Mary's Predictions, part 4, given in Brazil
Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 precede this. This Part 4 is very interesting because in this part She clearly delineates for us the Way: the Way of Jesus, the Way of God and the Way of Love instead of the way of the accusing eye which our earthly lives so often give to us. She tells us to stick with the Way of Jesus for that is the path to come into alignment and into contact with God, for His Power to flow through us. Always, always the tribulations will give way to Peace, just like the clouds clear to a blue sky and sunny day, after a storm passes. These Tribulations, too, will pass. Through the struggles, we can come into alignment with God and live a more holy life, if we so choose. Let us hope that people don’t destroy themselves on the rocks of the tribulation. Let us continue with Mary’s predictions:
Message 2803, given on 02/24/2007
… What I have announced to you in the past is to be realised. Pray. 2) The terror will come to Campo Grande (s/w Brazil) and to Campinas (s/e Brazil).
Message 2804, given on 02/27/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come when the Earth will undergo an immense transformation. Continents will move and they will no longer be where they are found today. You will see the Mighty Hand of God act in favour of the men and women of faith.
Message 2805, given on 03/01/2007
… When all seems lost, the Lord will come to you with great victory. The faithful men will be sustained by the Lord. Humanity will be transformed and the faithful will live on the Earth without pains and without wars. The Lord will wipe away your tears. The invisible garden will be visible to the human eyes.
Message 2806, given on 03/03/2007
… Death will pass through the holy city. The terror will be immense. There was no such event in all its history.
Message 2807, given on 03/06/2007
… Humanity will carry a heavy cross when the earth loses its normal movement. There will be a lack of control in the gravitational force of the Earth which will attract the giant that is distant. Do not move away from the prayer. God wants to save you, but you must do your part. The geography of the Earth will change. The day will come when the lives of men will no longer be the same. Do not frighten yourselves.
(Note also see message no. 2.802)
Message 2808, given on 03/07/2007
… From the garden where the tree of blood is (the Redwood in nth California) will come great suffering for many of My poor children. A worrying discovery will be made.
Message 2809, given on 03/10/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, God will permit and learned men will announce. It existed, it does not exist and it will exist. The answer will come.
Message 2810, given on 03/13/2007
… Past all tribulation the Lord will act with His Strong Arm. The earth will be totally transformed and the just will experience immense joy. There will be no more pain. Death will not exist and the Lord will reign in all the hearts.
Message 2811, given on 03/15/2007
… A new sunrise/aurora will appear on this earth for the good of My poor children…. A great grace will come and men will become fervent and faithful.
Message 2812, given on 03/17/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, do not scare yourselves. I am your Mother and I came from the Heaven to call you to holiness. Do not retreat. Remain firmly on the path that I have pointed out to you all these years. I want to lead you to an ardent and continuous desire for God. Open your hearts to the love. Your life is precious in the eyes of the Lord. He loves you and calls you to be in all things similar to My Son Jesus. Know that the Lord has reserved for His own that which human eyes have never seen and no man has experienced in this life. I speak to you because I have the consent of the Lord. I did not come from the Heaven to obligate you. Humanity will be transformed and men will live happily. All will be different. Your joy will be great. God will send His angels to guide you and you will walk always towards the Almighty. There will be no death, nor pain. Humanity will be in peace. Jesus will reign and all will be happy.
Message 2813, given on 03/20/2007
… the house of the king will be invaded and there will be great confusion in his palace. Pray. The darkness will encounter the light, but the Lord will shine with His light and the faithful will experience the victory.
Message 2814, given on 03/22/2007
… The Church will be shaken and a great division will take place. Embrace the truth. Do not forget all that I told you in the past. Be strong. Who is with the Lord will be victorious.
Message 2815, given on 03/24/2007
… When all seems lost, the Lord will come to you with great victory. The Lord will create a great sign in the sky of the Brazil. It will be a great chance for the grand return. There will be tribulations and many of My poor children will cry and lament. A great event will happen and will catch the attention of the world. Men will be confounded and will have no explanation.
Message 2816, given on 03/25/2007
… Will come the day in which men will serve only the Lord. There will be only one flock and one Shepherd. No one will be dispersed, since only the Lord will reign. Men will contemplate the Marvels of God and will no longer stumble, for God Himself will guide them. Humanity will be in perfect union with the Creator. The peace will reign among the nations. There will be no more wars, and the armament of the men will be confidence in their God.
Message 2817, given on 03/27/2007
… The felicity of the men will be immense when they contemplate the transformation of the Earth. Human eyes will see what man has never known. The Earth will be a New Paradise and God will reign in the hearts of His people. Courage. Do not move away from the prayer.
Message 2818, given on 03/31/2007
… The men will attempt to break the key and there will be great confusion.
Message 2819, given on 04/03/2007
… A shocking event will happen in the Brazil and there will be great destruction. Listen to the voice of God. Do not remain stationary. Still you will see horrors in this land. Whoever distances themselves from the Lord, approaches the death.
Message 2820, given on 04/05/2007
… Approaches the hour of the great battle. A fast fire will fall on the men. The tap will open. I am your Mother and I suffer because of what comes to My poor children.
Message 2821, given on 04/07/2007
… The inhabitants of Philadelphia will live moments of great difficulties. The terror will come. The Poison will spread and will contaminate many of My poor children. I suffer because of what comes to you. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Message 2822, given on 04/10/2007
… Humanity will be surprised with the presentation of a man with appearance of good and he will seduce many with his deceits, because his actions come from the evil one. Many will have him as savior and he will be able to gather around him a great number of people. Be attentive. Pray much and beg the Lord His Mercy for you.
Message 2823, given on 04/12/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come when the faith will be present in few hearts. There will be great contempt for the sacred and the ministers of God will be contaminated by moral corruption in increasing numbers. The banquet will be despised and many will be starving. They will extend the hands and in a few places will find the ones who can give them the precious food. When this time comes, know that it is getting close to the great day.
Message 2824, given on 04/14/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, I see a great devastation in the garden. The flowers are withered and large thorns pierce some petals. Look for strength in God. In the middle of the great tribulation the Lord will come to you. He will not abandon you.
Message 2825, given on 04/17/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, confide fully in the Power of God and you will be victorious. Do not forget: there is no victory without cross. Bend your knees in prayer. This is the time that I announced to you in the past. You will still have great tribulations. The action of the demon will lead many consecrated to abandon the truth. Many of My poor children will lose the faith. Humanity will live the anguish of one condemned and many will carry heavy cross. You who listen to Me, do not be discouraged. I will be at your side.
Message 2826, given on 04/20/2007
… the one who will be welcomed as the enlightened one, will be, in truth, the terror of the nations. His plan will be only one, but what he will realise will bring grave consequences for My poor children. Pray. Remain firmly in the path that I have pointed out to you.
Message 2827, given on 04/21/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, The ministers of God will experience heavy cross. The ones who are faithful will have to experience the calvario, but the Lord will not abandon His own. The enemies of the Church will unite and act with great fury, but in the end the victory will be with the faithful.
Message 2828, given on 04/23/2007
… The action of the demon will lead many to deny the faith. A terrible plan will be put into practice for the purpose of destroying the Church of My Jesus. Many will retreat and the king will feel alone.
Message 2829, given on 04/24/2007
… dense darkness will spread throughout the world, and few will be the ones who remain faithful. Approaches the moment of great agony for the Church. I ask that you be faithful to Jesus… God is counting on you.
Message 2830, given on 04/28/2007
… the Church of My Jesus will suffer because of the terrible persecution. Many priests will be taken to the calvario and death will be present in the bosom of the Church, but the demon will not defeat the Church.
Message 2831, given on 05/01/2007
… A great event will happen in your Brazil. I suffer because of My poor children. Open your hearts and be strong in the faith. I am your Mother and I am with you. Courage. They will try to break the throne, but the promises of the Lord will remain firm.
Message 2832, given on 05/03/2007
… The earth will incline when the great one approaches. Time will be lost. Men will be confused at what the Lord will permit. The true wisdom is that which comes from God.
Message 2833, given on 05/05/2007
… My Lord will act with signs and prodiges. Men will be surprised by the powerful action of God. God will show and men will see at full noon. Many will rejoice to see the promises of the Lord be performed. The Angels will guide the men and they will walk towards The One who has the Words of Eternal Life.
Message 2834, given on 05/06/2007
… Humanity will be surprised by the action of the one who opposes the Christ, but you must not fear. The victory will be with those who belong to the Lord.
Message 2835, given on 05/08/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, when the great tribulation comes, the angels of the Lord will be sent to help those who remain faithful. The day will come when men will be filled with anger against the ministers of God. Many will be taken to prison and others will renounce the faith. I ask that you to be faithful to Jesus. Whatever happens, do not move away from the truth. I will walk with you.
Message 2836, given on 05/12/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, God is your All and without Him you are nothing and nothing you can do. Confide in Him who is your great friend; the one who does not deceive or disappoint. The Lord will send. The men will see and it will last three days. Many will become fervent in the faith and peace will be established for the good of My poor children.
Message 2837, given on 05/15/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, men and women of faith will carry heavy cross, because they will be persecuted and many will be martyred. Great will be the suffering of those who love the truth. Be courageous. God will not abandon you. Believe in His Extraordinary Protection and you will be victorious. Look for forces in the Eucharist and do not move away from the prayer. I am your Mother and I walk at your side.
Message 2838, given on 05/17/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity needs peace, but men walk through the paths of the violence. The day will come when a famous Brazilian city will be invaded. The men will march furious and spread terror and death. I am the Queen of Peace. I came from the Heaven to bring you the peace. Pray. Only by means of the prayer can you reach the peace. Do not cross the arms. Open your hearts to the God of Salvation and of peace.
Message 2839, given on 05/19/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, look for the Lord. He is your hope and without him you will never be happy. Be men and women of prayer. Humanity moved away from God because men moved away from the prayer. Do not forget: who prays approaches the Lord and will be saved. Take care. You are important to the Lord. He loves you and expects much from you. I suffer for what awaits you. Flee from the sin. God is saddened because of your sins. 2) The Capital of Brazil will be victim of its own people. There will be great destruction. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Message 2840, given on 05/20/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mother and came from the Heaven to bless you and say to you that you are important to the Lord. I ask that you be faithful to my Son Jesus and in all places try to give evidence of your faith. Humanity walks to the abyss of destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. Repent of your sins. Reconcile yourselves with God. Now is the time of the grace. Do not remain stationary. What you have to do do not leave for the tomorrow. Know that in tribulations the Lord will manifest His Mercy to all you who are listening to Me. Say to all that God has haste. Do not be discouraged. I love you as you are and want to see you happy. The Lord will realize great things on this land (Brazil). The day will come when a discovery will gladden your hearts. Forward without fear.
Message 2841, given on 05/22/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, The Church of My Jesus will be persecuted fiercely. This is the time that I announced to you in the past. Pray. The Ministers of God will move away from the truth and cause grave conflicts. I am your sorrowful Mother and I came from the Heaven to call you to live My appeals. When the great tribulation comes, few will remain firm. Look for forces in Jesus. Do not let yourselves be contaminated. You are from the Lord.
Message 2842, given on 05/26/2007
… A big event will happen in San Francisco (California) and will be repeated in Mato Grosso (a state in western Brazil). Pray.
Message 2843, given on 05/29/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, pray. When I ask you to pray you must understand that the prayer will contribute to your spiritual progress. Prayer is the secure resource for you in these difficult times. Humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering and great cities will disappear. Their great constructions will fall like dry leaves in the great gales.
Message 2844, given on 06/01/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, be courageous. Do not retreat before your difficulties. Know that your sufferings can lead you to holiness. Look for forces in Jesus. The cross is not defeat. It is a victory for all the ones who accept it out of love. Continue to pray. In the prayer you will understand the designs of God for you. 2) The city bathed by the blue sea and surrounded by beautiful hills (Imperia, n/w Italy) will carry heavy cross. Death will pass and few will live to narrate the terrible events. Pray. 3) Your Brazil will drink the bitter cup of pain. Serum for what awaits you.
Message 2845, given on 06/02/2007
… when the sweet water is invaded by the salt water, My poor children will have to cry and lament. Great will be the destruction. I ask you to intensify your prayers. Do not move away from the Lord. He expects much from you. Be good children for the Lord.
Message 2846, given on 06/03/2007
… The black bird will act and cause fear in all the Orient. 2) He will pass through the nest of the eagle (the United States) and make its children suffer. Pray.
Message 2847, given on 06/05/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity needs peace and only in Jesus is it possible to find the peace. My Son Jesus loves you. He wants to save you, but you cannot live in sin. Open your hearts to the grace of My Son and you will be transformed. The cross will be heavy for many of My poor children. 2) The men of terror will spread the poison and the death will pass. I suffer for what waits for you.
Message 2848, given on 06/09/2007
… A major earthquake will shake Iran and the hidden secret will be hit.
Message 2849, given on 06/12/2007
… suffering will come to the inhabitants of the great city, which has the name of apostle (St Paul, Minnesota, U.S.). It will happen on a Friday and many of My poor children will experience heavy cross. Bend your knees in prayer.
Message 2850, given on 06/13/2007
… The inhabitants of little Venice (in London) will carry heavy cross. The death and destruction will pass.
Message 2851, given on 06/16/2007
… Humanity runs great dangers and so that the peace reigns in your hearts, you must embrace the grace of the Holiness. Only in serving the Lord with fidelity can you encounter the peace. 2) The men of terror will act in the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil). The action will take place in the Land of the Divine (a municipality in Bahia). I suffer for what waits for you.
Message 2852, given on 06/19/2007
… An extraordinary phenomenon will take place in the sky of this earth. It will be a warning from God.
Message 2853, given on 06/21/2007
… A great multitude will be gathered. Hearts of stone and without the grace of God. Know they will fall Wrath of God. I am your sorrowful Mother. Convert yourselves. Do not offend the Lord. Take care. You are from the Lord. Do not permit that the demon move you away from the truth. Flee the profane places and return to the path of the prayer, of the love and of the peace.
Message 2854, given on 06/23/2007
… From the island with name of king (possibly the Philippines) will come great suffering for My poor children. I am your Mother and I know what waits for you.
Message 2855, given on 06/26/2007
… Pray for the Church of My Jesus. She will be persecuted and the ministers in her will not be able to enter. Many will be martyred and others will flee.
Message 2856, given on 06/29/2007
… Pray for the successor of Peter. He will suffer much. The Church will be persecuted, but the Lord will win. Confide in the Church. Love her. Pray for the Ministers of God. After all tribulation, God will bring forth a man of faith and of great spirituality. This one will be the one chosen to prepare men and to return the Church to The One who lives and reigns forever.
Message 2857, given on 06/30/2007
… The Lord will show to men His great sign. The great cross will be seen in every land. Men will be able to contemplate it and the Lord will bless their lives. It will be the great chance for the conversion of humanity.
Message 2858, given on 07/02/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will be surprised when the Lord permits men to contemplate the greatness of His covenant/ His alliance. What is hidden will be visible. Great mysteries will be revealed and humanity will be aware that the peace and the love are necessary for a faithful living of the Word of God.
Message 2859, given on 07/03/2007
… A fast fire will cause destruction in the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil).
Message 2860, given on 07/07/2007
… A king will be threatened and they will try to remove him from his throne. What I predicted to you in the past is to be realized.
Message 2861, given on 07/10/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, when the Great Day comes, in which the Lord will give men a great chance to return to His Love, the Angel of the Lord will touch the sky and it will change color. The mountains will descend and men will contemplate an infinite beauty. The Lord will be present in the hearts of the ones who open to His calling. It will be the day of the great sign. The earth will be in peace. The Lord will wipe away your tears and you will see the Powerful Hand of God act.
Message 2862, given on 07/12/2007
… pray for the peace of the world. A great multitude will march toward the palace. In their hearts, hate and desire for violence. The king will be abandoned by many of his subjects.
Message 2863, given on 07/14/2007
… The men with the big beard prepare a terrible action against the palace of the king. Open your hearts to the Call of the Lord. Do not be frightened in front of your difficulties.
Message 2864, given on 07/17/2007
… Humanity walks to the abyss of destruction, but you can change this situation. Convert yourselves. Serve the Lord with love and fidelity. A painful event will happen in Pakistan and will be repeated in San Sebastian (on the north coast of Spain).
Message 2865, given on 07/19/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, be constructors of justice and peace. Humanity needs peace, but the men do not strive to build it. I am the Queen of Peace and I came from the Heaven to call you to conversion and to holiness. If men would receive My Appeals, very quickly humanity would be healed spiritually. Turn around quickly. Still you will see horrors on the Earth. My Son Jesus will transform the Earth, but humanity will still carry heavy cross. Those who reject My appeals will have to cry and lament. I suffer because of your sins. I suffer because of those children who close themselves to every Action of God. I came from the Heaven to point out to you the path. Live My Messages. This is the wise decision you must make for your spiritual good.
Message 2866, given on 07/21/2007
… a great discovery will be made in the Land of Santa Cruz. It will be for the good of the humanity and scientists will rejoice. Know that the Lord does not abandon you.
Message 2867, given on 07/24/2007
… the day will come when there will be no more tribulations in the life of the just. The Lord will act with His Strong Arm in your favour.
Message 2868, given on 07/27/2007
…A great revolt will happen in Italy. The men will march toward the Vatican and cause pain and destruction. Pray. Only praying can you reach the peace. Men plan evil, but the victory will be with the Lord.
Message 2870, given on 07/31/2007
… Your nation will stumble. Dense darkness will strike your Brazil. This is the opportune moment to open yourselves to the Lord.
Message 2871, given on 08/02/2007
… From the depths of the Earth there will arise a great mystery. Science will not explain and the inhabitants of the Land of Santa Cruz (Brazil) will fear it. I ask that you maintain alight the flame of the faith. Do not be frightened. Many things need to happen, but in the end the just will do best.
Message 2872, given on 08/04/2007
… Men embraced all sorts of immorality and defied the Creator. Know all of you, that the Justice of the Lord will come. The Angels of Sodom will come to earth and woe to the ones living in immorality and disobedience to the Lord. I suffer for what awaits you.
Message 2873, given on 08/06/2007
… A great ship will be on fire. In many places there will be crying and laments.
Message 2874, given on 08/07/2007
… A discovery of science will cause great confusion for men. Do not move away from the truth. You are from the Lord, and only Him must you follow and serve.
Message 2875, transmitted on 08/11/2007
… After all tribulation, the faithful men will experience great peace. The Earth will be transformed and there will be only one flock and one shepherd. It will be the moment of the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Message 2,876, given on 08/14/2007
… the Angel of the Lord will blow the trumpet and the entire earth will be shaken. It will be the beginning of a new time; time expected by the just.
Message 2877, given on 08/17/2007
… The Lord will permit and the men will see the marvel hidden in the universe: This is the name of The One who lives and reigns forever.
Message 2878, given on 08/18/2007
… Humanity needs to be cured by the Merciful love of the Lord. Give the best of yourselves in the mission that the Lord has confided to you. The men of terror will act with great fury. A temple will be destroyed. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Message 2879, given on 08/21/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, your nation will suffer because of a great betrayal and great will be the suffering for My poor children.
*Recent news: Brazil is part of BRICS, and China, one of the BRICS members, has bought out Guyana and is building a road south from Linden to Lethem on the Brazilian border.
Message 2880, given on 08/23/2007
… A giant bird and the deep waters. Here is a great suffering.
Message 2881, given on 08/25/2007
… The fierce bear will go hunting. Pray. Humanity walks to the abyss of autodestruction prepared by the very hands of men.
Message 2882, given on 08/27/2007
… great sufferings will the inhabitants of Sao Jose (Brazil) experience, and the land of the Mother will be shaken.
Message 2883, given on 08/28/2007
… The land of the ice will disappear and men will carry heavy cross.
Message 2884, given on 09/01/2007
… A mysterious event will arise: the great river invisible to the eyes of men, will be visible. Know that God has great things reserved for the humanity. Rejoice, for your names already are engraved in My Immaculate Heart. Forward without fear. 2) Pray for the inhabitants of Montevideo (Uruguay). Death will pass and the pain will be great.
Message 2885, given on 09/05/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, the tree will be cut down and the garden will lose its beauty. Confide fully in the Lord. Do not move away from His Grace. Here is the time of the great tribulations for the men.
Message 2886, given on 09/07/2007
… cries for help will be heard in San Francisco and 2) a painful event will be repeated in Pakistan.
Message 2887, given on 09/08/2007
… A shocking event will happen in France and will be repeated in Natal (n/e Brazil). Pray. I suffer for what waits for you. Forward without fear. God is at your side.
Message 2888, given on 09/11/2007
Dear children, rejoice in the Lord. Confide in Him who is your Absolute Good and knows what is necessary for you. He will fulfil His promises in favour of His own. The Earth will be transformed and men will see the Powerful Hand of God act. What the Great Prophets announced will be carried out.
Message 2889, given on 09/14/2007
… An attack on the house of the Lord will draw the attention of the world. The one who opposes the Christ will act with great fury. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Message 2890, given on 09/15/2007
… A fast fire will fall in the land of the queen, and 2) the land of the kings (United States) will be struck. Pray.
Message 2891, given on 09/18/2007
… The disagreement between three kings will bring great suffering to My poor children. Three tents will collapse. Pray.
Message 2892, given on 09/20/2007
… When the king is taken from his throne (President Trump), the great battle will begin.
Nb. This matches ‘The Third Secret of Fatima’
Message 2893, given on 09/22/2007
… Three giants will come together to fight, but a man of peace will come and contribute to the peaceful coexistence between them. Humanity still will carry heavy cross, but in the end will come the Victory of the Lord. What I have announced to you in the past will happen.
Message 2894, given on 09/25/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, welcome the Miracles of the Lord. Open your hearts to My Appeals, for only in this way can you contribute to the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. God will send and men will contemplate. The sun will lose its brilliance and will move before your eyes. Courage.
Message 2895, given on 09/27/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, strive that the gifts received can produce great fruits for the good of the humanity. You are important to the Lord. It was precisely for you that My Son Jesus died on the cross. He carried all the weight caused by the sins of men. It was given for love, so that you could know the truth and come to salvation. You can never imagine how much you are loved by My Jesus. If you came to understand, you would cry with joy. I ask that you live in the Grace of My Lord. Do not permit that the things of the world move you away from The One who is your Unique and True Savior. Pray.
Message 2896, given on 09/29/2007
… The Angels of the Lord will come and woe to the ones who have corrupted the earth. Three great ones will drive out those who practice evil and defy the Creator. Be careful. Turn around to the Lord.
Message 2897, broadcast on 10/02/2007
… With you are the Angels of the Lord. Courage. Do not be afraid. In the moments more difficult for you, call for your Guardian Angel. He is at your side and his mission is to take care of you. Bend your knees in prayer. Prayer is the resource that I offer you for these times of tribulations. 2) An awesome event will happen in the Land of San Francisco. Pray.
Message 2898, given on 10/04/2007
… The day will come when the humanity will embrace the message of humility. The Earth will be transformed and through one man full of virtues, humanity will find the path to peace. The Lord will reign and you will see the Definitive Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
Message 2899, given on 10/06/2007
… Israel will cry. The death will pass and great will be the destruction. The great city will be surrounded and its inhabitants will experience heavy cross.
Message 2900, given on 10/09/2007
… An amazing event will happen in France. All of Europe will carry heavy cross. Pray. I am your Mother and I will be at your side. Courage.
Message 2901, given on 10/12/2007
… The cross will be heavy for the inhabitants of Chile. It will come from the north, and men will have to cry and lament.
Message 2902, given on 10/13/2007
… the ferocious bear will feed the lion and it will gain great strength for the attack. Bend your knees in prayer. Humanity walks to a catastrophe.
Message 2903, given on 10/16/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, from the great vessel will come news that will draw the attention of the world.
Message 2905, given on 10/20/2007
… a great tree (President Trump) will be cut and give rise to great battle.
Nb. See again ‘The Third Secret of Fatima‘
Message 2907, given on 10/24/2007
… The Great Sign will be seen by all. The great cross will illumine the sky and all the eyes will see. It will be the great chance for all to have a change of heart and return to the God of salvation and of peace.
Message 2908, given on 10/27/2007
… The union of the men with big beard with the one of colour red (China) will cause grid pain to humanity. I am your Mother and I know what waits for you. I do not want to force you, but I ask that you do not to move away from the path that I have pointed out to you. The line will be broken.
Message 2909, given on 10/30/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, be instruments of peace and love. Love always, because the love is the certainty of the felicity. Those who love attract to themselves the Blessings of the Lord. Know that the love conquers all. In the love is only victory. Imitate My Son Jesus and fill yourselves with His Love. Humanity needs to be cured/healed by the Merciful Love of the Lord. Open your hearts and let the Lord transform your lives. When all seems lost the Lord will manifest His Mercy in favour of the men. Life on the Earth will be different. The Angels of the Lord will be among you to orient you. The Lord will never abandon you. From Heaven will come the great opportunity for man to be reconciled with His God. What is invisible to the eyes of men will be visible. Then all will be touched and the peace will reign forever.
Message 2910, given on 11/01/2007
Dear Sons and Daughters, love the life that is gift from God. Be grateful to the Lord for all that He does in your favour. Pray. Praise the Lord for His Goodness and Mercy. You are loved with a love without limits. Courage. I am your Mother and I am at your side. Do not be discouraged. Do not frighten yourselves. In the joy or in the pain confide always in the Lord. Light that does not illumine and house empty. This is the mystery.
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Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, but it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.
Our Formula includes: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms which Increase Brain Power through nerve growth, lessen anxiety, reduce depression, and improve concentration. Its an excellent adaptogen, promotes sleep and improves immunity. Shiitake Mushrooms which Fight cancer cells and infectious disease, boost the immune system, promotes brain function, and serves as a source of B vitamins. Maitake Mushrooms which regulate blood sugar levels of diabetics, reduce hypertension and boosts the immune system. Reishi Mushrooms which Fight inflammation, liver disease, fatigue, tumor growth and cancer. They Improve skin disorders and soothes digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Chaga Mushrooms which have anti-aging effects, boost immune function, improve stamina and athletic performance, even act as a natural aphrodisiac, fighting diabetes and improving liver function. Try Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend 60 Capsules Today. Be 100% Satisfied or Receive a Full Money Back Guarantee. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

After this Part 4, there is at least two, maybe three more parts to go.. Mary’s predictions started on January 1st 2005 and go into the early part of 2013, so there could be quite a few more to go.