Still not believe that Reptilian rulers are on this planet?
So if you still not convinced that Reptilan rulers exists on this planet. What about real photos?
Can this be human type of construction?
First picture shows expedition to underground caves. Picture is not old like the second one, but shows non human made entrance to deep underground facility.
I really don’t know for the source of this photos, cause I found them on some forums that I cannot even remember.
Two expeditions in two different times. Second picture shows some drawings on the picture, and can be Chinese expedition to the underground caves. The place is unknown and photo is very old.
Looks like masonic symbol.
How it is connected to Freemasons?
UFO Daylight Landing At Chicago’s O’Hare Airport–Breaking!
UFO Lands, Without Clearance, Thursday, June 7th at O’Hare International Airport!
The O’Hare UFO went on a long trip, watched and reported on by many, something believed unique in the annals of UFO retrievals, ever wending its way to the Nevada Test Site, specifically Area 51′s S4. There, the “fun” began in earnest. Initial reports indicated the UFO was teardrop shaped, leading the ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces to think it was an unarmed Reptoid scout craft, probably there to evacuate some important Reptoid personage disguised as a human. Later insider reports indicated, though, that it was similar to Bob Lazar’s “Sport Model.” Inquiries from the ETs/EDs regarding markings revealed them to consist of an inverted “V” sitting on a rocker, with a set on both sides of the UFO. According to the ETs/EDs, these were Reptoid marking of the Bak’hla or Mak’hla Clan, one of the main clans here on Earth, and associated with the Freemasons!
Another source the same UFO transport.
Crime’s A Reptoid Invention!
According to the ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) of the Liberation Forces, the Reptoids, through their influence, have created crime as we know it.
Engineered scarcity is a tool of the negative extraterrestrials’ domination and control, keeping those who rule in power and the people divided and weak.
They also love rape, particularly the rape of children, whose fear, feelings of violation and terror are as sweet as honey.
Latin’s From Extraterrestrials!
Unfortunately, the extraterrestrial source is Reptoid. According to the ETs/EDs of the Liberation Forces, Latin is very close to the mother tongue of the Dracos and the Hydras. Reptoids all speak Latin! As someone who took Latin for four years in high school and excelled in it, and was born and raised a a Catholic, the writer is now looking at Rome, Roman history and that other Roman institution, the Roman Catholic Church, in a whole new extraterrestrial light–roughly equivalent to seeing the world after decades of having cataracts. All kinds of pieces now fall into place. Rome, seen properly, is unmistakably Reptoid and extraterrestrial in outlook, structure and behavior. Most of what characterized Rome is also true of the Roman Catholic Church, which for much of western history, effectively controlled the world and used every imaginable method to sustain its power, to include slavery and genocide. Those who pay attention will quickly note that classic Reptoid extraterrestrial type structure and behavior pervades the organization from top to bottom, to include a bunch of varieties of rape, now so prominently in the news. And nowhere is the Reptoid extraterrestrials’ obsession with dominance and control better reflected than in the three-tiered papal tiara, which symbolizes control of Heaven (access to), Earth and Hell. Was anything missed?
Extraterrestrials’ Property Markings–Tattoos!
The ETs/EDs “tell” us that the origin of tattoos lies in property markings used on humans belonging to specific extraterrestrials (Reptoid and Reptoid clans). As Tanaath of the Silver Legion rather bluntly put it, “It’s not nice to eat another Reptoid’s cow.” The cow analogy is apt, considering the extraterrestrials not only eat us directly as food but also feed off our fear! Readers doubting this viewpoint need to take a look at what’s said in “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars,” in which those who refuse to use their brains are likened directly to cattle and fit only to be eaten as steak!
Another research:
In the future, posting stuff about aliens and reptilian rulers and secret societies that DON’T actually run the whole show will be punishable quite similarly to the sentences handed down to those who really did run the whole show.
Well, now it’s clear to me why we have all Law, and Medicine on the Latin language…
Why Latin?
What’s the Latin word for alien?
There is no word on Latin for Alien!!!
What does it means?