Mary's Predictions, Part 1, Given in Brazil
Mary is communicating in Brazil, still today. The predictions are from 2005. The messages started in 1987, but the opening of war in 2001 seemed to change things.
I’ve extracted the early predictions from Her messages and will continue to do so, in Parts I, 2, 3 etc. until we come to the end of them in about 2013. Mary is still giving us her messages, but they are to shore up our hope, and do not have the same intensity of prediction.
When the suffering is over, we will return, so it is said, to be like it was in the Garden of Eden, before the Fall.
Message 1 from Our Lady of Anguera, given on 10/10/1987
I am the Queen of Peace and I want all My children to be at My side to defeat a great evil that can overcome the world. But, so that this evil does not happen, you must pray and be faithful. My children, I desire the conversion of everyone the most rapidly possible. The world runs great risks and to free yourselves from these risks, you must pray, to convert yourselves and believe in the Word of the Creator, since praying you will find the peace for the world. My children, many of you go to Church, but do not go with a clear heart, go without faith. Many go only to show themselves Catholic and are in grave error. You must follow one single path: that of the truth. There are children who have not learned to pardon, but you must forgive your neighbor. Enmity is the work of satan, and he feels happy when he can separate one brother from another. Therefore, I ask with all My heart that burns in flames: Convert yourselves, pray and learn to forgive your neighbor.
Message 2 from Our Lady Queen of Peace, given on 10/24/1987
My children, many of you call Me of evil spirit and even say that I do not exist. I am not what you think. I am only the Mother of the Savior and also your Mother. Do not hurt My Heart that already is too hurt. I do not come to save, but yes to prepare you for the salvation. Only one can save: the Father. My children, Convert yourselves, Convert yourselves, Convert yourselves. Stay in peace.
Message 3 from Our Lady Queen of Peace, given on 10/31/1987
My children, many of you say: he died, he came to an end. But no! I say to you with all the heart: it is dying that you will find a life felicitous, this if you correctly make good on your conversion. My children, My coming here is for the preparation of everyone the most rapidly possible. My Son will return one day to gather the good fruits. For this, I want that you be prepared, with the conversion complete, to be admitted as good fruits to the house of the FATHER. Pray the rosary in family to liberate yourselves from the temptations. Remain in peace.
Message 4 from Our Lady Queen of Peace, given on 11/07/1987
Ah! My children, you do not know how much My Heart suffers because of the sins that you commit. My children, My suffering is so much that I come to the point of begging: do not sin for the love that you are to My Son Jesus! I want you to live in union with your neighbor, do not wish any evil on him, for the Father loves all and wants to receive everyone in the Kingdom of Heaven. Stay in peace.
Message 5 from Our Lady Queen of Peace, given on 11/14/1987
My children, why do you refuse to give pardon to your brother? Why say, not even with the call of God do I forgive? Do not say that! I know that many say: ‘I do not forgive’, but they will forgive one day. But take care, My children, so that this day is not late. Do not say tomorrow, because you do not know what will be able to happen to you, I follow the present, since the future only the FATHER can observe. My children, be very careful with My adversary, for he is losing forces each time more and wants revenge with innocent people who, for lack of faith, are not prepared with the Spirit of the Father. Know one thing: he does not compete with the ones who are alive to faith, he looks always for the ones who live only for living, without faith in anything, not even in The One who for you gave His life dying on the Cross. Stay in peace.
Year 1997
Message 1281, given on 06/17/1997
… I am your Mother. I love you and want to help you. Do not remain in the sin. Sin is the cancer that hurts your soul. Take care. Do not permit that the evil take hold of your Heart. My Seat.
Message 1322, given on 09/21/1997
… Pray also for the Church of My Son that is internally divided and in danger of losing the true faith. Pray for your ecclesiastical superiors, since the action of the demon will lead a great number of bishops and priests to lose the faith.
Message 1332, given on 10/12/1997
… JESUS is CONTRISTED/saddened, because like at the start of his public mission, his own became contaminated with the evil. I beg you: PRAY. PRAY. PRAY.
Year 2005
Message 2464, given on 01/01/2005
… a great multitude waits for a signal; there is crying and great lamentations and a mother loses her child.
Message 2465, given on 01/04/2005
… A great storm is approaching and the great vessel (the Church) is struck.
Message 2469, given on 01/12/2005
… the terrible onslaught of the oppressor will leave a great multitude oppressed. A great multitude walks toward a source of crystalline waters and then there will be no more suffering.
Message 2470, given on 01/15/2005
… an immense ball of fire will come leaving a great desert. Shouts and regrets will be heard everywhere.
Message 2471, given on 01/18/2005
… the light will lose its brilliance in the middle of the day and men will fall to the ground with terror. 2) The death of a man will provoke great wrath and many innocents will suffer.
Message 2472, given on 01/19/2005
… a well-dressed man will enter the House of God and occupy a prominent place. To him will the enemies of God be united and will do great damage to all mankind. He will look like a good man and will seduce many. The stone will not be shaken because God is faithful to His promises.
Message 2473, given on 01/22/2005
… in a region of the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil), which in the past elevated many men and impoverished many, because of a famous fruit, there will be a great catastrophe that will attract the attention of the world.
Message 2474, given on 01/25/2005
… the fight between two giants will cause the death of many innocents. The fury of the beast will leave thousands of corpses scattered over the earth and humanity will go through the pain.
Message 2475, given on 01/28/2005
… A house without a door and in it enter the enemies of God. A great multitude walks hungry and in the House of the Father does not find the Precious Food that satisfies them.
Message 2476, given on 01/29/2005
… the Great Sign of God will leave the learned men confused. Sea water will lose its natural flavor. When God speaks he wants to be heard. Humanity will face major crises.
Message 2477, given on 02/01/2005
… strong winds will come and many cities will cease to exist. These are the most painful times for the humanity.
Message 2478, transmitted on 02/03/2005
… they look like twins, but they are not. In the eyes of many, one, but two. Idolatry reigned in its past and many innocents had their lives cut short. The danger lies in what divides it.
Message 2479, transmitted on 02/05/2005
… When you feel the earth shaking, know that God is speaking to you.
Message 2480, given on 02/07/2005
… the empty table and there will be no more banquet. The well will be dry and the house will be empty. God let himself be found, but men rejected Him.
Message 2481, given on 02/08/2005
… the Angels fulfilled the Orders of the Lord and a cup was poured on the Earth. Science will seek an answer, but you will not find it.
Message 2482, given on 02/12/2005
… The Wrath of God will come. Its name originated from a plant coming from very far.
Message 2483, given on 02/15/2005
… The most painful event of the fifteenth century will be repeated.
Message 2484, given on 02/17/2005
… a proud man ordered its construction and its location made it possible to visualize the presence of the enemies. No one can escape the wrath of God. Men know how to escape from each other, but how to run away from the Lord? It was born of injustice, but its end will come through justice.
Message 2485, given on 02/19/2005
… humanity lives a great crisis of faith. The creature is more valued than the Creator and the hour has come to say enough. There will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars. Nature will be transformed and men will be confounded. China will go through great trials. There the earth will shake causing the death of millions of innocents. Earth is full of evil. Turn now, if you want salvation. Do not live in the sin. God has haste.
Message 2486, given on 02/22/2005
… what I say to you is not to cause you fear. I speak to you because I have the good pleasure of my Son Jesus. What you cannot understand now, you will understand later. The king’s bird will not fly any more. The king no longer exists, nor many of his subjects.
Message 2487, given on 02/24/2005
… the Supreme Judge will judge the men for their crimes. Humanity will suffer because the wicked men have placed themselves in the place of the Creator. You live in the time worse than the Deluge. God has been despised by many, but when they wake up it will be late. By the very hands of men was prepared his ruin. The learned men united and prepared the destruction in the laboratory. Men will see death in that which exists to give life.
Message 2488, given on 02/26/2005
… born on an important date and his name came from there. There were prepared the most cruel forms of death. God called, but the men did not answer.
Message 2489, given on 02/27/2005
… learned men will announce new discoveries about the Life of My Son Jesus. Be careful. Do not permit that the demon deceive you. Do not permit that your faith be shaken.
Message 2490, given on 03/01/2005
… your nest, a giant feared by many. The greatest of a son among so many children. Its false brilliance has spread throughout the world causing great spiritual blindness in many souls, but its end will come by the Breath of the Lord.
Message 2491, given on 03/05/2005
… a beautiful city bathed by two famous rivers will be in ruins. Wanted for sin, motive of inspiration for great poets. The fire will consume it. From its tower/turret will remain only ruins.
Message 2492, given on 03/08/2005
… The day will come when the Sun and the Moon will no longer fulfill their course as in your days. Your eyes will see the signs announced by My Son Jesus. Bend your knees in prayer, pleading the Mercy of the Lord for all of you. 2) The dragon will go to the encounter with the eagle and will launch fire on its children causing the destruction of much of its nest.
Message 2493, given on 03/10/2005
… from above it will come making a great shadow on the Earth and many men will die of terror upon seeing it.
Message 2494, given on 03/12/2005
… the wrath of a man with appearance of prophet, but not a prophet, will leave an empty chair. The faithful men will shed their tears, but God will not forsake them.
Message 2495, given on 03/15/2005
… the beauty of the waters and the first of the twelve children gave him the famous name that spread throughout the world, but the name of the valiant soldier was despised. At the feet of the one who is on high will be gathered the motive of their destruction. Men have moved away from God and sin now is no longer seen as an evil. The creature has put himself in the place of the Creator and now will drink of his own venom.
Message 2496, given on 03/17/2005
… a blind man, a fast bird, men reunited and a broken plate. Whoever looks only for himself loses the Grace of God. What will become of the rich when they need the poor? The full table one day will be without bread. Do not forget: God is in control of all.
Message 2497, given on 03/19/2005
… a great vessel will be on the high seas and all there present will be surprised with the Christ before them. A divided kingdom and an empty chair. The existence of two kings will spread great confusion throughout the world, but God will come to the rescue of His people.
Message 2498, given on 03/20/2005
… three great stones from the east will fall over various countries, causing destruction and death. 2) The ferocious bear will pass through several nations and will arrive in Rome. There it will leave its mark and blood will flow through the earth. In many places churches will be set on fire, but do not forget: God will not be distant from you.
Message 2499, given on 03/22/2005
… the beauties that today you can contemplate will one day no longer exist. From the north side will come the destruction and many will have to lament. O’ children of the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil), I suffer for what comes to you. Your nation has turned away from God and therefore God will allow it to be punished also.
Message 2500, given on 03/25/2005
.. Know that from the deep waters of the ocean that bathes your Brazil will come the one that will bring suffering and pain… Brazil will be in the war.
Message 2501, given on 03/26/2005
… the land of the queen will be surprised and her enemies will do great destruction. 2) The Country of the Savior will have to suffer much, but when it feels the defeat will defend itself with arms that spread fire through the sky…3) The king will leave his house in haste, but will have to pass by blood that floweth in his palace.
Message 2502, given on 03/29/2005
… the king’s friends have united against him, but God will punish them severely for their betrayal and because they opened the doors for the assassins to enter. The city of the seven hills will fall. The day will come when a king (Pope) will leave his house and take up abode in another country.
Message 2503, given on 03/31/2005
… By determination of a proud man, holes will be made, but what they find is fruit of falsehood. The true treasure is not buried.
Message 2504, given on 04/02/2005
… From the most famous tree in the garden will come a root that will spread throughout the world. In an immense field will be the sheep. The enemies of the shepherd will scatter them, but by the grace of the Lord there will be unity. In the House of the Lord will be confusion. A wicked heart will propose the creation of a counsel, but God will not forsake his people. Pray. Do not move away from the prayer.
Message 2505, given on 04/04/2005
… The day will come when there will be contempt in the House of God and the Sacred will be thrown out. One Xino (not Christian) will be on the throne against the many, but God is the Lord of the Truth. What I say to you now you cannot understand, but one day it will be revealed to you and all will be clear to you. The mirror: this is the mystery. As children, trust. As servants, be faithful. God is in control of all.
Message 2506, given on 04/05/2005
… the road will be short for the one who will come with the desire to take a long walk. All of you know that the fire will spread through various nations, but the breath of the Lord will drive away the one who comes with vengeance. The seed planted in fertile soil will bear good fruit. In the middle of the tribulations will come the one who will be your help. Pray. Only in the prayer will you reach victory.
Message 2507, given on 04/09/2005
… from the Land of the Kings (America) will come a man to command a great troop, but the agreement he will make will result in a great war.
Message 2508, given on 04/12/2005
… The day will come in which there will be disdain for the dogmas and many men will have their faith shaken.
Message 2509, given on 04/13/2005
… the treasure that men search for in the depths of the earth and that became the cause of wars and divisions, will cease to exist. Humanity will go through great trials and men will seek the death to escape from the sufferings. 2) The ecliptic: it is because from there will come great pain for the humanity.
Message 2510, given on 04/16/2005
… A great warning will be given to humanity, but if men do not repent the wrath of God will fall upon mankind. Men will see something like a sun that will be visible in the sky for long hours. All eyes will see. 2) From France will go out a thorn that will hurt the faithful men.
Message 2511, given on 04/18/2005
… the day will come in which the precious stone will lose its brilliance. The great vessel will advance to its final stop, but before it reaches the safe harbor, it must pass by great obstacles. Great will be the suffering of all the ones who do not retreat, but God will reward them for the courage to face the martyrdom/the torment… Confide in My Son Jesus. He waits for his faithful in the safe harbour with open arms.
Message 2514, given on 04/26/2005
… The City of Jerusalem will be destroyed and when the great tribulation passes, it will not be recognized; only a great desert will remain.
Message 2515, given on 04/28/2005
… Japan will suffer with a mega-earthquake such as has never been seen in all its history. It is that God calls you.
Message 2516, given on 04/30/2005
… A proud man will make deals with Iran. He seems to be a peacemaker, but in truth will be a thorn to many nations. 2) The men of terror, led by the one with the appearance of a prophet, will bring suffering and pain to the eagle’s nest and to the Country of the Savior.
Message 2517, given on 05/01/2005
… the Angels of the Lord are with swords in their hands and woe to the ones who have corrupted the Earth. Humanity has distanced itself from the Creator and now must pay for its crimes. The richest men in the world will pass through difficulties; they will extend the hand to the poor and ask for clemency. Europe will reach the bottom of the well. The Appeals of the Lord were not attended to and the men became spiritually blind. The Angel of the Lord will pass and will strike the earth.
Message 2518, given on 05/03/2005
… nuclear and biological weapons will be used by the men with big beards, and the terror will spread to various nations. The demon was able to seduce a large number of poor children and move them away from the Grace of My Divine Son. Unhappy the ones who live attached to material goods. Know that there will be great chaos in the world economy, and only the calm and humble of heart will be able to survive. I ask that you move away from all vanity. Flee the fashions of the world. Learn to dress with modestly. Take care of your body, since you are a temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care. You are from the Lord. Those who offend the Lord through fashions run the risk of eternal damnation. Liberate yourselves truly from the clutches of the demon. Do not give up your soul to condemnation/ to damnation.
Message 2519, given on 05/07/2005
… Taiwan will experience great pain.
Message 2520, transmitted on 05/10/2005
… Russia will make a deal and this deal will bring something painful to men. The plague that will come will not permit the ones who are contaminated to recognize themselves. Those who are contaminated will no longer be able to think.
Message 2521, given on 05/12/2005
… Berlin will be in ruins.
Message 2522, given on 05/14/2005
… Science will stumble and from the error will be born a giant who will kill many innocents. The quest for scientific progress will lead men to madness. Turn around quickly. 2) The capital of Brazil will live moments of anguish and blood will run through the famous square.
Message 2524, given on 05/18/2005
… Do not remain frightened by My Appeals. What I say to you is not to cause you fear. I speak to you because I have the Consent of the Lord.
Message 2525, given on 05/21/2005
… A giant will fall and in the encounter with the waters will cause great destruction. Regions of the earth will suffer, but those who are with the Lord will receive comfort and peace.
Message 2526, given on 05/23/2005
… the king will experience great suffering because of the infidelity of a large number of his subjects. Lo, his palace will be invaded and his friends will flee.
Message 2527, given on 05/24/2005
… From a region of Bahia (nth Brazil) will arise a sleeping giant that will bring suffering to many. Pray. Bend your knees in prayer to support the weight of the provocations which have to come. 2) From Egypt will come a news story that will spread throughout the world and many men will have their faith shaken.
Message 2529, given on 05/31/2005
… Humanity will experience great suffering when the Earth is shaken by the earthquake, which will drag into the sea many regions now inhabited. 2) The palace will be surprised by the furious and bloody invasion of the men with big beard.
Message 2530, given on 06/01/2005
… the search for power will result in a great war between the religious and a successor of Peter will see the death of many of his priests. The abduction of a religious leader will leave the Church divided, but the Lord will take care of His People. 2) The Gold: it is the desire of the enemies. Men will try to rub out the brilliance, but they will not succeed. Bend your knees in prayer. Humanity will experience painful moments. 3) Continents will move and the Earth will break into several pieces.
Message 2531, given on 06/04/2005
… Smallpox will be used as a weapon against a nation by the men with large beard. The suffering will be great for many. 2) Your Brazil will also suffer with the coming of the giant wave. A region of Brazil will live moments of anguish.
Message 2532, given on 06/05/2005
… A man who looks good, and this is the Antichrist, will gain great satanic power. The evil action will happen on the feast of a great saint, the one who, when he was called by God, fell from the horse and had his life transformed. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith burning. You will see horrors on Earth. Many men will be seduced by the beast and marked by his sign.
Message 2534, given on 06/11/2005
… the earth is full of evil/cruelty and men defy their Creator. The root of the trunk will kill many men. Science is not greater than God. O’ men, turn around. God waits for you with open arms. Men will live moments of anguish and many will say: it is a new deluge. 2) Many regions of the Earth will suffer from big storms. Men will run to the high places because many places will be taken by the waters.
Message 2536, given on 06/14/2005
… Indonesia will mourn the death of its children. Auto-destruction will come for Indonesia. 2) Russia will tread on many nations and humanity will experience moments of great pain.
Message 2537, given on 06/18/2005
… A swift fire will strike the palace, but the stone will not be broken. Bend your knees in prayer. The line, from the water catchment to the stored water will be broken. God is greater than all. This is the hour of the Lord. 2) Man will see a great mystery: night will become day.
Message 2538, given on 06/21/2005
… Know that disastrous tornadoes will come to Brazil, and men will have great losses. 2) The error caused by a genetic manipulation will cause great destruction and suffering for mankind.
Message 2540, given on 06/25/2005
… The fire will burn out the light and there will be a big explosion. Pray to conquer the pain. A great tragedy will occur in Korea. Men destroy themselves by their own hands. Listen to My Appeals. I do not want to force you, but listen with love to what I say to you. 2) The leader of a great nation will be attacked. The danger of a Third War becomes real.
Message 2541, given on 06/28/2005
… The land loved by the Mother who lived to help the poor will live moments of deep affliction. I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what awaits you. 2) A fire will fall in Arizona. 3) A man will be taken without his consent and many will have to cry and lament.
Message 2542, given on 06/29/2005
… In Iran there will be a great earthquake that will kill many men. There has been no other equal. 2) A Brazilian city that once was capital will live moments of great affliction.
Message 2543, given on 07/02/2005
… Spain will suffer a betrayal. Men do not respect the Laws of God and want to be greater than the Creator. Turn around. 2) On your conversion depend many things.
Message 2544, given on 07/03/2005
… Israel will live the anguish of one condemned, because it will be surprised by the men of terror. Know that God is grieved with your sins. Repent and turn around to be saved.
Message 2545, given on 07/05/2005
… Ecuador will live a day of great affliction. The Humanity walks now to a great abyss. Convert yourselves. Do not remain stationary in the sin. Know that God has haste. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow.
Message 2546, given on 07/09/2005
… Unforeseen volcanic eruptions will occur when Earth is shaken by the great earthquake, which will make the mountains collapse. 2) The men of terror will act in Brazil causing destruction and death. A temple will fall.
Message 2547, given on 07/12/2005
… Terror will come to a great city by means of the water. What will the men do to satisfy the thirst? Many innocents will die. O’ men, repent of your evil deeds. You will be trapped in the desert.
Message 2548, given on 07/07/2005
… Humanity will experience the bitterness prepared by the very hands of men. A great evil action is being prepared by the men with big beard. Suffering and pain will take place in various parts at the same time. An army will explode. Hatred has taken hold of the heart of many of My poor children and they walk as blind to guide other blind.
Message 2549, given on 07/16/2005
… A city will be thrown into the sea. Its name stands for wealth.
Message 2550, given on 07/19/2005
… The time to be born a child, a light and another light. Lo, mankind shall see fire through the heavens. Light that does not illumine and tears of sufferings. O’ men, turn around to be saved. 2) China and Russia: heavy stones for the humanity.
Message 2551, given on 07/20/2005
… Humanity lives strong pressures to walk towards the holocaust. Before the eldest son/child reaches his destination, Mexico will live moments of great affliction.
Message 2552, given on 07/23/2005
… Humanity will not take many steps to the encounter with the destruction. Be with the Lord. Look for the sacredness if you want the salvation. 2) Syria will double-cross, but afterwards will drink of its own venom.
Message 2553, given on 07/24/2005
The men of terror will come to the Vatican. The square will be full of corpses. Mankind will see the evil action of men with large beard. 2) The colosseum will fall to earth.
Message 2554, given on 07/26/2005
… The one who opposes the Christ will manifest himself and will seduce to error a large number of My poor children. Be attentive. He is a false messiah. He will be able to seduce even many consecrated persons.
Message 2555, given on 07/30/2005
… The Capital of Spain will tremble. The men of terror will cause destruction and death.
Message 2556, given on 08/02/2005
…Japan will live moments of anguish, but the worst still will come.
Message 2557, given on 08/04/2005
… The Earth will shake and tremble with the great atomic holocaust. Iran will be devastated by Israel.
Message 2558, given on 08/06/2005
… An important target will be reached. An attack will scare the men.
Message 2559, given on 08/09/2005
… Know that a famous city will be left deserted. An epidemic will drive away many of its inhabitants and others will die.
Message 2560, given on 08/11/2005
… The Angels of the Lord will come, and woe to the ones who corrupted the earth.
Message 2561, transmitted on 08/13/2005
… A treasure will be found in Israel, but because of it there will be many deaths. Pray much. 2) An astounding event will happen at the Vatican. The Vatican will need to be rebuilt.
Message 2562, given on 08/14/2005
… The men of terror will cause destruction and death in various parts of the world. A famous statue will be broken.
Message 2563, given on 08/16/2005
… A temple will be hit in Jerusalem. Violence will grow. Under the appearance of fragile promises of peace, are prepared the most advanced means of death, and My poor children walk to a great suffering. Many regions of the earth will live moments of great tribulations. Men will confound/confuse with a deluge.
Message 2564, given on 08/20/2005
… A city will live moments of anguish. Its fame was given because of My Presence (Apparition). Know that God wants your good. Your cross will be heavy, but confide in My Maternal Protection. I will always be near to you. 2) Mexico: the moments of pain for many approach.
Message 2565, given on 08/23/2005
… Pray for My poor children of Ethiopia. Ethiopia will carry heavy cross. I am your Mother and I am very near to you. Do not let the demon tempt you with questions about what will happen in Ethiopia. Even in the pain, praise and bless the name of the Lord.
Message 2567, given on 08/27/2005
… The famous Los Angeles will live moments of dread.
Message 2568, given on 08/30/2005
… Be attentive to the Signs of God. Men will see something of intense light. Accept the Call of the Lord. 2) Oslo will experience great suffering.
Message 2569, given on 09/01/2005
… An earthquake will shock the men. Pray. Receive My Appeals. In Sinai there will be a big event. Know that men will drink the venom prepared by their own hands. Before three great ones are honored you will see horrors. A Friday will be marked for ever.
Message 2570, given on 09/03/2005
Walter Kasper: it is because of him many will die. Those chosen to defend the truth will negate it. I suffer because of what waits for you. That November of pain will be repeated. The Tagus River is at your side. 2) A great mountain will fall on the earth.
Message 2571, given on 09/06/2005
… Men will be marked and enslaved. Great will be the suffering for men. Remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you. 2) On the south coast of the Pacific there will be suffering and death.
Message 2572, given on 09/08/2005
… In a region of Bahia there will be great suffering. It will be awesome and will cause great losses. Pray. Do what I ask of you and you will be strong to support your cross. God will send. The men will see you on a Thursday.
Message 2573, given on 09/10/2005
… Turkey will experience great pain. Great will be the suffering for many of My poor children. Do not move away from the prayer. 2) It will be on the East Coast . The Giant Wave will cause great destruction. The Eagle will suffer again.
Message 2574, given on 09/12/2005
… The land of St. Peter will be in ruins.
Message 2575, given on 09/13/2005
… The men with big beard will act in a great city. In the laboratory was prepared the weapon of great destruction.
Message 2576, given on 09/17/2005
… Scientists will announce and men will wait with dread, but God will break. Confide always in the Power of God. Do not retreat. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. It will come to the Calabria (sth Italy).
Message 2577, given on 09/20/2005
… A famous Brazilian city will be devastated. It will lose its fame and its glory. 2) Cries of despair will be heard in Sicily. Pray. Humanity walks to the destruction.
Message 2578, given on 09/22/2005
… A poisonous smoke will spread and will kill many men. 2) An astonishing event will happen in the Brazil and men will not have explanation. God has sent Me to you to alert you to all that has to come. What I say to you is not to cause you fear. I want to prepare you to support the weight of the cross. If you pray, you will understand that My Appeals are not of fear, but of alertness that leads you to hope.
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

I’m still carrying on. You can believe what you want.
To The Watcher: WOW. Thank you for exposing yourself. We can all see that you are of the devil.
Don’t even think you are going to pretend these are messages from the Blessed Virgin, Mary.
This is bull. The entire thing. Not from Heaven. More like from the devil. He knows things too.
BVM is NOT appearing anywhere and furthermore, She doesn’t speak like this. She knows the Vatican is no longer Catholic and has been taken over by jews (B’nai Brith) since before but fully in the Fall of 1958 upon the death of the Holy Pope Pius XII.