Holy $h*t Trump Wasn’t Joking! New Announcements Confirm What We’ve All Been Waiting For!
RR News Update! – January 28th, 2025 Justus Knight
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On today’s broadcast:
Title: Holy $h*t! Trump Wasn’t Joking … NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS Confirm What We’ve ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!
- What Trump has just announced is what so many of us have been waiting for… but it wasn’t one announcement, it was FOUR! He is backing up his words with ACTIONS, but this action, not even the most staunch Trump supporter would ever have predicted could happen. Well now, it appears it may become a reality and GOD BLESS AMERICA when it does!
I love you all, until next time, Godspeed and God Bless,
Justus Knight
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Justus Bullshitters, be sure to rush out for your new and improved bioweapon clot shot.
Proof that the world’s elites are on the same page and taking their orders from the inbred 1% Central Banking Cartel. Russia just so happens to also have a new mRNA vaccine online and ready to give their sheep. How coincidental is that? Must be some kind of miracle. No?! Just like the first time around when you also saw Russia and China both force injecting and killing off their citizens the same way as every other WEF sponsored world leader did. When they tell you that borders are meaningless they are trying to point out that every Government around the world has been completely compromised and infiltrated to the highest levels. The world’s elites are all part of the same criminal cult that wants 90% of you dead and gone. Trump is a Zionist infiltrator puppet monster here to usher in the fall of the US.
well stated in 7 lines, so after the collapse I have a plan for new government I call it the 10 Commandments!
trump was always a high level baby eaters satanists that anyone is falling for his spell, obiden made the Kaos, trump has the solution order out of kaos! the Hegelian dialectic 101 this is not hard to see now!
you see now everything the actor playing a obiden did was scripted to damage America now we have the other side of the act trump and his covert agenda to install the bull work mRNA stargates, linked to elon’s skynet in order to track everyone on earth from space! trumps’ golder age is with out God, repentance its a golden age of teenager prostitutes and prime-rim 100% of the flesh cuz trump and his free mason jesuit druid global banking Nazi Khazarian Mafia types do not have the holy spirit but the spirit of the age, their fathers spirit Satan! who requires baby blood and organ meat at there worship rituals! I say trump is a key part of the deception Satan will perform using aliens sky fire DEW, and many other technologies Satan and his children have made in there labs?
holy shit trump has a few more really good boosters for you Justus Knight! load up now you Darpa moron grifter!
Return of the US Navy SSP’s Jedi Admirals and the Universal Space Council
[War Criminal?] Trump Confirms Bomb Shipment To Israel | Jan 27, 2025
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8M1pN2s21Q
NIGHTMARE: Trump Betrays Base, Goes Full Vax Godfather and AI Overlord – Stew Peters
- https://rumble.com/v6cpajy-nightmare-trump-betrays-base-goes-full-vax-godfather-and-ai-overlord.html
Trump on video stating that he is not a Christian
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgrsN6v-HAo
See also this article “To the Fools Who Think Donald Trump Is a Christian”:
- /christian-news/2019/06/to-the-fools-who-think-donald-trump-is-a-christian-2579502.html
‘F*CK HIM’: Elon Musk’s Popularity IMPLODES To RECORD Low | The Kyle Kulinski Show
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHJlZSyrJmo
FAFO MAGA MAHA YAWA. Man this guy talking Samoan now.
Oh, hi handsome.
Whoever the heck this guy is… he’s got a heck of a perspective that resonates around this area… but to say WAIT A MINUTE FOLKS!
For the record, the Manhattan Project was totally compromised when they let a physicist named Klaus Fuchs through the door at Los Alamos.
The details of the technical data he stole and sold to the USSR are admittedly light years beyond my understanding of it, however it resulted in the expediency of the Soviets fielding a nuclear arsenal by skipping all the trial and error associated with such an undertaking, and going directly to the testing ground. My point is, the thought of a secret project, with national security implications to be protected like the Manhattan Project was protected, would be a disastrous failure the likes of which we haven’t seen since our grandfathers were surprised to hear on the radio that the Soviets successfully tested a rich nuclear weapon.
Then in 1968-69, Red China did it too.
Thanks to espionage that rendered all of our underground intel useless.