Members of the European Parliament visit ESO offices in Santiago
On 19 March, ESO had the pleasure of hosting European Union politicians, administrators and advisors, including 4 Members of the European Parliament, in its Vitacura offices in Santiago, Chile.
The group consisted of representatives from several European countries, including ESO Member States Austria, Italy, and Spain. The delegation was hosted by Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo, ESO’s Representative in Chile and Andreas Kaufer, ESO’s Director of Operations, and learnt about ESO’s observatories and the key role the pristine dark skies of Northern Chile play in making cutting-edge astronomical discoveries possible. De Gregorio-Monsalvo also emphasised the importance of protecting this heritage and the value of ESO facilities, especially at ESO’s Paranal Observatory, which is currently threatened by an industrial complex planned nearby.
Our Vitacura offices host students, astronomers, and technicians who work with data gathered at the remote observatories of Paranal, La Silla and Chajnantor, acting as a local hub for scientific activity. These facilities serve as a reminder of the importance of intergovernmental scientific and technological cooperation between ESO Member States in Europe and Chile.
Courtesy of European Southern Observatory