My Prophetic readings say they find Mom’s to target by their divorce date, and divorce filing dates, and if the Mom filed they say she will loose custody of her family for filing for a not at all needed divorce, and they go by a list of criteria to decide who to set up a DCFS case file on in California and in CPS in other areas of America and they go by what they did, such as uprooting the family from the original family home and mark it off on their check list they go by for 15 to 18 years and say they judge a Mothers personality by the style and type of size she buys or rents, and say if she does that so quick she’s seen as one to loose custody by her actions, and they think a Mom should keep the original family home where the Dad once lived at all costs and see it as wrong to sell it and they look up New Listing dates on family homes everyday then check to see if the Mother filed for a divorce or legal separation, and they search listings in the area and see what the Mom might buy and plan to run them out of the house by their master manipulation to set nice seeming Moms up to take custody away because of their actions, and say if a Mom does the following things at all in any way they plan to get custody taken away, and they say they first check Divorce filing dates on Moms, and to see if they filed, and they check legal separation filing dates, and then check to see if they Listed the house to sell it, and check to see what they might make and plan to run them to a smaller rental property right then if they have alot of equity in the original family home, they say they go to town to run them out of the house they are selling to move them to a cheap rental on purpose, and do this by calling low income housing rental places daily in groups who lie a very bad Mom is selling the original family home to move to a larger place, and they lie she’s self centered and selfish for doing this to her kids and say thereby we are running them to a small rental property to make the Mom suffer, and taking a hold of their income secretly to leak money in to punish the Mom for doing that, as she first filed for a not needed at all divorce to live a swinging single life and to buy a larger property to get away from the home where they had their family life as an tact family and we say that means they are a bad person and selfish and that they are doing this for themselves and not thinking of their kids, thereby we are moving them fast to a low income rental to make the Mom suffer for being this way as we see it as wrong for a Mom to first off file for a not at all needed divorce and to then put a For Sale sign up on the family home makes us sick and we are doing this to many all over the Country by a master criteria list we check off to see who we qualify to do this to, and seek out low income rentals each day, and get a hold of Mothers finances by making list and reports about their activity’s and say see the Mom went shopping and bought too much stuff for herself , then ran and bought a new house so fast, and bought furniture and decorative items for it, and they lie in all reports, the Moms did this without thinking and spent far too much money and does not have the income to pay the bills she’s got now, and say see the ledger sheets we prepared for you she spent too much on a house, and say it does not compute in the Wells Fargo mortgage fixed rate 30 year loan program, and she would not have qualified with them and if does not compute by imputing monthly bills and paying down loan balances some and with an extra $2,000.00 in spending money for marketing, and dining out and events then we say they are out, as many got alot of equity from the home they sold and leave it in the bank, and we say thats wrong to do that as they should have put most of it down on the new house they should not have even bought, and we run the quicken bill pay program to see their monthly bills with money added to pay down loan balances, and weigh it against income, and say the bills are too high for the Moms income, and say we are running them out of the house they bought and setting the nice seeming Mom up to DCFS and to the CPS Secret Court beforehand secretly, and say we are mad the Mom filed for a divorce at all is really why, as that shows she’s selfish and self centered to then move so quick is wrong to us, and these are Moms we are targeting, and do this as said by searching for New Listings and by then checking the owners Marital status, and if they are legally separated or divorced or filed we say they are ones to set up, and when they list a home they search the area to see what they could buy such as small condo with two bedrooms so the kids can share a room as and they think thats better and they think a cement small yard and lot is better with less upkeep and they think that about every house, they see large yards for kids to play in as selfish for a Mom, as they think they should go to the Park instead, and they judge Mothers by their actions with properties they own and buy and rent, and say they do personality profiles on them and the list is a check off list that states. Did the Mom move fast after filing for a never needed divorce? if yes she will loose custody by their master manipulation set ups and by getting secret control of finances and of mail later on right before they all lie to set up a not needed case file and they say they take their money from then on.
March 8, 2025
Framing Mothers With Assumptions
I started doing my own psychic medium readings each day 20 years ago in 2005 and at that time I channeled on an angel board each night after my kids went to bed at 10 pm for a couple of hours and I did this as a child also as I am psychic my whole life. I did my own readings often alone in my 20’s in the 1980’s also and read and studied many books during this time to advance my intuition from about age 18 to 30 as that’s been my interest in my life, to be spiritual and intuitive and connected to God and years later in 2005 summer I started doing my channeling and advanced my psychic ability and intuition that I always relied in my life. In 2009 I became a full open vessel medium Prophetic channel writer and began writing for God and Jesus Christ and the passed on American Presidents on paper and then switched to channel typing and I am a medium around the clock and Prophet write for almost 16 years to save life on earth and I was told to do this work in Feb 2005 in an angel board reading. Therefore I use my psychic medium gift to it’s fullest to stop crimes and report them on the Internet since 2009 and I started emailing them out in 2010 from an anonymous email address and then began posting my work and I work hard to crack many cases with my psychic ability as many know who are my followers on my wordpresses etc. and I work at stopping identity theft and gang stalking victimization for myself and for all the targeted individuals and I put the facts together of what went on with my psychic medium tips and Prophet channel writing I have done for almost 16 years and with reactions people had in the past, and the strange things that went on to crack my own case to stop I D theft that is obviously being done.
My readings have explained they frame nice Mothers to be not needed case files by gang stalkers to do I D theft to the Mom and kids. Readings say they frame Moms when they spend alot of money at once, and when they move and buy or rent another property, and when they file for divorce, and they frame them because they do not like when the family home is sold and because they do not like it when a Mother spends money on herself and frame Moms to look like they are self centered, and to look like they got a divorce quick to live a single life, and blame them for separating the family and for selling the family home when this was not the case with me but it may have appeared that way to gang stalkers observing with a false perception who misinterpreted things and made assumptions, and readings say many were mad based on what they thought without knowing the facts and decided to set me up to DCFS based on their assumptions without knowing the truth of the situation or who I am, as I was a selfless single Mom and did everything for my kids and my world revolved around them,and they drove me to work hard selling homes as a realtor to provide well to give them everything possible and that’s a fact and I was legally separated Jan 2000 like a divorce, so in 2005 summer when we moved their Dad and I had not been together for 5 and 1/2 years, he moved out in Jan 2000, and at the time I thought I want to wait a couple of years to sell the house so my kids can get adjusted to their Dad and I being split up first, as I am one into transitions for people, to let them adjust to things so I planned to wait to sell and buy another house in the same area where we lived, that we moved to in 1997, and always I planned to sell and buy another house in the area that was more my style of home and a better location, so that was planned from day one in 1997, I thought this house will get us into a nice suburb area and into a good School district and then we can sell and buy another house in this area later, so it was always planned to sell and buy and it was 8 years later when I listed the house for sale and bought another house in the same area, the same City the same County of Los Angeles and in the same School district where we started in 1997, to keep things similar for my kids, to have a smooth transition, to be in the same suburb City with people we knew, and we moved there so they would be in the same School district from Elementary School til Graduating from High School, for security and well being, to keep things basically the same in their lives, as I did not want them going to the Middle and High Schools in the valley that we moved from, and the Elementary School my younger daughter attended was great but I worried in Middle School High School time they would have to change to a private School in the valley and have all new friends so I wanted them to be with the same people from childhood to High School graduation and thats one big reason we moved to the suburb City in 1997, and I was a stay at home Mom for a few years and they had a great life in our two story tract home with many friends on the street, and I did little for myself for many years as a stay at home Mother, as I just wanted to be with my kids and for them to have me there and did not care about spending money so we did without and I cooked three meals a day for years in our happy home life, and I did not buy things I normally bought for myself like clothes, and I stayed home with my kids every night for about 14 years and did not get babysitters until 2005 as they were older, 10 and 13 turning 14. In 1999 I got a real estate license and worked selling homes while my kids were at School, and worked around their schedule, and I sold many homes and provided well as a single Mom realtor. In 2001 my Mom told me she wanted to live with us and she worried where her bedroom would be as our two story had four bedrooms upstairs and none down so I told my Mom I will sell the two story house and buy a one story, and I had always planned to do this anyway from day one in my mind, and always knew someday we will upgrade to a nicer home in the same area with a better location, and I had already done exterior paint to the two story in 2000 and I had new garage doors put in then, and knew in 2000 I will sell later on after my kids adjust to their Dad moving out, as I would not even thought of moving then as it would have been too many changes at once, so a couple years later I had a new tile roof put on the house and then the floors downstairs tiled, all the while in the back of mind knowing this will be good for when I sell the house to buy another house in the same area. I started shopping for homes on the Real estate MLS each day for a house to buy for myself and my family, and I searched for one story’s with a clay tile roof with a spiritual ambiance and I wrote offers over the four year period I was looking, and my kids saw a couple of the one story houses we looked at to buy, and I wrote offers that were contingent on five homes over the years when I was searching to buy my own home for my family as a realtor up at 4 am searching the MLS each day for new listings, and I printed the mls sheets like I did for my buyers and previewed what looked interesting, and wrote lower offers that were contingent and faxed them to the listing agents, and none of them were accepted, and then in 2004 I thought my Moms getting older, I better hurry and sell and buy a one story, so I decided in 2004 that 2005 was the year I was selling and buying, and I made a list of what else I needed to do to the two story to sell it, and decided I would have smooth ceilings done and new paint, and new carpet put in in neutral colors for resale, and that I would change the kitchen counters that were original from 1978 when the two story house was built and for 8 years I wanted to change them and do the ceilings to make them smooth instead of acoustic, so I made a list that totaled $18,000.00 for paint, tile and carpet and I decided I would refinance and take $20,000.00 out to finish off the house to get it ready to list and sell, and I thought I will make it what I like also and thought who knows when it will sell, we might be here a year or two, so it was nice for us to enjoy also. The refinance money came in in Feb 2005 so I had the painter and tile crew there and they did the work, and I had new carpet put in and got it all ready to list and sell. I decided I should have a sober AA party with the house looking so good as my AA birthday is Feb 9th 1985 and we had a small party with about 20 people on Feb 27th 2005 at the two story the day after they finished the tile in the kitchen and painting etc. and I thought I will list it after the party as I don’t want a for sale sign out front, and I listed it that week after the sober AA party and put the for sale sign out front, and that was for real estate marketing reasons also as as a realtor I knew its best to hit the market all at once, with a for sale sign and showing new on the MLS and realtor,com and in ads in the paper, to have color real estate flyers ready and to have it listed when there is a brokers caravan, so I did what I knew to do to sell a house as a realtor like I did for my sellers, as you want full exposure everywhere when there is a new listing, therefore I did not tell anybody at my AA party for professional real estate reasons, and because I did not want the drama of why are you moving? etc. and most sellers do not tell people they are selling until the house is listed and the for sale sign is out front. This was planned in 2004 to finish the updates to list it in 2005, and in 2004 I also started a diet and lost about 20 pounds by Feb 05, as I decided I am getting back to my normal size and did, and I decided I am doing a make over on myself and buying stylish clothes, as my kids wanted me to also and I filed for a final divorce in 2004 as I had been legally separated for 5 years, so the marriage had been over for a long time.
My readings say many got the wrong impression in Feb 2005 and readings say they made assumptions, and decided to set me up to DCFS in Feb 2005 because of what they thought, and readings say they thought she just filed for a divorce so fast, lost weight quick to have a single life and is selling the family home right after she filed for divorce when that was not the case, as I had not been with my ex my kids Dad for over 5 years at this time, and he had not lived in the house for over 5 years, so there was a 5 year transition period, and I planned to buy a house in the same area as I always had planned from day 1 in 1997, and I started a diet in 2004 to get back to my normal size 2 or 4, and I wanted to buy stylish clothes for my new old size and I had not had clothes to socialize in for many years, probably for 8 years, as I stayed home every night with my kids since they were born and did not get babysitters, so I never needed clothes to wear out at night to socialize in, and in 2005 I bought a new wardrobe for my new old weight, and I went out to AA meetings at night again which I had not done forever, and I went to AA conventions, and I was invited places by my real estate customers that I sold homes to, and they invited me to a show at the Canyon Club, and to a concert and to dinner etc. so I was invited alot of places in 2005 and went out to hear music and to AA meetings as said,and I had not gone out at night for ages but just happened to be invited alot of places and I had new clothes to socialize in at my new old weight, and my daughters were older as I said, and that was a phase of life in 2005 when I was invited places to go at night, and I made the plans for when they were with their Dad, and got babysitters a couple of times which I had not done before then, as normally when they were growing up their Dad watched them someday’s after School and so did my Mom their grandma, and as said I worked early in the morning at 4 am before they got up and when they were at School to be like a full time Mother, and I drove them to School and picked them up each day, and one day a week their Dad or Mom picked them up at School when I was selling real estate and then later on after we moved to a one story I bought in 2005 they were unavailable to help, and I did not want to ask my Mom to drive out as she was getting older, and their Dad was not available to help so in 2006 2007 I had exactly the right of real estate work I had time for and I was very busy selling homes as I always was,
Readings say mean gang stalker noisy busy body gossips decided to set me up to DCFS in Feb 05 when here I was an over nice selfless single Mom who did everything for my kids, and I provided for them alone working hard as a realtor and I had not been out at night for years, and I did not date or have a boyfriend, and never had a man at our two story home but their Dad, and readings say they made up a gossip story that ruined our lives, and the liar story goes according to my psychic medium readings ” that bad Mom got divorced so fast just ran and filed so quick then listed the family home so fast all to be with a new man, and she did not even think of how all that would affect her kids and just put a sign out front after doing some quick fast paint and tile and carpet to look hot at a big shing ding backyard bash where she wore a hot sexy outfit and got all done up to find a new man, and thats so bad we want to set her up just for filing for a stinken dam not needed divorce as we hate Moms like that who do not think of how that will affect the kids, and she spent too much money too fast on the house updates and on clothes for herself and thats self centered, and selfish, and she’s breaking up the family and selling their family home so fast just to be a single person out on the town so we are setting her up to the cps secret court and dcfs for being like that” and then said ” she’s going out on the town all done up in a hot outfit to have a hot time so she’s not fit to be a Mom” etc. when I went out in stylish clothes totally stone cold sober to AA meetings at night , AA conventions, and out with work customers and I was not with any men during 2005 and I had not been with any man at the two story, and in 2005 I had not had sex for 8 years, and I am a long time sober AA lady and long time sober people are supposed to be respected. Readings say they made total lies up about me and perceived everything wrong as they did not know I was a sentimental sincere devoted selfless Mom, and they just made assumptions and ruined our lives, and readings say they lied about when I bought a one story house in summer 2005, and lied ” she just bought a house that cost too much so fast without thinking , just ran in an open house and bought it to have a hot time in a new house, and just sold the family home to quick, filed for a divorce fast to be with a new man and ran around buying furniture to have a hot sexy time to entertain men” etc. total lies my readings say they told and gossiped all over town saying the opposite of everything by what they thought and assumed with their imaginations, as readings say they observe people and write down what they think and they see everything wrong, and do not get proof and facts, readings say they just lie and lie and say thats how they see it thats what they think when they think wrong and readings say they do this to alot of nice Moms when they file for divorce, when they sell and buy a new house, when they move into a new property , even a rental, they frame them with lies, and say thats how they see it thats what they think when everything they assume is wrong, and readings say they lie they do personality evaluations when they don’t they just make up fake profiles with their wild imaginations and know nothing about the truth and facts in situations, and ruin happy family lives by gossiping lies in texts and brain wash people with fabricated stories they made up and they get people to help them set nice Moms up who would never ever be a cps or dcfs case file as they are nice good parents with happy loved kids.
When I saw the house I ended up buying on the mls in April 2005, and it was perfect, a one story hacienda with a covered porch, clay tile roof with a spiritual ambiance in the same City County and School district as the two story house, and I knew the street as I had shown a house on it, and then it was not available then later it popped up on the MLS in the middle of May 2005 as a BOM which means Back On Market, and I thought Oh thats the house I wanted to see thats perfect, and I planned to see it that day, and there was an open house sign so we went in and I knew it was the perfect house that I had searched for for 4 years, and it had large bedrooms for my daughters, and a large bathroom for them with double sinks and it was a perfect house for my daughters teenage young adult college years and I bought it for our family home, and my daughters and Mother all loved the house to live there. I got bought it with my real estate income I had in the bank from selling homes and estates, and I bought it with my equity money from my two story house by a swing loan, and I got loan approval with Countywide, and ran my payment on the MLS buyer net sheet program as my own realtor, and my payment was fine, and it ended up being $2650 a month and $100 second by a neg am loan that was not going up until my kids were older when I could work more hours is what I thought and planned and it all went very smooth and perfectly and we loved the house for our new family home in 2005. I did cosmetic updates to it before we moved in and spent $50,000 of my two story house equity money I had in the bank from the equity swing loan I got and I spent $3000 on furniture and did the family room for our family life, and for a house for teenagers also, as I got floor pillows and did the family room that the kitchen opened to with rod iron and rattan furniture and ran around buying things to decorate with and got it all done ready set to live in, and I invested about $300,000.00 into the house in 2005 and planned to not move as I planned to have it as our permanent family home forever. We had a house warming party there to celebrate our house on Oct 8th 2005. Readings say the same gossiping lies went around that day like readings say they went around Feb 27 05 at the AA party, and readings say they lied ” she bought a house that cost too much without thinking oh my God her house payment must be five thousand a month,oh my God its to posh and prestigious all done up with nice furnishings she spent too much money like she did updating the two story and she did all that without thinking we gotta run them out of the house, the other houses in the neighborhood are huge estates, see the map quest photos oh my God, that was so dumb and stupid” etc when it was so smart as I bought the smallest house in a neighborhood with large estates which meant it would appreciate in value alot, and that it was a great investment for my money, and it was all very well planned out by me a professional realtor who bought their own house, and it was around 2500 square feet and the furniture was from our two story house in the living room and dining room and I just bought furniture for the family room and spent $3000 on that that I budgeted for and here I invested alot of money into the house and we were celebrating it on Oct 8th 2005 and readings say gang stalker liar gossips planned to run us out that day, after all that work time and energy and money I spent on our new family home we were so happy in. Readings say they lied thats not right to do and said so we are setting her up to the cps secret court and to dcfs due to this as we planned in Feb 05 for spending money so fast on the two story house and on a party. When everything was for my kids as the one story was perfect for their teenage young adult years, and thats a fact, and readings say they plotted to set me up by what they thought and did not know any facts, and did not ask me one question, and many knew my Mom was going to live there with us, and it was the perfect house for our family life as I said as it was the same City and County and School district as our two story and about 700 square feet bigger. Readings say they one lied her payment is $5000 when it was $2650 and $100, $2750 total, and readings say another lied her monthly bills are $10,000 when my monthly nut was about $5500 plus what I paid for my daughters lessons and activitys, and so on, I spent about $1500 on my daughters a month after my monthly nut, and I figured my bills out diligently and was so happy in the house and so were my kids, and everything was fine and would have stayed fine if gang stalkers had not ruined our lives, as it was also a great location to sell homes and estates from, and it was convinent to my daughters Schools, and to our friends who lived nearby in the same City we had been in since 1997, and I went from a $750,000.00 house to a million dollar house and thats not a big jump, thats a small move up to me, a 30% move up, and how could anyone lie about a professional real estate expert who bought her own property? is beyond me, but readings say many from outside the area who were at both parties who did not know anything about the area made assumptions with stupidity, and readings say they said and thought “Oh my God that house cost too much”, and lied ” its in a whole other area thats so posh and prestigious” when it was the same are, the same City name, the same everything and here I was so happy, the perfect family home to live in forever the rest of my life and said ” last house!” out loud, ” I am never buying again” I said, and readings say the gang stalkers conspired by texting lies on both party dates Feb 27 and Oct 8th, and said ” she’s spending too much for a single Mom and she should not do all that stuff so fast” etc. when I made a good living as a realtor, and no one asked me what I made or what my mortgage payment was or how I bought a million dollar house or anything at all about it, and readings say they lied ” thats ridiculous for a single Mom to buy a house like that so fast, and to do it all up so quick makes them sick and she did that so fast right after a dam divorce that was not needed at all, and lost weight so fast to look hot is how we see it” readings say they text things like this all over town and all over the State of California when it should have been seen as What a nice Mom Nancy Fox is to work so hard and to buy such a nice house for her kids and her Mom, and to decorate it and have it all ready to live in as their new happy home in the same area shows what a nice Mother and a hard worker she is, what a great investment, she’s such a smart realtor to buy and sell and have it go so smooth with her meticulous planning and realtor expertise. That’s how it should have been seen.
The mail box was vandalized and smashed on the ground in 2005 and in 2006 and my suv was broken into in our driveway and property was stolen cats went missing when stalkers stalked and I was lied about in spring 09 and set up to DCFS and have I D theft since. and readings say the gang stalkers rob me for 20 by lies in reports they give to banks and post offices that lie “Nancy Fox bought a house so quick without thinking that cost too much in 2005 and she spent too much on updates and furniture and new clothes so fast so we have to take her money and mail due to this.”
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