not care what the MLS Buyers Net Sheet payment said that Nancy Fox ran in May 05 or the mortgage brokers we are saying $3900.00 a month that would have gone up to 10 thousand a month fast not 7 years later as Nancy Fox says in her wordpresses and emails as we are saying she did not know what she was doing and thats why we are taking her money, and we are doing this to alot of Moms single Moms and unwed Mothers, and even say some paid to much for an apartment also, and we are sick of being told to stop it, and tired of others giving us their truth and facts as we are supposed to be private and go by what we see and do not follow regular laws about privacy and do not inform the customers about their money sent we take it and lie they had problems and could not manage financing and say they bought a house that cost too much without thinking and had to add their Mom without her knowing, and just funneled siphoned an elders money into their bank account without much needed permission and without informing the other trustees all to own a million dollar home to act important and to impress the community and say that is wrong and dumb and mean to do that to a family when they could have bought a modest small home 1400 square feet or so and put all their money down and not bothered an elder at all, and then they could have got a great locked in fixed rate a 20 or 30 year loan with our Wells Fargo Private Banker Mortgage Broker who does real estate mortgage broker evaluations with us, and then they would have had a low mortgage balance and paid less interest each month as her sheets show what a person saves each month and in their life time then they are locked into a great fixed rate instead of a neg am loan that would sky rocket and put the family in a deficit and that is how we see it in our private division and pass this on to the ones on spy cams to pass it ob to show what kind of person they are to keep taking their funds as we got 999 Moms we take money from and hide it in bank accounts and say we got authority.
WHEN I HAD OVER $3000,000.00 in house equity in my 2 story home in 05 and I had $368,000.00 to be exact.
My payment sheet said $3300.00 a month so did my mortgage brokers in May 95
My Mom saw the house during escrow and said ” I want to go on your house with you!” ALL HER IDEA,
The mortgage brokers said my payment would be $3,000.00 a month if she went on my house with her ASSETS ONLY and she did and my payment was $2650.00 a month to $2800.00 a month and I had $200 second,
I bought the house with MY MONEY AND NO ONE ELSES
I was told in 05 my payment might go up in 7 YEARS, and planned to refi before then. See payment estimates below
Another liar letter is sent out and banks say they do what Miss —-wood says who says she has Son of God Authority to give banks instructions, and readings say she stole that off our one story house porch in summer 2005 she tipped off fed exs and ups deliverys and does I D Theft and pretends she has Son of God authority and says she does real estate evaluations. Readings say shes telling banks ” Nancy Fox bought a house that cost too much without thinking and should have called people for their opinions and she ran and bought the house at an open house on a whim so fast in a whole other area so we are taking her money” when I bought a house when I was a real estate ezpert an a area where we had lived for over 8 years, the house I bought in Summer 05 was in the same City we had lived in since 1997, so it was not a new area at all, it was the same City, the same School District, the same County, our two story was 4 minutes away and the School was a few blocks away from the one story. A big reason I bought the house is it was in the same area we had lived in since 1997 and it was all planned out for years to buy a one story, and as a real estate expert I did not need to call and get opinuns as I did real estate evaluations for people as a realtor and for myself and they are robbing my money by this liar group for 20 years my readings say, by lying about my house I bought when I was a real estate expert.
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