“Bush Sr. was a major player with the Nazi International which Skorzeny discussed in a taped interview in 1978 with an unknown interviewer. Many years later, Jim Keith obtained a copy of the recorded interview and published its contents in a book he wrote called Secret & Suppressed: Banned Ideas & Hidden History (1993). According to Skorzeny, the person we call George Bush Sr. was actually born in Germany and is the biological son of Nikola Tesla’s accountant and right hand man, George Scherff Sr.. Young George was secreted into America as a 14 yer old teenager in 1938 and was assigned by Hitler the task of spying on Nikola Tesla and stealing his secrets and inventions to forward to Hitler.
The Skorzeny supplied photo of a teenage George Herbert Walker Bush (aka George Scherff, Jr.), his father Prescott Bush (aka George Scherff, Sr.), and his mother, Dorothy Walker Bush (aka, Mrs. Geroge Scherff), all sitting around together posing for a photograph with top Third Reich Nazi-era protagonists including Martin Bormann, Dr. Joseph Mengele, Reinhard Gehlen, and Otto Skorzeny, is still, for me, one of the most sensational and explosive photographs to ever come to light in modern times.”
“Without them stealing Tesla’s inventions, and George Jr and Skorzeny spearheading Operation Paperclip, would we even had seen the creation of the CIA in 1947? Maybe not. Who knows? It might have been a very different world without the consumate EVIL which these 50,000 SS Nazi individuals had introduced into the fabric of American life. Remember, the CIA was formed by the MERGING of Hitler’s SS and the American OSS.”
by Ken Adachi
Tesla’s long time accountant, George Scherff Sr., was in tight with the Big Boys of the Third Reich back in the 1930s (and probably 1920s) where you see the family Christmas time photo (1937 maybe?) showing George Scherff’s wife, sitting on the piano bench next to a young Martin Bormann wearing a Navy suit, along with Reinhard Gehlen sitting on the floor, and Josef Mengele sitting on a chair with a kid in the back, and young George Scherff (13 years old?) with his Navy uniform, sitting on the floor next to Prescott Bush and his wife Dorothy, to soon become the “father” of George Scherff with a faked birth record secreted into the city files of a town in Massachusetts that I can’t recall the name of.
You have to assume that George Scherff Sr was ALSO stealing invention secrets from Tesla, and sending them back to Germany, before his son got into the act in either 1937 or 38. Hitler stole ALL of Tesla’s most advanced inventions including his “Death Ray” and his anti-gravity flying platform (which Skorzeny told Eric he had test flown HIMSELF). Hitler ALREADY had built (thanks to Tesla stolen secrets) anti-gravity flying discs in the late 1930s. If you listen to the Don Nicoloff interview with Eric, he mentions that a guy named Otis Carr, who used to deliver bird seed to Tesla to feed his pigeons with, in the 1920s, had gleaned enough information from Tesla on how to build an anti-gravity flying machine, that Carr himself built and was selling tickets to take a ride in his anti-gravity machine, working with carnivals and circuses , in the 1950s I think.
It was Gehlen and Skorzeny, posing as government agents, who stole EVERY invention, all the plans, notebooks, drawings, documents, etc, etc, from Tesla when they went to visit him on January 6 and 7 of 1943. Tesla told them everything he knew and then Skorzeny suffocated him and put his body in the bed, in pajamas, as if he had died in his sleep when found the next day.
If you recall, Admiral Byrd went to Anarctica (Germans had a huge underground base there called Newschabenland (?) in 1947 or 48 and encountered such supperior flying disc fighters that he quickly pulled anchor and headed home. That’s the anti-gravity technology that Hitler had stolen from Tesla in the 1930s — thanks in LARGE measure to George Scherff Sr and George Scherff Jr.
Without them stealing Tesla’s inventions, and George Jr and Skorzeny spearheading Operation Paperclip, would we even had seen the creation of the CIA in 1947? Maybe not. Who knows? It might have been a very different world without the consumate EVIL which these 50,000 SS Nazi individuals had introduced into the fabric of American life. Remember, the CIA was formed by the MERGING of Hitler’s SS and the American OSS. As Eric rightly states in his interview with Don Nicoloff, “Can you think of even ONE thing that the CIA has done that has helped America?
Here are 2 articles posted over a decade ago, which I did not send to you yet. They include important photos from the Skorzeny collection and details of how Hitler left the Berlin bunker.
Hitler’s 1945 Suicide and Death Were Faked
This one doesn’t include Skorzeny photos, but does explain exactly how Hitler left the Berlin bunker on April 21, 1945 with Skorzeny and Hanna Reitsch flying in a small prop plane painted to look like a Red Cross aid plane. And then flying out of Austria on April 26 to Barcelona, Spain and then likely left on a German submarine to either South America or maybe even Antarctica. You can see the photos of the dead Hitler double (named Sillip) who was first drugged and then shot in the middle of his forehead. It was Sillip and a female double for Eva Braun who pretended to marry each other on April 29 or 30, 1945. I don’t believe the woman double was killed. The story line that Hitler and Eva’s bodies were dosed with gasoline and burned in the garden of the Chancellary is disinformation, as you can see from Sillip’s body. When the Russians entered the bunker around May 3, 1945 (?), they only found the body of Sillip in a shallow grave. There was no female body discovered.
April 20, Hitler’s Birthday
This one contains two critical photos: One of Skorzeny family in the Glacier National Park Hotel/lodge lobby and you see Hitler on the far left with a blue shirt and fedora hat (I cropped the photo from the original in this article, but I’ll send you an enlarged version of the original from Eric PDF so you can see the details better. Hitler’s face is partially cut off, but you can see the left cheek and left ear which have scars that match the scars seen on photos of him from the 1940s. The photo with Hitler was taken in August 1997 when Hitler was 107 years old. I will send you the original photo enlarged for greater clarity. This is the only photo of Hitler available to the public since April of 1945. Cisco Wheeler told me around 2005 that she had received from her father on his death bed a photo of Hitler, Mengele, and her father standing together on his front porch somewhere in the 1960s perhaps, but the photo was taken from her files after she told the therapist who she was working with, about it, and asked Cisco if she could see it.
Here is the original Hitler and Skorzeny at Glacial Natl Park Lodge lobby in August 1997. I blocked out the faces of Skorzeny’s wife and family.
I found this article which I had forgotten about that has some additional details that I didn’t mention in the other Hitler faked his death articles.
William Coates, aka Adolf Hitler
If interested, I can send you more. I’d like the story to get out to a wider audience. Most people have no idea that Hitler, essentially “won” the Second World War by feigning defeat and faking his death so he could infiltrate and destroy America from within by creating the CIA. It’s not hard to figure out.