Who Is This Administration Working For? See For Yourself… Jacob Rothschild: My Family Created (Modern-Day) Israel (Video)
The Balfour Declaration was a letter sent in 1917 by the British Foreign Secretary to support the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine…
Last week, a new video surfaced in which Donald Trump-appointed UN Ambassador Elise Stefanik exhibited a totalitarian spirit against those who they mean to attack and have labeled as ‘antisemites’. In other words, those who attack the Jews of the Lord, or so they would have you believe (Isaiah 5:20). To make clear, those that she means to defend are NOT the Jews of the Lord, but they are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 3:9).
Just like any other ethnic group, not all are good and need to be divided from evil (Ezekiel 44:23; Matthew 25; Romans 2:28-29).
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Though they are trying to convey to the world that they are protecting the victims, when you pull the curtain back, you will find the opposite to be true. They are doing the attacking.
Look at who owns the networks that are spewing forth an antichrist spirit upon the American people (1 John 2:15-18). Their networks are promoting murder, abortion, sodomy, transgenderism, etc.
Look at who your said representatives are receiving money from…
Yet, the American people have been warned long ago as to what is transitioning right in front of their eyes (Jeremiah 5:21).
Maybe the people should begin to take heed to where their tax dollars are going and why (Psalm 94:20); and lastly, for whom are their representatives working.
“Let’s make Israel great again.” -Donald Trump
Don’t take my word for it. Just ask Jacob Rothschild.
Jacob Rothschild: “My family created Israel in Palestine.”
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.