The Prophetic readings say there are 4 to 5 large women taking money from alot of nice Mothers by lies they tell to banks, and readings say they say they are the CPS DCFS Secret Court Brigade Monitors for case file family’s managing money of the Mothers and children named on lists, and they do Frame-Ups and Defraud Banks in the USA and rob people blind by lies to banks, and framing reports, and they lie they are monitors for case file people when the cases are closed, dismissed, and said No Monitor years ago, and readings say banks think they are open case files when many are not, and they give the wrong name even when the name was corrected in the Court years ago, and they say they take the Mother and children’s money even when the kids are 18 and over, and they are sitting in rooms under 10 banks in The San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas in Ventura County, California, and say that’s their top secret banking room, and they say thats where they collect the Moms funds that many deposited, as hackers sit taking their online payments and email it to their banker who deposits it, and its sent to 3 or more email addresses and to friends who are in this with them, and they lie the Moms cannot have their own great amounts of pay because they spent money fast and bought alot at one store etc. and they frame nice Moms by lying they bought all that without thinking when the Moms thought everything out and always do, and they frame them with things they always buy in their life by receipts they get, and say they tally up expenditures and total up receipts, and make reports that say ” my oh my why on earth did a nice seeming Mother buy all this stuff?” and they say $200.00 spent at one store is far too much to spend, and so is buying a frozen bag of chicken for $20.00 or so, that Mom should have bought one pack of chicken instead, when the Mom saves over $100.00 a month buying a bag of frozen chicken and when she always something to cook for dinner that way, and they frame people with things they do that save money, such as buying 10 Yoplaits for $10.00 instead of about $1.79 each, and things Moms do that save money they lie are wrong, and say 5 items at a store is wrong when they bought a bag of frozen chicken and paper towels in bulk when the Moms save money shopping this way. and they lie they are wrong to run in a store and buy make up fast when they are out of make up they need and always buy the same thing and frame Moms with ridiculous things such as this the readings say, and say if a Mom spends $100 even at a mall or one store they think its out of line when many budget what they plan to spend, and they say I am spending $100.00 on clothes in the mall today, I am spending $40.00 on make up I need that I am out of at a drug store, I am spending $40.00 at the market by buying everything 2 for the price of 1 or 10 for 10 and so on, and they save $40.00 at the cash register by shopping so smartly, and they lie thats bad to buy alot at once when they save money the way they shop and they plan to spend a certain amount and say to themselves, I will spend $40.00 on shoes in this store today etc and they may say I am spending $100.00 or $200.00 at Target or Big Lots a store like that, and buy what they need all at one time, and get it done, and budget and plan to spend the money at the store that day, and readings say they target people who are great with blundering and saving money, and lie these Moms got a spendin problem they bought too much at once at one place and did not shop around or call to tell a relative, and they lie that means they did that without thinkin when its all thought out, and they say they are taking money from 100 Mothers and their kids of all ages from 10 main banks in the Los Angeles County area, and 4 to 5 of the big large women sit in rooms under banks telling bankers the following Mothers could not control their spending See the receipts we tallied up she spent far too much money, and we say it was not needed or necessary at all in any way so thereby we are taking all their pay away 99.9 percent of their earnings and their kids money also,thats kept in secret accounts, and they say they do this on purpose to Mothers who shopped alot in a brief spending period and focus on Parents who move and check into what they bought when people spend alot when they move in that year, a one time spending period, and first they may spend money to update the house they are selling, and spend on dumpster’s, and boxes and moving, carpet cleaning and paint etc. and then on moving to the new family home they buy or rent, then they buy things they need for the new family residence, and many will go out and spend money on rugs, towels, dishes, paint etc. during a moving in time, and on furniture they need and many spend money from their house they sold on updating the new house,and on decorating, and on things they need like curtain rods, curtains, etc. and readings say they Target Parents who are moving, and by receipts from when they moved, and that is obviously very wrong, and people work hard to pay for what they need for a move, and they say they do not like Moms buying one extra thing, and they do not care if they have $50,000.00 or $100.00 of their earnings in the bank or equity money from their house they sold, they say they think Moms should not spend any money at all on anything, as they are taught this, and told to find anything a very nice seeming Mother does to set them to to get a hold of their funds at banks, and at post offices, and they pick up bundles of mail that belongs to many Parents and their kids in America, and they take their cash and checks out and tally it up, put it in piles, and go in banks and say ” Slam this pile in that account” and they are very cruel to rob so many family’s in America says God, and Jesus says they hate them so much they will all rot in hell for ages because they stole a trike sent to a young toddler, and steal Christmas presents sent to many family’s for many ages, and that is my holiday for my great wise life saving Birthday thou great to so grand Mr Jesus Christ and there are 5 or 4 wide hipped bold loud inhuman ladies doing this wickedness at many nice banks who are all so fooled in this endangered land of America and they lie this little lady is our case file we are monitoring when there is no case file and its been closed for years and said on papers when it was dismissed and closed no monitor, and they use fraud papers and lie there are case files when there are not, and steal the grown adult daughters money on top of it who have been 18 and over for over a full decade and more, and keep taking their P O Box business money young adult Mothers money they earned by their work and they are so cruel to rob baby’s and toddlers and teenagers presents. 10 Banks in L A County and Ventura County, 4 Banks in North Carolina. and in South Dakota.