Jesus - God's Hand is still Upraised
One must think, how close we are to total disaster? Spiritually, the illusion will end and we will see what we have done with our lives. God is the Creation, immanent in all things.. omnipotent and omniscent – All Knowing, so where do we stand in our partial view.. Also called “political” for political means partial or one-sided. When will we give up preying upon others, killing economically, physically and in a person’ or animal’s will, for the money?
What is God.. The Holy One of Israel.. against? Sin!! And what is the first or greatest sin? Sex for pleasure. Because in letting loose the sexual energy which is creative in its nature, we let loose our mind. And loose minds lead to SIN..
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The love of God is greater still, than tongue or pen could ever tell….so too is His judgment. Swift and final it will come for; ‘the LORD’ anger burns against His people, Isaiah 5:25′. ‘People will be brought low and everyone humbled, the eyes of the arrogant humbled. But the LORD Almighty will be exalted by His justice and the holy God will be proved holy by His righteous acts, Isaiah 5:15-16′. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness, but.. ‘woe to those who draw sin along with cords of deceit and wickedness as with a cart rope, Isaiah 5:18′. ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, Isaiah 5:20′. Darkness is descending upon the unprepared unregenerate souls that continue to reject all that is good as they embrace and cling to all that is profane and evil; without excuse they will stand before The Holy One of Israel to give an account. ‘Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight, Isaiah 5:21′, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent, Isaiah 5:23′. Look around America, look around and see the devastation upon the land and be amazed. ‘Yet for all this, His anger is not turned away, His hand is still upraised Isaiah 9:17′.
Mary’s messages
Jesus’ messages
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