BREAKING NEWS: SCOTUS Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has Died at age 87.
Regardless what you thought of her RULINGS let us all agree to say RIP RBG!
Thoughts, Prayers, and Condolences to her Family!
( /the-law/2020/09/breaking-news-scotus-justice-ruth-bader-ginsberg-has-died-at-age-87-2458419.html aka: )
As News is indeed JUST BREAKING we know very little still at this point. RBG has been ill for some time, but rumors were (and, in fact, she herself said) that her CHEMO FOR CANCER was “going well” and though she was in her upper 80′s and recurring issues with CANCER, her overall ability to BOUNCE BACK was fairly strong (and why most expected she would indeed beat the currnet bought of PANCREATIC Cancer)!
Again, since News is just Breaking, more and more details will become known, and of course future tributes to her will be on the near horizon… So, before I get into her “Life” I will provide a SEARCH LINK for quick/easy reference for more/additional Reporting:
[FROM WIKIPEDIA (The FREE Encyclopedia) (edit):
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born Joan Ruth Bader, March 15, 1933 – September 18, 2020), also known by her initials 'RBG', was an American jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until her death in 2020. She was nominated by President Bill Clinton on June 14, 1993, and had served since August 10, 1993. Ginsburg became the second of four female justices to be confirmed to the Court after Sandra Day O'Connor, the two others being Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both of whom are still serving in 2020. Following O'Connor's retirement in 2006 and until Sotomayor joined the Court in 2009, she was the only female justice on the Supreme Court. During that time, Ginsburg became more forceful with her dissents, which were noted by legal observers and in popular culture. She was generally viewed as belonging to the liberal wing of the Court. Ginsburg authored notable majority opinions, including United States v. Virginia (1996), Olmstead v. L.C. (1999), and Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Environmental Services, Inc. (2000).
Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn, New York. Her older sister died when she was a baby, and her mother, one of her biggest sources of encouragement, died shortly before Ginsburg graduated from high school. She then earned her bachelor's degree at Cornell University, and became a wife and mother before starting law school at Harvard, where she was one of the few women in her class. Ginsburg transferred to Columbia Law School, where she graduated tied for first in her class. Following law school, Ginsburg entered into academia. She was a professor at Rutgers Law School and Columbia Law School, teaching civil procedure as one of the few women in her field.
..... FOR MORE go to:]
[from: /the-law/2018/07/the-shaky-ground-roevwade-that-the-abortion-structure-wasis-built-upon-destroying-the-lefts-false-narratives-2457918.html
Ruth Bader Ginsberg, in Speech to University of Chicago Law School, admitted #RoeVWade was a very narrowly focused Ruling and she lamented how it DID NOT GO FAR ENOUGH toward deciding the actual Broader issue of Abortion (and establish the ability to Kill a Child in the Womb)… Many failed in the Decades that followed, in holding the narrow-Ruling, but instead allowed Democrats to falsely establish a Broader Doctrine of/from that Ruling.
more: (CBSNews)
BREAKING NEWS: As I was typing another Article (Can we trust #Polling Results? I still don’t know, but I finally was called for a #Survey this #Election (#Election2020) cycle! | U. S. Politics | Before It’s News /u-s-politics/2020/09/can-we-trust-polling-results-i-still-dont-know-but-i-finally-was-called-for-a-survey-this-election-cycle-2580391.html ) it was just announced: SCOTUS JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG has Died at age 87. This is likely to COMPLETELY SHIFT SOME VOTES, including potentially several within this Poll/Survey I am about to address. The next SCOTUS nominee will now JUMP WAY UP THE LIST OF CONCERNS of many, as it will be a determing factor of the Court makeup — whether it will remain having 4 heavily Liberal Activist leaning members, or swing more toward STRICT CONSTITUTIONALISM (with Roberts being far more Moderate these Days)!
Rather than REVISIT directly here-in, I am going to instead include several RELATED ITEMS links below that you can then decide for yourself to delve much further into. Mostly, past issues (dealing with Kennedy, which had SCOTUS and put greater focus on what everyone knew would be replacement for RBG had she retired/resigned (or, sadly, in this case, now her passing (regardless what you thought of her RULINGS let us all agree to say RIP RBG!)) which given her age was likely within the current POTUS’ Service or the Next (if Biden Elected for 4 or 8 years, or Pence’s first term if he were to follow Trump (either way, if reelected, or as challenger to Dem incumbent) in 2024! Other items were SPECULATION of/on/about the Court and whether THOMAS and/or ALITO should RETIRE to allow long-term appointments to shape the SCOTUS far longer Term (and still valid speculation, and that’s effect on composition and any decision RGB may have had about retirement had that happened)! And, of course, OBVIOUSLY, WHETHER PROLIFE FORCES WILL NOW SKYROCKET THE EVANGALICAL “ENTHUSIASM GAP” TO #GOTV IN #ELECTION2020 (see related – Can we trust Polling Results? I still don’t know, but I finally was called for a Survey this Election cycle! – at: /u-s-politics/2020/09/can-we-trust-polling-results-i-still-dont-know-but-i-finally-was-called-for-a-survey-this-election-cycle-2580391.html)!
Even RBG (at University of Chicago) admitted ROEVWADE (RVW) did NOT establish a RIGHT TO ABORTION (it was decided on PRIVACY ISSUES) and only Liberal Activist lower Courts grossly over-reached and expanded the Ruling… That and much more on the RVW/PROLIFE issue in:
The shaky ground (RoeVWade) that the Abortion structure was/is built upon (destroying the Left’s false narratives) [2020 update: Like Trump, Hate Trump, IT NO LONGER MATTERS!!! You MUST #GOTV for TRUMP, the balance of the SCOTUS for Decades, potentially LIFETIMES, to come is now IN THE BALANCE and whether there will FINALLY BE A PROPER 14TH AMENDMENT LIFE ISSUE HEARD IN REGARD TO ABORTION (and likely returned to States under 10A)]
To The Law on Saturday Jul 07 2018 12:15
at: /the-law/2018/07/the-shaky-ground-roevwade-that-the-abortion-structure-wasis-built-upon-destroying-the-lefts-false-narratives-2457918.html
Gosnell Jurors put the LIE to the ProChoice meme and what really occurs in Abortion Clinics
[Democrats attempting to LEGALIZE #INFANTICIDE, what Gosnell is in-part behind Bars for]
To Healthcare on Monday Oct 22 2018 10:24
at: /healthcare/2018/10/gosnell-jurors-put-the-lie-to-the-prochoice-meme-and-what-really-occurs-in-abortion-clinics-2537087.html
[related PROLIFE Article (don't let the Title throw you)] Is it RACIST for a White Man to Carry a Sign Referring to “Colored People” at a “naaCP” (emphasis “CP”) Event (Made for Him by a Black Woman)?
To Protests & Demonstrations on Monday Nov 18 2019 23:31
at: /protests-demonstrations/2019/11/is-it-racist-for-a-white-man-to-carry-a-sign-referring-to-colored-people-at-a-naacp-emphasis-cp-event-made-for-him-by-a-black-woman-2458619.html
[again, don't let the Title throw you, this is about Protesting ABORTION and naaCP support and FINANCIAL AID to Planned Slaughterhood]
(Kennedy retire impacted MidTerms2018, RGB vacancy will MOST CERTAINLY now effect 2020)
SCOTUS Justice Kennedy retirement and MidTerms2018 impact?
To The Law on Wednesday Jun 27 2018 14:56
at: /the-law/2018/06/scotus-justice-kennedy-retirement-and-midterms2018-impact-2457909.html
Should Thomas/Alito (both aging) retire in 2019 to assure Trump picks their replacement and Constitutional centered Court for several Decades to come?
To Republican on Monday Jul 09 2018 09:37
at: /republican/2018/07/should-thomasalit-both-aging-retire-in-2019-to-assure-trump-picks-their-replacement-and-constitutional-centered-court-for-several-decades-to-come-2444922.html
As a staunch CONSERVATIVE: Why I oppose Justice Kavanaugh for SCOTUS
To Republican on Tuesday Jul 10 2018 14:16
at: /republican/2018/07/as-a-staunch-conservative-why-i-oppose-justice-kavanaugh-for-scotus-2444923.html
Conservatives…. TEAParty activists…. When/Where are you willing to Stand and Fight?
[2020 update: Like Trump, Hate Trump, IT NO LONGER MATTERS!!! You MUST #GOTV for TRUMP, the balance of the SCOTUS for Decades, potentially LIFETIMES, to come is now IN THE BALANCE!]
To Opinion – Conservative on Thursday Aug 09 2018 00:59
at: /opinion-conservative/2018/08/conservatives-teaparty-activists-whenwhere-are-you-willing-to-stand-and-fight-3394330.html
Now that it looks for certain ACB will replace RBG, the #JoeBiden, #Pelois, et al #FAKECATHOLICS are of course going to attach the REAL CATHOLIC ACB! Why, all explained in:
[UPDATE: SAT SEP 25, 2020....
just sat down to put together (ROUGH DRAFT) RGB SCOTUS SEAT TALKING-POINTS THOUGHTS down (into a Word Document) to get my thoughts together further on the IMPACT of the RGB death and SCOTUS vacancy and realized as I went along -- THERE ARE FAR MORE RAMIFICATIONS THAN JUST THIS ELECTION CYCLE....
Here (as of 11pm 23Sep, as they are likely to even grow further) are those thoughts
WOW, RGB's death really going to shake up this Election!!
I have slight SPIN/Unique-take on it....
I'd love to TIE the two stories (RGB's death and POLLS, and even a 3rd included below) together (two of the 3 Articles I previously sent (and attached again/still as part of the (edited/expanded) FWD email attached))....
* RBG empty seat (rather ABORTION ISSUE FRONT&CENTER (which if RVW over-turned likely to become #10A States Rights issue then (though if they dictated Fed RIGHT TO ABORTION by Judicial fiat, we should be able to PASS some forms of uniform RTL Laws (not likely outright BAN) at the Federal level if GOP control of House/Senate) now LEADING ELECTION ISSUE (what does, or does NOT happen betw now and Election aside+)
* All Polls to this point MOOT
* Many/most will now have SCOTUS seat as TOP PRIORITY of their CONCERNS LIST (and what does or does NOT happen in these next few Days regarding such)
*(+) In the EPIC/MRI MI Poll I was involved in, Trump only had +6 lead in so-called ENTHUSIASM GAP. THIS WILL CHANGE, for the better or worse is the question?!?! Democrats will now say SEE WHAT HAPPENED BY YOU NOT VOTING HILLARY (cost us Garland to replace Scalia, Kennedy retirement (see sub-link in my RBG Article on that/this) help drive MidTerms2018 (though did NOT ultimately help Dems get USSenate (may change this time GOP has far more seats to defend this cycle)), and now maybe this RBG seat) as MAJOR MOTIVATOR to light a Fire under Folks other-wise LUKE-WARM on Biden and drive them to the Polls. Q: Will it FINALLY GET SOME NEVER-TRUMPERS to reconsider and/or drive up Trump's ENTHUSIASM NUMBERS?!?!? Any REAL CHRISTIAN (related: /religion/2019/04/liberals-religion-is-government-their-motto-separation-from-church-to-state-2-2546594.html ( aka: ) MUST BE PROLIFE (or is FAKE CHRISTIAN LIKE BIDEN) and this should be major motivator for Trump now?!?!
* If Biden elected and they get USHouse and USSenate control, Dems will follow thru on THREAT TO PACK THE SCOTUS (expand it to 13-15 Justices to regain control)!
* (as the saying in Sales goes: BUT THERE’S MORE) They won’t STOP there! With SCOTUS control they will then ram through DC STATE-HOOD (must be done w/ Liberal Activist Court, cause DC was/is separate and cannot CONSTITUTIONALLY become a State (which, with SCOTUS control, they will IGNORE / OVERTURN) as well as shove Statehood of PEURTO RICO down their throats (despite them having Voted SEVERAL TIMES to turn down Statehood) in order to ensure an almost certain FOUR MORE DEMOCRAT USSENATE SEATS and likely permanent control for Dems of USSenate (as well as at least 3 more Dem USHouse seats)!
*And, of course, this would effect POTUS Races to come as would add a few ELECTORAL COLLEGE points/opportunities to the system and those likely automatic BLUE STATE column (certainties like a few of the smaller NE States, but they all still add up)! NOT TO FORGET TO MENTION their likelihood to JOIN POPULAR VOTE COMPACT and help drive that movement! (which, of course, is VIOLATION OF CONSTITUTION, to over-turn EC requires a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, but (of course) Dems don’t give a DAMN about the Constitution (only pay it lip-service when they can twist it for a convenient argument of theirs)!
* Everyone with Twitter Account MUST FLOOD the TL/FEED of Romney, Murkowski, and Susan Collins, with #FILLTHESEAT tag, to try and get those squishes to grow a SPINE and ensure Trump then can/does appoint Amy Coney Barrett and the USSenate RAMS HER APPROVAL THROUGH POST-HASTE! Even though it may cost us the Collins seat (she is up this cycle, and she already has grief for her Kavanaugh Vote) but we can hopefully offset that loss by taking PETERS seat by electing JOHN JAMES (which is currently a basic TOSS UP (Freep Reports GAP NARROWING, Peters lead nearly now non-existent (within MOE)) or removing Freshman Dem Doug Jones (AL)!
* #Commiecrats antics lst time #NotoriousACB was (Circuit Ct) #USSenate cnfrmd (#CATHOLIC bashing), & y SHE NEEDS 2 B NOMINEE NOW 2 replace #NefariousRBG! U gonna attack #CATHOLIC for #SCOTUS, while ur own #POTUS Cand #BIDEN (pretends 2 b 1 & rem #JFK)?
* If isn't #NotoriousACB (Amy) to replace #Nefarious #RBG, must be: #Amul Roger Thapar, #USA #CircuitCourt #Judge of #US #CourtOfAppeals for #SixthCircuit. First South #Asian federal judge in #American history. Watch Dem #IdentityPolitics HEADS EXPLODE
* If TED CRUZ gets elevated to SCOTUS, we could potentially then get ALLEN WEST appointed to his USSenate seat! That would be a plus! With a 2nd GOP USSenate member being a Black man, would be a big plus in our WalkAway and BLEXIT movement battles (as well as then for JOHN JAMES to be potentially 3rd Black GOP Senator.
* If JOAN LARSEN (MI) then STABENOW (unlikely Peters, cuz he’s up for reelection and doesn’t wan the heat) will BLUE SLIP her!
* RE: #IdentityPolitics --- If u aint FIGHTING any Battle, u'v SURRENDERED IT #Commiecrats have been Fighting #IdentityPolitics WAR against us 4 Decades (again, ur unwillingness 2 FIGHT FIRE W/ FIRE @ times is just SURRENDER) #BLEXIT is happening, would on steroids if were smarter
If u aint FIGHTING any Battle, u'v SURRENDERED IT #Commiecrats have been Fighting #IdentityPolitics WAR against us 4 Decades (again, ur unwillingness 2 FIGHT FIRE W/ FIRE @ times is just SURRENDER) #BLEXIT's hapning, would on steroids w/ #Amul (I pref ACB)
* @TuckerCarlson #TuckerCarlsonTonight discusses, shows tweets, of #Commiecrat THREATS TO #ILLEGALLY OCCUPY #USSenate to Block #SCOTUS #hearings: No, they have NOT yet done an ILLEGAL SIT-IN in #USSenate, but they did do that S*** in #WI and kinda/sorta in #USHouse! Remember the #NoBillNoBreak anti #2A ILLEGAL sit-in in the USHouse?
* If @senatemajldr (McConnell) is smart,
he'd schedule the #NotoriousACB (to replace #NefariousRBG) #Vote, the late afternoon / early evening of TUE NOV 3RD!! Why? Partially shield @CoryGardner & @MarthaMcSally (maybe even save @SenSusanCollins seat, free her up to be a YES last minute w/o effecting her Election day chances) & help DEFEAT #DougJONES #AL (who might vote YES in desperate attempt (to appeal to ProLife Moderate INDEPENDENTS trying to pretend HE IS MODERATE, to save his seat, that would/should automatically be A RED SEAT)! May then additionally provide COVER for some Democrats to Vote YES, with chances to really effect any Races that day by that time that they would otherwise NOT be FREED to do if they need to continue to pander to their Base (before Election day)!
* Minute aft #Trump sworn in for his 2nd Term, #Breyer, #Thomas, & #Alito, should announce retirement. @POTUS should #nominate & #USSenate confirm @TedCruz, @MikeLeeforUtah, & #JoanLarsen (MI), cementing solid #CONSTITUTIONAL COURT for several DECADES!
more: Article: Should Thomas/Alito (both aging) retire in 2019 to assure Trump picks their replacement and Constitutional centered Court for several Decades to come?
To Republican on Monday Jul 09 2018 09:37
at: //republican/2018/07/should-thomasalit-both-aging-retire-in-2019-to-assure-trump-picks-their-replacement-and-constitutional-centered-court-for-several-decades-to-come-2444922.html
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Joseph M. Lenard (jl******
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020, 10:31:34 PM EDT
Subject: several IMPORTANT items in the News
BREAKING NEWS: SCOTUS Justice RuthBaderGinsberg has Died at age 87. | The Law | Before It's News /the-law/2020/09/breaking-news-scotus-justice-ruth-bader-ginsberg-has-died-at-age-87-2458419.html (has many relevant related sub-topics/sub-links there-in, inc Kennedy/Scalia replacements ultra significance now, shaky ground of RVW, more)
( link aka (short-cut): )
Can we trust Polling Results? I still don't know, but I finally was called for a Survey this Election cycle! | U. S. Politics | Before It's News /u-s-politics/2020/09/can-we-trust-polling-results-i-still-dont-know-but-i-finally-was-called-for-a-survey-this-election-cycle-2580391.html ( aka: or )
lastly (less relevant now):
Election2020 - Same Lies, Different Day! (As the Who song says: Won't Be Fooled Again (I hope you won't)) | U. S. Politics | Before It's News /u-s-politics/2020/09/election2020-same-lies-different-day-as-the-who-song-says-wont-be-fooled-again-i-hope-you-wont-2580386.html
( aka: )
end update]
[ Friday June 30th 2023 UPDATE:
Thank you for checking out this B4IN piece, also please see recent #BeforeItsNews (B4IN “Christian News” articles/section) exclusive (for now, may get a TheLibertyBeacon reprint with TLB exclusive updates in coming months) about latest LEFT DELUSION RESPONSES to the absolutely correct #RuleOfLaw and #Constitution sound decisions (they cannot argue their case on merits but instead, as always, try to stoke EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS response).
The "#ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast is now on the air!!! Finally get your News from a purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective.... Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion...]
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Sat 9/19/20
LOL, #Obama (trying to plead we should not proceed with SCOTUS nomination and hearings IMMEDIATELY) tweets “…can’t do whats CONVENIENT or ADVANTAGEOUS at time…”
Obamas position/tweet NOW is JUST THAT
Convenient & Advantageous for the Commiecrats – RIGHT NOW
#SCHUMER said in 2016:
“Attn GOP: Sen confirmed 17 #SCOTUS’ in #POTUS #Election yrs. #DoYourJob!”
Anyone STUPID enough to think that CHUCKIE (or Harry Reid, who is the one who lowered the SCOTUS elevation Votes threshold (no Filibuster) to just simple majority) wouldn’t immediately begin Hearings for a #BIDEN nominee if in this exact situation?!?! Paaleeeze!!
more: /the-law/2020/09/breaking-news-scotus-justice-ruth-bader-ginsberg-has-died-at-age-87-2458419.html
#NotoriousRBG? LOL
more like #NefariousRBG *
(get out your #Dictionary #snowflakes and look it up)
related article:
* coined that on Friday, sadly still haven’t gotten it to catch on yet! YET!