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Prophecy News - 'The Mirror Lies!', given to William Brooks by Jesus, December 5th, 2024

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The Movies, television, computers, mobile phones, puts us into a state where we don’t even have to think, but simply absorb what is on the screen. It takes us away even from our own living into a fantasy world imagined for us. Jesus warns against this, for we play -without thinking- into the arms of the beast. Jesus tells us why this has to happen. Because we want it. And he again warns about mixing “iron with clay” (Dan 2:42-43). The body is not meant to be driven by electrical phenomena from afar. We are supposed to  be responsive to our higher self alone, which is Jesus and Yahweh, the great I AM, and other friendly folk, and not responsive to a prewritten world of technology.

When I was very young, still a young child, my grandmother who had been a medium in London, told my mother that a close friend of ours was “the great comedian”, and that I, still a child, was “the great tragedian”. And slowly it has come to pass. What we are seeing now, and it will get worse in the future when “the one who restrains is taken out of the way” (2Thes 2:7), is a tragedy, an unimaginable because total travesty – a grotesque imitation of what our world should be like, as it is ruled from afar by impersonal and unfeeling technology, for the benefit of the ones who control us. And for our own self-destruction, for “when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death” (James 1:15). So please please stop and think, and hear what Jesus has to say.

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The Mirror Lies!

    Written by: William Brooks
    Category: The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter Ten
    Published: December 05, 2024
    Created: December 05, 2024

    The Little Book of Revelation 10 / The Everlasting Gospel
    The Little Book for Handheld Devices
    Spirit of Prophecy YouTube Channel

Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me of a world where screens abound, captivating all! By repeating lies that are repeatedly told, with lying images nonstop. So in great deceit their minds they mold with ritualistic entertainment, so that sheep are led astray by concepts their thoughts behold! “Even so, they are enthralled by the lusts of the flesh, and the lusts of the eyes and the pride of life” (1John 2:16), which is stoked and inflamed in spurious knowledge given for so-called education, wherever their lies are cunningly sold. Thereby, ears are tickled and soothed with repetitive frequencies, so that the proud and foolish are manipulated and controlled. And in time they have found that through mind controlling nursery rhymes, mankind’s behavior is changed accordingly, and in their spell he is bound!

Yet so is the world you live, O’ Israel, even a world that lies completely, in wickedness. Even a world that is taken captive and enthralled completely by a tapestry of lies that are given to program the masses to their murderous narratives, given nonstop now for the destruction of Adam. Mirrors, mirrored everywhere, but in the mirror’s gaze, truth is not there, because truth is not seen by eyes beholden thereunto. Because their mirrors are deceptive, to weave a false reality made by the fallen ones’ technologies, designed to enslave mankind to their lies, so that Adam forevermore dies.

Black mirrors, mirrored everywhere and placed for display wherever the eyes may roam, so that mirrors tell the same lies, synced by malevolent design. So natural man is entertained by sin and death, and is enchanted by many and great enchantments that are packaged as wisdom and prosperity. But instead cause death and destruction because there is no truth in the lying images they provide. Black mirrors, mirrored and held in hand [mobile phone], where image after image builds insanity and strong delusion on the land. Where truth is not separated from lies, of which all who have pleasure in unrighteousness shall not escape, but shall eternally die in flames of everlasting destruction. Even a punishment they are eternally bound, and there is nowhere they can run nor hide where avoidance of judgment can be found.

O’, hear them sing! Listen and hear a multitude of mockingbirds’ voices sing in unison, in tune with synchronized lying images, their black mirrors constantly provide. They sing so close to the songs of the true song birds, but in truth theirs is a counterfeit song telling lies so that their voices are in sync with false sincerity. In their deceptions they thereby seek to hide. And yet these lying mockingbirds have no songs of their own, but copy and repeat the songs of true song birds without actually writing or understanding the words in the songs they sing. And so the images broadcast on black mirrors that are screens, are synchronized so that lies repeat and the masses are paralyzed thereby. Even false perceptions and a lying reality where the entire earth is taken in the lies of the fallen ones. Even a false reality that has come over the earth, only to increase as I remove my restrainer when I gather the faithful in Christ to the safety of the heavens. So suddenly and unexpectedly now.

Therefore, hear the words of Yeshua HaMashiach and understand the world you live, and the deception that has been allowed to grip the earth in its lying embrace. Even a deception given in judgment where the fallen ones are allowed to have their rule, and that because natural man desires to join the Satans in their rebellion for the wages of iniquity. That he may have pleasure in unrighteousness to his own demise. And so natural man will now be given over into the hands of his enemies. Yet even so, a multitude will yet be saved, even so by the refiners fire. And further and complete separation will occur during Jacob’s trouble, even a separation where a remnant of Israel is freed from the bondage of Esau and liberated into my millennial kingdom that is so soon to be established on the earth!

Yet, natural man prefers the fallen ones false reality, where they seek to hide Yahweh (of which concealment is impossible). Yet so is the strong delusion they have broadcast over the earth, where all who refuse Jesus the Nazarene, even Yeshua HaMashiach, are enslaved thereby. Therefore, hear the Words of Yeshua HaMashiach, that you may understand the world you live and the strong delusion that has embraced the earth in its grip. Understand, O’ Israel, that I, Yeshua HaMashiach who is also Christ Jesus am he who will remove your partial blindness, when you turn your hearts in full obedience to the sound of my voice. Spoken on the faithful lips of the faithful who live by faith in the Son of Yahweh, “because the just shall live by faith” (Hab 2:4; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38; Gal 2:16; Rom 3:20; Eph 2:8-9)!

What is it that has been? That that shall be: and what is it that has been done? That which shall be done again: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything, whereof one may say, Behold this, it is new? It has been already in times of old that were before us. There is no memory of this former time, neither shall there be a remembrance of the latter time that shall be, with them that shall come after” (Ecc 1:9-11). Truly, truly, there will come a time where the fallen ones will not be remembered, nor come into mind, and their lying mysteries will forever more cease when they are cast to the flames.

Therefore, understand the lies of old given by the fallen ones to mankind in the world that then was before the great flood of Noah, even these same lies are repackaged and used to destroy mankind again. Wherefore understand, the fallen ones do bring their technologies and manipulations and lying signs and wonders they used to enchant and destroy mankind in the days of Jared [4 generations before Noah]. And the earth will return as it was in the days of Noah, and so shall Jacob’s trouble be, even a time on earth ruled by Yahweh’s enemies. Even that great dragon of old who is now bound to the earth for judgment, and many abominations will be unleashed in the world of men; even as Yahweh has declared that he will bring giants to fulfill his wrath.

For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water, and in the water, whereby the world that then was, being violently overflowed with water, perished. But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same Word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment, and perdition of ungodly men” (2Peter 3:5-7).

Sadly, many, many multitudes on the earth are willingly ignorant that the world that then was, Yahweh violently flooded and perished, on account of the Nephilim and their many abominations; and on account of the fallen ones pretending they were gods, when they corrupted the ways of mankind on the earth with their worthless mysteries. Taught to mankind for his own destruction. So hear the truth, and understand my Words, and hear the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach that you may understand truth, and so that you are not ensnared by their technologies. And that you are not altered by the mark of the beast, becoming an abomination reserved for the flames of punishment forevermore.

Because their technologies are that which has been done before, and now is, and will fully come yet again for a final time of finality. Certainly, their technologies will be revealed fully, as they continue to roll out their final beast system, with all lying signs and wonders given for them that perish. And so the dragon will rise to rule the earth in great deception by way of a lamb with two horns.

And the fallen ones will reveal themselves as benevolent beings from falsely spinning worlds, in their lying cosmology of ever falsely spinning worlds from the days of old. Understand that above the earth are the heavens and the firmament, and even the heaven of heavens where Yahweh sits on his throne. And truly, truly Yahweh reigns supreme over all his creation of which he alone, in the beginning, “created after the counsel of his own will, and for his own eternal purposes” (Prov 16:4; Eph 1:11).

Therefore, study to understand your world as it truly is, and understand that planets are wandering stars given for signs and season and are not other worlds with other lifeforms. Therefore, repudiate the lies of the fallen ones. These so-called aliens are those who rebelled against Yahweh from the beginning, and are extraterrestrial in the sense that their origin is in the heavens on the day that they were created in righteous perfection by Yahweh himself. Yet, in their rebellion they fell from their original perfection, and they have altered themselves eternally and forevermore, and they shall not escape. Yet natural man prefers these lies so that he may fulfill the lusts of his putrid flesh in all iniquity and unrighteousness. And all who walk this wide path of destruction will fall to the eternal flames thereby.

And so they will appear, pretending to care for the affairs of mankind and they will reveal themselves fully when the restrainer is removed, as my Church is gathered to me in the clouds. They will appear, claiming they have come to protect mankind from an invasion, and to save mankind from war, and they will come with many well packaged and pleasant sounding lies. However, the ten horns have one mind, will give their power and authority to the beast! And the ten horns are they that shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire in their third world war that is about to engulf the earth. And yet they will appear with their technologies in hand, but they only bring false solutions and false ways, of lies and deceit that issue in eternal judgment and damnation for all who join their rebellion.

Yet, so will they rise, even the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth, and they will rise as a lamb with two horns who speaks as a dragon, even the Lamb of the Dragon that Esau has selected for himself to rule the earth in unrighteousness. Even a rule where the nations are ruled harshly by Ashkenaz via Noahide by the beast from the sea. And beast from the earth rules the land by Esau’s Talmud, and the world in great deceit as he sets his trap for Jacob.

Understand that the beast from the sea has distanced himself from Secret Babylon, that he may distance himself from his crimes which are many; and they will smear his name and seem to make accusations against him. But understand that the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth are from the same abominable bloodlines and work hand in hand, even a beastly duo, to serve and satisfy the dragon’s lustful purposes. The beast from the sea will rise in his time, and he will rise to become their promised warrior, even their Mahdi for whom they currently wait. And he will conceal his true nature and his past and his crimes, though such efforts are futile because every sin he has ever committed is perfectly recorded in the heavens. Although, he will fool those who follow his empty promises.

And as they rise from the ashes of war, they will openly align themselves with the dragon and the fallen ones, of whose they already are. And they will quickly move to establish themselves in their final empire, of which they have already set the framework in place, even before Secret Babylon is destroyed by way of “the mystery of iniquity” (2Thes 2:7). Yet, they will seek to build that which has already been, as the fallen ones seek to establish their new golden age, even a golden age they will never have, but harsh judgment instead. Nevertheless, they will rise in great power and the one beast will point to the other, and they will testify one of the other and the other of the one, and many great and blasphemous things will they speak. And many lying signs and wonders will they bring.

Nevertheless, so shall their rise be according as it is written. And the Lamb with two horns will work hand in hand with the dragon, and they will merge into one all things in their new society. They will merge their financial systems, they will merge their governments, they will tie all things of their new society together and intertwine themselves as one in their new order. They will merge their blasphemous mystery religions of old into a new religion that will seem like the religion of their Fathers, who worship their black cubes. Yet they will merge their religions into another false religion their Fathers know not, but their cubes remain. (“Yet, neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desires of women, nor care for any God: for he shall magnify himself above all” Dan 11:37).

Understand what they will do, O’ Israel, because “they will make war with the saints and they will overcome them” (Rev 13:7), “and all who call on the name of Jesus the Nazarene who is also Yeshua HaMashiach to the end shall be saved” (Rom 10:13), for so it is promised and written. They will blame those who call on the name of Jesus, for their crimes, and Barabbas will betray the saints of Secret Babylon because many of them have unknowingly dedicated their Churches to the beast from the earth, who is yet to come at the time of this writing. And he has made himself their Lord, and peddled Bibles in his own name, yet a Christian he readily admits he is not, although, many foolishly believe that he is.

And as the earth spirals out of control and falls off into great war, and pestilence, and famine, and injustice and death, they will blame all things of Christ for their problems they caused. And they will claim aliens took the gathered faithful in Christ, when in truth I will have gathered them to the throne room of Yahweh for the marriage of the bridegroom to his bride, and so that they may receive their inheritance and be glorified forevermore. Yet on the earth their lies they will tell, and they will fabricate many, many things on their black mirrors [computer screens] using the fallen ones’ manipulations and technologies. And many lying signs and wonders will they broadcast on their screens that the masses will readily believe.

Understand that those who live in their cities, and those who take the mark of the beast, will forever more be altered and “they will mingle iron and clay but they shall not cleave one to another” (Dan 2:43). Those who take their mark will be changed and will be slave to their hive mind and the Internet of Things to be, and will be in bondage to do the will of the dragon, of which they will have eternally bound themselves. Because they will have changed themselves from the image of Yahweh of which they were created. And all who do such things never have forgiveness, because “that which is crooked cannot be made straight” (Ecc 1:15).

So understand that their new society will be fully based on deception and lies, and the inhabitants of the earth will become completely separated in delusion, from the true earth and reality of which they live and reside. The entire earth will be bound in great deception, “and the masses will wonder after the beast saying, who is like the beast and who is able to make war with them” (Rev 13:3-4)? And many, many people will fall to the flames, by falling for their lies, and even these same people whose names were never written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will fall eternally, because they will have completely rejected Yahweh by rejecting Jesus the Christ who is also Yeshua HaMashiach.

This rejection will be final. And no forgiveness will they have because they counted the Words of salvation that would have saved them to the uttermost, as an unholy thing, and concluded the truth of God to be a lie, even a sin, that they will not recover. But so will be the final separation of the times that no evil thing may enter my millennial Kingdom, but only those who come to Yeshua HaMashiach who is Jesus the Christ in repentance during the times of salvation, because no man can come to Yahweh by any other name nor is there any other way, because I am the true and living way.

These are the times you live, O’ Israel, and you cannot join their cities and you cannot join their society, because to join them requires the mark, and all who take the mark of the beast never have forgiveness. Nevertheless, mankind has been indoctrinated through his ever prized spurious education, even an indoctrination sold as education, and the masses are conditioned thereby. They will accept their lies, and the vast majority of natural man will join themselves to the fallen ones forevermore.

Yet so it will be, that all who believe a lie and have pleasure in unrighteousness may be bound to everlasting punishment, forevermore, for joining the fallen ones. And all who join the fallen ones will share fully in their inheritance that is given without mercy, because they have shown no mercy but only cruel hatred to all things of Yahweh.

I am Christ Jesus who is also Jesus the Christ who is also Yeshua HaMashiach, and I do come as the lion of the tribe of Judah and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.

I am he who will destroy the great delusion, and false reality of the fallen ones, and into the glorious liberty of truth and righteousness will the creation be delivered. Into the glorious liberty of the sons of Yahweh.

I am he who is calling those of Israel, and truly all of Adam, to salvation that they might be reconciled fully to Yahweh by way of the blood of the lamb, for so I am.

I am Christ Jesus your ascended and resurrected Lord, and I have been made a life giving spirit, that all who come to me with open heart and open face may come fully to salvation in their everlasting Lord!

I am Yeshua HaMashiach who along with Yahweh the Great I AM, have sent the Words of The Everlasting Gospel by my mighty messenger and servant, who has overcome all things by coming fully to his Lord and Savior in humility and sorrowful repentance. And by my mighty messenger and servant have the Words of The Everlasting Gospel been sent for the obedience of all those, these Words are hereby sent.

Therefore, understand the treacherous times you live where the entire earth will be carried away in insanity and delusion, and evil will be completely unrestrained. And yet a great, great multitude will achieve eternal salvation by calling on the name of their Lord Jesus to the end. And in like manner I, Yeshua HaMashiach who is Jacob’s true Messiah, will save alive a mighty remnant of Israel who will be taken and given entry into my millennial Kingdom, where “every promise will be yea and amen” (2Cor 1:20)!

Wherefore, O’ Israel, repudiate their technologies and do not become further enchanted by their black mirrors, even their screens where people are currently enslaved, as they spend their lives in futility going from screen to screen as they are captivated and entertained by sin. Even a fake reality that seems real, but in truth is a false narrative and nothing more than cleverly interwoven fables, intended for mankind’s destruction.

Therefore, come out from among them and be separate in all things from them” (2Cor 6:17). Purify yourselves in my atoning blood by confessing all of your sins to me, and purify yourselves in my holy word, even the Words of Yahweh, because “I am the Word made flesh who lives and dwells among you” (John 1:14). And truly within you by my spirit of promise, should you become obedient to my Words.

I love you my countrymen, and I truly do fight for you and will deliver you to the uttermost, ”if only you faint not in your troubles but rest in my power and might” (Psa 59:16). Because I do come in the full authority of Yahweh the Great I AM, who has shared his throne until my enemies be made my footstool and of my rule there is never an end, and I will save the obedient to the uttermost in everlasting love and salvation and a peculiar people will you once again be, O’ Israel, Selah and Amen!



The Mirror Lies!

Mary’s Messages



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