Nibiru - Dr Sam.. 'The Union of the Planets does not even compare with Hercolubus', given January 25th, 2025
The Planetary alignment occurred on the 25th of January. ..Nibiru’s ‘far alignment’ – Earth-Sun-Nibiru – will occur three days after the planetary alignment, on the 28th of this month. I put this up because there is a prophetic warning of a large earthquake about to happen; it could happen now or it could happen in a few months time when there is an apparent right angle between the sun and the Nibiru, such that cross currents occur which could destabilize the Earth. We don’t know when, we just have know what, and we wait and see. Even though the approach of the Nibiru is slow, as described by Dr Sam, the change itself could begin suddenly. See part of the Third Secret of Fatima, as revealed by Pope John Paul II at Fulda, Germany, in 1980. So please read on and see what Dr Sam has to say.
Dr Sam.
Tio Abadom: Hello ladies and gentlemen, good evening. All well with you? This is Cássio speaking, and be all very welcome to the Tio Abadom channel. In this video, we will have an updated letter from Dr Sam. Let’s go there.
Mohamed reads the Letter: “In name of God the Clement, the Merciful. With base in the latest datas and physical readings, in the astronomical and geological map for Friday January 24, 2025, the sum of the forces of the alignment of the planets of the solar system as a whole, will be of weak effect on the forces of attraction, repulsion, radiation of field, between them and the earth.
(25th the Alignment:
L-R: Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Saturn, Sun, with Nibiru behind the sun, Pluto and Mercury)
This, because we have a powerful intruder which is influential, with a giant pulsating and lethal electromagnetic field. Its reach of resonant and pulsating effect in space, is much greater than the fields combined of the planets of the solar system. The reach of its lethal electromagnetic pulsating resonant impact in space extends for more than 950 million miles; in other words, the range of its lethal electromagnetic pulsating resonant impact reaches almost a billion miles in all directions in space.
(28th the Alignment)
This is the star with tail mentioned in all the books of religions and in the authentic prophetic texts. It is the star with tail, the planet Nibiru. We are approaching the orbital alignment most distant from its point of peak, in accord with its approximate position on the astronomical map attached to the publication. As I mentioned earlier, it still has not freed itself from the field of orbital deceleration between it and the two giants, Jupiter and Saturn, although it is much closer to the orbit of Jupiter according to its position on the astronomical map for Friday January 24, 2025. It is clear that the direct and lethal effects of this intruder on all the inner rocky planets of the Solar System, including the Earth, will gradually increase. These effects will manifest themselves in rapid and uncontrolled increase of violent powerful and destructive earthquakes. Greater frequency of large volcanic eruptions. The intensification of Global Climate Chaos during the coming weeks and months
The alignment at its most distant peak, will dominate in relation to the resulting forces of the other planets. This alignment will be translated either through the climate or through the geological movement of the Earth, or by both simultaneously The condition of drought and aridity continues to dominate many regions of the Middle East. Right now, we have faced years of drought before, but never with this intensity. Furthermore there are no forecasts of significant rainfall to alleviate the situation of the people and of the land during at least the next two weeks. The climate system is changing negatively and with speed, while the earth’s magnetic field has already reached 40% of its total weakness. That the peace and the mercy be with you all.
Tio Abadom: Many planets are aligning in this month of January, and it was very explicit in this letter that the alignment of all the planets does not even compare to the field of our heavy visitor. If happens, people, a great catastrophe here on the Earth, it will not be because of the alignment of the other planets, but because of the alignment with our heavy visitor. But while that does not happen, grab your pudding and we will accompany the development of the events. Thanks my friends. Until the next video, tchau.
The Union of the Planets does not even compare with Hercolubus.
Mary’s Messages