Written By: Marlene*
Sunday 12th January, 2025.
Greetings To You in Christ and Thank You for reading my words. Not really sure where these words will take us but there is so much to say, yet, there is nothing really to say. It seems as if this is a time where we stay still, pray and watch, we must observe, because there are great deceptions and many illusions being perpetrated upon us- the people, we Humans.
The world has indeed changed and this year will really try us and push us to our limits, because we will be bombarded from all sides with disasters and extreme events we will not be able to recover from. I really want to write about positive things, and when you personally are making a difference in your own life, being positive, by loving your neighbours and praying for your enemies that they will also be saved as we are, and being charitable with your time and offerings, you are doing what is right.
The positive will have to be personal experience, what we create personally in our walk with our Lord, because this world has been marked and is being made ready for destruction. We must face the truth and we must adapt and conform to the things of Christ Jesus and become His friend and draw close to Him, for He will protect us from the things that are happening and those things to come.
We are living in dangerous times indeed and the overlords still have not told the public what they know about the strange objects in the skies, they have not gone away, and are still being sighted all over the world, along with the ‘mystery fog’ that is apparently causing some to become ill with strange symptoms, but still no one in authority will address these issues and provide any real information. We are left on our own to figure it out.
There are many videos online showing first person experiences and much strangeness concerning the ‘fog’ and the UAPS and ORBS currently in our skies. There seems to be less reporting in the MSM about these objects because the focus has shifted to the ‘historic fires’ currently raging in Los Angeles, with complete devastation across the county. Personally, I have no words, I am speechless. This is beyond your comprehension in that you have never seen anything like this before, especially when they have yet to come to the conclusion as to how the fires began.
A couple of people have been arrested for allegedly starting the fifth fire, there are actually six separate fires raging in six different areas of the city. The water hydrants are also dry, which is comical because it is so evil and insane. No brush and tree management of the forests, and they even drained the dam of all the water in the middle of fire season! Wow. How do you process all of that?
As an avid reader and hungry for information, I have viewed many videos as to how the fires were started. I have seen DEW weapons firing upon the ground and trees were lit. This could have been fake or not. I have seen an industrial ‘blow-torch’ with flames more that sixty feet setting the brush on fire. That could have been also a video out of context.. The conspiracy theories are also out there and they are wild. There is a theory that the fires were set by the Deep-State in order to destroy all the evidence of their demonic crimes against humanity, especially against the little children. All of the evidence had to be destroyed so that the world will not discover their depravity. Yes and ‘Diddy’ had something to do with the destroying of evidence. Not sure if his mansion is still standing but I believe they were about to conduct another search on the premises. Crazy stuff!
There is another theory that the first four fires that were consecutively set, actually began in the underground tunnels that connect all these Hollywood mansions. The tunnels were destroyed by the so called ‘White-Hats’ who are working with President Elect Donald Trump to put an end to this demonic enterprise of Satanic ritual worship and the abuse and sacrifice of children and adults, and the destruction of the tunnel-system linking all of these mansions.
There are also videos of ‘drones’ coming up out of the smoke and moving through the fires. Are the drones responsible for these fires, are we being burned out by Aliens? These drones were seen spraying ‘something’ during the fog and although many of these air-spaces have been declared restricted and no-fly zones for local drone-operators, there are still many drones and flying objects still being seen across the skies throughout the world, especially over military and nuclear installations.
There are also those who say that this is an act of God, or even if it was not an act of God, why did God allow this terrible evil to happen? There are so many people affected and the fires still burn with very little containment. The residents can only watch and pray as they see their homes being reduced to ashes and there is nothing anyone can do, except perhaps God, or even the evil over-lords who can seed the clouds and send some rain to put out the fires.
My thoughts concerning whether God is responsible for this fire is that it really does not matter how it began. The strong winds are also driving the fires and they cannot be stopped. What I can say about the fires is that they are devastating to those who are suffering and also to the world. This is not isolated in that this is happening in this part of the world, presently.
‘Not by water, but by fire.’ As one who believes that we are living in the last days and during this time, as is prophesied by the Prophets and the Disciples and Jesus Christ, ‘in the last days perilous times will come.’ We are entering and have already entered into a time of great evil. There will be more evil in these last days than at any other time in the history of the Human Race living upon the Earth. Think on these things. Selah.
There are also so many future catastrophes scheduled for us, like earthquakes on fault-lines. The Earth is shaking and strange things are happening and many people are freaking out. There are people reporting that those ‘drones’ are entering into their homes, homes that are locked and then the drones will disappear and they cannot explain it. Can you imagine?
It is important that as a Follower of Christ Jesus that we stay grounded in Him during these last days. I also understand that we do not all experience the same things at the same time. I can only watch the fires on TV and then react from what is presented, and what I see is mind-blowing, and a new fire has just started in a new area. Amazing!
I live with a Big Picture Perspective. I also understand that at some time, shortly, I will have to respond to some type of calamity as well. We will all have to face some form of devastating evil before we come to the last day. I always try to remember that I do not belong to this world, and only as a Follower can you make that claim and know it to be true.
We cannot love this world and love God at the same time, it is impossible. We are passers-by and we are journeying along the Way on the road that leads into the Kingdom of God. This world is not our home, we are here to seek and find the Knowledge of the WAY that leads into the Kingdom of God, which is the next ‘phase or level’ of the Human journey upon the Earth, and the Kingdom of God is soon to be established.
The Kingdom of God is already here for it is also found within the Follower of Christ Jesus. ‘The Kingdom is inside of you and it is outside of you’. We must live as citizens of the Kingdom and we must actually hate this world. What does it mean to ‘hate this world’? Jesus also told us that we must hate our fathers and mothers and children or we cannot follow Him. What does He mean, especially when He also tells us that we are to love our neighbour as ourselves and even to love our enemies?
Here is my understanding of Jesus’ use of the word ‘hate’. You can look at this from the perspective of Jesus in gaining understanding as to what He is saying. When He speaks, it is always from a spiritual perspective. He is speaking to the Soul, not the physical man who is the one who is dependent on the worldly offerings to bring meaning and purpose to his life.
Can your mother and father offer you Eternal Life and Salvation? No! Can the world offer you the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE? No! Only Christ Jesus can. Hating something in the spiritual is acknowledging that these things cannot offer the Human what is needed and required in order to enter into the Kingdom of God. That is why Jesus Christ came to the world, to bring us the good news of the Kingdom and all its offerings, and by doing so, He also gave us the choice to become citizens of the new Age. Our family and the world do not offer us Eternal Life and that is the only true thing we need, so we hate them in that they are unreliable as ot our salvation. It is a spiritual understanding, not a worldly one. Christ Jesus is Love and Goodness and Truth.
We are also told that the ‘Wrath of God’ will be unleashed upon the Earth in these last days and the rebellious Humans will suffer greatly and die. There are pandemics and famine and wars, Aliens, Anti-Christ, False Prophet, and various Beasts entering sometime in these last days. There are earthquakes and plagues, and as I have mentioned in previous blogs, Almighty God is coming to Earth as a ‘consuming-fire’ and the Angel of Wrath will be unleashed.
This world, our world must be destroyed in order to establish the Kingdom of God. Almighty God is coming to destroy all the evil from upon the Earth. This is still the time for Repentance, to turn away from the worldly offerings and let Jesus Christ come into your life and save you from the evil that is encroaching upon the Earth. Darkness is covering the Earth.
I also believe that there will be an actually object in the skies that will be seen by many Humans. It is possible that some will not see what is coming in our skies as it relates to the Wrath of God and the removal of all the evil from upon the face of the Earth. There are ancient writing concerning this event, as it is also mentioned in the Bible, when ‘the great and terrible day of the Lord’ is come upon the Earth.
My perspective is set in the coming of the Almighty God and the events prophesied to signal His appearance and the unleashing of His Wrath upon the Earth. As He nears the mountains will erupt and all hills will be made low. The weather and ‘climate change’ will accelerate and disasters will become the norm, however there will be no time and money to rebuild and start over. Many lives are currently being ruined financially and people are desperate.
This is also a great time for Revival and Reconciliation and a return back to God and perhaps come to understand that you should not store up treasures in this world, where thieves can steal and fires can completely demolish and you are left with nothing, not even insurance for some. We do learn that we can and should lay up our treasures in Heaven where thieves and moth and fires and floods cannot ruin.
These are the treasures and jewels and crowns and clothing we receive as spiritual gifts we earn as rewards on our journey through this world as Followers of Christ Jesus, on our way into the Kingdom of God. It is important that we see this world as it truly is, which is a kingdom ruled by Lucifer who currently sits the throne of the kingdom of the Earth. His reign is coming to an end and he being the prince of this world, he has already been judged.
We also know that his time of reign is short, after he has been released or cast down from Heaven and allowed to enter into our world and rule over us. What madness, I say, however I do in a way understand why he was not permanently dispatched to the fires of the burning lake as the rest of the Fallen ones, at the first Judgment. Our Lord knew that some Humans will be rebellious, even in the Kingdom of God, and used the Devil to gather up these Humans for the final Judgment.
After being released from a one thousand year prison sentence and the chains of the Bottomless Pit, the Devil will come again to the Earth, in the Kingdom Age and stir up rebellious Humans. They will come up against that Great City and set up an encampment against our Lord and King, and His Saints. They will all be destroyed by lightning coming down from Heaven and striking them dead. The Devil will then be seized and thrown into ‘the lake of fire burning with brimstone’ and will never again have power over Humans.
There are all manner of deceptions taking place here in order to lead us into Hell. This is a battle between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness and this war is being waged over the Human Soul. Evil and darkness are set about to destroy the Human Soul in any way possible and so many Humans are being lost to Death and Hell. Hell has open wide her mouth in these last days, and it is said that more Humans will be condemned and find themselves cast into Hell than those who are saved and enter into the coming Kingdom and Eternal Life.
The whole world is also waiting with great anticipation the inauguration of President Elect Donald Trump and I am certain that our world will become much more interesting and chaotic. Trump is threatening to make Canada the 51st State with a Governor instead of a Prime Minister. He is actively seeking to purchase Greenland and wants to change the North American map by changing the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Why not the Gulf of Trump? The Prime Minister of Canada- Justin Trudeau has also resigned, leaving the country in political crisis. Trump also wants to regain control of the Panama Canal.
In the past there has been talk of the union of America, Canada and Mexico, I remember when that was being talked about several years ago. Is Trump the one to bring this plan to fruition? I cannot see how this could happen, except for economic disaster, some kind of environmental catastrophe or a war or a terrorist act. The world is on edge and we will just have to wait for a few more days to see what President Trump will unleash upon the world. I really pray that he is working for the good of America and the world, and not for the powers of darkness, because that would be horrible. Trump is a wild card.
The whole world is in turmoil and extreme weather is happening everywhere, fire and ice. The people are experiencing things never before seen and chaos seems to be everywhere. Our world continues to change and we must prepare our minds and hearts for what is to come. There is the wonderful inner Peace which surpasses all understanding that we receive as Followers of Christ Jesus and we need this inner-peace to journey through this end-time calamity.
It is written that God will destroy all the evil from the face of the Earth and more destruction will happen, gradually and quickly, for there is Judgment upon the Earth and punishment is being meted out. These are the last days and I should mention that ‘last days’ mean the final days of the physical world, before the appearing of our KING and LORD, CHRIST and His Army of Angels.
This could be another 10 years, who knows, or it could be made shorter because Humans are being destroyed from upon the face of the Earth, and unless Christ returns, no one would be left alive. I also know that the times will also change and the days and nights will become shorter as prophesied. I also believe that the veil that separates our realm from the supernatural Angelic realm is being ripped or dissolved and there is a convergence of both realms taking place currently.
There seems to be other worldly creatures being seen in our world as well, the worlds are merging and the Fallen ones are entering our world with their armies of demonic creatures, hell bent on causing great distress and suffering to Humans, those disobedient and lawless Humans. Humans are also killed by the beasts of the earth, even the animals will turn on us.
This is the time for us to rely on our Lord to see us through. Many will die, so be certain that when you leave this world, which could happen at anytime, especially with all of the chaos and insanity currently taking place here, you are certain of your destination. There is much deception and somewhere within all of this confusion, something will appear to deceive us and cause many to fall away. Please keep this in mind, and remember that all the world is deceived. Do not be one of them.
There are many great promises being made to us concerning our future and the new financial-system and the new technologies, including med-beds, which by the way are things not from Humans. I do hope you will all pray about these things. Fallen Angels finger-prints are all over the things of Humans and we need to see our reality as it actually is. No one is coming to help us out of this. We cannot stop what is coming for us.
The Lord is our Light and Salvation and He is our safe harbour in the storm. Is the storm currently upon us? Those who claim to want to take us back to the Right and more ‘common-sense’ policies that are more conducive to the health and happiness of the people, instead of trying to kill and enslave us, making us slaves to the Gates of Hell, we pray that they will succeed, even for a time. Only Jesus can save us, no one else can. This battle is being waged here and we should trust no one except Christ Jesus in these days, and He will lead us through this lawless and disobedient world, that is marked for destruction.
I expect there to be more fog and hiding of the skies in our future, eventually the world will be covered in darkness. I say this because in my dream-visions there is always deep cloud cover, perpetual night. As the ‘day of the Lord’ draws nearer, there have also been signs in the Sun, where there appeared two Suns not long ago. Many say that it is the planet Nibiru, perhaps, because there may be other Heavenly objects passing by our planet, or even appearing in our skies because the veil has been ripped from top to bottom. These planets exist not in our realm.
The Destroyer is approaching and I believe that it is the Angel of Wrath. It will appear in the sky for the world to see during the time when the Wrath of God is nearer to the time. The evil overlords will try to hide the coming of the Destroyer with ‘fog’ in some places from the masses. I also saw an interesting theory about the ‘fog’ and it was the strangest of all. Actually it was the last theory I heard before writing this blog. I almost forgot about it.
The theory is that the ‘fog’ is actually the smoke that arises from the Pit, and those at CERN have received the key to open the Pit, and now they have let loose some ‘demons’ into our world, hence the ‘fog’. I found this very interesting, because if this is so, the fog will continue to spread everywhere and no one can stop it. It will cover the skies. Is it dissipating anywhere or is it growing worldwide? So many problems we have to solve and so many mysteries we need to unravel.
For me, my only choice is to choose LIFE so that I may live and only Christ Jesus offers us the WAY of LIFE and of TRUTH. Seek Him while He can still be found. The Harvests will begin soon, and perhaps it is not exactly what Christians have envisioned. The next phase we are entering will be focused on Trump and his actions.
I still believe that he was the one who gave the Fallen ones permission to enter our world in exchange for all of the new technologies and military weapons. It will be interesting to see how he deals with the orbs and drones in the skies. He did say they they should be shot down. How can you shoot an object down when you cannot even get it on target. These things are faster and more advanced than anything we have encountered.
They still have not told us what they think these orbs really are. I will bet that Trump knows, and he says to shoot them down, because they cannot be targeted, we will surely see what he will do with them. Med-beds are not from our world, please remember that. These so-called Extraterrestrials who seem to have our best interests at heart are no more than Fallen Angels who actually know us very well and will come in and supply all of our needs.
Their time has come to return to the Earth for the day of Judgment, however they will do all in their power to enslave us and take us to Hell which is their final destination, in the ‘lake of fire burning with brimstone’. They are coming to our world from inside the earth and from the lower Heavens. They are coming from the sea and from supernatural prisons where they have been held in chains for even thousands of years, since the time of the Flood. They are all coming here for Judgment.
Trust no one but Christ Jesus in these last days, I cannot say it enough, trust no man, including Trump. He roars like a lion and perhaps the Lord is really using him to destroy the demonic stronghold established here and save those who are being tortured and trafficked, especially the children, perhaps, however there is more to Trump than meets the eye and he has had dealings with Extraterrestrials, the same ones Eisenhower met during his time as president.
This is a time when we should be praying against the forces of Darkness covering our world. The space-ships will appear in our skies and they will come and tell us and offer great things, including a chance to leave this world and heal all of our ills, gifts too good to be true… for they know our needs. Yes, I know that this sounds really crazy, but when the ships do appear, you will be forced to make choices and they should be the best informed choices, which is trust no one and put all your faith in Christ Jesus. Let Him be your physician.
Peace to You All In Christ Jesus. Call on Him, He is waiting outside your door. Our Lord loves us so much and does not wish than any should perish. He died for us so that we would not experience Death. Do not let His sacrifice made for your life be in vain. We will all have to stand before Him on Judgment Day, and we want to hear Him say to us; ‘well done my good and faithful servant…’ Only Jesus saves. M,
Please check out these latest related videos of Orbs, fog and other strange sky phenomenon on my Blog Site.
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