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CTP (S1E8) "Norton Vs Shelby" and SCOTUS must rediscover this (seemingly lost) Legal precedence...

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[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
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CTP (S1E8) “Norton Vs Shelby” and SCOTUS must rediscover this (seemingly lost) Legal precedence….

FIRST, reference to the CTP (S1E8) audio coverage of such, following that written form (corresponds/relates, is NOT in lieu of, both are separate and apart and compliment the coverage of this topic)…

NOTE: The ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast/show is separate and apart from the pieces that correspond/drop the exact same week/day (Saturdays) at/on TheLibertyBeacon site (in this case (no pun intended, but couldn’t resist, LOL, the related TLB piece:… You should listen to the podcast (like, comment, share, subscribe) as well as read the TheLibertyBeacon (or in this case, cross-posting here on BeforeItsNews piece (below, and of course – like, comment, share, subscribe, here on/at B4IN to me @JLenardDetroit)….

S1E8 SHOW NOTES (listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 & thereafter) at:…
ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”
Topic “Norton v Shelby, and Government over-reach / usurpation” piece! 
Case many trying to bring back to fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to SCOTUS. “In the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not topic for “casual conversation” to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from woke stupor, need be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestible” own pace (often slowly) and therefore topic one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”

Episode related pieces…  
- Savaged Unfiltered full Video LIVESTREAM: 
- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever:  
- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach:   
- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby: 
- William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show 
  as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them   
- Our Little Polish Genie:  

“ChristiTutionalistTM Politics” podcast (CTP)  
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /
(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)



“Norton v Shelby,” and Government over-reach / usurpation…
[cross-posted from]


This piece will be a very broad general overview of a very important and virtually all but forgotten case of major relevance as our Fasci-Federalists continue to grow the Deep-State bureaucracy and push further and further down the road to complete tyrannical Rule and elimination of all our Rights. Death by a thousand cuts.  

VIDEO (32m 44s): Norton v Shelby (Savaged Unfiltered podcast):
< VIDEO is embedded in piece >

I have previously discussed via TLB pieces the Fasci-Federalists of today vs original intent Federalists, let-alone the “concerns” the anti-Federalists had/argued about normal Human-nature and an eventual lurch Leftward toward Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Whatever-ism, all complete-Governmental-control schemes/systems on/of THE LEFT side of the overall Political Spectrum as discussed in “A Republic If You Can Keep It” and “Overblown Right-wing Extremism Narrative” and “Twisting/Warping language (part 2)” and “Democrats Always Ignore (Unintended Consequences) Natural Laws of Human Nature” TLB pieces.


The following run-down is from my Friend John Tatar who ran for Wayne County Sheriff in 2020 Elections here in Michigan (whom I endorsed). You can see the full “Norton v Shelby County TN” rundown via my Dropbox save.



9 Most Important Points regarding Norton v. Shelby County

Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886)- -a unanimous decision,  which is therefore  Stare Decisis,  States unequivocally and undeniably that its ruling holds that any government, federal, state, county, or local, can never create a “de facto” office.

              Extraordinary Claims Requires Extraordinary Evidence for Support!!


1.  An unconstitutional act is not a law. If it is not listed in the constitution as a duty or responsibility in the well-defined duties of the government it is unconstitutional!

2.  An unconstitutional act confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection to any  “public functionaries” who have acted as “usurpers” and violated the United States  Constitution and/or their State Constitution and/or local Charter and can be removed from office having committed such acts.

3.  Only the delegated authority of the citizens as contained in the United States Constitution and/or State Constitution and/or local Charter can thereby creates an office “de jure”- for there  can be no office “de facto”, if there is no provision in the United States Constitution and/or State Constitution and/or local Charter then such office “de facto” never existed! It is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though such act to create a “de facto” office had never been passed.

4.  Public offices can only be created “de jure”, and  for the benefit of the public.

5.  There is no “immunity” for any “public functionary” who does not act “de jure”, such “public functionary” by acts of commission or omission can be held personally liable for money damages and be removed from office because they’re in violation of his/her oath of office.

6.  There can be no office created “de facto”  while the Constitution has life and power.

7.  “de jure”  by right  based on the Constitution or law passed in conjunction there with.

     “de facto” as a matter of fact, not by law, or Constitution.

     “usurpation” wrongful or illegal encroachment, infringement on the duties of one’s office.

     “public functionary” anyone working for the government either elected or appointed.

     “delegation”  the people delegate and/or give to the “public functionaries” duties and responsibilities they must perform while occupying such office as part of their “job description”.            

     “ratification” formal or informal confirmation of an order, law, mandate, etc.

8.  If an office of government is not contained in the United States Constitution and or State Constitution and/or local Charter, that “de facto” office is a “usurpation” of authority by the “public functionary” that attempted to created it.  Such office never existed to begin with  and the “public functionaries”/agents of that office are “usurpers” with no delegated authority  whatsoever.  At best that office is only advisory, and has no force of law on the people.

     “Public functionaries” who are “usurpers” are acting outside the “rule of law” and DO NOT EXIST.

9.  None of the levels of government, federal, state, county, or local can create a “de facto” office.  




Goodreads Book Giveaway

ChristiTutionalist Politics - by Joseph M. Lenard

Giveaway ends September 15, 2023.
- See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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      Extraordinary Claims Requires Extraordinary Evidence for Support!!

Norton v Shelby County is powerful and we must find challenges that can re-bring this Case as part of any new such Case argument to then have the SCOTUS re-affirm this previous precedence.

Partial Show transcription (thank you to for the great free transcription services) from CTP podcast S1E8 below (or head straight over and give the whole, only runs 35 minutes, Show a listen now: corresponding ChristiTutionalistTM Politics (CTP) episodes S1E8) to hear these and other relevant information to/on this topic not directly outlined in this article (as, you probably guess, the two, the article and the podcast, are meant to complement each other). And remember to help (#ROAR) Restore Our American Republic!

Norton v Shelby is not something that you’re going to want to jump in with someone you’ve just met at the grocery store. This is for your group of friends that can handle going down the deeper rabbit holes and the more technical aspects of things that we need to discuss. It’s like the Hunter Biden laptop. I was speaking with a friend the other day, Janice Gardner, no relation to Michael Gardner of Savaged Unfiltered podcast. Janice Gardner and I were talking just the other day. And she mentioned Waco and Ruby Ridge. And my reaction was we can barely get people to pay attention to the Hunter Biden laptop. Something happening right now, let alone while Waco and Ruby Ridge are important points to go down the path of all these government abuses that have been going on for a long time. This isn’t new, but those are not something you want to lead with.

There are certain topics we have to be careful. Our red pill strategy, certain topics like the Hunter Biden laptop, the evidence is there. The facts are there. If we can’t get them to pay attention to that and the evidence on that laptop, then it’s going to be difficult to get them to go down any of the other more difficult rabbit holes like the Norton v Shelby case. I’ll wrap up with a third segment. I will discuss a couple of 9 points that my friend, John and Ron, with a Liberty group put together regarding the case. I’m not going to go that deep into the weeds here yet. Again, at the start here, I want to take an overall broader view. Also, let me point out that the case document will be linked in the show notes. There will be a link to a dropbox document of the case so that if you want to go further down that rabbit hole, please do read it. Look at that for yourself. Share it with others that you know are of the degree and level that can handle such. Don’t overburden someone who just got off their couch yesterday. This is way too deep a topic for them to take on early in their adventures into getting involved in politics, which ChristiTutionalistTM Politics show is partly about getting people off their couch.

Again, I’ve written a piece called “Will real Christians save America” (actually two places, both with their own “exclusive content” for said site: BeforeItsNews and TheLibertyBeacon versions)as we can’t be sitting on our couch and complaining online. We have to do the things that matter. We have to become precinct delegates. We have to go to committee meetings. We have to go to school board meetings. We have to go to city council meetings. We must be involved to put pressure on people even within the Republican party. I’m not just talking about fighting FASCICRATS here. I’m talking also about fighting CINOs and RINOs within bring the primary is RINO season, as they say. And the fall is jackass season. You fight the RINOs in the CINOs in the primary and you pull the Republican straight ticket in the fall because even a RINO, someone who’s only with me or you, us, 60% of the time, is still infinitely better than a FASCICRAT who we might agree with what 10% of the time if that. So RINO season is in the spring. Jackass season is in the fall.


Rare opportunity for me to tout some upcoming (as well as a few previous) TLB pieces from me; as I have several ready (about 95% complete) awaiting some minor final touches just before these expected/anticipated publication dates:

Sa 7/8/23 – TLB: Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond 4th-Of-July Holiday – CTP: S1E3
Sa 7/15/23 – TLB: Remembering Freedoms & Rights (part 2) – CTP: S1E4

Sa 7/22/23 – TLB: Let’s All go to the Lobby, for Snacks & Politics – CTP: S1E5

Sa 7/29/23 – TLB: Movies and Politics (part 2) – CTP: S1E6

Sa 8/5/23 – TLB: BIDENomics, ‘working’ (Alinsky / Cloward & Piven style) – CTP: S1E7
Sa 8/12/23 – TLB: ’Norton v Shelby,’ and Government over-reach [this piece] – CTP: S1E8

Sa 8/19/23 – TLB: BIDENomics part 2 – CTP: S1E9
Sa 8/26/23 – TLB: BiDUMB tries to flip-off SCOTUS (Student Debt Ed.) – CTP: S1E10
Sa 9/2/23 – TLB: BiDUMB tries to flip-off SCOTUS (Affirmative Action Ed.) – CTP: S1E11
Sa 9/9/23 – TLB: Remembering 9/11 and more – CTP: S1E12
Sa 9/16/23 – TLB: Censorship / Social-Media – CTP: S1E13
Sa 9/23/23 – TLB: Flashback, a year with TLB – CTP: S1E14
Sa 9/30/23 – TLB: Music, TV, Politics – CTP: S1E15
And, yes, again, be sure to tune-in to each Saturday’s corresponding ChristiTutionalistTM  Politics (SUBSCRIBE) shows (Season 1, Episodes 3-11) for further additional/exclusive content on those topics, as well as see the CTP Show episode transcript for additional bonus material.

Be sure to check out this week’s corresponding ChristiTutionalistTM  Politics podcast (S1E8) for additional information. The article and the podcast are meant to “compliment” each other, NOT be a direct “Parroting” of everything in one that was/is in the other. There will be “new and different” information, concepts, potential rabbit-holes, explored in the article that is not in podcast, and vice-versa. Please SHARE both TheLibertyBeacon article/blog/piece (choose your favorite term/word) together with the link to the corresponding podcast episode. As they say (and if you don’t know why, you should learn why, a whole other rabbit-hole I need to go down in a piece/podcast-episode eventually) “revise and extend my remarks!”



“ChristiTutionalistTM Politics” podcast (CTP)  
available 14 Podcast-streaming platforms (and growing)
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard –  ( /






Hello special TERROR STRIKES book INSIDER.

Terror Strikes, as you know, is NOT just about foreign terrorists but US FASCICRATS destroying Western Culture from within – including the ever growing extra-Constitutional DEEP-STATE…

Today’s (just dropped, Sat. Aug. 12) ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast discusses such!

S1E8 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 12 2023 and thereafter) at: )…

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E8) “Norton v Shelby County TN Case”

Topic TLB “Norton v Shelby, Government over-reach / usurpation” piece!

Case many trying to bring back to fore and attach as part of supportive arguments of “Government overreach (usurpation)” challenge of Alphabet Agencies acting far outside their purview (designed, and legitimately “authorized” by Congress scope) case to SCOTUS. “In the weeds” discussion for advanced Patriots looking to Restore Our American Republic. Not topic for “casual conversation” to broach “strangers at the local Supermarket!” Often, those able to be awakened from woke stupor, need be taken in baby-steps and at their “digestible” own pace (often slowly) and therefore topic one that can/may overwhelm someone early on in their “new Political awakening journey!”

Episode related pieces…


- /the-law/2023/08/ctp-s1e8-norton-vs-shelby-and-scotus-must-rediscover-this-seemingly-lost-legal-precedence-2458860.html




- Savaged Unfiltered full Video LIVESTREAM:



- /christian-news/2023/04/will-real-christians-save-america-it-is-why-the-left-wants-christianity-destroyed-it-helped-found-america-help-destroy-the-soviets-etc-2614952.html

- Klaus Schwabb and Agenda21/2030/whatever:

- EPA and other AlphabetAgenices overreach:

- DOEd must go: Norton v Shelby:


- William Wagner (Constitutional Scholar) discusses related issues during WAAM “Your American Heritage” Show


as our Founders INSISTED there must be checks-and-balance, today’s Fasci-Federalists do everything to avoid them

- Our Little Polish Genie:

- /alternative/2023/01/google-taking-their-fascicrats-censorship-to-whole-new-levels-the-left-thought-police-trying-to-block-facts-that-harm-their-false-narratives-3787057.html


“ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast (CTP)

- CTP:

- CTP long-form description:

- TLB articles:


- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:

- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):

- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:

- CTP Official playlist:

- Joseph M Lenard –

(S1E8 Audio: 37m 53s, Sat Aug 12th 2023)

TRANSCRIPT BONUS – NORTON/SHELBY CASE TEXT plus 9 key points plus more

some “Behind-the-Scenes” Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via my @JLenardDetroit Rumble/YouTube channels

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material there-in.


WHAT’S MORE… while Terror Strikes deals with some Christian themes, now comes a book specifically to/for fellow followers of Jesus Christ.

In June 2023 Joseph M Lenard launched the “ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast” (aka: CTP) which drops via Buzzsprout every Saturday.
CTP is also carried via Amazon Music, Apple podcasts, Deezer, Google podcasts, iHeartRadio, iTune, Listen Notes, PlayerFM, Podbean, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Podtail, Spotify, Stitcher, and even more carriers coming very soon – if your fave not listed ask them to add CTP (SUBSCRIBE to CTP:

And, yes, now available TODAY exclusively via SMASHWORDS (, Amazon Kindle eBook ( dropping Sat. Aug. 12th afternoon, and Softcopy/Print available via Amazon starting Mon. Aug. 14th and bookstores everywhere starting Sep. 1st, RIGHT NOW Autographed copies of CTP book will also be available via the Terror Strikes site shop (use promo-code INSIDER for you best discounted price starting Mon. Aug. 21st.

More about CTP podcast show and companion CTP book…

The Jefferson letter about “Separation of Church and State” was/is just about that the United States Federal Government shall never officially adopt a particular Church over others. PERIOD! It does not mean “Freedom From Religion” as some want a “Separation From Church To State” and indeed that as John Adams said “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” and therefore U. S. Christian need be involved in Government and Politics in general or as Reagan said “Freedom is but one generation from extinction” and we must remain “The Shining City on a Hill.” Voting Biblically through a Christian based U. S. Constitutionalism lens – ChristiTutionalist Politics! Join the ChristiTutionalist following/movement (listen to the “ChristiTutionalist Politics” podcast weekly on Saturdays.

RELATED ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics podcast links…
- CTP:

- CTP long-form description:

- TLB articles:


- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:

- Broadcast your thoughts:

- CTP Official playlist:



ALSO 9/11 somber remembrance day coming soon…
Purchase personalized autographed copies of Terror Strikes for the people in your life that swore “NEVER FORGET” but likely have…

TERROR STRIKES (coming soon… to a City near you) was/is the first Publication on/with/new MCHENRY (yes, like the Fort, for which the Star Spangled Banner was written) PRESS (a coming new subsidiary of ILLUMIFY MEDIA (which will be their “Conservative authors” political fair/line))!  I/we will even be beating our good Friend’s PATRICK COLBECK’s second (in production, which you are getting inside information about that here too) book on this new platform!

Joseph M. Lenard (author)

This is NOT a book about death, but one about LIFE (and Living) and of those (foreign (terror strikes) and domestic (killing/murder of the unborn)) that would deprive others of that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

This book is intended for all audiences – young, old, and everywhere in-between (in fact written in a manner so-as to be giftable to High-School students to get Historic information to challenge their Indoctrination is leaving out); male, female, not just for macho shoot-em-up, blood and guts, fair; religious, non-religious; political, non-political. However, it is impossible to address the topics and why they want to kill us without delving into some religious texts and politics. The Torah, the Holy Bible, and the Quran, all addressed and more…

TERROR STRIKES is a Constitutionalist Conservatives book.








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