Prophecy News - 'The Lamb and The Lion Become One!', given to William Brooks by Jesus, November 20th, 2024
The goal is peace, right human relations with all other creatures, whether human or not-yet human [Animal, Plant, Mineral Kingdoms]. From the gates of hell, people of their own free will, will turn back: Zen Tao, “But remember, you can walk to the gates of Hell and still turn back” (link below).
2017 over Yellowstone
The Lamb and The Lion Become One!
Written by: William Brooks
Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
Published: November 20, 2024
Created: November 20, 2024
Come to Yeshua HaMashiach, my kinsmen, and understand the work of your redeemer, for I am your kinsman redeemer. Because I am the one who will yet redeem a remnant of Jacob that they may yet live before the great I AM, even YHVH, the great eternal and everlasting God. And of my rule and of my kingdom there shall be no end, therefore, hearken to the Words of your everlasting Lord of Promise, even Yeshua HaMashiach, who is also Jesus the Christ, who is also Christ Jesus, for so the great I AM has made me forevermore.
“And truly Yahweh has given me a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, both in heaven and in earth and even under the earth” (Php 2:9-10). Because I am he of which Yahweh has given all things in heaven and earth into my mighty hands for the fulfillment of all things. Therefore, O’ Israel, hear my voice in loving obedience, in response to the love I have shown to you by dying in your place in agonizing torment that was not mine to endure. Nevertheless, in my Love I took your place that I may redeem you from the penalty of Moses, of which penalty is impossible for you to pay yourselves due to the sin in your flesh. Even indeed for the redemption of Adam was I sent into the world.
Because Moses is just and holy and righteous, and Moses truly lives in your true Messiah and everlasting Lord of Righteousness, for so I am. And I am he who perfectly kept the law of Moses by my love and obedience to Yahweh, who led me in his undying love for the race of Adam who has been wronged and overcome by the fallen ones. Therefore mercy and grace have been given in great abundance in order to hold in abeyance full severity of judgment and wrath, that a full and final separation can occur between Yahweh’s wheat and the fallen ones tares. And so all who are heirs of eternal life in Christ Jesus will be redeemed by their choice to submit themselves to Yeshua HaMashiach, who is Christ Jesus, and is also Jesus the Nazarene.
And to the nations did Yahweh send me, and in service to the lost tribes of Israel did I go, because I was rejected of my own kinsmen in faithless unbelief. Even by the chief priests and the Sanhedrin who secretly serve the Dragon, because they are of Esau who has joined himself in his hatred of his brother Jacob to Ashkenaz of Japheth, that they may gather to themselves the things that are mine. And that they may give Jacob a final head wound, of which Yahweh will not allow, even an action that he will disallow by my powerful and ever obedient hand. Therefore, my kinsmen, submit yourselves in obedience to my voice that you may yet live before me, and that you may yet live before Yahweh who no man may approach without Jesus the Christ, because so has Yahweh chosen in his eternal plan of redemption and wisdom. So understand, without your true Messiah, even Yeshua HaMashiach, you remain dead in trespasses and sins. Of which I have overcome when I paid in full the penalty of Moses for all time and for all who chose to accept my sacrifice.
And so it is that Moses lives in Yeshua HaMaschiah, and I am he whom Moses commanded your full obedience. So hear my words and circumcise your hearts and ears [focus] to hear my speech, because your hearts have become fat in disobedience, and you have filled your ears with the wisdom of Esau and polluted your hearts with their blasphemous, Talmudic lies. Understand that Moses is perfect and just and holy, and should any man call the law of Moses accursed then let that man be accursed on account of his blasphemy, even by the law of Moses of which he cursed. Therefore, I give you to understand that the law was given to convict sin in the flesh, for where there is no law sin is not reckoned according to law, although sin is present in the flesh just the same. “Therefore, by the works of the law of Moses shall no flesh be justified in Yahweh’s sight: for by the law comes the knowledge of sin” (Rom 3:20).
Yet, as I had Paul write for me to my Church in my age of Grace that, “Now is the righteousness of God made manifest without the law of Moses, having witness of the law and of the Prophets” (Rom 3:21). Oh, my former Oracles who have fallen from your previous lot assigned to your once great nation by Yahweh himself, because you were to be a peculiar people separate and distinct from the nations! Yet you have rejected me, just the same as your Fathers, in your hard-hearted rebellion against the eternal purposes and plans of the Almighty God, even El Shaddai. And so it is by your rejection of my Words given in the gospel of salvation when I revealed the great mystery of God to my holy apostles and prophets, you have become as one needing milk, and you are unable to digest meat because you are yet babes with no understanding. Although you arrogantly count yourself wise sages and beacons of light, but you have been falsely enlightened by the fallen ones to lead people astray in your unlearned ways.
Therefore, understand, my kinsmen, “that the just shall live by faith and that by the works of the flesh shall no flesh be justified” (Gal 3:11; Eph 2:8; Hab 2:4; James 2:17)! It is written in the holy writing given by the hands of Paul, who was indeed an obedient Benjamite who was formerly disobedient and stubborn in his rejection of Jesus the Nazarene, even the same as you: “So then they which be of faith, are blessed with faithful Abraham. For as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curse: for it is written, cursed is every man that continues not in all things, which are written in the book of the Law, to do them” (Gal 3:7,10).
Yet, on account of the malice, trickery, and wiles of the serpent on the day Adam fell from on high, sin has reigned in the flesh ever since. And the corrupted form of Adam is not your home, and neither are you destined to spend eternity in houses of clay, of which houses return to the dust of the earth from where your substance was taken. Therefore, “Yahweh has made me a life giving spirit, and I am the last Adam” (1Cor 15:44-46; Rom 8:1-3; Heb 2:14-15). And I am he who is fashioned as a pattern of eternal life that you all may be recreated in full completion and unity, even as one new man. Because there will not be two forms of men eternally, but one, because the form of Adam is to perish forevermore along with the corruption inherent in corrupted flesh.
Therefore, understand that the fallen ones would hide the truth from you in your current partial blindness and pride, even the truth that will completely liberate you into the liberty wherewith I seek to set you free. So I give you to understand, O’ Israel, whom I love, that no man is justified by the works of the law of Moses in the sight of Yahweh, it is evident: “for the just shall live by faith. And the law is not of faith: but the man that shall do those things, shall live in them. And I, Yeshua HaMashiach, have redeemed you from the curse of the law, being made a curse for you, for it is written, cursed is every one that hangs on a tree” (Gal 3:11-13). Therefore, O’ Israel, accept my sacrifice that both you and your posterity may live and so that you may have access to my millennial Kingdom that is given as a Sabbath days rest in Yahweh’s eternal plans of redemption for mankind, for a thousand years is as a day and a day as a thousand years in the sight of Yahweh. With whom you have to do O’ Israel.
Therefore, depart from those who lie to you and separate yourselves from that blasphemous book of lies sent by the fallen ones to deceive you and bind you in error for your total destruction. Depart from the serpents lies and “Come out from among them, and be ye separate, O’ Israel, and I will receive you to myself” (2Cor 6:17) and preserve you alive from the destruction of Daniel’s seventieth week, even Jacob’s trouble that is coming to cleanse the earth from the hands of evil doers in great and righteous judgment.
Because the times of separation are fully coming upon the earth where Jacob, whose inheritance is one of promise. For the children of promise who live by faith will be utterly and eternally forevermore separated from his disobedient brother, even Esau, who seeks to steal that which he sold in faithless unbelief, because he had no respect nor faith in the faithful promises made in faith by Yahweh to faithful Abraham. But instead cared more for the things of the earth, being a fornicator and profane person, who sold his eternal inheritance and birthright for a morsel of bread.
So I give you to understand the future that I am calling you to partake, and of which I will preserve you in the safety of my strength if you will yet submit yourselves to my rule and authority. For in so doing I will restore you fully to Yahweh, “even the Father of Lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). And so it is written in the promises of old and so will it be, my kinsmen, of whom I am kinsman redeemer!
And so it shall come to pass at the end of Jacob’s trouble that I will establish my kingdom in righteousness on the earth, and no evil thing shall enter therein. Understand that I will bring an eternal end to Satan’s kingdom, and the dragon will rise to rule no more. And the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth will be cast alive into that great lake of fire of burning, rolling brimstone that burns the hottest flames of blue, and into that putrid lake of punishment will they be cast forevermore, “where their worm dies not” (Mark 9:44,46 & 48) for so are they worthy.
Satan himself will be taken and bound in a great chain of torment and punishment where he will wait in fear and distress of his own impending destruction, of which inheritance he will share with all those who follow him. Truly, truly, in the abyss will he remain sealed and bound for the duration of a thousand years, at the end of which time he shall be loosed to gather those who will have rebelled and joined his ways, even his final rebellion that evil may forever more be destroyed in finality of judgment. And at the end of his little season when he shall have gathered them together as the sand of the sea against the camp of the saints on the breadth of the earth, fire will fall from Yahweh from on high that will utterly consume and devour them all. And Satan will be eternally bound and cast to his eternal inheritance in those ever burning eternal flames of punishment. And that great white throne judgment will commence.
And in that ever burning lake of punishment that burns the hottest flames of torment, even in whose ever burning eternal embrace Satan will utterly pay for every last sin he has ever committed, a multitude of times over. And every evil act is recorded perfectly in the heavens and will be given into the flames of punishment as his eternal inheritance. Indeed, every being that has followed and committed themselves to his cause will face the same punishment, and they will have no mercy because they have shown no mercy. Therefore no mercy will be given forevermore, and as they have done unto others, and as they have harmed Yahweh’s creation, so will it be recompensed on their own heads, even as promised of old, because not one promise of Yahweh will ever fall to the ground unfulfilled. Truly, truly all those who reject my offer of salvation will be cast to the fires and there is no respect of persons.
However, the fate of the fallen ones that they have chosen and made for themselves in their evil rebellion against Yahweh and his creation, is not for you my kinsmen, should you accept me as your Messiah. No, to the contrary, are many rewards and blessings laid up for you that you will fully realize in my kingdom that I will rule in everlasting righteousness. There will be one King of Kings and Lord of Lords who will rule the earth in eternal righteousness, even from Jerusalem, even from the throne of David to which I am eternal heir! And of my faithful bride that I will take to myself in eternal covenant will I coronate and consecrate a mighty host of Kings and Priests according as their faithfulness has been, and they will rule in righteousness in perfect harmony with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – and we will rule as one.
“And the people of the land and the people of the nations will beat their swords into plowshares and nations will no longer war amongst themselves, and the peoples of the earth will not learn to war and fight in my holy kingdom” (Isa 2:4; Micah 4:3). Even as it is written of the prophets of old: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie with the kid, and the calf, and the lion, and the fat beast together, and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall lie together: and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock. And the suckling child shall play upon the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand upon the cockatrice hole. Then shall none hurt nor destroy in all the mountain of my holiness: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters that cover the sea” (Isa 11:6-9).
“And in that day shall the waters of life go out from Jerusalem, half of them toward the East sea, and half of them toward the uttermost sea, and shall be both in summer and winter. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his Name shall be one. All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon, toward the South of Jerusalem, and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place: from Benjamins gate to the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananiel, to the Kings wine presses. And men shall dwell in it, and there shall bee no more destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited” (Zech 14:8-11).
So understand, O’ Israel what I will do for all those who love me by obedient adherence to my everlasting commandments of life and peace, werewith I do command you. So understand: to love Yahweh is to keep his commandments, and Yahweh’s commandments command obedience to the Son of Yahweh, who I am: therefore, “kiss the Son lest I be angry and you perish from the way” (Psa 2:12).
Because, mine is a kingdom where my eternal purposes will come together in completion and full consummation as the lamb becomes one with the lion.
Because, I am the Lamb of God, given for the sins of mankind of whose blood is an eternal atoning sacrifice whereby the unrighteous are made white as snow in holy purity.
Because, I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who does fight for you O’ Israel and who will utterly decimate your enemies according as it is written of me; “Vengeance is mine and I will repay, says the Lord of Lords and King of Kings” (Deut 32:35; Rom 12:19)!
Therefore, understand my purposes and who Yahweh has sent for your redemption and there are many facets to my purposes of salvation. And I am the preeminent one, even he who has won your salvation eternally should you choose to accept my hand of love and accept my new covenant.
Because it is by my new covenant that I ratified in my own blood, wherewith is now my New Testament, by which the earth shall be ruled in righteousness! And the knowledge of Yahweh will cover the earth, and my glory will shine from Jerusalem that the nations may gather themselves and enter the holy gates of that holy city, that they may learn of Yahweh and may live his ways on the earth.
“There shall be no more in my kingdom an infant of days nor an old man, that has not filled his days: for the child shall die a hundred years old: but the sinner being a hundred years old, shall be accursed” (Isa 65:20). And it will be that he who lives to see a hundred years will be as but a babe [innocent of guilt].
Even so, the earth will be restored to its former glory before the fallen ones polluted the earth with their abominations, when they descended on Mount Hermon to make their accursed oath that they may live out their lusts in great sin and rebellion against the orders of life in which they were perfectly created. They will not be present in my kingdom; nor shall the earth be ruled in hateful violence where the strongest survive [Darwinism], for such nonsense is an inversion of Yahweh’s laws, by which means Satan always seeks to invert the orders of Yahweh that destruction may reign.
And it is I, Yeshua HaMashiach who will rule the nations with a rod of iron by the hands of many Kings and Priests of whom I will coronate and ordain to the highest service. And they are the first fruits of the dead [of the ignorant], and they are immortal never to die again, and of their reward is there no end, because they came to me willingly in the days of grace and I gathered them to myself in my body, recreated as one new man whether they were Judean or Gentile, whether they were bond or free. They will have many entablements [platforms] and abilities and attributes given them for their faithfulness because they are my overcomers who overcame all things by the blood of the lamb.
Because it is the Lamb of God who overcame the fallen ones at calvary forevermore, and it is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who will utterly subjugate the creation to Yahweh. Even so that Yahweh may be all in all, when I will present to him the subjected creation, “because I must reign until all of my enemies are made my footstool” (Heb 10:12-13). And it is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah that will trample every aspect of Satan’s kingdom under my mighty and eternal feet.
Wherefore, I am he in whom the lamb shall unite in full peace and unity with the lion, because my eternal purposes will be done forevermore, and there is nothing and no one who can stand against Yeshua HaMashiach. And my times have come where I will reveal myself to the earth. “Behold, I come with clouds, and every eye shall see me: yea, even they which pierced me through: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail before me, Even so, Amen” (Rev 1:7).
I am Yeshua HaMashiach who is about to reveal himself to the earth and all the world will know that there is a God in heaven, and the ways of Yahweh will fill the earth in holy righteousness.
I am Christ Jesus, your ascended and resurrected Lord, King, High Priest, and Messiah!
I am he who has sent my holy Words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have my holy words been sent! Because my mighty messenger has faithfully returned to his eternal calling after much chastisement, repentance, and purification in my atoning blood; and I have received him to myself in my love for the penitent, whoever they may be, that come to me with a contrite heart. And to my messenger did I reveal the Little Book that John the Revelator was commanded to seal up, so it could be revealed in its time. Of which book contains the voice of the seven thunders, even all of which is The Everlasting Gospel, and he has announced my Words faithfully as commanded, of which testimony John the Revelator wrote and witnessed.
I am he who is no respecter of persons, even Yeshua HaMashiach, and any and all who come to me from the race of Adam in such manner I will receive, except those who foolishly take their mark, or who alter themselves in such manner. Truly, truly all who come to me in such manner who turn to live righteous lives will be rewarded forevermore, and the weight of your reward is eternal.
And so it is my kinsmen, that salvation is the gift of eternal life, that I Yeshua HaMashiach earned by my faithful adherence to the law of Moses, and by my eternal sacrifice of myself as the sinless and perfect Lamb of God. Therefore, all who come to me in full repentance and humility and obedience I will restore to myself and to Yahweh, and will give them many righteous works that Yahweh would have them accomplish in his everlasting and eternal purposes. Wherefore, the gift of eternal life is in my hands for all who ask in meekness and repentance and who come to me, in the times given for repentance.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach, and I do love you my countrymen and I am coming to your rescue. And I will save the obedient among you to the uttermost. Therefore obey the Words of the great I AM in obedience to your true Messiah, in whom the Lamb walks hand in hand with the Lion, for truly, I am.
Behold! The salvation of Israel is at hand and the lamb sings in unison with the Lion who roars in fierce protection for his cubs. Therefore, prepare yourselves O’ Israel because your redemption has come. Hear me in my love for you, my countrymen, because your true Messiah is at hand.
The Lion and the Lamb become One
The Wisdom of Ramala
“There will be many who will follow the path of evil, but remember that you can walk to the gates of Hell and still turn back. You follow a path only for as long as you wish to. There will be much suffering in the World but no more than Humanity can bear and understand. Many will not be touched by the plagues. For example, if you are a vegetarian and a great disease strikes the Animal Kingdom destroying and polluting the animals that many choose to eat for food, then you will not be touched by it. If you live a life of sexual purity you will not be touched by AIDS. If you are pure in body, mind and spirit you will not be touched by much of what is to walk the face of this Earth” (pg 205).
Mary’s Messages
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