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Humanoid Robot Cracks Las Vegas Sphere: Exposing The Firmament Dome & Elon Musk's Transhumanist Utopia (Video)

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By Lee Austin

The goal of transhumanists like Elon Musk is to merge with machines and obtain eternal life apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  In the attached video Afterlife presents Anyma ‘The End of Genesys’ at Sphere, Las Vegas (Announcement) a humanoid robot is seen smashing the firmament dome in an attempt to free itself from the dome.. Esoterically the transhuman depicted in the video is shattering the firmament dome constructed the Demiurge ( the tyrannical God of The Bible) who has kept man imprisoned, despite the efforts of the other God, Lucifer, who attempted to enlighten Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.  All of this is explained in my book “Morning Star’s Tale.” Morning Star’s Tale: 9798619133080: Austin, Lee: Books

Luciferians believe Lucifer Morning Star is the equal to and antithesis of God, The Ancient of Days. This is the lie of divine duality, as above, so below belies the notion that all of creation has an opposite. I am the Ying to his Yang. White to his black. As the two columns of Jachin and Boaz falsely represent equilibrium in Freemasonry, Luciferians promote a false balance between life and death, construction and destruction. Truth be told balance doesn’t exist. Lucifer is the God of chaos, creating the problem in order to generate a reaction and offer the final solution. Under the deception of transhumanism and the promise of eternal life the majority of humans will freely choose to be marked with my Black Goo Triple Helix DNA genome. The consequences will be immediate and irrevocable, systemically transforming a mortal made in his image into an immortal  The ascended Anti-Christ will promote gender neutrality, eliminating all aspects of inherit male and female identity. Androgyny will transform sexual deviancy into a societal norm, fomenting an alchemy of the sexes.

Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 37, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.”

Upgrading from handheld to hand implantable will relegate smart phones to the dustbin of obsolescence. A wireless neural lace connecting the cerebral cortex (clay) to the sentient, adia batic quantum Beast Computer (iron). Web searches, contacts, social media, thoughts and emotions uploaded into a collective hive mind. Segmented algorithmic patterns accurately predict ing future behavior, supplanting speech with organic telepathic communication, creating a singular, universal New World Order, spiritually plugged into The Light Bearer’s matrix. Shared knowledge without individual thoughts or opinions, uncritical conformity creating a technological singularity of collective intelligence.

Daniel Chapter 8, Verse 25: “He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will ever take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.”

Let me give you a possible preview of the anti-christ’s seven year technocratic dystopia. Imagine if you could do everything you do now, including buying and selling, a mirror image of your current reality, but without the pain and tribulations? Welcome to your own personal digital multiverse. Just select an avatar based on your personal Divine Duality’s Lie preferences, and insert a digital copy of yourself into the digital Garden of Eden 2.0. Free from the draconian laws of the Demiurge. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

Claytronics merges nanoscale robotics with catoms to create 3D tangible objects, having the ability to interact with hu mans. A catom is a computerized atom and is the fuel of programmable matter, a material capable of assuming any pre determined shape and morph into other forms upon command. Catom’s assemble copies of a single image to be present at multiple locations at the same time. Known as telepresence, the original image could communicate as digital data travels between the person and another location. Creating a 3D tangible claytronic version of yourself. Capable of giving you a handshake or even a hug… Another you.

Transhumanists believe everyhuman should possess their own digital 3D avatar who would think, speak, behave and perform activities on your behalf. All professional and personal endeav ors would be done by your digital 3D avatar. Each avatar would be made from the digital profile of the user’s online behavior. For example celebrities and musicians could entertain in multi ple venues on the same day. You could be present in a social media conversation even when your not. Imagine getting paid for a job you never work. As a virtual assistant your 3D avatar could function as a personal secretary. No need to ever answer the phone or respond to a text or email again. In order for 3D avatar’s to be accepted a radical shift in the current world paradigm would have to occur. Although the idea of having personal 3D Avatar would be appealing to a small percentage of the population, I suspect most would prefer to remain an original autonomous version of themselves.

The world governments will purchase the 3D avatars not the people. Currently the established democratic world order isn’t interested in 3D avatars. However, a technocratic society would be intrigued at the thought of replacing humans with a digital replicas, which could be modified to obey all commands.

Symbols rule the world. For example, one infamous technocrat of prominence is known for wearing an occultic symbolic robe while his giving dystopian lectures about transhumanism. In addition to the nine pointed star on his robe there’s another one on the podium where he speaks from. This is the Star of Ishtar known as an Enneagram, a symbol representing the fusion of all that is and used for the pursuit of knowledge and cosmic deities. The Enneagram is also a study of the good and bad side of people which seeks to achieve mental equilibrium without the interference the Demiurge. The triangle of Freemasonry combined with the pentacle forms of an Enneagram represent the Satanic Trinity. Freemasonry is partnering with Ba-ha’i Faith, a modern religion purposing all of the worlds people and faiths are the same, and should unite into a one world religion.

Every strategic position within the UN is occupied by someone who belongs to one of these occult religions. One final icon displayed on the robe and podium is the symbol of the mystery religion Mithraism. Mithras worship Sol Invictus, the unconquered pa gan sun god RA. Displayed on the technocrat’s podium are the Latin words “Scientia Ingenium” translated as “Knowledge Of Immense Power.” Gnostics believe knowledge will lead to en lightenment and eternal life apart from The Ancient of Days. The future technocracy will involve a two class system. The ruling technocratic elite, and the 3D Avatar serfs who have replaced their human counterparts.

Image living in two worlds simultaneously, a virtual world apart from your real and present dystopian existence. What happens when an image dies? Does his digital self continue to live in a digital matrix? Who will fill the spiritual void in this mirrored reality? Almost sounds like the perfect opportunity for a new Messiah …

Revelation Chapter 13 verse 15, “The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.”

Matthew Chapter 24 verse 24, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

The coming Technocracy is a new social contract connecting man to an electronic ID linked to bank accounts and health records, and a social credit ID dictating every facet of life. While the plandemic was used as a justification for the realign ment, the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long term plan to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance and artificial intelligence. Technocracy is a scientific dictatorship and economic system. It is not a political system dependent on politicians. Technocrats will have no need for politicians and governments once they control the money. The algorithm of the AI beast system will dictate acceptable behavior. For example China’s social credit system has no com mittees because technocrats don’t want control of the political system, they want control of the economic engine. Technocracy is the only alternative to the free market.

Sustainable Development is technocracy. By combining the New World and Transhumanist movement the economic system of the beast system will utilize artificial intelligence, digital surveil lance and big data collection — and the digitization of industry and government, in turn allowing the automation of social engineering and social rule, thereby doing away with the need for democratically elected leadership. Technocratic leadership will use the charade of climate change to bring images back into harmony with nature. The future technocracy will involve a two class system. In order to create their dystopian utopia the Luciferian technocrats will connect the brain of an image to the internet. One option is to shoot microscopic holes into the skull with lasers and feed threads of electrodes into the brain. Then embed multiple mind chips which would function as a conduit between an app and brain waves. In theory giving man god like intelligence by connecting 5G to the human mind and merging the soul of a person with the cloud, computers, smart phones and the internet of things.. A superman/transhuman capable of controlling his physical and digital surroundings telepathically. Staying one step ahead of AI by becoming a little god.

Transhumanism’s final goal is to upload the mind into a machine and transfer the digital soul into an eternal avatar. The Luciferian elite intend on hacking billions of images in order to control every aspect of life. Technocrats believe images are not made of a soul, spirit and body but are merely hackable animals. Their goal is to reengineer life by utilizing science to replace evolution by natural selection with evolution by the intelligent design of man, not The Ancient of Days. Once an image is hackable the ownership of the DNA will become an open debate. If the corporation who morphed the DNA has their stamp on the new hybrid DNA then they have the right to legally challenge ownership of the image. When viewed as an animal, not made in his image, the option of free will is negated and the morphed, hybrid, image is then legally owned and subject to the dictates of the technocrats. Every emotion, thought and intent of the hybrid would be monitored and correlated into a social credit score and stored in the vaccine passport. 



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