Linda Courtney - Time Is of the Essence, Urgent Message - Two Weeks Left of the Seven Given to Prepare for Food Shortages
March Covid19. June riots. September fighting for food in the shops. October protests increase, attacks on the elderly and the dollar devalues. By October 31st we brace for November and the loss of government, Chinese, Russian and U.N. intervention. What happens by Easter next year, I’ve got no idea, but Passover is also tapped. And all this chaos and breakdown is happening, why? Because of the incoming of the planet-comet Nibiru. The elite of this world want to obscure our future, see the breakdown, because they want to remain in power at all costs. They think they can escape in darkness, the Light which comes. Archangel Michael – “Ce qui vient est Lumière. Et rien d’autre.”
What comes is Light. And nothing else
presented by Linda Courtney
Hi, greetings to my youtube, or the youtube world I should say. It’s not mine. It belongs to everybody out there. Um, I’m coming today– this is an all-day venture; I’ve spent all day on this. And it’s a lot of work because what I’m– what I’ve done is I’ve got– I”ve obtained some information on sites that I would like you to visit.. And maybe you have already.. Maybe you’re already familiar …. And just off the bat, I’m going to mention, uh, the names, but first let me just say a quick prayer:
‘Heavenly Father, you know this is a struggle for me. It is not easy for me to correlate information like this for the people. But I do it because I care for them, and if they haven’t already seen these videos and read this transcript, this is for their benefit. So please help me to do this well, and bless me, anoint me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name I pray. Amen and amen.’
Ok, have you heard or already seen some of the videos by a pastor by the name of Dana, uh, Coverstone. He’s an ‘Assembly of God’ pastor.. And may I say something to you at the beginning – I attended Assembly of God Church for 24 long years and I’m very familiar with their doctrinal statement. And You know each– most denominational churches have a set of by-laws, rules and regulations that they have to follow. And ‘Assembly of God’ has always taught pre-tribulation rapture. That’s just, um, set in stone, let us say. They’ve never changed their mind on it and I’m– I was very, uh almost shocked when I first heard this ‘Assembly of God’ pastor, which Dana Coverstone is, speaking in such a way that, uh– whereby he does show that American christians will go through some very rough times, just around the corner.
He was given, uh as in accordance with Acts Chapter 2, and if you doubt that, open your Bible to Chapter 2 and read about how God gives prophecies, dreams and visions to men and women. And including older men.. He doesn’t look to me like he’s a young man anymore. Well, he received a couple of dreams, and in the dreams God showed him what’s coming to America. And the first uh.. uh part of the dreams have already come to pass: the Covid19 when it hit the sick people. People dying. The ambulances um, the riots and all that has already happened. That was the first part, of the first dream. Well then the dream goes on into the month of September, October, and November of this year. Not next year. Not ten years from now, but this year, which is just around the corner.
Now, this goes along with a word, a transcribed word, (Okay, Dana gives a uh, video presentation). You have probably heard of Byron Searle – s-e-a-r-l-e. Uh, Byron has been giving prophecies now for maybe a year or two. And he just gave a transcribed prophecy which I’ll try to read to you, if I can pull it up on my email. Okay, praise God, maybe I can– Oh God, help me please Lord… Okay, I’m– I think I can do it. Yeah, okay, this is a word given to Byron Searle that goes with two, uh, Dana Coverstone and another christian man; his name is Apostle Charles Turner III… I would like you to write these names down on a piece of paper so you don’t forget, because you may not be able to keep up with all this right away.
So the first one, write down, Byron Searle.
The second one write down, Dana Coverstone, c-o-v-e-r-s-t-o-n-e.
And the third one write down, Charles Turner III.
And you’re going to see how Charles Turner’s dreams go along exac– almost exactly with Dana Coverstone. And then I’ll recommend a lady to watch. But we’re going to do this before we lose our train of thought.
Okay, here’s what the Lord said to Byron Searle. He said, from the Holy Spirit: “I then heard the Lord say, “As I gave Joseph seven years to stock up, I will give you seven weeks”, meaning, I will give America seven weeks. And this was just from a couple of days ago [posted July 17th; given July 10th and 13th 2020]. “The vision I gave you of fights in the grocery stores will take place in seven weeks.” I looked on the calendar, that means this will begin– the bad stuff begins the first week or the beginning of the second week of September. Then he gives a link to a prior uh, youtube talk that he gave on, uh the vision of the food fights and empty grocery store shelves, and you will find that when you go to his, um,.. Well you’ll just find it. It’s– it’s not hard to find, just type in Byron Searle and you’ll find it all.
So he said, “I continued to pray over this word for the following few days, as I had felt that the Lord had more to say. Tonight during prayer He spoke the following word to me and it was from Jeremiah, Chapter 14 verse 10 through 12– this is God speaking from the Bible the Word of Good. ‘Thus sayeth the Lord to His people, thus they loved to wander. They have not refrained their feet, therefore the Lord does not accept them. He will now remember their iniquity and visit their sins.’ Then, said the Lord unto me, “Pray not for this people for their good. When they fast, I will not hear their cry. When they offer burnt offerings and of oblation, I will not accept them, but I will consume them by the sword and by famine and by pestilence.’ I will– that’s the end of the prophecy– the word there in Jeremiah Chapter 14 in the Bible.
God generally uses the same principle when He has to chastise a nation or a people. It’s generally always by famine, pestilence and the sword. This is nothing new. It’s down through the Bible, down through the ages. It’s coming to America and it’s beginning this September. Now I’m going to read the words given to Byron by the Holy Spirit: “My son, I have now released you to warn My people. In seven weeks the destruction of a once God-fearing nation will start. This destruction will continue until this vile nation no longer exists. The people do not seek me for guidance. Instead they turn to witchcraft and divination to satisfy their souls. My son, just as I gave Joseph seven years to prepare during the fat years, so too will I give My people seven weeks to prepare during the low, which is now.
“After seven weeks we will begin a time of testing. During this time many will turn away from Me. ‘The Great Falling Away’ will begin. The Bible prophecies that many will report, those turn into law enforcement. Many will report, those who worship Me for a reward”… Remember, Jesus speaks of that in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, I believe, about the big betrayal that is coming. Even family members will betray family members and even for reward, or just for the– just because they want to. Just because they’re tired of their viewpoint, I guess. “My son, these people have sinned a great sin, turning to other gods to save them.
“The next wave is now breaking and most do not even see it. I have warned My people who have ears to hear, and they are the ones that are ready. Speaking of pandemic, another one. Sadly many of My people have chosen to ignore and even mock My true prophets and watchmen. They will be the ones who will cry out to Me, and I will not hear.. They will fast and give things away, but I will not accept it. My son, the army from the north prepares to come in and take the spoils of this land. Those who fight will die. Those who succumb, those who submit will live in captivity. Many of My children will choose wrong and will perish, just as they did in Jerusalem. My prophet Jeremiah warned and warned, but when Babylon came into the city, all who fought died. So will it be in America.
“Seven weeks [from July 13th] to get your house in order and prepare your heart, spiritually and physically. Great darkness is coming. My son, shout, “Repent now! Turn from your wicked selfish ways. Turn to Me for cleansing and restoration. Seven weeks to prepare. Seven weeks to the beginning of the end. Darkness will fall and no one will believe. Be ready for the darkness. Evil will rule in the darkness. I say, “Repent now. Ask and I will hear. Now is the time for salvation.. Seven weeks, a countdown has begun. Be prepared. I love you My children, now is the time to repent. Amen.” Seven weeks given by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The original can be found on prophecy444news. If you get lost, go to that site and it will give you many of the up-to-date prophecies: ’444 news’
Okay, so that’s that warning. And then um, if we can do this– synchronize this properly, Lord. Okay, so now we have pastor Dana Coverstone.. I cannot play this for you; it’s like almost 16 minutes long, but the name of this particular one, if you will write it down, is called, ‘Three Prophetic Warning Dreams’ – Three Prophetic Warning Dreams. It’s really excellent. He also has an interview with ‘Prophecy Club’. And I think he’s got another interview, but– and, and– he.. he has, uh, separate videos, and one of the videos goes into a little more depth than the others.. But you’ll find it; it’s all over right now, It’s– he’s going viral right now, just like I did with the Three Days and Nights of Darkness when, uh, I have um about 880,000 views to my ‘Three Days and Nights of Gross Darkness’. So pastor Dana, he will also have that many, or more probably, way more than that even.
Okay, then there’s another, uh gentleman. He is actually a– he calls himself an apostle, which simply means a builder of churches. Somebody that builds a church – churches. And if you please write this down; his name is (you don’t have to put the word pastor)– just write it in this way: Charles Turner the third, and type in that name. And you will find his videos on the dreams that God gave him. That, I would say, is almost exactly– (Oh, there’s our governor) almost exactly …. Oh my God, uh, the same as pastor Dana Coverstone. So compare the two. Uh, the one by the apostle Charles Turner the third, is rather long but don’t get bored.. I mean you won’t get bored.
And uh, then there’s the last– Oh, and here’s the name of one by, uh, pastor Dana Coverstone: ‘Brace yourself and endure to the End’ And remember, Jesus said that.. “Endure to the end”. It doesn’t say I’m going to rapture you out before trouble comes.
Wow! We are going to go trough some hard times, people; we really are. I, uh.. probably 25 years ago or so, as a Bible teacher even back then when I would speak in small churches. I didn’t do it often.. I’m not bragging, it was just occasionally. But when I spoke in small churches or the mission, I was a pre-trib. rapture person myself. I mean I– I twisted scripture any way I could to get that pre-trib. rapture in there somehow. But then what happened was, um.. during that timeframe I um.. I went to a meeting one night and I didn’t like it, so I ran out.. And as I was running, uh to head for home – it was late and it was dark – I tripped and somehow broke my leg. I just broke– the whole idea didn’t– I broke the leg. I kept thinking it was the ankle, but no it was the leg.
So, um, I went to the doctor.. got that night– got the cast put on and all that. Well, it took six weeks of recovery. So one night I was visited by the Holy Spirit, and I had been reading my Bible. I laid it on the nightstand, and before I went to sleep, I hold– I heard the Holy Spirit in my ears say to me, um.. “You need to spend this time to restudy – restudy, the pre-tribulation rapture.” ..Spend this time to restudy the pre-tribulation rapture… which gave me five to six weeks to look into it again. Well, you know, depending on the set of scriptures that you take, you can prove (quote unquote) pre-trib. rapture. And depending on the set of scriptures you take and study, you can prove (quote unquote) the post-tribulation wrath, which is what I am. Um.. but God actually.. He brought me by the Spirit of God away from teaching pre-tribulation. He made it very clear, at least to my mind, that I should not, because the danger is–
Here’s the danger, people, and you please understand; It’s for the sake of the people that we’re talking to when we teach that we’re going to be taken out.. We’re going to be raptured before another illness, another pandemic hits.. We’re going to be raptured before the invasion comes, and before we’re taken into captivity.. We’re going to be raptured out before riots come, and they’re so bad. People are shot dead on the street. We’re going to be taken out before that happens. Which these pastors, these gentlemen, both say is going to happen to America, beginning in September. No, beginning before that– Yeah, beginning in September, October, November, sorry.. Those three months, September, October, November. So if we teach people that, and we’re not taken out, and they’re not taken out in a rapture.. and they happen to go into captivity. Rounded up by– by a Russian or Chinese military, they may just possibly lose their faith in Christ.
They most certainly will lose their faith in their pastors, and maybe even in Jesus, Himself. Calling it a lie. And, no, we have to be really careful, because we, teachers, are the ones that are going to be held accountable for our teaching. And I would rather teach people to be prepared for something rough, and rough and tough ahead. And if it doesn’t happen, well, Glory to God, it doesn’t happen. I really haven’t lost any– anything by preaching that. But for those that are preaching: “You will escape, and we’ll be taken to Heaven and you won’t be here in America when hard times come’, and then hard times come, and the people are caught up suffering. And seeing their loved ones maybe shot to death, or starved to death, or taken into captivity. No, it’s not going to work out well for the people that– that have to suffer when they’ve been lied to – AND I MEAN LIED TO.
So be careful, be really careful. So I would also recommend that you watch– speaking of captivity – a lady.. Um, recommendation.. The last that I’ll do here.. Her name is Celeste Solum, if I’m saying that right. She used to work for FEMA, and I guess when she found out FEMA was so corrupt – (unbeknownst to us a corrupt organization), basically she laughed. And her name is Celeste c-e-l-e-s-t-e, the last name is s-o-l-u-m. Now, she gets into a lot of technical stuff about the– the vaccine, and the nanobot technology, and how it changes people that take the vaccine. And how we can’t do it; it interferes with the part of us that’s the God particle – the God. Well not God particle, the Holy Spirit part of us where the Spirit of God resides in us.
There’s so many components to this vaccine. There are several companies, I guess, working on it now, including Bill Gates of course. He’s in on that too, as I explained in a prior video. But do not trust the vaccine. There’s a very good chance that the vaccine will be connected with the ‘mark of the beast’. The ‘mark’ in the Bible, in the book of Revelation, means scratch, or etching. So, to my mind, that means something that has to break the skin, like a chip, or whatever… placed in the forehead or the right hand.. which could even be up to the wrist. Because in the Bible, the hand was actually– included the wrist, So, um, yeah, we are living in the end. This is it, as Sister Barbara says on her channel.
Uh, this is the end. This is it! And I can concur. I– I never– I’m 78. Did you think I would live this long? I didn’t. Nope, I sure thought I’d be gone by 72, but here I am. My son would like me to make another video on ‘encouragement’, but with a lot more scripture. So I’m going to try to do that, and I’m going to try to finish my teaching on the day of the Lord, because that one is also important too. Trust me. What I’m doing is work – It’s work, and I have not asked for one red nickel in any way shape or form. I promised I wouldn’t, but I might change my mind. I might just.. I’m not sure.
I need to be led by the Lord. Freely have I received, freely give, but the Bible also says that the workman is worthy of his hire. So we will continue to seek the Lord on that. Meanwhile, the important thing is the names I’ve given you today. Please look them up. Please watch the videos. Please read the Word of God, and please get right.. Ready, Ready, Ready, um there. Joseph prepared food, so the people wouldn’t have to go into famine [Genesis 41:54]. There is nothing wrong with preparation..
Now I know some people say that that’s not right, “We should just ask the Lord.” I– I beg to differ, and I think when the time– if the time comes and you’re hungry, because you haven’t bought in some food items to eat.. Well, then you’ll realize to prepare is a very wise thing to do.
Thank you so much for being with me. God bless you, and I send my love to all of you. And I’ll see you again, next time. Bye bye for now. Bye God.
Linda Courtney – ‘Time is of the Essence, URGENT MESSAGE’
look up – Celeste Solum
look up – Byron Searle
look up – Charles Turner III
look up – Dana Coverstone
Into captivity
Jeremiah 15:13-14
“Your wealth and your treasures I will give up as plunder, without charge for all your sins within all your borders. Then I will enslave you to your enemies in a land you do not know, for My anger will kindle a fire that will burn against you.”
the army from the North is China
Persevere to the end
Matthew 24:12-14
“Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
The God particle – the Holy Spirit part of us.
Mary – ‘Revelation yet is Light’
“Question: How to more strongly feel your Vibration at the level of the Heart?
My Child, my Presence within your Heart is there, like the Presence of the Archangels, the Presences of the Christ. It is there for all eternity. Why is it there for all eternity? Because we are present in your flesh, through our flesh, through what you call the DNA and the blood. Your blood is our blood, your DNA is our DNA. As creatrice of this Dimension, before its falsification, there is just to awaken what is still, for some, asleep. There are, of course, techniques which may have been communicated to you but most beautiful of the techniques which permits you to Vibrate within my Presence and in your Presence, it is the total Abandonment and the total faith in the Light. There are no other things, it is the only thing to realize.”
msg # 42, March 6th 2011,
The Mark of the Beast
Jesus – the antichrist
“Everyone who swears allegiance to him, either through religious ceremonies, business or trade agreements, will have to take a mark. Those who accept the mark, which will be in the form of a bank card and special chip, which will be embedded into your hand, will lose their souls to him.”
Byron Searle – ‘Racing toward Destruction’, given August 7th 2020
Dana Coverstone -’Three Prophetic Dreams’, given June 24th 2020
Jesus’ messages
Mary’s messages
Condescend to receive the Vibration: that of the Love
which liberates us and Unifies.
See you soon.
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Linda, the answer to Luke 21:36 is Rev 12:6, 14.
Yes!!! No Pre trib rapture…a Jesuit deceit….we are looking at a time worse than anything in history…and few are prepared.
Even being fully prepared will not be enough… Unless you have enough of every single item + another dozen for parts , maintenance Etc… I have a good bottle of Scotch waiting to see the Great Show in the sky… Project Bluebeam has been Operating over Singapore and China all week … Do not get fooled
Anybody hazard a Date for said Calamities? The dumpster fire that is BIN is absolutely littered with failed predictions of all sorts; the Rapture, FEMA Camps, Jade Helm 15, The Mystical, Magical Fantasy Planet, mailbox dots and Blue Helmeted UN Soldiers roaming the streets, the Chinese EMP blast…… It’s a virtual Loser-Pit of FAIL. But my favorite has to be the ‘Worst Cartoon Ever Made’, I Pet Goat II. You Stunads spend so much time breaking it down, frame-by-frame, trying to find meaning in your otherwise pathetic lives. It’s total comedy listening to some of the garbage that you link to a horrid cartoon.
But fear not for November, or even the Easter. For Karen hath spoken, and her stupid fake-@ss, Jumped the Shark Planet is due in two weeks, i.e., September. It was due on May-Day of this year, but it took a right at Albuquerque, and got lost!!!! Maroons!